GEPHYRA • 13 • 2016 AKDENİZ ÜNİVERSİTESİ AKDENİZ DİLLERİNİ VE KÜLTÜRLERİNİ ARAŞTIRMA MERKEZİ FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM FÜR SPRACHEN UND KULTUREN DES MITTELMEERRAUMES AN DER AKDENİZ UNIVERSITÄT Araştırma Merkezi GEPHYRA Bilimsel Çalışma Grubu Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgruppe GEPHYRA beim Forschungszentrum Prof. Dr. N. Eda AKYÜREK ŞAHİN (Antalya), Prof. Dr. Feriştah ALANYALI (Eskişehir), Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ALANYALI (Eskişehir), Yrd. Doç. Dr. Mehmet ALKAN (Karaman), Arş. Gör. Fatma AVCU (Antalya), Prof. Dr. Alexandru AVRAM (Le Mans), Prof. Dr. Jan BREMMER (Groningen), Prof. Dr. Kostas BURASELIS (Atina), Doç. Dr. Burcu CEYLAN (Antalya), Dr. Victor COJOCARU (Iaşi), Prof. Dr. A. Vedat ÇELGİN (İstanbul), Yadigâr DOĞAN (Antalya), Prof. Dr. Boris DREYER (Erlangen), Prof. Dr. Serra DURUGÖNÜL (Mersin), Prof. Dr. Denis FEISSEL (Paris), Prof. Dr. Michaela FUCHS (München), Selçuk GÜR (Antalya), Prof. Dr. Bülent İPLİKÇİOĞLU (Ankara), Doç. Dr. Dinçer Savaş LENGER (Antalya), Prof. Dr. Katerini LIAMPI (Janina), Prof. Dr. Stephen MITCHELL (Berlin), Prof. Dr. Johannes NOLLÉ (München), Dr. Marta OLLER GUZMÁN (Barcelona), Doç. Dr. Fatih ONUR (Antalya), Prof. Dr. Andreas RHOBY (Wien), Prof. Dr. Marijana RICL (Belgrad), Prof. Dr. Kent J. RIGSBY (Durham), Prof. Dr. Charlotte ROUECHÉ (London), Prof. Dr. Mustafa Hamdi SAYAR (İstanbul), Dr. Hertha SCHWARZ (München), Arş. Gör. Erkan TAŞDELEN (Antalya), Prof. Dr. Oğuz TEKİN (İstanbul), Arş. Gör. Hüseyin UZUNOĞLU (Antalya), Dr. Hans-Christoph VON MOSCH (München), Prof. Dr. Emmanouil VOUTIRAS (Thessaloniki), Dr. Bernhard WOYTEK (Wien), Yrd. Doç. Dr. M. Ertan YILDIZ (Antalya) GEPHYRA dergisinin yayımlanması için verdiği destekten dolayı Sayın Nezih BAŞGELEN’e ve derginin baskı sürecindeki teknik desteğinden dolayı Sayın Serdar KIRAN’a teşekkürlerimizi sunarız. ____________________________ Wir danken Herrn Nezih BAŞGELEN für die Unterstützung, die er der Zeitschrift GEPHYRA immer gewährt hat, und Herrn Serdar KIRAN für die technische Unterstützung, die er bei den Druckvorbereitungen geleistet hat. DOĞU AKDENİZ BÖLGESİ ESKİÇAĞ TARİHİ VE KÜLTÜRLERİNİ ARAŞTIRMA DERGİSİ ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR DIE GESCHICHTE UND KULTUREN DES ANTIKEN ÖSTLICHEN MITTELMEERRAUMS SAYI / BAND 13, 2016 YAYIMLAYANLAR / HERAUSGEBER N. Eda AKYÜREK ŞAHİN Boris DREYER Stephen MITCHELL Johannes NOLLÉ Fatih ONUR Charlotte ROUECHÉ GEPHYRA Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi Eskiçağ Tarihi ve Kültürlerini Araştırma Dergisi Sencer ŞAHİN ve Johannes NOLLÉ tarafından kurulmuştur __________________ Zeitschrift für die Geschichte und Kulturen des antiken östlichen Mittelmeerraums Begründet von Johannes NOLLÉ und Sencer ŞAHİN Bilimsel Danışma Kurulu Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Feriştah ALANYALI, Hüseyin ALANYALI, Jan BREMMER, A. Vedat ÇELGİN, Angelos CHANIOTIS, Victor COJOCARU, Serra DURUGÖNÜL, Denis FEISSEL, Christian MAREK, Marta Oller GUZMÁN, Andreas RHOBY, Marijana RICL, Kent J. RIGSBY, Mustafa Hamdi SAYAR, Oğuz TEKİN, Emmanouil VOUTIRAS, Bernhard WOYTEK GEPHYRA hakemli bir dergidir ist eine peer-reviewed Zeitschrift Yayın ilkeleri için son sayfaya bakınız. Zur Publikationsrichtlinien siehe die letzte Seite. Baskı Druck Vip Dijital Baskı Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Litros Yolu 2. Matbaacılar Sitesi 1BB24, Topkapı-İstanbul İletişim | Kontakt Yayıncı | Verlag Akdeniz Üniversitesi Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları Akdeniz Dillerini ve Kültürlerini Araştırma Merkezi Hayriye cad. Cezayir Sok. Edebiyat Fakültesi Mateo Mratoviç Apt. No:5/2, Eskiçağ Dilleri ve Kültürleri Bölümü Beyoğlu 34425 Kampüs 07058 İstanbul / TÜRKİYE Antalya / TÜRKİYE Tel: (+9) 0 212 293 03 78 (pbx), Tel: (+9) 0 242 310 61 84/97 Fax: (+9) 0 212 245 68 77 Fax: (+9) 0 242 310 22 87 http://www.arkeolojisanat.com/ http://edergi.akdeniz.edu.tr/index.php/Gephyra [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; ISSN 1309-3924 [email protected] Copyright 2016 © All Rights reserved İçindekiler / Inhaltsverzeichnis N. Eda Akyürek Şahin The Cult of Hecate in Lydia: Evidence from the Manisa Museum................................................ 1 Johannes Nollé Beiträge zur kleinasiatischen Münzkunde und Geschichte: 12. Mastaura am Fuße der Mesogis – Überlegungen zu den Patriatraditionen einer wenig bekannten antiken Polis............................................................................................... 49 Diether Schürr Vermutungen zum Namen Mastaura.............................................................................................. 83 Fatih Onur Parerga to the Stadiasmus Patarensis (16): The Roads, Settlements and Territories................ 89 Peter Rotenhöfer Ein bronzenes römisches Hohlmaß (sextarium) mit militärischer Inschrift und Bemerkungen zu gleichartigen Inschriften................................................................................... 119 Atalante Betsiou Reconsidering the Interpretation and Dating of Ancient Coins: The Case of Bronze Coins from Dodona in the Name of Menedemos Argeades................... 127 Diether Schürr Zum sidetischen Ypsilon .................................................................................................................149 Peter Rothenhöfer – Jürgen Blänsdorf sana mente sanaque memoria testamentum feci. Eine testamentarische Verfügung vom 12. April 340 n. Chr. ................................................................................................................153 Gerhard Huber ‘The Thousand and One Churches’ Revisited ..............................................................................165 Fatih Onur Parerga to the Stadiasmus Patarensis (17): A Correction to the Course of the Road between Xanthos and Neisa............................................................................................................ 211 GEPHYRA 13, 2016, 1-48 The Cult of Hecate in Lydia: Evidence from the Manisa Museum N. Eda AKYÜREK ŞAHİN This paper is dedicated to the memory of my husband Professor Dr. Sencer Şahin The French epigraphist and philologist L. Robert, who had a deep knowledge not only of Greek and Latin epigraphy, but also of ancient history, mythology and classical cultures, stated in one of his papers in 1955 that the cult of Hecate1 was documented quite rarely in the region of Lydia.2 Robert points out that there is no mention of Hecate in the significant contribution of J. Keil regarding the cults of Lydia, entitled ‘Die Kulte Lydiens’3 published in 1923.4 He also emphasized that there were ŋ Prof. Dr. N. Eda Akyürek Şahin, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Letters, Dept. of Ancient Languages and Cultures, Campus 07058 Antalya ([email protected]). In August 2005 I had the chance to work in the Manisa Museum and to record the monuments which I introduce in this paper. I am grateful to the authorities of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the General Directorate for Cultural Assets and Museums for the permission granted to work on the Hecate monuments in the museum. I thank Ms Müesser Tosunbaş, the director of the museum who permitted and supported my work in the museum and also the archaeologist, Sevgi Soyeker. I also thank my assistant Hüseyin Uzunoğlu, who translated this paper into English and Michael P. Duggan and for polishing the translation. I would also like to thank Charlotte Roueché for her substantial support. 1 My research work for the corpus of the monuments concerning the cult of Hecate in Asia Minor is still in progress. On one hand, I am still collecting the documents regarding the cult; on the other hand, I have started publishing some of the monuments. For the already published articles see Akyürek Şahin 2006; Akyü- rek Şahin 2007, 92-94 no. 67-69; Akyürek Şahin 2011. In addition, I am preparing all the Hecate monuments in the museums of Kütahya, Afyon, Eskişehir, Uşak, Efes, İzmir and Bodrum to be published soon. This arti- cle was actually prepared for the Festschrift of my husband Sencer Şahin prior to his sudden death in 2014. Since the publication of the memorial volume has regrettably been so much delayed and for other reasons, I withdrew my paper from that volume. The Hecate statuettes and the reliefs in the Manisa museum treated here are now also published in the Sculpture Catalogue of Manisa Museum; see Durugönül et al. 2015, 140- 150. I provided the editors of the Catalogue with the relevant material in order that they could use it for their studies. However, since the publication of my contribution is somewhat late, these monuments, which should have been published first here, have already been included in their catalogue. I express my sincerest thanks to Prof. Dr. Serra Durugönül (Mersin University), one of the editors and authors of that volume, for sharing her ideas with me. She read my article critically and made some valuable suggestions and corrections especially concerning my archaeological terms and discussions. I would also like to thank Asst. Prof. Dr. Münteha Dinç (Uşak University), who helped identify the male figure in no. 1 as Men and also provided me with the rele- vant literature cited in cat. no. 1. 2 Robert, Hellenica X, 1955, 115: ‘Les documents du culte d’Hécate sont rares en Lydie.’ See also Kraus 1960, 52 fn. 249; Akyürek Şahin 2006, 65 fn. 6. 3 See Keil 1923. On the content of the article see Hanfmann 1983, 219; Petzl 1995, 37-38; Paz de Hoz 1999, 1-2; Petzl 2002, 381; Petzl 2003, 93. 2 N. Eda AKYÜREK ŞAHİN no votive inscriptions to Hecate in Lydia. In that article Robert published the stele, presented here as cat. no. 7, citing only a few documents known at that time.5 Over the course of time, however, new monuments associated with Hecate
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