E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 2012 No. 61 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was and dramatic stress is placed upon legal immigrants, by the way—that called to order by the Speaker pro tem- their economies. ended up almost ruining a number of pore (Mr. FLORES). It’s not yet to that point in Mexico, their farmers, and their legislature had f but the game has definitely changed. In to backtrack. contrast, the United States has had a Immigrants have always been a DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO growing and vibrant population, in no source of America’s strength. Our cur- TEMPORE small measure because we’ve been en- rent policies inflict damage to the re- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ergized from people around the world. alities of those family ties, especially fore the House the following commu- It’s time to consider our immigration to children who are already citizens. nication from the Speaker: policies and practices for the future. We also do other dumb things. We WASHINGTON, DC, Even though there’s been no more deny VISAs to smart people who are April 26, 2012. contentious issue in American politics educated at great expense at some of I hereby appoint the Honorable BILL FLO- than that of immigration, the situa- the finest institutions in America with RES to act as Speaker pro tempore on this tion surrounding Mexican immigration important skills that will be valuable day. has changed profoundly. As I men- to business. We make it hard for them JOHN A. BOEHNER, tioned, the birth rate is falling, and for to work here. Unfortunately, if their Speaker of the House of Representatives. the first time as many people are leav- skills are going to be utilized, too often f ing the United States for Mexico as are they end up being hired by foreign MORNING-HOUR DEBATE arriving from Mexico in the United overseas competitors, or American States. companies have to create jobs for them The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Illegal entry is clearly declining. The overseas. ant to the order of the House of Janu- number of arrests at the border dem- There are a half-dozen pieces of legis- ary 17, 2012, the Chair will now recog- onstrates that. People are being de- lation in a piecemeal fashion that will nize Members from lists submitted by ported in greater numbers than ever make it better. One of the most impor- the majority and minority leaders for before. It’s not that there isn’t still a tant is the DREAM Act, which would morning-hour debate. problem. There are still some bad ac- allow children who were brought here The Chair will alternate recognition tors coming across the border, no mis- at an early age to be able to earn the between the parties, with each party take about it. right to citizenship if they have done limited to 1 hour and each Member There are important opportunities to well with their education or serve in other than the majority and minority concentrate on what’s important, such the military. leaders and the minority whip limited as people who are dealing with drugs, I’m pleased to see all of these dif- to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall pose security threats, and who are ferent pieces of legislation that would debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. criminals. Wasting resources on a scat- bring a measure of rationality and fair- f tershot effort on people who are here ness gaining support. The most impor- just to work or to be with their fami- tant thing we can do is return to that IMMIGRATION lies is not particularly a wise use of re- spirit of bipartisan cooperation that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The sources, and it doesn’t make us any was exhibited by the late Ted Kennedy Chair recognizes the gentleman from safer. and, by the way, how JOHN MCCAIN Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- It’s past time to deal with the mil- used to be, before he ran for reelection utes. lions of people who are already here in today’s Arizona, because they were Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, and part of the fabric of our commu- sponsoring comprehensive immigration with the unfortunate Arizona State im- nities. Often, they are with families reform. They didn’t rely on half a migration law under review by the Su- that include children who are citizens dozen pieces of legislation, but really preme Court, it’s an appropriate time and other family members who are looked at the problem holistically for to take a step back and look at the big citizens as part of an extended family. the people involved, for the commu- picture. Mexico is exhibiting some of It’s not just the members of those ex- nity, and for the country. They would the demographic changes taking place tended families that rely on one an- have a thoughtful path to citizenship around the world that are seen in the other; America relies on these millions that people could earn, not being most extreme forms in places like of people, as the Alabama legislature granted amnesty but by paying taxes, Japan and Italy, where birth rates are found out with draconian efforts to try learning the language, demonstrating a falling, their populations are aging, and deal with illegal immigrants—and clear commitment to what it takes to b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2137 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:40 Apr 26, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26AP7.000 H26APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 26, 2012 be a constructive part of the commu- 10 million people living within 50 miles issues, hoping that we can improve the nity. of those reactors, I can tell you that quality of life of not only Americans, Comprehensive immigration reform nuclear security is extremely impor- but people around the world. is what ultimately will help us unwind tant to Pennsylvanians. Obviously the First, we have to clean up our house. this problem, save money and heart- nuclear waste is not that important to And so I express outrage of the actions ache, and get about the business of him since he has been silent on Yucca of two former TSA workers—TSO offi- building a stronger American future Mountain. cers and two present TSO officers. for all our families. Senator TOOMEY is quoted as saying All of us can fall short because we are human, but the outrage of partici- f the alternative is what we have now, highly active radio waste located at 131 pating in drug trafficking right here in YUCCA MOUNTAIN sites in 39 States, including nuclear the United States as an official of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The power plants close to the Lehigh Val- United States Government should be Chair recognizes the gentleman from ley. That cannot be as safe and secure condemned by all of us, and I will call Illinois (Mr. SHIMKUS) for 5 minutes. as burying the waste deep in Yucca for immediate hearings to ensure that Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I come Mountain. I would agree with the Sen- the culture of TSO officers, besides their frontline duty, is to respect the to the floor again, as I have in the past ator. job and the task. As a champion of 2 years, to talk about the location of Senator MANCHIN from West Virginia, their work, believing that their work is high-level nuclear waste around this who is relatively new, has been silent vital to the security of this Nation and country and compare and contrast it on what we should do with the high- the fact that we have not been at- with where we have high-level nuclear level nuclear waste. Part of this proc- waste, mostly spent nuclear fuel, but tacked on our soil since 9/11, I call for ess is to identify that and hopefully immediate investigation and response. other types defined as waste, and com- have him come out in a statement. pare it to where it should be based This morning, as well, we determined Senator ROCKEFELLER voted ‘‘no.’’ His that the Secret Service, who finished upon a 1982 law, the Nuclear Waste Pol- statement is, nuclear energy is touted icy Act and the 1987 amendment to quickly an investigation of the Colom- by its proponents as a carbon-free op- bian debacle dealing with sex workers, that law which identified Yucca Moun- tion that should have its share of the tain as the location where we should be prostitutes, we now have discovered Nation’s electricity generation ex- through a contractor that, in fact, ac- storing high-level nuclear waste. panded. Today we go to the Pennsylvania and tions occurred in El Salvador. We West Virginia areas, and we compare b 1010 thought it might not be the culture. But let’s own up and begin, as nec- Yucca Mountain with a nuclear power Yet we have never figured out what essary, to purge those who are reckless plant called Limerick.
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