'' -qt{3 (To be filled by ah" aon."*ro"dr"poty conservator ofForests) State Serial No. Revised Prooosals 1.Jlocaffon of the Proiect/ Scheme: Diversion of 3.583 Ha forest land for providing and laying of pipe line and construction ol other structures for safe drinling water, Siddipet District - Segment 16/3- Seeking permission for laying underground pipelines, construction of structures head works and ghat roads in Forest area in favour of Executive Engineer, DWSP, Huzurabad Division. I. Statc/ Union Territory Telansana State II, District Siddipet II I, Forest Division Siddipet v. Area of Forest Land proposed for Permission is required for reserved forest diversion (in Ha) land to an extent of 3.683 Ha for laying ol underground pipelines, construction oI structures, head works and ghat roads fui Forest area. V. Legal status of forest Aknur R.F Compt.No.618, 621, 622 Notified U/s.15. Shanigaram RF Comt.No.727, 725 and 728 Notified U/s.4 VI. DensiW of Vegetation 0.2-0.4Drv Deciduous forest VII. Species wise & fscientific names) and diameter Statement enclosed. class- wise enumeration of trees (to be enclosed. In case of irrigation / hydel proiects enumeration at FRL, FRL-2 meter & FRL-4 meter also to be enclosed. /III. Briefnote on vulnerability ofthe forest No soil erosion is anticipated as the proposed Area to erosion area is that and that scheme is proposed for laying of underground pipelines, construction of structures head works and ghat roads in Forest area. IX. Approximate distance ofproposed site for The proposed area for laying of underground Diversion from boundary of forest pipelines, construction of strucfures head works and Ghat roads in adjacent Aknur and Shanigaram Reserve Forest area. x. Whether forms part of National Parh Wildlife Sanctuary, biosphere reserve, tiger reserve, Elephant corridor, etc., (lf so, the details of the No area and comment of the Chief Wildlife Warden to be annexed.) xt. Whether any rare/endangered/ unique species of flora and fauna in the area if so details No thereof. xil. Whether any protected archaeological heritage site/ defense establishment or any other important monument is located in the area. II No so, the details thereof with NOC from competent authoriW, if enquired 8 Whether the requirement of forest land as The proposed Forest area is barest minimum Proposed by the user agenry in col. 2 of part- I for laying of underground pipelines, Is unavoidable and barest minimum for the construction of strucfures head works and Project. If so, recommended area item-wise ghat roads in Forest area. There is no with details of alternatives examined alternative land except the present proposed area recommended for acceptance. 9 Whether any work in violation of the Act. Has been Carried out [Yes/NoJ. If yes, details of the same including period of work done, action No taken on erring officials, Whether work in ruiolation is still in progress 10 Details of Compensatory afforestation scheme. I Details of non-forest area/ degraded forest fhe Compensatory Afforestation scheme will be Area identified for compensatory afforestation, implemented in double the degraded forest area ol its distance from adioining forest, number ol 7.366 Ha in compt.no.726 Shanigaram RF block Datches, size of each patch Husnabad Range of Siddipet District ll Map showing non-forest/ degraded forest area identified for compensatory afforestation and Enclosed adioininq forest boundaries iii Detailed compensatory afforestation scheme including species to be planted implementing Enclosed aqency, time schedule, cost structure, etc., tv a) Total financial outlay for compensatory NPV Rs. 23,05,558.00 afforestation scheme to be provided by the Proiect cost 41,06,661.00 Forest DepartmenL Tree Value 28,961.40 b) Total financial outlay for compensatory Extraction charges 49.700.00 afforestation scheme to be provided by the Grand Total 64.90.880.00 DFO, Siddipet. Or say Rs.65,00,000/- Certificates from competent authority regarding Suitability of area identified for compensatory afforestation and from Enclosed management point of view.(To be signed by the concerned DepuW Conservator of Forests) tl Site inspection report of the DCF (to be enclosed) especially highlighting facts asked in Enclosed col.no.7 (xi, xiil, 8 and 9 above. t2 Division / District profile: Siddipet i Geographical area of the district. 3500.25 Sq Km ii Forest area of the District. 227.613SqKm ul Iotal forest area diverted since 1980 with 1. Laying of Drinking water Pipeline - 8.41 number of cases Ha 2. Laying of Drinking water Pipeline under Telanqana Drinking water supply to 2 ( - -utV Gajwel Constituenry - 3.89 Ha 3. Laying of Drinking water Pipeline under Telangana Drinking water supply to ['- Dubbak Constituency - 4.002 Ha 4. Establishment of Administrative Buildings and other infrastructure facilities for Telangana School of Horticulture at Mulugu - 4.9I Ha The Total Forest Area Diveried - 21.212 Ha Total compensatory afforestation stipulated in the district/ division since 1980 or (a) foresl land including penal compensatory afforestation, r) Forest land including penal compensatory Nil afforestation b) Non-forest land. Nil v Progress ofcompensatory afforestation as on Nil (datel 31.10.2016 on Ia) Forest land Nil tb) Non-forest land. 13 Specific recommendations of the DCF for Ihe proposal is recommended as it is acceptance or otherwise of the proposals witlr 1. To benefit the people ofTelangana reasons 2. The people of Medak supply of Drinking water from Manjeera Subiect to conditions mentioned below. a) The felling of trees may be restricted to only if it is necessary to remove. b) The User Agency shall erect the pillars separating the proposed area for diversion at every 50 Mc The User Agency shall restrict the removal of trees to the barest minimum required C'r^ry. Date:/J.03.2017 (Name: C. Sridhar Rao, S.F.S.,) District Forest Officer, Siddipet Place: Siddipet D Offtccr Siddipet 3 sq ANNEXURE. I APPENDIX FORM -'A' Form for seeking prior approval under section 2 of the proposals by the State Governments and other authorities PART - II (To be filled by the concerned Deputy Conservator of Forests) State Serial No. of proposal 7 Location of the Project / Scheme i) State / Union Territory Telangana ii) District Rajanna Sircilla iii) Forest Division iv) Area of forest land proposed for 0.502 Ha. diversion (in Ha.) v) Legal status of forest 0.502 Ha., Compartment No. 428 Cheerlavancha Beat of Anantharam-lll Forest Block notified U/s. 4 G.O. No. 1419, Dt.7.7.1970. vl) Density of vegetation 0.2 (Eco Class-lll) vii) Species-wise (scientific names) The species wise details and the enumeration and diameter class-wise enumeration details are enclosed. The abstract is given of trees (to be enclosed). ln case of below: irrigation / hydel projects enumeration at FRL, FRL-2 meter & FRL-4 meter also to be enclosed) Girth class wise no. of trees Local No. Timber Total st. Botanical name of No. of Fuel in name of of 91- Above tn value No tree 31-60 61-90 poles Cmt. tree trees 120 120 Cmt. in Rs. 1 Moduga Butea monosperma 2 2 0 0 0 0 0.0507 0.3500 403 2 Subabul Leucaena 2 I 1 0 0 0 0.2466 0.7000 1285 leucocephala '180 3 Vepa Azadirachta indica 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0226 0.1 500 Total 5 4 1 0 0 0 0.3199 1.2000 1 868 -g#' viii) Brief note on vulnerability of the Jhe proposed area for diversion is for laying forest area to erosion of under ground pipe line and construction of sump. The length of pipe line is 905.43 Mtrs., and involved in diversion of 0.502 Ha., for Segment 1613 as tar as Rajanna Sircilla District is concerned. As per the map, GPS coordinates from the point 160 to 168 are falling in the R.F. ix) Approximate distance of proposed The proposed site for diversion is passing site for diversion from boundary of through R.F. boundary as indicated in the forest. map/ topo sheet. x) Whether forms part of National Park, No. The said proposed area for diversion Wildlife Sanctuary, Biosphere reserve, does not form part of National Park, Wildlife Tiger reserve, Elephant Corridor etc., (lf so, the details of the area and Sanctuary, Biosphere reserve, Tiger reserve, comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden 3. Elephant Corridor etc., to be annexed). xi) Whether any rare / endangered / No rare / endangered / unique species of fa unique species of flora and fauna found flora and fauna are found in the forest area in the area - if so details thereof. proposed for diversion. xii) Whether any protected There are no protected Archaeological I Archaeological / Heritage site / defense Heritage site / defense establishment or any establishment or any other important monument is located in the area - lf so, other important monument in the forest area details thereof with NOC from proposed for diversion. competent authority. I Whether the requirement of forest land Yes. The requirement of forest land as as proposed by the user agency in col.2 proposed by the user agency in col.2 of Part-l of Part-l is unavoidable and barest minimum for the project. lf no, is noticed unavoidable and barest minimum recommended area item-wise with for the project. details of alternatives examined The User Agency has submitted the proposal for diversion of 0.502 Ha., During l-,4 the field verification it is noticed that, the user agency has included some parts of the areas a which are not passing through Reserve Forests also. As per field verification the forest area through which the proposed pipeline is passing is 0.502 Ha., -384' 6r Whether any work in violation of the Act has been carried out (Yes / No).
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