Illinois Wesleyan University Vol. 61 Bloomington, Illinois, Wednesday, May 25, 1955 No. 27 Graduation June 5; Honors Given Commencement exercises this year will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 5, at the University in Memorial gymnasium. Along with the seniors receiving de- grees will be four people receiv- ing honorary degrees. The Graduation Breakfast will begin the weekend on Saturday, June 4, which is Alumni Day. Alumni Reunion luncheons will be held in Memorial Center for the classes of 1905 and 1930. This will be the 50th reunion for the class of 1905 and the 25th for 1930. Alumni Day The Annual Alumni Dinner will be at 6:30, with Richard Read '44 president of the Alumni Council, presiding. Designated reunions at this time are 1883, 84, 85, 1893, 94, 95, 1903, 04, 05, 1913, 14,.15, 1923, 24, 25, 1933, 34, 35, 1943, 44, 45, 1953, 54. The speaker will be George Hinshaw '13, vice presi- dent in charge of foreign opera- tions of Goodyear Company, Inc. Sunday, June 5, at noon, there will be a luncheon for Phi Kappa Phi, a national scholastic hon- orary society, in Memorial Cen- Miss SAI Elected Prom Queen Saturdy- ter. The President's Reception in Senior Men Honor Her JUni-ior-SOr honor of the senior class, will be Ann Rothschild was crowned corsages and their candidate Cox Crowned ueen in 'Heart of Cori Belt'; from 2 'til 3:30 p.m. in Memorial Queen of the Junior-Senior Prom photographs. Center. Commencement will be Saturday night, May 21, at 10:30 Miss Rothschild was a Home- Candidate for 'Miss Illinois' This Week held at 4:30 with John Lester p.m. Miss Rothschild, a enior, is coming queen attendant during Marian Elizabeth Cox, junior man, won fourth place in the Buford as the speaker. a Sigma Alpha Iota from the past Homecoming festivities. from Oak Park in the School of beauty-talent contest. Honorary Degrees Charleston, Illinois. She is a mu- For activities at Wesleyan, she Dramatics, was crowned "Miss The girls were judged on poise, Mr. Buford is superintendent sic student majoring in voice. claims Titan Council, Co-Choir, Heart of the Corn Belt" queen and personality, during the of the Mt. Vernon city schools. Miss Rothschild was elected by Egas, Alpha Lambda Delta, and Saturday, May 21. Marian is 20 morning, and entertained at a He will be conferred the title the votes of senior men on Wed- Green Medallion. years old and along with her luncheon in the Hotel Rogers. Doctor of Laws. Others receiving nesday, May 18. Richard Ahle- major in dramatics she has a The afternoon saw a parade be- degrees are: Miss Marguerite nius, president of the junior e es N ed LUTC minor sequence in music. fore the final judging at 8 p.m. at Fleming, director of KSLH Board class, presented Miss Rothschild Nineteen candidates w e r e Bloomington high school. of Education, Radio Station, St. with a golden loving cup and '0frd judged in the contest Saturday, 3-Ye r Term The contestants wore formals, Louis, Doctor of Humane Letters an orchid corsage. Members of T. Beadles, Dean of with two of the awards going to WilliamWilliamW then gave a talent exhibition degree; R. Merrill Powers, super- the court also received orchid the University, girls. Mary Alice Ray, has accepted an Wesleyan and reappeared in bathing suits. intendent of the Joliet-Dixon Monmouth and a fresh- {appointment as a member of the 19, of Marian sang "If I Loved You" District of the Rock River Con- from "Carousel" as her talent ference of the Methodist church, S nderwriting Training Council, number. At the end of the con- Divinity degree; Clif- Seniors Henored; Doctor of OicNew York. test a tie for first place was voted ford C. Brown, pastor of the First The LUTC examination board. by the judges. After a short hud- Methodist church, Pontiac, Doc- univer-hich meets annually, is instru- dle the judges awarded first place tor of Divinity degree. Twenty-two Wesleyan univer- mental in passing upon the ques- This year's Senior Convoca- to Miss Cox. Second place went sity students were initiated into tions prepared by the staff at tion and Recognition Day held to Shirley Ramano of ISNU. Masquers, dramatics organiza- headquarters, which/ are used in on May 25 at Memorial gymna- The judges were: Mrs. Betty Short New Registrar tion, this last weekend. Those mid-term and final examinations sium was dedicated to the sen- Mueller, Miss Illinois of 1943; initiated were as follows: Carol for the degree of life underwrit- iors, students, and organizations Miss Marilyn L. Parker, former As Browns Resigns Krueger, Jan Kemp, Bill Wat- er. whose achievements during the Conover model, director of the kins, Harry Loveall, Dave Priest, Dean Beadles is the only per- Dick year 1954-55 had earned them Fashion Studio in Normal; Miss Lee W. Short, director of ad- Duvall, Jim Kyalla, Roger son currently serving on the that special day of recognition, Rae Ann Roberts, of the Rae Ann missions at Wesleyan, has been Wilbur, Pat Thornton, Jim Rossi, council who does not live on the r _1_ 1 . ...... T . .TP... 4-l- T appointed registrar for the' next Jan Moon, Beverly Schneider, Eastern seaboard. The Dean will Donald Douglas, senior class cnoolo1 U Iance; tr. rseie on v. Kincheloe dean of the School of year. Mr. Short will continue his Sally Pech, Parker Oborn, Ken serve on the 9-man over the pro- Kincheloe, dean of the School of board for a president, presided duties as admissions director Helms, Ellen Lenard, Judy Sat- term of three years. President of gram, which follows: Music at Bradley university; and along with his new position. tem, Joe Vernon, Ruth Reichert, the council is Herbert R. Hill, Processional, University or- John Egan, president-elect of Edie Bird, Don Gottschalk, and CLU, Life Insurance Company of chestra; Invocation, Charles Illinois Jaycees. Mrs. Althea Fielding, who has Marilyn Lumb. Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. Poole; Recognition Address, Dr. The "Miss Illinois" contest will served as supervisor of the reg- Robert Q. Gibbon; Presentation be held at Quincy, Illinois, next istrar's office, has been appoint- To be eligible for membership A certificate of recognition was of Senior Gift, John Chantos; week, and the winner there will ed assistant registrar for the into the organization, a student presented to Dean Beadles last Installation of President of Stu- go to the Miss America contest, coming year. Ralph Browns, pro- must have taken an active part year in recognition of five years dent Council, President Merrill September 6, in Atlantic City. fessor of philosophy, who' was as either actor or technician in of outstanding service in the J.' Holmes; Response, Richard registrar the past year, will re- major productions or one-act LUTC faculty and for leadership Reinhard; Farewell to Class of sional to Hedding Arch; "Wes- turn to a full-time teaching posi- plays presented on the campus. in the field of Life underwriting. 1955, President Holmes; Response leyan, Dear Wesleyan." tion with the University. A point system is used in decid- He was one of 16 people in the and Presentation of Key, Donaldl Outstanding seniors and or- Mr. Short, who graduated from ing the eligibility of students. United States to be awarded this Douglas; Acceptance of Key, ganizations were awarded special Illinois Wesleyan in 1947, has New officers of Masquers for certificate. It is through the Richard Ahlenius; Welcome to recognition for physical educa- been admissions director for the the coming year were also elected Dean's efforts in the Life under- Class of 1956, Dr. H. Wayne Sni- tion, scholarship, and general past two years. His first position at the meeting. They are Fletcher writing field that Bloomington der; "Alma Wesleyana"; Bene- recognition of various honorary with the University was as a Coleman, president; Barbara has the honor of claiming more diction, James Bjork; Recession- fraternities, sororities, and pub- graduate assistant in the School Owens, vice-president; Marilyn Life underwriters per capita than al, University orchestra; Proces- lications. of Music. Lumb, secretary-treasurer. any other city in the world. THE ARG~US-~aednesday,E d Mayagy 25,2, 19551 Page 2 Final Project Theme: Wesleyaln Summer Session "The Innocents" Green Medallion Initiates- By Betty Todnem Runs June 13, Thrugh July( 22 Nineteen Sophomores Accepted "She's my girl." teachers will be held. This will Summer session at Wesleyan "She ain't. She's mine. She Last Wednesday evening nine- were initiated into the group are will begin June 13 and last be followed by: June 20 to 25, told me so." teen sophomores were initiated John Cobb, La Salle; Jane Dear- Choral Clinic; June 20 to 25, In- into Green Medallion, a local born, Western Springs; Francis through July 22. The session will "Yeah? She told me, too. Right strumental Clinic. outside the room yesterday, and recognition society for members Dean, Flanagan; Dorothy Frid- be broken up into two three- Students desiring information she gave me an apple." of the sophomore class. Member- lund, Williams Bay, Wis.; Charles week courses. June 13 to July 2 available for on the courses "Yeh, but she lets me ride her ship for Green Medallion is Hohlfelder, Barrington; William is the first and July 4 to July 22 school should see the list summer home on my bike." based on scholarship, character, Holcomb, Bloomington; Donna is the second session. Several in the paper. elsewhere but I ain't got a bike. participation in school activities, Hoymy, Arlington Heights; Oli- courses will run the full six "Okay, That's why." and leadership.
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