Tittel innTHE her STATE OWNERSHIP REPORT 2017 1 Innhold In case of discrepancy between the original text in Norwegian and the English translation, the Norwegian text shall prevail. In case of discrepancy between the original text in Norwegian Contents and the English translation, the Norwegian text shall prevail. Foreword 3 CATEGORY 3 Nye Veier AS 102 Contents – Commercial objectives and Petoro AS 103 Scope and key figures 5 other specifically defined objectives Rogaland Teater AS 104 Key issues for Argentum Simula Research Contents 2 the State as owner 9 Fondsinvesteringer AS 64 Laboratory AS 105 Eksportfinans ASA 65 Siva – Selskapet Return and financial values 13 Electronic Chart Centre AS 66 for Industrivekst SF 106 Foreword 3 Key figures describing GIEK Kredittforsikring AS 67 Space Norway AS 107 financial performance 19 Investinor AS 68 Statnett SF 108 Kommunalbanken AS 69 Statskog SF 109 Turn yourself inside out! Mantena AS 70 Staur gård AS 110 Opportunities with better Scope and key figures 5 NSB AS 71 Store Norske Spits- corporate reporting 25 bergen Kulkompani AS 111 Overview of the state’s direct ownership by ministry 6 Posten Norge AS 72 Talent Norge AS 112 Corporate governance 29 Statkraft SF 73 Trøndelag Teater AS 113 Perspectives on UNINETT AS 114 the work relating to CATEGORY 4 goals and strategies 37 Universitetssenteret Key issues for – Sectoral policy objectives på Svalbard AS 115 Andøya Space Center AS 76 AS Vinmonopolet 116 CATEGORY 1 Avinor AS 77 – Commercial objectives Bane NOR SF 78 Regional health authorities the State as owner 9 Ambita AS 42 Bjørnøen AS 79 Helse Midt-Norge RHF 120 Baneservice AS 43 Carte Blanche AS 80 Helse Nord RHF 121 Entra ASA 44 AS Den Nationale Scene 81 Helse Sør-Øst RHF 122 Flytoget AS 45 Den Norske Opera & Ballett AS 82 Helse Vest RHF 123 Return and Mesta AS 46 Eksportkreditt Norge AS 83 SAS AB 47 Enova SF 84 Other companies 125 Veterinærmedisinsk Entur AS 85 Oppdragssenter AS 48 financial values 13 Gassco AS 86 Appendices 127 Gassnova SF 87 6 Remuneration to the board Share price performance for listed companies, CATEGORY 2 Graminor AS 88 7 13 and auditors for 2017 128 the Oslo Stock Exchange main index and sector indices – Commercial objectives Innovasjon Norge 89 and national anchoring of Remuneration to Kimen Såvarelaboratoriet AS 90 Share price performance for listed companies, head office functions the CEO for 2017 129 the Oslo Stock Exchange main index and sector indices9 14 Kings Bay AS 91 Proportion of women Aerospace Industrial Nationaltheatret AS 92 in the board of directors Return 201711 and 2016, average annual return last five years 15 Maintenance Norway AS 52 Nofima AS 93 and management 130 Aker Kværner Holding AS 53 Nordisk Institutt for Feedback from the companies 13 15 Direct return 2017 and 2016 DNB ASA 54 Odontologiske Materialer AS 94 regarding some of the state’s Kongsberg Gruppen ASA 55 Norfund 95 expectations linked to the 14 work relating to corporate Fi nan cial values 2017 and 2016 Nammo AS 56 Norges sjømatråd AS 96 NOK million 16 social responsibility 131 Norsk Hydro ASA 57 Norsk Helsenett SF 97 Owner-appointed and Statoil ASA 58 Norsk rikskringkasting AS 98 shareholder-elected Telenor ASA 59 Norsk Tipping AS 99 board members 132 Yara International ASA 60 Norske tog AS 100 Contact details 136 Key figures describing NSD – Norsk senter Special circumstances Cover photo: © Siva/Åge Hojem for forskningsdata AS 101 and definitions 137 financial performance 2 19 Foreword The State Ownership Report is an annual sion of the expectations is presented on report which covers the state’s direct page 34. ownership in companies. The report pre- The world is changing and it is chang- sents an overview of all the 75 companies ing fast. As owner, we are concerned that in which the state is an owner. Twelve both the boards of directors and the com- ministries manage the state’s direct own- panies as a whole have a good under- ership in these companies. The report standing of reality and a good “radar” presents the companies’ financial devel- which detects changes and opportunities opment, goal attainment, key events in that impact on each company. The boards 2017 and the manner in which the state must continually decide how the compa- performs its role as owner. The purpose ny can best adapt itself to the altered of the State Ownership Report is to con- framework conditions and new opportu- tribute to transparency, something which nities. They must assess what risks should I believe is vital in order to secure trust in be taken and support the resulting as- the state’s ownership. sessment through unequivocal goals and In the case of companies where the a clear strategy. This is important regard- state’s ownership has commercial objec- less of whether the company has com- tives (categories 1–3), we strive to gener- mercial goals or sectoral policy goals. We ate the highest possible return on invest- are proud of the companies in which the ed capital over time. In the case of compa- state has direct ownership and strongly nies for which the state’s ownership has believe that the companies have the abil- sectoral policy objectives (category 4), the ity to adapt to change, as they have so of- ambition is to achieve the objectives as ef- ten done in the past. However, we are ficiently as possible. The state as owner is very aware that this will require dedica- committed to ensuring that the goals and tion at every level. strategies established by the board of di- The articles in this year’s report con- rectors support the state’s objectives be- cern corporate governance and reporting. hind the ownership. Access to relevant information is a key cri- The total value of the state’s commer- terion for best ownership practice and cial ownership was estimated to be NOK contributes to transparency concerning 844 billion at year-end 2017, up NOK 130 the state ownership. It also enables other billion from the previous year. The state stakeholders to continually assess the received NOK 37.7 billion in dividends companies’ operations, results, develop- from all the companies for the 2017 finan- ment and goal attainment. For the state as © Marte Garmann cial year. This reflects an upturn in finan- owner, it is important to understand what cial results compared with 2016 and an the companies are striving to achieve excellent year for the state as owner from (goals), how the companies will get there a historical perspective. The financial re- (strategy) and what risks the goals and sults achieved by companies with sectoral strategy entail for the company and own- policy objectives are presented for each er. We hope the articles inspire you. company with the aim of illustrating how Finally, I would like to thank the boards the company’s operations in 2017 sup- and all the employees of the companies ported the state’s objectives behind its in which the state is an owner. The com- ownership. panies represent a key part of the Norwe- The state as owner has a series of ex- gian economy and account for the pro- pectations regarding the boards and duction of many important goods and companies that are required to contrib- services. The job that you do, you do on ute to the state’s objectives for its owner- behalf of the whole of Norway. ship. These are described in chapter eight I hope you will find this report both in- Torbjørn Røe Isaksen of the ownership report. An abridged ver- formative and useful. Minister of Trade and Industry 3 Scope and key figures The state’s direct ownership ship Report. Contact details for the twelve plained in the presentation of the individ- The state’s direct ownership includes ministries which manage the state’s own- ual companies from page 41 and for most companies in which the state’s ownership ership interests in companies can be companies in white paper Report no. 27 interests are managed directly by the min- found on page 136 of the appendix. to the Storting (2013–2014) Diverse and istries. The table on page 6 presents an value-creating ownership (the White Pa- overview of the 75 companies, distributed Categorisation of the companiese per on Ownership). The companies are according to ministry. All the companies The state has justifications and objectives divided into four categories based on the are presented in the 2017 State Owner- for its direct ownership. These are ex- state’s objectives behind the ownership: Share of the value of the state’s shareholding: 1 844 NOK billion Key figures 2017 Entra 1,3 % SAS 0,1 % Kongsberg Gruppen 1,3 % Unlisted companies in categories 1–3 Yara International 128 5,2 % NOK billion Norsk Hydro 6,2 % DNB 11,8 % Statoil 55,0 % Entra 1,3 % Telenor SAS 0,1 % Kongsberg Gruppen 1,3 % 19,9 % Unoterte selskaper Listed companies i kategori 1–3 Yara International 128 5,2 % 716 mrd. kroner Norsk NOK billion Number Hydro 6,2 % of employees distributed Return in listed companies: by companies,DNB 25,2 % 11,8 % in total2 Return on equity in unlisted 299 747 Other companies Helse Sør-Øst RHF Statoil companies in categories 1–3: 13,4 % 20 % 22 % 55,0 % Sales proceeds to the state: NOK 37,7 billion Telenor 19,9 % Operating income: NOK 1 276 billion HelseBørsnoterte Nord selskaper Annual profit: NOK 120 billion RHF 5 % Norsk Hydro 12 % Yara 716 mrd. kroner Capital contribution from/ International 5 % share purchases by the state: NOK 9,4 billion Telenor © Bane NOR SF / Hilde Lillejord Grants from the state: NOK 155 billion 10 % Helse Vest Statoil Helse Midt-Norge RHF 7 % RHF 6 % 7 % 1 The figures are defined on page 137.
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