1961 ; :· CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD-- · HOUSE 1155 at the request of the. .President. He bells ·of the standing committee of the House acted,. how.ever, ·only rafter , he had been HOUSE ~oF .R£PRESENTATIV£S of Representatives on Rules: invited to .do so by the responsible local Howard W. Smith {-chairman), Virginia; M{)NDAY, JANUARY 23, 1961 William M. Colmer, .Mississippi; Ray J , Mad­ and State officials. den, Indiana; James J. Delaney, New York; I commend Mr. Goldberg for his ex­ The House met 'S.t 12 :o'clock noon. James ·w. Trimble, Arkansas; Homer Thorn­ cellent work. .He has performed .a real The Very Revere:m.d Leo Wesolowsky., berry, Texas; Richard Bolling, Missouri; service to the Nation. rector of the Ukrainian Orthodox ThGmas P. O'Neill, Jr., Massachusetts. Church of St. Vladimir, New York, N.Y., The resolution was agreed to. offered the foUowing prayer: NOMINATIONS PENDING IN COMMITTEES Our Heavenly Father, Almighty God. MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON We thank you for all good which you Mr. SMATHERS. Madam .President, send <lown on our country -and its people. APPROPRIATIONS on behalf of the majority leader, I de­ We hu-mbly pr-ay to you to lead our Mr. WALTER. Mr. Speaker, I offer sire to m·a~e the following statement: Congress., the .President, and his Cabinet a resolution and ask for its immediate Several nominations are still pending ·by paths of your commandments to jus­ consideration. in various committees. The respective tice, freedom, peace, and abundance. The Clerk read as follows: chairmen have been asked to hold hear­ From hunger, :fire, war. -and ev<ery -at­ H. RES. 119 ings on these nominations as soon as t-ack protect us, 0 God. Resolved, That the folilowing- named Mem­ possible, in order that the Senate may Turn your eyes, Merciful God, upon bers be, and they are her..eby, elected mem­ proceed to act on them. the mHlions of enslaved people of the bers of the rStanding committee ef the House o! Representatives .on Appropriations ~ world, who are under a social and na­ Clarence 'Cannun ('chairman), Missouri; tional yoke of 'Communist imperialism. George H. Mahon, Texas; Harry R. Shep­ .ADJOURNMENT TO THURSDAY Give them your help in their struggle pard, California; Alber:t Thomas, Texas; Mr. SMATHERS. Madam President, for independence. Remember, 0 God., Michael J. Kirwan, Ohio; W. F. Norrell, if there is no other business to come be­ among those enslaved peoples the people Arkansas; Jamie L. Whitten, Mississippi; fore the Senate, I move that the Senate of the Ukraine during this, the year of George W. Andrews, Alabama; John J. adjourn until Thursday next, at 12 the centenniai of the death of Ukraine's Rooney, New York; J. Vaughan 'Gary, Vir­ genius and prophet, Taras Shevchenko. ginia; John E. Fogarty, Rhode Island; Robert o'clock noon. L. F. Stites, Florida; Otto E. Passman, Louisi­ The .motion was .agreed to; and (at 6 who .sacrificed his life for his country; ana; Louis C. Rabaut, Michigan; Sidney R. o'clock and 54 minutes p.m.) tbe Senate ·grant his desire for a "Washington with Yates, Illinois; Fred Marshall, .Minnesota; adjourned until Thurcsday, January 26., a new and just law" for Ukraine. John L. Riley, South Carolina; Joe L. 1961, at 12 o'clock meridian. Bless, 0 God, the work of the Congress Evins, Tennessee; John F. Shelley, Califor­ of the United States of America, the nia·; Edward P. Boland, Massachusetts; Don President and his Cabinet, keep them in Magnuson, Washington; William H. Natcher, Kentucky; Dand.el J. Flood, Pennsylvania; CONFIRMATIONS good health and clear mind for the bene­ Winfield K. Denton, Indiana; Tom Steed, fit of our country and the peoples of the Oklahoma; Hugh Q. Alexander, North Caro­ Executive nominations confirmed by world. the Senate January 23, 1961: lina; Alfred E. Santangelo. New York; Joseph In the name of the Father and the Son M. Montoya, New Mexico; George E. Shipley, DEPAltTM:'ENT OF DEFENSE e.nd the Holy Spirit. Amen. Illinois. · Roswell L. Gllpatrlc, of New York, to be Deputy Secretary of Def-ens·e. The r.esolution was agreed to. Cyrus Robet''ts Vance, of New York, to be THE JOURNAL General Counsel of the Department of De­ fense. · The -Journal of the proceedings of ME:MBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON Pau1 H. Nitze, {)f Maryland, to be an As­ .FridaY. January 20, 1961, was read and APPROPRIATIONS, THE COMMIT­ sis1(ant Secretary of Defense. .approved. TEE ON RULES, AND THE COMMIT~ Cha-rles Johnston Hitch, of California, to TEE ON WAYS AND MEANS be an ASsistant Secretary of Defense. Arthur Sylvester, of the Distrlct of Co­ :SWEARING IN OF MEMBER Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, I offer lmnbi"a, t.o be an Assistant Secretary of The SPEAKER. Will the Member­ a resolution (H. Res. 120) and ask for Defens-e. elect from Washington present himself its immediate consideration. Thomas -D. Morris, of Maryland, to be an .at the bar of the House and take the The Clerk read the resolution as fol­ Assistant Se·cretary of Defense. oath of office? lows: POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Mr. HORAN appeared at the bar of Resolved, That the follow.ing-named Mem­ H. W. Brawley, of Virginia~ to 'be Deputy th:e House and took the oath of office. .bers be, and they are hereby, elected mem­ 'Postmaster General. · bers of the following standing committees of the House ·of Representatives: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Committee on Appropriations: John Taber, . Archibald Cox, of Ma'Ssachusetts, to be COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS New York; Ben F. Jensen, Iowa; H. Carl Solicitor General o.f the United States. Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I Andersen, Minnesota; Walt Horan, Washing­ Byron R . White, of Colorado, to be Deputy ,offer a resolution and ask for its imme­ ton; Ivor D. Fenton, Pennsylvania; Gerald Attorney Gen·eral. diate consideration. R. Ford, Jr., Michigan; Harold C. Ostertag. New York; Frank T. Bow, Ohio; Charles DEPARTMENT ·OF THE AIR FORCE The Clerk read as follows: Raper Jonas, North Carolina; Melvin R. Eugene M. Zuckert, of Maryhmd, to be H. RES. 117 Laird, Wisconsin; Elford A. Cederberg, Mich­ Secretary of the Air Force. Resolved, That during the Eighty-seventh igan; Glenard P. Lipscomb, California; John Joseph V. Charyk, of California, to be Congress, the Committee on Appropriations J. Rhodes, Arizona; John R. Pillion, ·New 'Under Secretr.~y of the Air Force. shall be composed of fifty members. York; Phil Weaver, Nebraska; William E. Lyle S. Gar:ock._ of Minnesota, to .be an Minshall, Ohio; Robert H. Michel, Illinois; Assistant ·Secretary· of the Air Force. The resolution was agreed to. Silvio 0. Conte, Massachusetts. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Committee on Rules: Clarence J. Brown. Elvis J .. Stahr, Jr., of West Virginia, to be Ohio; B. Carroll Reece, Tennessee. Secretary of the Army. MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON Committee on Ways and Means: Noah M. RULES Mason, Illinois; John ·w. Brynes, Wisconsin; l>EPART~NT OF THE NAVY Howard H. Baker, Tennessee; Thomas B. John B. Connally, Jr., of Texas. to be Sec­ Mr. WALTER. Mr. Speaker, I offer a Curtis, Missouri; Victor A. Knox, Michigan;· retary of the Navy. resolution and ask for its immediate con­ James B. Utt. • Califor:nia; Jackson E . .Betts. James Henry WakeUn, Jr., of New Jersey. sideration. Ohio; Bruce Alger, Texas; Walter M. Mumma, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Navy. T.he Clerk read as foUows: Pennsylvania. DEPARTMENT <>F S'DATE H. RES. 118 The resolution was agreed to. Chester Bowles, ,of .Connecti-cut, to be Resolved, That the following-named Mem~ A motion .to reconsider was laid ·on the Under Secretary of State. bers be, and they are hereby, "elected mem~ table; it56 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January 23 TRIDUTE TO TWO DISTINGUISHED achievements for and on behalf of his State Resolved, by the Senate of Texas, That we and country; and be it further do hereby. express our appreciation for the TEXANS Resolved, That copies of this resolution be services so ably rendered the State and the Mr. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask forwarded under the seal of the Senate of Nation by Vice President-elect JoHNSON and unanimous consent to extend my re­ Texas, to the Honorable SAM RAYBURN and extend to him, and to President-elect to the members of the Texas delegation in Kennedy, our best wishes for a construc­ marks in the RECORD at this point in two the Congress of the United States. tive and stable administration; and be it instances and include two resolutions BEN RAMSEY, further passed by the Senate of Texas concern­ President of the Senate, Resolved, That copies of this resolution, ing two distinguished Texans who are CHARLES ScHNABEL, under the seal of the senate, be forwarded serving at each end of the Capitol at Secretary of the Senate. by the secretary of the senate, to Hon. John this time. F. Kennedy; and to Hon. LYNDON B. JOHN­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to soN; and to the members of the Texas dele­ the request of the gentleman from RESOLUTION OF THE SENATE OF gation in Congress. TEXAS EXPRESSING APPRECIA­ BEN RAMSEY, Texas? President of the Senate. There was no objection. TION FOR THE SERVICES SO ABLY CHARLES ScHNABEL, RENDERED TO THE STATE . AND Secretary of the Senate. TO THE NATION BY VICE PRESI­ RESOLUTION OF THE SENATE OF DENT LYNDON JOHNSON, AND EX­ TEXAS EXTENDING ITS CON­ TENDING TO HIM AND TO PRESI­ HON. WILLIAM B. FRANKE GRATULATIONS AND BEST DENT KENNEDY BEST WISHES Mr. ARENDS. Mr. Speaker, I ask WISHES TO THE HONORABLE SAM FOR A CONSTRUCTIVE AND · unanimous consent to address the House RAYBURN FOR HIS OUTSTANDING STABLE ADMINISTRATION for 1 minute and to revise and extend LEADERSHIP AND ACHIEVEMENTS my remarks.
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