/ J WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 196^ FACtt TWENTY-EIGHT AvMrag6 Dally Net Prieaa Rn» iEanrliPBtrr lEttTtting For The Week Ended The Weather Snow tonight. Accumulations December 88, 1967 The aibclliary of the Manches­ 19M, when packages weighing of two to four inches. Low to­ ter Chapter, Disabled American Increased Rates for Mail between eight and sixteen ounces night 10 to 16. Tomorrow partly About Town were transferred from fourth to Euptittig to a lb Veterans' will meet tonight at third-class mall. 15,563 cloudy. High 18 to 20. Hom. Co. a, Eighth DMrlct 7:80 p.m. at the VFW Home. ■MancheBter— 4 City o f Village Charm F in Department, will meet to­ Mrs. Orace McLpughlln, state To Take Effect.on Sunday There will be no chnngea In night at 8. p.in. at fire head- thtf charges (or special deliv­ department commander, will VOL.LXXXVH, NO. 79 (OlMsIfled Advertising on Pnge 18) PRICE SEVEN CENTS quartan. Main and Hilliard sta. make her official visit Offloers Increased rates for all classes These heavier pieces of first- ery, special handling, register (SIXTEEN PAG^S—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1968, are reminded to wear uniforms. of mail except parcel post and class and air mail subject to ed mall, certified cash on Trinity Covenant Churoh will international mall will go Into the single rate schedule will be delivery or insurance. Postmas­ HOUSE delivered by the fastest avail­ hava a midweek Bible study to­ The executive board of Chami- effect Sunday, Postmaster Al- ter l|alley said. night at 7 :S0 p.m. at the church. den E. Bailey reminded postal able means of transportation. liannari nade Musical Club will meet to­ A flat rate of 80 cents will be "We have an ample supply night at 8 at the home of Mrs. customers today. of one-cent stamps on hsuid,’’ Charles Chreler, master' of "Even with the new rates of charged for all mail in this David Comp, 97 Hollister St., category up to one pound. For Posts|iaater Bailey said, "fOr Australian LBJ Chooses Bowles six cents for flrst-cIsM mall and Hebron Orange, will speak and instead of at the home of Mrs. those' people who have flve-cent show slides of New ^ land to­ 10 cents for air mail, postal all mall weighing more than one Howard Chase of Bolton as pre­ pound, the present air parcel stamps and need one-cent AND night at 8:30 p.m. at a meet­ viously announced. service Is still a real bargain,’ ’ Postmaster Bailey declared. post rates will continue to ap­ stam ^ to make up the postage ing of ICanchester Orange at required under the new rates.’’ Orange Hall. M n . Kae Boures "For six cents you can send a ply, except'fliat the postage on St. Mary’s Episcopal Guild la in charge of refreshments. letter to any of the 80 states, matter weighing between one Higher rates also will go Into Quint Dies will meet tomorrow at 11 o.m. effect Sunday for all categories HALE For Cambodia Talks Members are reminded to bring to any United States territory and five pounds will change at in Guild Hall at the church. half-pound Intervals rather than of second-class mail, bulk-rate S in e * 1 853 articles for an auction table.' or possession, to Canada or BRISBANE, Australia (AP) his brother Richard Gibson and SAN ANTONIO, Tex. tempted to restore harmony to down have been voicing a deep Memi>er8 are reminded to bring one pound intervals. third-class mall, controlled clr- Mexico, or to an American — The''last-born of Mrs. Patrl- sister Faith Elizabeth, when the ( __President Johnson Cambodian relations. interest In a reported offer from sandwiches. Dessert and bev­ serviceman stationed anywhere Postmaster Bailey said that culatloJ|| mall, and the educa­ 'Ilte oomnUttee plaiming the cia Braham’s quintuplets be­ babies were first weighed 48 Bowles participated In talks In Prince Sihanouk to discuss the erages will be served by Mrs. In the w orld."' the new rate structure will tional ’ materials category of announced today he ts ...... teethnonM to retired MHB e"s"s*s e%* came ill and died today at the hoiu^ after birth. Annabel Doro­ New Delhi with Cambodian offl- Issue of use by North Vlet- Wyville Peabody, Mrs. Marie Postmaster Bailey pointed out mean a reduction of postage on fourth-c^ass mail. Mailers using sending Am'bassador Ches­ teaoher-ooaoh Thoinaa F. Kelley age of four days. There was no thy then W8i8 the largest of the clals In 1965 after Sihanouk namese and Viet Cong of Cam- McCann and Mrs. Nora Coupe. that the new rate for post cards some parcels. these classes who need informa­ will meet aA 7:80 tonight at the indication that any of the other five at 3 pounds 14 ounces and ter Bowles to confer with broke diplomatic relations with bodla for a hideaway. He had will be five cents E U id for air Another rate change that will tion on the new rates should Brttleh American Club. I »*eVeSVeW S A 1 £ four babies were threatened. ■ Caroline Jean the-smallest at 8 Prince Norodom Sihanouk the United States. The prince at accompanied the bid wltth os- The Entered Apprentice de­ mail post cards eight cents. affect the general public la the contact the local Poat Office, The attending obstetrician an­ of Cambodia on the ques- that time accused the Central surance that he would refrain •sVAVeV.*»Xv#vX*.*, pounds 6 ounces. Mandiester Emblem Club will" gree will be conferred when He said the added cent in the increase, from four to six cents Postmaater Bailey said. noiu’s the time to nounced that. Geoffrey Roger tion of use by Communist intelligence Agency of plotting from using his own forces Friendship Dodge of Masons letter rate is a 20 per cent in­ for the first two ounces of in­ •X v X y X i The Brahams, who live In meet tonight at 8 p.m. at the s-s"s-s*s*a*s—e*l*XVaWs*«^ became ill In the morning and Vietnamese of his country against him. against American troops en­ meets tomorrow at 7:30 pm . crease compared to a 24 per dividual pieces of third-class X v X v X v Tenterfield, 200 miles from Bris­ Bilk’s Home on Blssell St. Mem­ “rirtrirtrtrtrozit'XwXsv died in midafternoon. A hospital as a sanctuary. current sltuaUon, gaged In hot pursuit of Viet­ in the Masonic Temple. Har­ cent boost In the rates for mail­ mail. Unsealed greeting cards *X*Xw XSn stock up on your bane, have four other children. bers are reminded to bring • X w X v X ^ bulletin earlier today had re­ Including twins bom a year ago. The Texas White House Issued Bowles cut short a holiday In namese Reds in unpopulated b€Uika. Mrs. BVank Toros Is old V. Hubbard, master, will pre­ ing newspapers and magazines may be sent at this rate, Post­ ported all five babies In satis­ South India to rush back to New areas of Cambodia. X*XwX*Xvi• v X s v X v X , Their father, Roger Braham, this one paragraph statement; chairman of a program honor­ side. Officers dress is t u x ^ . and a 34 per cent hike for ad­ master Bailey said. • SKAtES wX'X't'X'X* factory c<»idltion. Delhi on New Year’s Day for a figure needs . a 34-year-old lawyer, had his "The United States govern- Sihanouk first took this stance ing past presidents. Refreshments ■will be served af­ vertising circulars, "occupant” He emphasized that the new SHARPENED the quints, Australia’s first. special appointment with Prime mall, and Other material in the rate on unsealed greeting cards first good look at the tiny quints memt is sending a representa­ in an Interview published by the ter the meeting. were bom within one hour and Wednesday. Their pediatrician third-class category. will not go Into effect until Sun­ • Ice Creepere t e r tive to Cambodia in... resposeoc to... Minuter Indira Ghandi of India Washington Post In which he Attached 16 minutes Sunday. Mrs. Bra reduced the humidity concentra­ to7 'indTwt'lon “ rtven " ° ^ '’"h u Cambodian ques- said he was "caught between Costom Home Design The North Methodist Church The new rate of six cents per day and until then they can be ham, 36, gave birth six weeks mailed at the old rate of four SAVE TO >3 AND MORE NOW! tion In their incubator cribs, Hlghess Prince Norodom Slhan ^•on. thehammer and the anvil.’ ’ Manchester commission on finance will ounce for first-class mail ap­ • Shoes Made Longer and a few days prematurely but Since Dec. 29, U.S. officials cents. lessening the misting of the oukN chief of state of Cambo­ Blue Print A Supply Inc. meet tomorrow at 7 :30 p.m. at plies up to 13 ounces and the or Wider (by ma­ until today the quints had been .from President Johnson on glass over the oribs and ena­ dia, that he would agree to re­ (See Page Eight) «M Hartford Rd. the church. new rate of 10 cents per ounce Postmaster Bailey also noted chine or hapd) progressing so well it was bling ' Braham to take a long, ceive an emissary of President Msnrheeter, Conn. for air mail applies up to 7 that, effective Sunday, special thought they might leave the clear look at his children. Johnson. Ambassador Chester (ttft BOTH The cabinet of the Methodist ounces.
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