Historical Note/ David Deming, History Editor Gedeon Dagan: A Brief Story of My Life ... by Gedeon Dagan Prologue communities, which gave them a somewhat cosmopoli- I am grateful to Ground Water for inviting me to tan flavor. I had a happy childhood there, grew up in join the distinguished gallery of hydrologists that have awell-to-dofamily,andwassurroundedbytheextended filled this rubric in the past. I was particularly motivated one of grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. I was by my predecessor and friend Shlomo Neuman, whose a precocious child whose everlasting passion was read- moving autobiography (Neuman 2008) was a source of ing books. inspiration. Like him, I will not limit myself to present- The general scene changed, however, toward the end ing my professional career but also personal remem- of the 1930s, as the political situation became tense, the brances and reflections, as they are closely related and fascist and fiercely anti-Semitic ‘‘Iron Guard’’ movement intertwined. gaining ground. They succeeded in committing a few pogroms before being forcefully suppressed by the right- wing military dictator Antonescu. Romania, under his Childhood and Adolescence in Romania regime, joined the Axis powers and entered the Second (1932 to 1950) World War, the Romanian army following the German one in the invasion of the Soviet Union. Myfather,DavidDrimmer,wasbornin1898and Harsh anti-Semitic laws were promulgated, and Jews grew up in Chernowitz, the capital of the Bucovina were subjected to persecution and restrictions. Due to his region. At the northeast boundary of Romania, it was technical competence, my father kept his job, though part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire for more than 150 under limiting conditions, and we moved to the nearby years. Chernowitz was a flourishing and culturally effer- town of Braila. In spite of the hardship, our fate was infi- vescent town of around 150,000 inhabitants of different nitely better than that of Jews in countries occupied ethnic affinities, a third being Jewish. The prevailing by Germany, who were sent to death in extermination language was German, and the town was dubbed as ‘‘the camps (see the vivid description of Shlomo’s childhood little Vienna.’’ In variance with his brothers and the gen- [Neuman 2008]). The reason for our survival was that eral trend, my father studied at the Technical University in spite of the pressure exercised by Germany, the of Vienna toward a degree in civil engineering. By the Romanian regime decided not to surrender the Jewish time of his return to Chernowitz, at the end of the First community, the atrocities committed by the Romanian World War, Bucovina was annexed by Romania. My Army in the conquered Russian territories notwith- father then started to work as a young engineer at the standing. Our luck endured again when, in 1944, at the National Railway Company, his employer until retire- time of the advance of the Red Army, a coup took place, ment. and Romania joined the Allied Powers and started to After marrying my mother, he moved to Galatz, the fight the retreating German Army. This occurred in town of her family, where I was born on December 24, a short period, and we were saved the fatal fate of the 1932. Galatz and the neighboring town of Braila were Hungarian Jews (Neuman 2008). harbors on the Danube, which served as a waterway In the following period of 3 years (1944 to 1947) of for active trade with Europe. Both flourished at the general postwar hardship, Romania enjoyed a somewhat beginning of the 20th century and hosted foreign democratic regime. Although Jews regained their rights, the majority decided to leave grim Europe and emigrate to what was to become Israel. I became an active member of a Zionist Youth Movement, regarding Israel as my Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel genuine country and making preparations to emigrate. 69979; [email protected] However, the communist party established a new dictator- Copyright ª 2008 The Author(s) Journal compilation ª 2008 National Ground Water Association. ship in 1947 and Zionism became unlawful, while emi- doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2008.00469.x gration was tightly controlled. NGWA.org Vol. 47, No. 1—GROUND WATER—January–February 2009 (pages 161–166) 161 Bucharest and Undergraduate Studies States, was seeking to hire an engineer for a research pro- (1950 to 1962) ject. His name, to become well known, was Jacob Bear (Bear 2003). The project topic was the development of a In view of the rejection of my family’s repeated fresh water collector above the sea water interface of the applications to emigrate, I decided to follow university Israel Coastal Aquifer. The field studies were carried out studies. One of the merits of the regime was the granting by Tahal (Water Planning for Israel), under the sponsorship of free education, and despite political limitations, a good of the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the record facilitated entering the university. Technion serving as a subcontractor. Jacob hired me after This was the first station that shaped my professional an interview, being impressed by my background and my life. Due to my attraction to mathematics in high school, knowledge of Hebrew. As it happens so often in life, I it became clear to me that I was going to embark on sci- entered by chance the new field of flow through porous ence or engineering studies. In choosing a particular media, in which I kept working until these very days. field, I was guided by the desire to follow a subject of While I started to work on the project, I decided to importance to the newly founded State of Israel, and I publish the outcome of research carried out in Romania heard that development of water resources was high on in the journal La Houille Blanche (quite reputable at the the national agenda. I therefore enrolled in 1951 in the time; see Dagan [1963]). This was the first and last time Department of Hydraulic Engineering of Bucharest Civil that I published in French, in which my name was spel- Engineering Institute. led Gedeon. Subsequently, I published exclusively in The basic science courses were of high level, and the English, but I maintained the spelling after discovering engineering ones were focused on hydraulic structures, that the Columbia Dictionary gives it as an alternative to mainly hydroelectrical plants. By the end of the first year, the common one of Gideon. it became clear to me that I was attracted by mathematical The year 1962 started therefore as a memorable one, and related theoretical subjects. I took advantage of a uni- the most important subsequent event being my marriage que opportunity offered to engineering students, to follow to my wife Ora, who has accompanied and supported me in parallel studies toward a degree in applied mathe- in my life and career since then. At the same time, I was matics at Bucharest University. This way I expanded my offered the possibility to turn my research into work for mathematical knowledge, and I was exposed to advanced a doctoral degree, and I became Jacob’s first graduate courses in fluid and solid mechanics. student. Jacob gave me considerable freedom and helped By 1956, with a degree in engineering and a B.Sc. in me to become acquainted with ground water hydrology applied mathematics, and with a clear interest in research, and the Western literature on the subject. This was a pro- I started to work at the Institute of Hydraulic Research in ductive period in which I published a few papers on sea Bucharest, which investigated mainly models of hydraulic water intrusion and free surface flows in porous media. I structures. In the following 3 years, I succeeded in pub- was pleased to see that there was renewed interest in lishing a few papers in the local technical journals. these works (for instance, the publication [Dagan and This period ended abruptly in 1959 when I was ar- Bear 1968] based on my thesis was cited four times in rested by the (in)famous Securitate, under accusation of 2006 and similarly for Dagan 1967a). By 1964, I finished subversive political activity, because of my Zionist back- writing my thesis, and the graduation ceremony in 1965 ground. The 8 months spent in the communist prison marked an even more important event, namely the immi- were the most difficult period of my life due to the harsh nent birth of my elder daughters Cigal and Noga (to be conditions in spite of the false nature of the accusations. followed in 1971 by Adi). In the 2 years following my release, I could not get Subsequently, I was offered a tenure track position a research position due to the double stigma of a formed with the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Technion, detainee and a candidate for emigration to Israel. These and I embarked on a research and teaching career, culmi- 2 years of menial jobs ended at the beginning of 1962 nating with my promotion to full professor in 1974. Until when I received the permit to leave Romania. 1967, the focus of my research was modeling free surface flows in porous media by analytical methods, and one of the papers of the period, on pumping tests (Dagan Israel: The Technion Period (1962 to 1976) 1967b), is still used and cited. The day I landed in Israel was one of the happiest The next turning point in my professional life took days of my life as it marked the fulfillment of two place in 1965, when the Technion was visited by Marshall dreams: living in what I regarded as my country and the Tulin, a young American scientist who was the cofounder escape from the oppressive communist regime.
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