الوحدات السكنية في مدينة أبوظبي Residential Units Building Number Unit No Unit Type No of Rooms Annual Rent (AED) Plot # Sector # Location P/1013 102 FLAT 2 80,000.00 175 W-4 Al Manhal P/1013 502 PENTHOUSE 3 110,000.00 175 W-4 Al Manhal P/1013 501 PENTHOUSE 3 110,000.00 175 W-4 Al Manhal P/103 1 PENTHOUSE 2 90,000.00 C 7 E 23 Al Ittihad P/1049 101 FLAT 2 85,000.00 C-178 E18/02 Al Dhafra P/1057 102 FLAT 2 85,000.00 C-177 E-18/02 Al Dhafra P/1058 502 FLAT 2 90,000.00 C 55 E 25 Al Nahyan P/119 1001 FLAT 2 100,000.00 C62 E-25 Al Nahyan P/158 703 FLAT 2 110,000.00 C-33 E-25 Al Nahyan P/158 1104 FLAT 2 105,000.00 C-33 E-25 Al Nahyan P/164 1 PENTHOUSE 2 90,000.00 C 91 E 19/2 Al Nahyan P/178 1 PENTHOUSE 2 90,000.00 C 59 E 25 Al Nahyan P/178 808 FLAT 2 85,000.00 C 59 E 25 Al Nahyan P/45 904 FLAT 2 85,000.00 C 1 E 33 Hadbat Al Zafaran P/5067 802 FLAT 3 150,000.00 C7 W2 Al Hosn P/520 302 FLAT 1 60,000.00 13 E-10 Markaziyah East P/566 503 FLAT 2 66,150.00 C 131 ME 11 Khalifa City A P/57 404 FLAT 2 100,000.00 C-130 E-19/2 Al Nahyan P/617 1 ROOF SPACE 0 90,000.00 C-80 E-11 Al Baladia P/668 1002 FLAT 1 60,000.00 C 30 E 13 Tourist Club P/7388 302 FLAT 3 89,340.00 C 47 4 Al Khalidiyah P/99 302 FLAT 3 136,500.00 C 58 E 25 Al Nahyan P/992 102 FLAT 2 95,000.00 185 E-19/2 Breakwater P/996 204 FLAT 2 110,000.00 C-52 E-25 Al Nahyan Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 3 110,000.00 87 4/1 1806 5022 Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 3 110,000.00 87 4/1 1202 5022 Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 3 110,000.00 87 4/1 902 5022 Al Manhal غ FLAT 3 78,000.00 75 4 303 5817 1573 2 FLAT 4 102,419.10 68 E 41/1 Al Zahra Al Manhal غ FLAT 2 81,935.70 174 4 101 6453 Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 3 110,000.00 87 4/1 1302 5022 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 85,000.00 5 15 1304 124 Al Zahra ش FLAT 3 80,000.00 88 41/1 2 1709 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 85,000.00 5 15 1703 124 Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 2 85,000.00 87 4/1 904 5022 3937 402 FLAT 3 110,000.00 85 W -4 Al Manhal Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 85,183.35 36 16/2 401 2191 5872 503 FLAT 3 81,201.00 160 W -4 Al Manhal Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 3 110,000.00 87 4/1 1403 5022 Al Dhafra ش FLAT 2 80,403.75 22 18/1 106 4194 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 3 107,537.85 6 3 805 244 5071 402 FLAT 4 107,539.95 4 W -14 Al Karamah Markaziyah East ش FLAT 4 109,590.60 30 9 1802 1736 Madinat Zayed ش 2/4 77 أ FLAT 3 73,456.00 604 1082 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 3 110,548.20 1 11 1207 157 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 107,541.00 10 13 102 129 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 100,371.60 98 16/2 202 5404 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 4 115,000.00 39 6 401 482 Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 3 95,592.00 23 4/2 503 328 Tourist Club ش FLAT 2 75,276.60 46 13 1401 250 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 84,566.00 49 13 1302 108 Al Dhafra ش FLAT 3 91,928.55 39 4/1 1301 160 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 3 104,046.60 14 11 1801 596 Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 3 90,332.55 23 4/2 1801 328 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 114,710.40 69 13 903 189 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 3 129,048.15 26 9/1 501 6350 361 104 FLAT 3 100,371.60 80 E -4/2 Madinat Zayed Al Manhal غ FLAT 3 114,710.40 1 9 1702 5826 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 3 86,715.00 5 2 1004 5803 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 3 86,715.00 5 2 1701 5803 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 97,501.95 69 13 601 189 361 1705 FLAT 3 105,531.30 80 E -4/2 Madinat Zayed Markaziyah East ش FLAT 2 82,807.20 14 11 1106 596 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 3 121,550.10 14 11 901 596 Al Baladia ش FLAT 3 100,371.60 44 11 901 4490 Markaziyah East ش PENTHOUSE 4 114,710.40 6 3 3 244 Al Manhal غ FLAT 3 89,250.00 169 4 402 6249 5704 302 FLAT 4 117,600.00 66 W -9 Al Manhal Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 102,109.00 62 13 801 356 Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 3 110,000.00 87 4/1 502 5022 Al Manhal غ FLAT 3 90,000.00 35 4 103 4070 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 82,500.00 8 14 603 5922 5071 301 FLAT 3 97,861.05 4 W -14 Al Karamah Al Markaziah West غ FLAT 3 107,207.10 10 2 104 1316 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 105,000.00 62 13 1701 356 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 99,750.00 10 13 501 129 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 2 82,805.10 5 2 803 5803 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 4 125,000.00 1 11 1902 157 361 905 FLAT 3 100,371.60 80 E -4/2 Madinat Zayed Markaziyah East ش FLAT 3 150,000.00 40 5 1104 2250 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 3 114,710.40 26 9/1 1202 6350 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 4 110,000.00 7 5 201 5104 Al Dhafra ش FLAT 3 86,031.75 12 18/1 202 5917 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 87,104.85 52 16 1103 59 Al Dhafra ش FLAT 3 86,945.25 39 4/1 802 160 Bain Al Jesrain ج FLAT 1 50,000.00 2 21 204 6986 Tourist Club ش FLAT 2 78,034.95 23 15 1803 243 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 3 104,737.50 14 11 1501 596 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 135,500.40 98 16/2 402 5404 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 100,371.60 62 13 901 356 Tourist Club ش FLAT 2 76,575.45 8 14 102 5922 Al Manhal غ FLAT 3 136,217.55 1 9 306 5826 Al Ittihad ش FLAT 2 81,033.75 30 22/1 404 381 Al Dhafra ش FLAT 3 91,288.05 12 18/1 1002 5917 Al Baladia ش FLAT 3 95,592.00 44 11 502 4490 Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 2 86,031.75 25 4/1 1601 7041 Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 3 110,000.00 87 4/1 1305 5022 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 82,805.10 5 15 1001 124 Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 2 85,000.00 87 4/1 901 5022 Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 2 85,000.00 87 4/1 701 5022 Al Baladia ش FLAT 2 77,387.10 4 11 102 158 Al Baladia ش FLAT 3 121,878.75 4 11 1203 158 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 3 107,539.95 26 9/1 702 6350 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 120,445.50 10 13 301 129 Madinat Zayed ش 1/4 أ , FLAT 3 141,750.00 30 1301 7121ا Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 3 114,710.40 23 4/2 1603 328 Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 3 97,860.00 23 4/2 1501 328 Madinat Zayed ش FLAT 4 160,810.65 25 4/1 1904 7041 Al Dhafra ش FLAT 3 84,382.20 12 18/1 303 5917 Tourist Club ش FLAT 2 68,279.40 36 16/2 703 2191 Al Dhafra ش FLAT 2 104,569.50 22 18/1 502 4194 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 84,500.00 49 13 401 108 5738 102 FLAT 3 86,000.00 65 W 2/18 Al Bateen Al Karamah غ FLAT 3 66,000.00 15 15/2 72 732 Al Dhafra ش FLAT 3 86,031.75 12 18/1 203 5917 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 83,000.00 69 13 1302 189 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 72,000.00 36 16/2 501 2191 Tourist Club ش FLAT 3 80,000.00 37 13 1002 240 Al Dhafra ش FLAT 2 75,276.60 22 18/1 605 4194 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 2 75,000.00 14 11 106 596 Al Rowdah غ FLAT 3 100,371.60 161 18/1 301 6380 Tourist Club ش FLAT 2 68,000.00 23 15 1303 243 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 2 81,900.00 23 3 907 6506 Al Manhal غ FLAT 2 67,800.00 11 13/1 601 63 Al Wahdah ش PENTHOUSE 1 66,150.00 38 21/1 502 153 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 3 118,558.65 1 11 506 157 Markaziyah East ش FLAT 3 105,389.55 21 9/2 1601 675 AD1 201 FLAT 2 130,000.00 C20 W59/01 Al Safarat AD1 204 FLAT 1 95,000.00 C20 W59/01 Al Safarat With 2.5% Management AD1 1808 FLAT 3 175,000.00 C20 W59/01 Al Safarat Fees AD1 2204 PENTHOUSE 4 300,000.00 C20 W59/01 Al Safarat الوحدات السكنية في في مدينة مصفح Residential Units Building Number Unit No Unit Type No of Rooms Annual Rent (AED) Plot # Sector # Location P/217 501 FLAT 2 65,000.00 C-164 ME-11 Mohamed Bin Zayed City P/262 303 FLAT 2 63,000.00 C-252 ME-12 Mohamed Bin Zayed City P/285 2 STUDIO 1 57,750.00 97 ME-10 Mohamed Bin Zayed City P/384 604 FLAT 3 93,712.00 C -163 ME-9 Mohamed Bin Zayed City P/724 801 FLAT 2 60,000.00 C 56 ME-10 Mohamed Bin Zayed City P/961 101 FLAT 2 70,000.00 C-86 ME-09 Mohamed Bin Zayed City P/961 201 FLAT 2 70,000.00 C-86 ME-09 Mohamed Bin Zayed City P/961 203 FLAT 2 70,000.00 C-86 ME-09 Mohamed Bin Zayed City P/961 301 FLAT 2 70,000.00 C-86 ME-09 Mohamed Bin Zayed City P/961 703 FLAT 2 70,000.00 C-86 ME-09 Mohamed Bin Zayed City P/961 501 FLAT 2 70,000.00 C-86 ME-09 Mohamed Bin Zayed City 4958 2 FLAT 2 38,000.00 113 Al Shahama Al Shahama 4957 4 FLAT 4 45,000.00 112 Al Shahama Al Shahama 6362 1 FLAT 1 35,000.00 150 ME-12 Mohamed Bin Zayed City 6125 301 FLAT 2 39,000.00 90 ME-12 Mohamed Bin Zayed City Abu Dhabi & MBZ - Residential Units with 5% Management Fees Building Number Unit No Unit Type No of Rooms Annual Rent (AED) Location Portfolio 61 1303 FLAT 3 70,193.00 Al Hosn ADCP Private 98 802 FLAT 3 85,000.00 Al Baladia ADCP Private 98 801 FLAT 3 90,000.00 Al Baladia ADCP Private 98 301 FLAT 3 90,000.00 Al Baladia ADCP Private 98 1502 FLAT 3 90,000.00 Al Baladia ADCP Private 98 502 FLAT 3 100,000.00 Al Baladia ADCP Private 114 1003 FLAT 3 85,000.00 Tourist Club ADCP Private 320 1503 FLAT 2 70,000.00 Tourist Club ADCP Private 719 804 FLAT 2 70,000.00 Al Wahdah ADCP Private 856 201 FLAT 3 95,000.00 Al Hosn ADCP Private 856 101 FLAT 3 95,000.00 Al Hosn ADCP Private 856 703 FLAT 3 95,000.00 Al Hosn ADCP Private 856 1102 FLAT 3 95,000.00 Al Hosn ADCP Private 856 903 FLAT 3 95,000.00 Al Hosn ADCP Private 856 1101 FLAT 3 95,000.00 Al Hosn ADCP Private 1272 903 FLAT 2 84,000.00 Al Dhafra ADCP Private 3883 504 FLAT 2 75,000.00 Al Manhal ADCP Private 3954 302 FLAT 3 99,900.00 Al Dhafra ADCP Private 4134 404 FLAT 3 89,250.00 Al Baladia ADCP Private 4346 2002 FLAT 4 125,000.00 Madinat Zayed ADCP Private 4346 2005 FLAT 4 125,000.00 Madinat Zayed ADCP Private 5064 203 FLAT 3 95,592.00 Tourist Club ADCP Private 5257 203 FLAT 3 90,000.00 Tourist Club ADCP Private 5390 501 FLAT 3 80,000.00 Al Manhal ADCP Private 5653 402 FLAT 3 90,000.00 Tourist Club ADCP Private 5831 1801 PENTHOUSE 4 126,000.00 Markaziyah East ADCP Private 5835 601 PENTHOUSE 3 130,000.00 Al Manhal ADCP Private 5848 1601 FLAT 3 80,000.00 Markaziyah East ADCP Private 6273 405 FLAT 2 75,000.00 Markaziyah East ADCP Private 6273 105 FLAT 2 75,000.00 Markaziyah East ADCP Private 6273 202 FLAT 2 75,000.00 Markaziyah East ADCP Private B/385 61 FLAT 4 220,000.00 Markaziyah East ADCB B/386 2201 FLAT 4 200,000.00 Al Mushrif ADCB B/386 1202 FLAT 4 200,000.00 Al Mushrif ADCB B/386 2301 FLAT 4 200,000.00 Al Mushrif ADCB B/386 1702 FLAT 4 200,000.00 Al Mushrif ADCB B/386 1302 FLAT 4 200,000.00 Al Mushrif ADCB B/386 2101 FLAT 4 200,000.00 Al Mushrif ADCB B/423 1101 FLAT 4 150,000.00 Al Baladia ADCB B/423 1001 FLAT 4 150,000.00 Al Baladia ADCB B/423 301 FLAT 4 150,000.00 Al Baladia ADCB B/635A 104 FLAT 3 140,000.00 Al Manhal ADCB B/635B 28 FLAT 3 147,000.00 Al Khalidya ADCP Private B/704 105 FLAT 2 75,000.00 Al Dhafra ADCB B/712 802 FLAT 2 75,000.00 Al Nahyan ADCB P/67 405 FLAT 1 68,250.00 Al Nahyan ADCP Private ‘Available to Let’ buildings and units displayed on our Website are for information purposes only and subject to change at any time.
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