.. The Where Fools Fear Techers Rush In ... CALIFORNIA To Tread!! Copyright 1970 by the Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology, Incorporated. Volume LXXI Pasadena, California, Thursday, April 23, 1970 Number 25 New Divorce Laws, Outside World Topics Low Pollution Car Project For YMCA Programs. Progressing Despite Strike by Emden Gansner Next week the Caltech YMCA is sponsoring two informative and Low Pollution Car Project leader using a catalytic reactor in the relevant talks and question sessions. Mike Lineberry announced that the exhaust stream and other smog One will concern the new divorce American Motors Hornet is ex­ cutting devices. laws, and the other, given by an pected to arrive as soon as the Two Engines, Too ex-Techer, will be abc what a wildcat truckers' strike is settled. The modifications of the engine Tech graduate can do vnce he The car, which will be converted to are being directed by Malllon enters into the real world. use compressed natural gas as a fuel Easterling, a JPL engineer, and Judge Lester Olson, continuing for the upcoming Urban Car James Henry, a student. They will the Y's "Crisis in Our Legal Competition, has been delayed have a duplicate engine set-up in the System" program, will give an Olive almost two weeks by the truckers' Engine Laboratory in the Spaulding Walk talk next Wednesday at 11 :45. POPULATION POLLUTION? This was the scene last Saturday morning as 1000 walkout. sub-basement. In this way, mod­ His talk will concern the develop­ high school students invaded Caltech for Students Day. -photo by Fish While waiting for the car to ifications can be closely tested and ment, inner workings and effects of arrive, project members have started as significant improvements are the newly legislated divorce laws. Moon Rocks For Sale a drive for additional people to help found they will be duplicated on A Stanford graduate, Judge with the formidable task of having the engine in the car. By running Olson began practicing law in 1954. the car ready for the September laboratory engine tests and vehicle He was appointed to the bench in Students Have Their Day competition. While most entries, road test concurrently, it is hoped 1965. During 1969, he was deeply notably MIT's, will be the result of that considerable time can be saved involved in the progress of the guides found the scene apparently by Elliot Tambour long term efforts, Caltech is relymg in the development. Family Law Act through the Last Saturday was STUDENT'S hopelessly confused. However re­ on a crash program which is only The money to finance the legislature. And since January, DAY, another brainchild of our markably quickly the whole system now moving into the actual hard­ conversion, testing, and racing has 1970, he has been the Supervising public relations department. began to reverse entropy and soon ware. To give themselves a margin come from a variety of sources Judge of the Family Law The day began with the heir­ enough we were on our way. The for error, the Caltech group will including the Alumni Association Departmem. archy of students being dragged out committee in charge of setting up also be racing one of the Pacific and some of Caltech's trustees Then, next Thursday, Walter of bed, the head committee waking the exhibits cleverly placed the Lighting Company natural -gas cars. Project finance director Ken Heitner Baer from Laird Systems, Inc., will the head gUides in each house who demonstrations on the uppermost While both cars will be using similar reports that almost $5,000 has been participate i;1 a day-long program as in turn waked the guides from their floors of buildings. There was even fuel systems, it is hoped that the secured so far. This is enough to part of the Y's "The Future of a respected houses. I, being a guide a rumor that one of the exhibits Hornet can be further improved insure Caltech participation in the Techer" series. In keeping with the _~.Contilli!~ on Page Six myself, witnessed this since I had race but does not permit the full purpose of the series, giving under­ been awa.1(e all night in excited research program. grads an opportunity to talk with Social Broskow anticipation of the day's events. Help Wanted Tech alumni from various vocational Slowly the guides started appear­ Mike Lineberry asks all those fields, Baer, a Tech graduate, will ing, looking curiously out of place interested in helping with any give a drop-in seminar in Winnett Be Polled on Lost Weekend in their coats and ties. They aspect of the project to contact him Lunge from 4 to 6, followed by tribution among students, houses, marched slowly to Chandler for a by Craig Broskow or to come to one of the Project dinner in a student house and an ASCIT Social Chairman and clubs. If you have a (good) idea nourishing breakfast, all carrying the meetings which are held each informal discussion until about for a social event that requires little signs that indicated their As you may have noticed, I Thursday at 12: 15 pm in 214 8:30. partial funding, contact your house groups, they were going to lead. I recently distributed a poll con­ Thomas. The group will readily After graduating from Tech, Baer social chairman--who is also your had a particularly strong attachment cerning attendance at the Lost admit that they are off to a late received his MS and PhD degrees representative on the Social to my sign, good old 6-E, (I'm sorry Week-End. If you plan to attend the start but they are convinced that from the University of Wisconsin. I haven't returned it yet, Steve, but Lost Week-End this year, please Committee. Coming (So To Speak) Events: Caltech knowhow will pull them He is a member of the Computer I will soon). indicate so on one of the polls through. Science and Engineering Board of Guides Invade Millikan (soon!), and stick it in the out-going Friday, April 24... ASCIT showing the National Academy of Science. About 9:00 a.m. the army of mailbox in your house. I have of Rosemary's Baby at 7:15 AND He also was a staff member of the guides started marching down the additional forms in my room, 201 9:45 pm in Culbertson Hall. $.50. President [s Science Advisory Board Inside This Week's Tech Olive Walk toward Millikan. Con­ Page. There is no obligation, but I Friday, April 24. C.E.A.C. and an assistant to the Vice Teach-Ins Are Nice, But Where from versation w"s limited to how much need some sort of indication Earth-Day Celebration. Lasting all President. There? -Page Two the guides disliked having their concerning the number of people day from 10 am to 10:30 pm. Band Saturday morning sleep robbed planning to attend. Freshman Camp's Demise Means and play during the evening. New Program -Page Two GUITAR MASS - The Caltech New­ from them and how they would The Executive Social Committee Everyone is invited. Free. Page House Outsmarts Greek man Club will hold a guitar Mass know better next year. It sounded is now in the process of formation, Junta -Page Three in the Y Lounge (upstairs, Winnett) remarkably similar to the kind of and should have been voted on last April 24 and 25. .. U.C.L.A. Two Westerns: Zabriskie Point and this Sunday, April 26, at 7:00 p.m. thing you hear at an 8:00 physics night at the RO.D. meeting. This Mardi-Gras. Carnival-like, fund­ Cable Houge -Page Five All are invited. lab. committee has a certain large (but raising event. Should be fun. $1.50. Crystal & Fox at Mark Taper Upon arriving at Millikan the finite) amount of funds, for dis- Friday, May 8... ASCIT showing of If ... Forum -Page Five Come Fly With Us: CIT Aero Tallyho! May 8, 9 and 10... Lost Week-End Club ~Page Four Racing Coterie Rescues Tech's Budget? Thorne on Our Side by Alan (Ace) Lederman Race Option Number of Sum of Race Bet Winner Profit Those of us in the Rickettts racing Letters Digits 1 2 9 -$ 2.00 coterie planned to return to the turf 1 Applied Math 11 2 2 9 9 +$ 4.40 3 -$ 2.00 this weekend, determined to win 2 Astronomy 9 9 3 7 4 7 3 -$ 4.00 back the funds lost during our 3 Biology 7 7 5 7 5 -$ 8.00 previous excursion. Modestly, we 4 Chemistry 8 8 6 2 5 -$16.00 sought to earn enough to: 5 Geology 7 7 7 6 2 -$32.00 (1) Finance our tuition for the 6 Mathematics 11 2 coming two years 7 Physics 7 7 8 3 9 -$64.00 (2) Establish a Willy Shoemaker 8 Jet Propulsion 12 3 Total after 8 races -$123.40 At this point panic would certainly named professorship in Probability 9 Information Science 18 9 (3) Finance the Institute's have developed. No Willie Shoemaker $78,000,000 construction program endowed professorship, no Institute (4) Rescue the California Tech Unfortunately, circumstances mil­ construction program, no tuition from debt itated against our planned attendance payments, and we must ignomin­ (5) Provide $0.53 bus fare back to at Hollywood Park. But had we iously call back to the house for a Caltech indeed gone, it would have proved an ride home. We would certainly have Previously, we had been unable to interesting afternoon.
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