Don carlson, Ph.D. FMC corporation Agricultural Chemical Group 1735 Market street Philadelphia, PA 1910 3 Dear Dr. Carlson: Subject: Camand 4 EC Herbi,lde EPA Reg. No. 279-30~1 RE: Amended Labeling (tillage/nQ-tillage directions) Your Submission Dated August 13, 1992 ~he labeling refprred to above, submitted in connection with registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, as amended, is acceptable. A stamped copy is enclosed for your records. Sincerely yours, Robert J. Taylor Product I'anager (25) Fungicide-Herbicide Branch Registration Division (H7505C) CONCURRENCES SYMBOL;: l/7.)~.$P" ............... ... .................. ................. ................. ................................................... ::N£AM~, '%f:1; .... ........................................................................................................................ OFFICIAL FILE COPY _ i2 a a all a an a. .a $A 4SQS4 4t P ) ) Code 1139 Net Contents Command®4 E Herbicide For Agricultural or Commercial Use Only NOT FOR SALE OR USE IN CAUFORNIA EPA Reg. No. 279-3071 EPA Est. 279- Active Ingredient: By Wt. Clomazone: 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)methyl-4. 4-dimethyl-3-isoxazolidinone •...........••••..... 44.4% Inert Ingredients: .........•..............•......... 55.6% 100.0% Contains 4 pounds 01 active ingredient per gallon U.S. Patent No. 4.405,357 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION FIRST AID " In SyH: Flush with plenty 0/ water. Get medical attention as AtlL.C OF CONTENTS 'Ossible. ' aI inlormations an pages 1-4 belore referring 10 specific ; swallowed: Drink prompUy large quatltities 01 crop use. alcohol. Do nol ind~'C8 vomiting. cau a physician, " Inh8led: Remove to fresh air. " Page lion. prelerably mouth·to-mouth.·. possible. ~~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1 Precautionary Statements ............................ ... 1 " on akin: Wash Skin Diredions lor Use ....................................... 1 allention. ~ and ~ ...............•.......•.......•... 2 For Emergency f!prayer CIeanuo ....................................... 2 General !\IIxl!Ig instructions .............................. 2 Application Pr8cautions .................................. 3 ~ AppIIcatton Instruc:tions .......................... 4 STATEMENTS . Command Geographical Areas ........................... 5 SOYBEANS ........................................... 5 Hazards to Humans (and Domestic Animals) GenenII InIormatIon ................................. 5 Caution Replanting InsIruc:tIons .............................. 5 Causes Skin irritation. c.us. moderate eye mation. Harmful H swill­ Rates end Weeds Con1JoIed ......................... 5 lowed. inhaled, or absorbed through Skin. Avoid contac:l with skin, ayes ~~=::OO ......................... 5 '" clothing. Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist Wash thoroughly with soap and waler after hIIndIing. Remove c:onIaInNted clothing and W8Ih Tank Mixes ........................................ 6 belore_. or FoIIowsd by p.-nergenc:e or Postemerget ICe T,"- ..................................... 11 PUMPKINS ........................................... 11 SUCCULENT PEAS ................................... 12 ACCEPTED FALLOW LAND ....................................... 12 lrr' ~.-,.... -? ~'. SPECIAL PRECAUTION' .',' OII,site movement of spray drift or vapors oi ~ 4 E herbicide can cause foist whitening or yellowing of some pIanIs. Prior 10 making applications, read and strictly follow .. pracau-.•. lions and application Instructions on this label. ." . : .,j... '"'""F·'. Me, Physical/Chemical Hazards -MC Corporation Do not use or store near heal or open flame. Agricultural Chemical Group DIRECTIONS FOR USE ' II is a vioIalion 01 Federal law 10 use Ihis producl in a manner inconsislenl Philadelphia PA 19103 wilh ils labe~ng. 4190 Do not apply this Voducllhrough any type 01 irrigation SYSI~'" BEST AVAILABl E CO~ , I ) ) 2) Command 4 E plus Tank Mixtures: DHuie individual prOducts with two (2) parts of water, lhen add 10 the spray tank of ferlilizer, while maintaining agitation, using lhe following order-slurry of dry formu­ lations (_nabla powders, dry ftowablas) flrsl, dihJled liquid Iormuta­ tions (EC's, ftowables) secoOC_ Conlinue agitallon during application. \PPLICATION PRECAUTluNS Geognophlc Restrictions: Command 4 E musl be applied only as a soil ;nc:orporated treatment in the foftowing states, unless lhere is an -.pproved SLN (24C) for counties within the"" states: :;onnecticut Maryland Ohio 'JeIaw.e MuaacIuetts Panwylvanla -1IInoia MIchigan Rhode Island 0.-pt Indiana MInn8sofa Vermont Iowa New Hwnpshire VIrginia :<entucky New Jersey West Vir!tlnia Maine New York WISCOOSIII SPRAY DRIFT PRECAUTIONS Non-target spray drift 01 Command 4 E "'her..-lrbicldei,;.·';'·IA should be avoided to prevent whiIefWIg of desirable vegetation. Drill is infIuencad by many factors which inciIde wind speed, spray pressure, particle size, nozzle type, and boom height • Do not ~ when weather conditior IS ra- drift. N wind speeds exceed 10 miles per hour, a drift reducing additive must be used. • A minimum spray volume of 10 gallons per a.::re is rec:ommer KIed wRh appropriate nozzle types and sizes thet produce c:oarMr sprays. • The use of agriculturally 8IlIl«IV8d drift reducing additives is rec0m­ mended for application volumes of 15 to 40 gallons per acre when spraying in the proximity of deslrabIe pI&nts (see list above). • The use of an riculturally approved drift reducing additive is required aI ~spray volumes of 10 to 15 gallons per acre. • Use minimum nozzle prAssure and boom height while maintaining uniform =ranern. • Do not e 40 psi spray pressure. • Selection and proper use of spray equipment is critical in minimizing spray drift. The following table suggests pressures, flow rates, and nozzle sizes for drill reduction using various nozzle types. -Does Not Apply to Fallow Land AppIicalions or Counties for which an Approved SLN (24C) is on File Suggested Nozzle Types, Minimum Size For SoIllncorporatad Applications: and Recommended Pressure Ranges for Sea Geographic Restrictions above. Minimizing Drift Minimum Do not apply Convnand 4 E within t ,000 feet of the areas listed Flow Rate below; . -' Towns and Subdivisions _ Pressure Within Minimum R"!'ge Pressure Nozzfe Commercial Veqetable Production- - (PSI) Commercial Fruit Production _ Nozzle Range (GPM) Size Commercial Nurseries - Flat-fan 15-30 0.2- #4- Commercial Greenhouses Lp·ftat-fan 10--25 0.3 #3 o -except sweet com' Even ftaHan- 15-30 0.3 #4 Flood 10--25 0.3 #2.50 Whirt--chamber 5-20 0.3 #5 Plants such as the foIowii1g may show symptoms of toroar whit- • Raindrop 15·40 0.15 #2 ening or yeIowing if contacted by Convnand 4 E herbicide. It Is :; Wide angle recommended the~ prior ID application, adjacent properties be lui cone 15-40 0.3 #5 checked and that spraying within 100 feet of such desiralble . - Refers 10 lip __ such asl!OO4 or LF2.S. -- FIocomrMo_1or _ opptIcation. plants be avoided. _->7_. !!!H (Deciduous) Trees (Evergreen) ROTATIONAL CROPPING PRECAUTIONS: Under some cortditiorlS, Appfe (inc. InrR & ~species temporary whRening or yellowing of leaves may occur on 8IlPIUV8d ornamental tyf"'S) Spruce species rotational crops where undesireble soif residues of Command 4'f! exist. Ash (Green, White, Vi Under abnormal conditions. carryover injury to rotational crops can Mountain) SWI!!eS occur. The IoIowlllg factors can contribute to Increased risk of Injury ID Burningbt.sh - . rotational crops: ~ 11 exceeding label recommended rates. Catalpa (Wonged Euonymus) 2 Overappllcation resulting from use of worn nozzles, excessive over­ Cherry (inc. fruit & Grape lapping 01 spray swaths, failing 10 shut off spray booms when IUming ornamental types) Honeysuckle (end row araas), or slowing or stopping sprayer. Cottonwood Roees 31 Soil with pH less than or equal 10 5:9. - Em ~w 4 Extreme dryness in the four months following application. G: ~ronomic Crop~ 5) Use of organophosphate soil Insacticides follOWed by use of some ~ul>erryrry Alfalfa postemergence corn herbicides. 6) Choice of rotational crop hybrid. Peach Oats Pear (inc. Inrit & ornamental V~elable and Addilional racomrnendations 10 prevent rotalional crop injury mey be types) -Flower Dlanls provided in the form of service bulletins for Iocalions where risk of injury Pecan IS significanlfy increased due 10 extremely dry conditions. Poplar Others Refer to Rot.tl...... Guidelines .nd repl.ntlng Instructions of S\»­ Russian olive -rems cltlc crop. for additional crop planting Information, Tree-of·Heaven Herbs Tu~p tree Sirawberry Walnut trees Raspberry Willow species Blackberry SPECIAL PRECAUTION , Off·site movement of spray drift or vapors of Command 4 E her­ Apply Command 4 E hertJicide only 10 sur races thai. ,I be soil incorporaled. Do nol arDlv Command 4 E herbicide to non-lield bicide can cause foliar whRening or yellowing of some plants. Prior 10 making a~tions, read and strictly follow an precau­ L areas _nc.luding k'lee H >liS, waterways. ditches, and roadsides. tions and application Instruc:lioM on this label. 3 BEST AVAILABLE COpy ./ ) ) SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS FOR DRY BuLK Northern Area-See Map FERnLlZER IMPREGNATION AND APPLlCAnON WITH COMMAND 4 E COMMAND- 4 E HERBICIDE APPLIED ALONE RATES AND WEEDS CONTROLLEDt _ An equipment used to apply Command should be thoroughly cleaned immediately following use to ensure no contamination results which 1.0 PT.' 1.5 PT. 2.0PT, could cause injury to non·labeled crops or desirable vegetation. Refer (O.SO LB, A.I.) (0.75 LB. A.I.) (1.0 LB. A.I.) to "Sprayer
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