SUPREME COURT ATTEND THE VALIDATES SOCK HOP AMENDMENT TONIGHT VOLUME 67 tfkFLORIDA SOUTHERN COLLEGE, LAKELAND Southern, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1954 NUMBER 29 Crew Set For State Race Contenders For Exchange Trophy Mocs Vie Barbara Bittner Chosen For Title Queen At '54 TEP Hop ^M I Amidst a spherical array of planc- f\tY\f\YYf\11V tary svmt>ols> represented by card- (_// //(_/// KJUU \ hoard stars, colored balloons, and other 'space' objects, Miss Barbara By Joe McConnack Bittner was chosen FSC Campus Tomorrow on Lake'Parker at 4 Queen of 1954 at the annual Tep p.m FSC's Moccasins will meet the Hop Saturday night at the Lakeland Rollins Tars and Tampa's Spartans Civic Center. to compete for the 1954 Florida crew Holder of one of the most coveted championship. FSC beauty titles, Miss Bittner was sponsored by Pi Kappa Alpha Fra­ Rollins, the defending champions, ternity, and was selected winner over has bested its two opponents in single fourteen other contestants. The two faces earlier this season. Southern runners-up were Peggy Rouse, Theta holds a triumph over the Tars and Chi, second place; and Delores also over the Spartans this year. Daughtery, Alpha Omicron Pi. The In the past years, the race has three other semi-finalists were Mar­ developed into a grudge encounter garet Schurr, Phi Mu; Anne Savage, between Rollins and Southern; with Sigma Alpha Epsilon; and Sue Beck m Rollins winning the Lakeland Ex­ Walker, Alpha Delta Pi. change Club Trophy last year amid Contestants who were eliminated a storm of controversy. in the first judging were Nan Coy, The Lakeland Exchange Club tro­ Southernettes; Nancy Bramley, Delta phy has been bitterly contested for Zeta; Ann Caldwell, Beta Sigma the past five years, with Rollins and Omicron; Frankie Kerchoff, Tau BARBARA BITTNER Southern winning twice each, and Kappa Epsilon; Carol Rack, Lambda '54 Campus Queen Tampa once. Chi Alpha; Doris Becker, Sigma Coach Roy Couch has instituted Phi Epsilon; Shirlie Freeman, Phi numerous changes and rearrange­ Sigma Kappa; Nancy Oliver, Pi Kap­ ments in the shell in preparation for pa Phi; and Naomi Pollack, Alpha Choir Will Appear the big race. Chi Omega. This promises to be one of the Judges for the contest were Irving With Noted Artists; most exciting and hotly-contested Goldsmith, Adolph Richmond, and state meets of them all, with South­ Mr. Kelly, all residents of Lakeland. Courtesy Lakeland Ledger ern having what may be termed a Miss Bittner was presented a large Tickets Available Pictured above is the Moccasin crew that will try to regain the State rowing title Saturday slight advantage of rowing on their gold trophy and a bouquet of white at Lake Parker when they compete against Rollins and Tampa at 4 p.m. The crew won the crown home course. roses by Lloyd Goldsmith, Tep Hop Dr. Charles A. Woodbury Sr. this in 1952, but lost it again last year. Standing, left to right, are crew members Chuck Nelson, Skip (See page 5 for additional details) Director. "Out of This World" was week disclosed a growing list of the theme for the dance, music for musical celebrities that will appear Abbott, John Frasz, Bob Droste, Ed Pecora, Dick Nagy, Dick Lark and Steve Potz; front row, (Continued on Page Six) Tom Karahalios, coxswain, and manager Harold Doster. with the FSC concert choir at the Philadelphia Inquirer's Philadelphia Makes Second Decision Dr. Perilman, Music Festival . in the Quaker City C U Sock Hop on June II., Noted Rabbi, Dr. Woodbury, the choir's direc­ To Give Prizes tor, also announced that FSC stu­ Supreme Court Says Amendment Valid; dents who will be in the vicinity of Philadelphia on the date of the Fes­ The College Union is sponsoring Visits FSC tival may purchase tickets now to a Sock Hop tonight at the Lounge, see the gigantic musical spectacle. Sophs Elected In Court-Ordered Re-Vote Dr. Nathan A. Perilman, Rabbi from 8 to 12 p.m. of New York City's Temple Emanu­ Now is a chance for all you guys For the convenience of those inter­ el, spoke to FSC students and faculty and gals to wear all your newly- ested in attending, a ticket order Rotunno Replaces Registration in the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel Wednes­ knitted argyles and quite possibly win blank is printed on page 6 of this Senate Seats Lost issue of The Southern. Schedule day morning. a prize. The prizes will be given Sweeney In Senate By 3 Ruling Bodies Preceding his Wednesday morning to those with the most unique socks. Some of the cream of the musical Registration for the 1954 term speech, Dr. Perilman climaxed the A booby prize will be awarded to world that will make appearances at Delores Daughtery and Judy Ro­ began yesterday, and will continue The Student Association Court cli­ 1954 series of American Progress the people with the largest and small­ the 1954 Festival are Larry Ferrari, tunno were elected Sophomore Seri- through Wednesday. Before re­ maxed a two-day session Tuesday Dinners with a Tuesday night ad­ est feet. who has a popular TV show; Ed ators-at-Large, and Jim Anderson porting to the Industrial Arts with a ruling which upheld the va­ dress to some 300 Polk County citi­ The admission is 50 cents stag or Sullivan, who is known for his was named Sophomore veep Tuesday building to register, students are lidity of the recent election on an zens. drag and everyone will enjoy dancing "Toast of the Town" program; and in a specially called election of the reminded to secure a registration amendment to the SBA constitution. In his Tuesday night address, Dr. to a live dance band. Guy Marriner, noted Philadelphia student body, card from the bursar. The four-to-nothing decision was Perilman said that the public school Don't forget to take advantage of pianist who appears frequently on Tht results of the race for the If a student has previously issued by Chief Justice George Mc­ the "cornerstone of our dem­ this opportunity to have-barrels of TV. two-year senate posts were as fol­ paid to the bursar a ten-dollar Cormick: "The election on thocracy"e , and that the separation of fun at the Union tonight. (Continued on Page Six) lows: Daughtery, 147; Rotunno, room reservation fee, there will amendment to the Student Body As­ church and state is a "part of that 139; and Sweeney, 79. Anderson be no additional charges before sociation Constitution is valid and cornerstone." copped the class vice-presidency by registering. Students who have the constitution is thus amended. We )r. Perilman also observed that a 56-40 vote over Diane Klecka. not paid this fee must do so be­ suggest, however, that in the future men and women are. showing an in­ The re-vote on the senatorial elec­ fore the bursar can give them proposed amendments be given ade­ creasing interest in living religiously, tion was necessitated by a supreme registration cards. quate publicity and be printed on the that they are much less con­ court ruling last week which in­ ballot according to the procedure cerned about profound theology and The registration schedule is as denominational dogma. validated the election. The vice- follows: outlined in Robert's Rules of Order. Dr. Perilman, who with Dr. Spi- presidential run-off resulted from a Next year's Sophomores, today We also recommend that future vot­ y, sponsored this year's American lack of majority in the general elec­ from 2:00-4:30. ing on amendments be made clear to tion. the student body to avoid misunder­ Progress Dinners, received his hon­ Next year's Seniors, Tuesday, orary LL.D. from FSC in 1952. Rab- Last week's ruling—the FSC Su­ May 11,-from 2:00-4:30 p.m. Re­ standings. It is our recommendation preme Court's first—was handed that the Senate clarify the extent to of the Temple Emanuel for 22 port to registration advisor. years, Dr. Perilman is also president down in answer to the case brought Next year's Juniors, Wednesday, which Robert's Rules of Order shall before it by the Senate. govern their procedure." "of the Association of Reform Rab­ May 12, from 2:00-4:30 p.m. Re­ bis of New York City; a member of The case arose when voting ma­ port to registration advisor. Case Brought By Rinehart executive committee of Boy chines used in the April 27 election Students who are not able to The case was brought against the Scouts of America; and a member were set to allow only one vote for register Tuesday or Wednesday Senate by Delana Rinehart, Junior of the consultant committee of the s Sophomore Senator-at-large, The may do so Thursday from 2:00 Senator-at-Large, The defense was Anti-defamation League. In 1950 constitution states that 2 shall be until 3:30 p.m. headed by Farley Snell, out-going he was chosen by Gov. Dewey as elected, and (he Senate interpreted Vice-President of the student body one of his Committee of One Hun­ the clause to mean that each person and author of the amendment. dred. should be able to vote for 2 persons. Miss Rihehart's case rested on the The American Progress Dinners Chief Justice George McCormick contention that (1) the student body are held annually by the college to voted with justices Patsy Smith and Spivey Breaks Soil was bound to Robert's Rules since inform FSC teaching personnel and Jackie Rickerson last Thursday to the Senate had, at its last session be­ Polk County teachers and principals uphold the Senate in its suit.
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