Volume-4, Issue-4, April-2015 • ISSN No 2277 - 8160 Commerce Research Paper Communication The Role of Gross Root Medium as Mass Communication Media: A Study Yathish. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Folk Media & Communication Karnataka Folklore L.Kodavath University, Gottagodi, Shiggaon, Haveri dist. Karnataka State. ABSTRACT This Paper is an attempt to identify the role of traditional media on rural development through effective communication. It identifies types of traditional communication channels available for rural development, it examines the effectiveness of these channels of communication, and establishes how messages are packaged and presented in performance. KEYWORDS : River Hiran, Phytoplankton, Distribution , Diversity and Density. Introduction: ditional media continue to be relevant and meaning folk media hold Mass communication is relatively a recent phenomenon in India. It for all time. eventually means dissemination of information, ideas and enter- tainment by the communication media. The media may such as folk Communication meaning and scope: songs, dance, drama, idem and lather puppetry. The media available The word communication has been derived from the Latin word com- to us are basically two kinds, those which are a modern mass media munise meaning common. A Communication which means exchang- and traditional media. Communication with the people is necessary ing of thought and feelings with one and other is called communica- in any society and in any form of government. People must be told tion. The scholars defined communication indifferent way interaction, about the government plan, program, policies activities and achieve- interchange, dialogues sharing communion and commonness are ment etc. ideas the crop up in any attempt to define the term‘communication’ . The need for communication with the people through different media Communication involves active interaction without physical, biolog- has an achieved great importance. Mass communication media have ical and social environment. Now these days the communication is played an important role in disseminating information, ideas and in done through media like Radio, TV, Cinema and also internet which providing information and entertainment to our people in a purpose- are reach the people very quickly and easily. ful and effective manner. Folk art is commonly believed to be expres- sion of rustic mind. The folk establish direct rapport with the audience Objectives of the study: owing to its proximity with the community. They facilitate active par- The main objective of this study was to find out possibility of Veer- ticipation of the people without any co-erosion or compulsion. agaase as medium of development communication with special reference to Chikkamaglur district in Karnataka. Other objectives of Folk media are expression of attitude values and beliefs they are ac- this study were to understand the characteristics of Veeragase as a tive and highly functional, cultural institutional useful in charging val- medium of communication, to analyze Veeragase & Harikatha pro- ues attitudes norms of traditional society in order to provide a proper grammes of development communication, to know use of Veeragase element of development. Face to face communication is very easy in in mass media and lastly to find out problems and prospects of Veer- folk media. It is local and they are designed to geographical and so- agase & Harikatha artists. cial needs of particular region each region has different varieties of folk art they are easily and economically available. It is channel for Method of study: transmission of knowledge and beliefs. The researcher has used interview method for this study. He inter- viewed Veeragase artists like Bassappa, Jagadeesh, Anil kumar.S.L, The Indian mass media like TV, Radio and News Paper reach is limit- Dilip kumar.K.M, Shankar.H.L. & Harikatha artists like G.R. Keshav ed. Folk media like Yakshagana, Pupperty, Harikata, Veeragase, Jogi Sharma, S.S Shivanda Shasthri, Shankrappa Shasthri and Hallappai songs and Ballads in traditional experience reach large majority of Shastri. The secondary data was collected from books, research the- audience, humorous, religious, linguistic group, across the country ses, articles and websites. have their own distinctive folk and traditional media. The folk theat- rical performance like Yakshagana, Pupperty, Harikata, Veeragase, Folk Media, Meaning and Feature: Jogi songs, Bisukamsale these folk arts are used in development Traditional media are media with a difference. They are essentially communication the help with government department like infor- traditional art forms used as channels for communication to convey mation and publicity, Song and drama division, Field and publicity, information of contemporary significance. They identified by different Women and Children welfare, Health and family welfare, Forest also in name culture namely traditional media cultural media, rural media. advertisement and films. Folk media, grass root media or indigenous media. These older media are free from technology. Folk media consist of folk songs, folk dance, Traditional media have introduced filmic style songs and other el- folk theatrical forms including puppetry, storytelling form and street ement of cinema into their folk form. Folk art is used for develop- theater. It consists of traditional forms of communication which are ment communication, Puppetry, Yakshagana, Harikata, Veeragase, still used in traditional communities all over the world. Folk media Jogi songs are used for provide awareness. Folk art communication means any folk performing art which is flexible and adaptable to among the characters and to the audience is through and interactive communicate the needs and demands of changing society. language of hand gestures used in combination with facial expression and body movement, so it is not only for literate but also for illiterate Feature of Folk Media: people. Folk media is powerful media and communication as some important feature of folk media is as follows, Folk media consist of folk songs folk theatrical forms including Yak- shagana, Pupperty, Harikata, Veeragase, Jogi songs, Storytelling Oral and local Language dependent media. forms and Street Theatre. It consists of traditional forms of commu- Credible medium because it’s religious. nication which are still used in traditional communities in all over the Easily accessible to rural mass. world. Folk media are simple but strong they are with stood the test Known Artists or Performers. of time their dominant characteristics are not easily perishable. De- Traditional, Rural and Cultural media spite the availability of sophisticated communication technology tra- Free from technology that’s why Folklore is more flexible media. GJRA - GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS X 1 Volume-4, Issue-4, April-2015 • ISSN No 2277 - 8160 Nobody can take credit for inventing folk forms. nament resembling a snake and worn around the neck called Naga- It is reflect the tradition, culture, music of particular people. bharana and anklets. The dancers smear vibhooti on their foreheads, In Folk Forms audience also involve. ears and eyebrows. They carry a wooden plaque of Lord Veerabhadra The media act against social evils. in their left hand and a sword in their right hand. Mass Media in Development communication: Veeragase Performance: Folk and Modern Mass Media is substitute to one and another. These Female artists do not traditionally perform this art, but females have days’ mass media which is developed in larger extent Radio, TV, Cin- started to be a part of stage performance of non-religious nature ema, News Paper and Internet all are we recognized as mass media. which merely as a folk dance. TV, Radio is very nearer to the people. Through this many awareness programs are conducted. Mass media is not only influenced the de- The dance troop usually consists of two, four or six members. A lead veloped nation but also the developing country. singer in the troupe narrates the story of Daksha yajna as the dance is being performed. A huge decorative pole called Nandikolu which AIDS awareness. has an orange flag at the top is held by one of the dancers. Tradition- Importance of Literacy al percussion instruments called sambal and dimmu lend music to Pulse polio relates awareness. the dance. Cymbals and shehnaoy and other instruments like kara- Women developmental programs. di and chamala are also used. The dance also involves a ritualistic Health awareness to women and children. piercing of a needle across the mouth of the performers. Rural development issues. Social evil like dowry, Abortion of Female baby etc. Harikatha: Harikatha may be define as a versatile and a composite art in which Advantages of Folk Media: a single person indulges in the act of dramatization, consisting all the The appeal of Folk media is quite personal and at an intimate level vital components of the theatre craft such as music, dance and dra- because it has got direct influence on people. As in the case of col- matic presentation of the themes. Harikatha is a solo recitation which loquial dialects the familiar format and content of mass media gives is a combination of literature and lilting lyrics which reflects rich mu- much clarity in communication. The numerous and different forms of sical and literary material in its content. Harikatha is known in one mass media can be exploited to cater to the needs of the people for form or the other with different names like Katha, Katha Keerthan, immediate and direct rapport. The folk media is so flexible that new Shiva Katha, Katha Kalashepam, Kathaprasangam keertan and themes can be accommodated in them. Sankeertan etc in the country. Indian folk forms are a mixture of dialogue, dance, song, clowning, The present form of Harikatha is believed to be 150 years old and moralising and prayer. Though the folk media attracts a small audi- existed even during the early sixteenth century. Most of the reli- ence, the impact on them is at a much deeper level inviting the au- gious festivals and special occasions are marked by ‘Harikatha pro- dience participation. As the moral instruction campaigned is with en- grammes’.
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