fournalof the InternationalPalm Society Vol.48(2) June 2004 THE INTERNATIONATPALM SOCIETY,INC. The International Palm Society Palms (formerlyPRINCIPES) Journalof I he InterndtionalPalm Sociely Founder: Dent Smith An illustrated,peer-reviewed quarterly devoted to The InternationalPalm Society is a nonprofitcorporation informationabout palms and publishedin March, engagedin the studyof palms.The society is inter- June, Septemberand Decemberby The InternationalPalm nationalin scopewith worldwidemembership, and the Society,8.l0 East1Oth St., P.O. Box 189/, Lawrerrce, formationof regionalor localchapters affiliated with the Kansas66044-889/, USA. internationalsocie[y is encouraged. Please address all inquiriesregarding membership or inlormalionabouL Editors: Dransfield,Herbarium, Royal Botanic the societyto The InternationalPalm Society Inc., P.O. John Cardens,Kew, Rrchmond, Surrey, TW9 3AE,United Box 1897,Lawrence, Kansas 66044-8897, USA. e-mail Kingdom,e-mail j.dransfield@rbgl<ew.org.uk, tel. 44-20- [email protected],Iax 7 85-84 3-1 27 4. 8332-5225,Fax 44-20-8132-527B. OFFICER5: ScottZona, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Carden , 11935 Old CutlerRoad, Coral Cables, Miami, Florida 33156, President: PaulCratt, I6745 Westlpson Drive, USA,e-mail [email protected], tel. 1 -305 -667 - Loxahatchee,Florida 33470 USA, e-mail 165.1 ext. 3419, Fax.l-305-665-8032. [email protected],tel. 1 -561-514-1837. Associate Editor: NatalieUhl, 228 PlantScience, Vice-Presidents:Bo-Coran Lundkvist, PO Box 2071, CornellUniversity, lthaca, New Yorl<14853. USA, e-mail Pahoa,Hawaii 96778 ]JSA,e-mail nwul @cornell.edu,tel. 1-607 -257 -0885. [email protected],tel. 1-808-965-0081. LelandLai, 21480 Colina Drive, Topanga, California Supplement Editor: JimCain, 124'l8 Stafford Springs. 90290USA, e-mail [email protected], tel.1-310- Houston,fexas 77O77, USA, e-mail 973-527 5. [email protected],tel.1-2B l-558-61 53. Gorresponding Secretary:Sue Rowlands. 6966 Manuscriptsfor PALMS,including legends for figures HawardenDrive, Riverside. California 92506 USA, e-mail and photographs,should be typed double-spacedand [email protected],tel. 1 -909-780-8771. submittedas hard-copy and on a 3.5" diskette(or e-mailedas an attachedfile) to .lohnDransfield, Administrative Secretary: Libby Besse,6729 Peacock Herbarium,Royal Botanic Cardens, Kew, Richmond, Road,Sarasota, f lorida 34242 USA, e-mail Surrey,TW9 3AE,United Kingdom. Further guidelines -941-349-0280. [email protected],tel. 1 for authorsare available on requestfrom the Editors. Treasurer:Randal l. Moore,1 561 5 BoulderRidge Ln., Annualmembership dues of US$35.00for Individuals Poway,California 92064 USA,e-mail and U5$45.00for Familiesinclude a subscriptionto the [email protected],tel.1 -B5B-51 3-4199. Journal.Subscription price is US$40.00per year to librariesand institutions.Dues include mailing of the Directors: 2002-2006:Phil Bergman,California; by airliftservice to addressesoutside the USA. NormanBezona, Hawaii; Faith Bishock, Florida; Journal Jos6 Singlecopies are US$10.00 postpaid to anywherein the Antoniodel CanizoPerate, Spain; Dransfield, fohn won0_ UnitedKingdom; Fred Feige, B.C, Canada; Horace Hobbs,Texas; Bo-Coran Lundkvist, Hawaii; Randy Periodicalpostage paid at Lawrence,KS, USA. Moore,California; Toby Spanner, Cermany; Kampon Tansacha,Thailand; Price.Australia; Natalie Uhl, .leanne Postmaster:Send address changes to The International New York.2000-2004: Bill Baker,Texas; Libby Besse, '189/, PalmSociety, PO. Box Lawrence,Kansas 66044- Florida; Brusseau,California; Cain.Texas; Paul Jeff Jim 8897,U5A. Craft,Florida; John De Mott, Florida;Carrin Fullington, Hawaii;Haresh, lndia; Rolf Kyburz, Australia; Leland Lai, PALMS(isSN 1s23-4495) California;Leonel Mera, Dominican Republic; Larry Noblick,Florida; john Rees,California; Sue Rowlands, Mailedat Lawrence,Kansas 11, 2004 California;Howard Waddell. Florida; Scott Zona, Florida. .lune Bookstore: Tim Cooke,PO Box 19.11, Fallbrook,CA O 2004The InternationalPalm Society 92ABB-1911 USA, e-mail [email protected] This publication is printed on acid-free paper. Chapters: Seelisling in Roster. Website: www.palms.org FRONTCOVER A handsome,cluslered Pinango wilh darkbrown slems and mottledleaves grew in denseforest on the Rakhine State/MagwayDivision border, Mayanmar (Hode! et al. 1930).See story p. 57. Photoby D. Hodel. PALMS Volume 48(2) 2004 CONTENTS Night Train to Mandalay, Part I Features 57 D.R. HODEL News from the World of Syagrus cearensis, a Twin-Stemmed Palms 56 70 New Palm from Brazil L.R. NOBLICK Classifieds 85, 93 Palm Literature 102 Fun Made the Fair Coconut Shy 77 H.C. HARRIES Production of a Second Set of Stilt 83 Roots in Arborescent Palms: A Solution to the Puzzle G. AVALOS Vegetative Transformation of 86 Inflorescences in Socratea salazarii J.-C. PINTAUD & B. MILLAN The White Powder Dypsis: A New 90 Species from Cultivation D.R. HODEL & J. MARCUS Status of the Bankoualé Palm, 94 Livistona carinensis, in Djibouti H. FORD & C. BEALY BACK COVER The ferocious leaf sheath of Calamus latifolius, a rattan from Myanmar. A Trachycarpus (probably T. martianus) occurred on very steep, grassy slopes at See story p. 57. Photo by D. Hodel. 2650 meters elevation on Mt. Victoria, Chin State, Myanmar (Hodel et al. 1929). See story p. 57. Photo by D. Hodel. 55 PALMS Volume 48(2) 2004 NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF PALMS The Hawaii Palm Society hosted a successful and received support for travel in the Lesser Antilles, memorable IPS Biennial. This year, attendees were where she will study island to island variation in treated to tours of spectacular palm gardens, both Prestoea. Ms. Gunn’s award is this year’s Phyllis public and private, pleasant weather, fascinating Sneed Travel Award. 2) Mr. David M. Cole, lectures by palm specialists and delicious meals in University of Florida, will study genetic diversity the company of IPS members from around the of peach palm (Bactris gassipaes) in the Peruvian world, all infused with the local “aloha” spirit. Amazon. 3) Christine D. Bacon and Dr. C. Donavan Bailey, New Mexico State University, On the island of Oahu, attendees were treated to received funding for their project, a study of the tours of three spectacular public collections of genetic diversity of Chamaedorea tepijilote. 4) Chris palms, the Lyon Arboretum, Waimea Valley Stührk, a student at the Biozentrum Klein Flottbek Audubon Center and Ho’omaluhia Botanical und Botanischer Garten, Hamburg, Germany, will Garden. There were enough jaw-dropping palms undertake a molecular systematic study of and sensational vistas to satisfy even the most Trachycarpus. 5) A student at the University of jaded of IPS members. After full days of palm Newcastle upon Tyne, Wiske Rotinsulu, will begin viewing, attendees enjoyed evening presentations a remote sensing and GIS mapping project of the from an invited slate of palm specialists. palms of Sulawesi with IPS support. All grant Our time in Hilo commenced with tours of three recipients are asked to submit an article to PALMS private collections, the gardens of Pauleen describing the results of their research. Sullivan, Bo-Gören and Karolyn Lundkvist and The Biennial also saw the installation of new Leanne and Lars Swann. Each garden showcased officers and directors of the IPS. The officers are: exceptionally well grown palms, and many Paul Craft as president, Bo-Gören Lundkvist and attendees were astonished at the rapid growth Leland Lai as vice presidents, and Randy Moore as made by palms in volcanic cinder. Biennial treasurer. Libby Besse continues as administrative activities on the Big Island continued with tours secretary, and Sue Rowlands continues as of the palm and cycad garden at the University of corresponding secretary. A complete listing of the Hawaii – Hilo, the palms at the Panaewa Zoo (a IPS board of directors appears on the masthead. collection initiated by the Hawaiian Island Palm Society), the garden of Garrin Fullington and Jeff On 16–19 April the fourth annual meeting of the Marcus’ Florabunda Palms nursery. A final day of European Network of Palm Scientists (EUNOPS) activity included a visit to Hilo’s farmers’ market was held in the small village of Vallehermoso, La and a tour of the gardens of Howard and Mary Gomera, Canary Islands. Two days of short talks Ann Rogers, Bob and Syleste Williams and given by 41 authors and co-authors provided Charman Akina, all of which were formerly part evidence of the vibrancy of palm research in of the Carlsmith estate. Evenings ended with Europe. A fieldtrip was provided one morning to presentations from palm specialists, including an see the tapping of Phoenix canariensis in the village evening devoted to native Pritchardia. This year’s of Alojera for the production of palm honey. On Biennial was a resounding success, thanks in large the final day of the conference, participants were part to the tremendous preparations made by our able to take part in a fieldtrip to see the spectacular host society, in particular Karen and Dean Piercy. scenery and vegetation of this beautiful island. Organized by Carlo Morici and José María The IPS Endowment Fund supports palm research Fernández-Palacios, the meeting was a resounding and education through small grants. This year, success. your society supported the following five projects: 1) Ms. Bee Gunn, Missouri Botanical Garden, THE EDITORS 56 PALMS Hodel: Night Train to Mandalay, I. Volume 48(2) 2004 DONALD R. HODEL Night Train University of California 4800 Cesar Chavez Avenue to Mandalay, Los Angeles, California 90022
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