Supplement l5o. 2• to Cïje îMestme «ftrçette &o. 575 of 12tft %m% 1956. EXPROPRIATION OF LAND ORDINANCES, 1926-1935. CERTIFICATE. I, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR ARTHUR GRENFELL WAUCHOPE, High Commissioner for Palestine, hereby certify that the construction in Jerusalem of the Rothschild Hadassah University Hospital is an undertaking of a public nature within the meaning of the Expropriation of Land Ordinances, 1926-1935. The plan of the land affected may be inspected at any of the following places, viz : — The Office of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District. The Office of the Hadassah Medical Organisation, Jerusalem. A. G. WAUCHOPE 6th March, 1936. High Commissioner. (L/28/85). EXPROPRIATION OF LAND ORDINANCES, 1926-1935. CERTIFICATE. I, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR ARTHUR GRENFELL WAUCHOPE, High Commissioner for Palestine, hereby certify that the construction of an Electric Transformer Station in the village of Lifta is an undertaking of a public nature within the meaning of the Expropriation of Land Ordinances, 1926-1935. — 125 — — 126 — A plan of the selected site is deposited at the offices of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, and the Director of Land Eegistration, Jerusalem. A. G. WAUCHOPE 9th March, 1936. High Commissioner. (L/10/36). RAILWAYS ORDINANCE, 1927. TARIFF FOR THE TRANSPORT OF GOODS. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in the General Manager by section 44 (1) (b) of the Railways Ordinance, 1927, I hereby issue the following tariff to come into force as from the 20th February, 1936 :— Commodity From To Bate per ton Minimum Mils Cement "Nesher" Factory Sidings on 110 10 tons per 10 at kilometre 7 Eeclaimed Area, ton truck unit Haifa. Plus 25 mils registration fee per consignment. The above rate excludes loading and unloading charges, which operations are performed by owners. C. R. WEBB 3rd March, 1936. General Manager. Approved. A. G. WAUCHOPE High Commissioner. PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP ORDER, 1925. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that EMILIO JACOBO MARCOS, having, when in a foreign state and not under disability, by a voluntary and formal act become natur• alized therein, ceased as from the date of such naturalization to be a Palestinian citizen in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of the Palestinian Citizen• ship Order, 1925. J. HATHORN HALL 4th March, 1936. Chief Secretary. (1/188/36). — 127 — CUSTOMS DUTIES (COMMERCIAL AGENTS) EXEMPTION ORDINANCE, 1935. ORDER NO. 16 OF 1936, BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 2. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by sub-sections (2) and (3) of section 2 of the Customs Duties (Commercial Agents) Exemption Ordinance, 1935, the High Commissioner is pleased to declare and •it•is hereby declared that MR. C. EMPSON, His Majesty's Commercial Agent, shall be a recognised Commercial Agent for the purposes of the Ordinance and that the grant of exemption thereunder to him shall take effect from the fifteenth day of November, 1935. 2. The Order made by the High Commissioner under section 2 of the Customs Duties (Commercial Agents) Exemption Ordinance, 1935, dated the ninth day of July, 1935, and published in the Palestine Gazette dated the eleventh day of July, 1935, shall cease to have effect on the fifteenth day of November, 1935. By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 6th March, 1936. Chief Secretary. (0/184/85). PORTS ORDINANCES, 1926-1930. PILOT'S LICENCE. (Section II). MR. G. E. CARTMER,.Pilot, Department of Customs, Excise and Trade, is hereby licensed to act as Pilot in the Port of Haifa for a period of twelve months from the 11th day of February, 1936. By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 3rd March, 1936. Chief Secretary. (C/lli/33). — 128 — IMMIGRATION ORDINANCE, 1933. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tha High Commissioner has appointed the follow• ing officers to be Immigration Officers for the purpose of the Immigration Ordinance, 1933 :— MR. J. ORFALI MR. M. SHOHET MR. A. TAWBBL MR. R. MEO MR. W. S. SHAMMAS MR. Y. Z. ABU SEOUD. By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 5th March, 1936. Chief Secretary. (1/89/32). RURAL PROPERTY TAX ORDINANCE, 1935. RULES MADE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 41. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 41 of the Rural Property Tax Ordinance, 1935, the High Commissioner has made the following rules :— Citation. 1. These rules may be cited as the Rural Property Tax (Sup• plementary Forms) Rules, 1936. Supplementary 2. A Supplementary Rural Property Tax Roll under section forms. 26 (1) of the Ordinance and a Supplementary Distribution List under section 29 of the Ordinance shall be in the forms prescribed in respect of the Rural Property Tax Roll and the Tax Distribution List, respectively, with the addition of the word "Supplementary" before the title of the forms. By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 7th March, 1936. Chief Secretary. (P/164/84). — 129 — MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS (SEWERAGE, DRAINAGE AND WATER) ORDINANCE, 1936. NOTICE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 29. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 29 of the Municipal Corpora• tions (Sewerage, Drainage and Water1* Ordinance, 1936, the High Commissioner has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered that part I of the said Ordinance shall apply to the Municipal Corporation of Haifa. By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 6th March, 1936. Chief Secretary. (G/18/36). MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ORDINANCE, 1934. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with section 13 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, the persons named hereunder have been appointed to act respectively as chairman and members of the Electoral Committee for the Municipal Corporation of Bethlehem and that the date on which such Electoral Committee shall commence the revision of the register of voters is hereby prescribed, in accordance with section 14 (2) of the said Ordinance, to be the 24th day of February, 1936. ISSA EFF. EL BANDAK Chairman SALEM EFF. NASSER MOUSSA EFF. HAZBOUN ABDALLAH EFF. DABDOUB Members ISSA EFF. YUSEF ZARZAR HANNA EFF. EL KAWWAS SHEIKH SHIHADEH AHMED SALEH It is hereby further notified that in accordance with section 19 of the said Ordinance, NICOLA EFF. SABA, District Officer, Jerusalem-Bethlehem-Jericho Sub- District, has been appointed to act as Returning Officer for the Municipal Area of Bethlehem. J. E. F. CAMPBELL 3rd March, 1936• District Commissioner, Jerusalem District. (G/15/34). — 130 — DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE, 1926. RULES MADE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 19. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 19 of the No. 3 of 1926. Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner has made the following rules :— Citation. 1. These rules may be cited as the Animal Quarantine (Amend• ment) Rules (No. 3), 1936. Interpretation. 2. In these rules the term "principal rules" shall mean the Animal Quarantine Rules, 1931. Addition of new 3. The principal rules shall be amended by the addition of the sub-rules to following sub-rules to paragraph O of the schedule thereto (as paragraph 0 of schedule to enacted in rule 3 of the Animal Quarantine (Amendment) Rules principal rules. (No. 4), 1935) :— . " (3) Cattle for breeding purposes may be imported from Poland with a permit from the Chief Veterinary Officer who may refuse to grant or, when granted, may suspend or revoke any permit issued. (4) No shipment of such cattle destined for Palestine shall be allowed to land in Palestine until the production by the owner of the following certificates, that is to say :— (a) a certificate signed by the Head of the Veterinary Ser• vice in Poland stating :— (i) that during the three calendar months immediately preceding the movement of such cattle to the quarantine enclosures established by the Govern• ment of Poland at Gdynia or Snyatin-Zalusze no case of contagious bovine pleuro-pneumonia or cattle plague (Rinderpest) has been certified to exist at any place within the jurisdiction of the Government of Poland, and (ii) the pedigree numbers of such cattle; (b) a certificate signed by a duly authorised Government Veterinary Officer of the district stating : (i) that such cattle have been from birth in the district in which they were examined at the time of the issue of the certificate, and — 131 — (ii) that no case of contagious bovine pleuro-pneu- monia has been certified to have occurred in such district or in any of the surrounding districts during the five years immediately preceding the movement of such cattle to the quarantine enclosures at Gdynia or Snyatin-Zalusze, and (iii) that no case of foot-and-mouth disease or cattle plague has been certified to have occurred on, or within a radius of twenty kilometres of, the premises on which such cattle were kept during the three calendar months immediately preceding their move• ment to the quarantine enclosures at Gdynia or Snyatin-Zalusze, and (iv) that such cattle and all other animals on the premises on which such cattle were kept immediate• ly before their movement to the quarantine en• closures at Gdynia or Snyatin-Zalusze have been examined by him and found free from contagious bovine pleuro-pneumonia and foot-and-mouth disease and cattle plague, and (v) that such cattle have been tested for tuberculosis and contagious bovine abortion (the dates on which such tests were applied being set out in the cer• tificate) and have been found free from such diseases, and (vi) that such cattle have been moved from the premises to the quarantine enclosures at Gdynia or Snyatin-Zalusze in a vehicle or vehicles of a kind approved
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