The Clinton independent. VOL. XXIX.—NO. 3®. ST. JOHNS, MICH.. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 28, 1895. WHOLE NO.—1497. IllHave your Watches. Clocks and Jew —Westphalia will celebrate the 4th THE MMM PROPOSITION at. Jmltmm Fin Itopmrttmmm» Hsts repaired at Allison ’a, the old roll* of July^| We, in behalf of St. lobns Fire De­ The drawing card in our clearance —Bmiiaf with July let a dally CAN WE MND IT? partment embrace this opportunity of sale this week is tlie prior which is con ­ Spectacles and Eye Glasses at almost To b# Voisd l |>»n at sistent with the times. This is the mail will be run between Shepardsvllle returning tlimnks to the citizens of St. wholesale prices at Krepps. l)e\Vill A TO ALMOST WHOLLY MBOLKCT THOSK M* tea Mala July ath. last week before tlie glorious 4th. You Co.'s. Eyes tested free. and Price. Johns, and especially the ladies for can celebrate iu a far lumpier way if —This section was again blessed bv A HO IT ITS. AMU TO KBKI* UP THK As may be seen by reference to a not ­ their valuable assistance and servioes, you take advantage of these monev ice elsewhere in this issue, the Board of HOME MATTERS. a ref resiling shower on Wednesday OBV POK MORE INIIUNTHIKM. in various ways, at the recent great tire saving values. Remember our bargains morn mg. The cry is more ! Trustees have ordered the holding of s throw all competition In the shade. of the works of the Mt. Johns Manu ­ Respectfully. Por • Itoltsr and Mar special election on Monday the Nth day —The question of building a new grist U facturing Co. la J. T. Colb A Co. —Ladies ’ shirt waist studs, a idee lut of July next to vote upon the proposi­ mill at Shepardsvilie is being discussed •landing of Our Kiid i n Ma«laa— Hra'i Wm. ('men. Chief. of the newest at Benoy ’s Bazaar. tion of raising by bonds the sum of $85.- Llttls Mo nr > for Hurl. Ttok. by the live men of that place. \ Mortal ion (Would b* Organised, and Joseph Bottmu . Brea, of Hose Co. —A number of Michigan postofllees 0U0 for the purchase of an electric light Just think of a watch tliat will tick —Daviee A Conn this week sold a After Important Interest* Hare Mean John O ’Buynk . Ser’y of Iloee Co. were re-rated last week. No change plant for this village. It is a well known 18.0(10 times iu one hour for $6 at Al­ Steams. Model A. bicycle to A. E. Wil­ Caret ally Consid ered to Present Them lison s old reliable jewelery store. This was made In the St. Johns ofltce. fact that this purchase is contemplated son, and a Ben-Hur. No. 10, to Miss to the People at Onr Village ate PebUc in order to bring about the rehabilita­ BU8INE88 LOCALS watch is an open face, screw, nickel < —Hungarian. Millet. Buckwheat. and a good warranted movement. Nettle Davies. Mooting far Their Approval ar tion of the table factory formerly oper­ Beans. Botatoes and Binding Twine for ated in this village by the 8t. Johns 4a*n Collars, —Wm. Swagart's new harn in Bengal 7b tkr ICltctort of Ik* Village of St. Jnknt, sale at .Sprague A Squair’s elevator. Manufacturing Company. slightly soiled, regular price 15 cents, was dedicated with a lively dance last Wishiug to obtain positive informa ­ Michigan. —The Corunna Journal, whose plant Friday night, and there was music and Without united action and thorough Notice is herehr given that a meeting for 3 cents each. All stvles Belt Pins tion upon the subject, a representative at 5 cents each at Tub Bknny Stork . was recently destroyed by tire, is now joy to tlie close. discussion and understanding of our of Tiur Indkpkniirnt called upon Mr. of the Board of Beaisiration of the Vil­ lage of St. Johns will be held at the Bostofflce Block. St. Joiina. printed again with its own machinery. —K. Morris Bristol, of Grand Bapids. needs aud ltest interest/;, we shall go Geo. A. Steel, who represents his fath­ —Geo. ConkJeman died at his home along in a neglectful and detrimental er. Mr. li. M. Steel, while that gentle council room in said vllage on Satur- Houaselrtsuliui sad Kn-fural.hi —. formerly a St. Johns boy. at one time July 6th. 1H95, for the purpose of regis­ manner. Therefore, what is most need ­ man isaheent in Oregon, and in response For a well assorted stock of plain and in Mt. Pleasant, last Monday. Ills foreman of the Clinton Republican, to questions the tint named gentleman tering the names of all such persons as upholstered Furniture go to sister. Mrs. K. B. McCabe, attended the has been elected corresponding secre­ ed at the present time is tlie organiza­ assured us that, although In * would be shall be |*ias —mi of the tit-ceaaery Hull A Hulsr'm. tuners). tary of the alumni of the Michigan tion of a Business Men's Association, iu a measure exceeding the instructions qualification of electors in said village 16 Clinton Ave. and Opp. Boslofllee. given iiim bearing on tiie subject, if the who mav appear there for that purpoee, —The freshmen and sixth and eighth school for the deal. composed of the best business men we To Kanurrs. have in our village. They can enter ­ l«wer was given the Board of Trustees and that the aai 1 Board of Registration We are agents for the well and favor ­ grade classes of the Central school, en ­ —Last Monday the St. Johns Cres­ to issue the bonds provided for in the will he in session on the day and at the joyed an outing at Ronnd l^ake last tain propositions and questions of com­ ably known Walter A. Wood ’s Reapers cents. or "kid ” nine, went over to call for the special election and the said place aforesaid, from I* o’clock in the and Steel Mowers. Also, their popular Saturday. Maple Bapids to scalp the "kids ” of mercial interest to us. and after liaviug Board, ui tlie exercise of their wisdom, forenoon until 8 o’clock in the afternoon. Tedders and Hay Rakes. We keep ex­ —1The cherries in this section this sea­ viewed them from every side and Ibid should see lit to purchase the electric Dated. St. Johns. Michigan, June 98th, tras and repairs for any of the above. that village but were badly beaten iu a light plant now owned and operated by son, are unusually free from stings, them to contaiu a certain degree of 1HH5 D bWitt H. Host . An inspection of these goods and prices INwrly played contest. Score sixty-two tlie St. Johns Electric Light. Heat A Village Clerk. will rertainh please you. Binding worms and decay, and are smooth and ami ten ill favor of the Maple ltapids merit, to call a public meeting and in ­ Bower (’ommuiy for the sum of $36.<nni . Twine of tiest quality and at lowest tliat one-half tlie proceeds of such pur­ Kltctlu* Voiles of good size. hoys. spire tlie people with the same spin t prices. Call at our grain elevator. —Au estray mare taken up about two they liave received. chase would lie applied towards the erec Notice is hereby given o the qualified Sl*uA QUE A Sqi AIU. —We have lieen shown specimen These questions mav be discussed*o pr tion of new buildings and tlie prosecu­ weeks ago. will be sold by Marshal voters of the Village of St. Johns that a Ladle* Nrrkwasr. heads of early red Clawson wheat grow­ and con iu little groupes. and nothingothin tion of tlie business of manufacturing special election will he held in said llrainard at the pound tomorrow, ac­ ing upon the farm of S. D. Koons. in will come from such discussion without tables in this village, and that this will village on Monday, July Htb. 1H05, to Trilby Knots, and Band Bows at secure the resumption of tliat business John Hicks ’. cording to law. Greenbush township, which are well perfect organization. vote upon the question of bonding the We have industries in our midst tliat here, although, perhaps, not quite on the IVagss*. Ilucsiea aud Carrlspsi. —E. M. Smith sold T. H. Corbett, of tilled aud give evidence of a fair yield, scale contemplated by Mr. Steel when Village of St. Johns in the sum of need encouragement through patronage $35,000, which said sum or so much Ann Arbor, a beautiful $4piano for considering the exceedingly dry' con ­ and kind words of commendation more he made a proposition to the Citizens ’ A I mud so me show of the tiest goods in his wife (nee Myrtle Wise) aud was Committee some ten days ago. thereof as mav be necessary, is to be ex­ tliis line at Alonzo T. Smith’s works. dition of the season in this section. tliau they need a donation or loan of pended for the purpose of acquiring by St. Johns. (Quality and prices right.— shipped to that city last Saturday. money to carry on their business. It The number of men employed and the —Circuit Court (’ommimioner Byron mattero not how small the business continuance of the business will depend, purchase works for the purpoee of sup­ Every customer suited. —Fenton will have a two-dav s bicycle L. Pierce, charged with seduction on plying such village and the inhabitants may be if it gives employment, at good of course, on tlie demand for goods aud When in St.
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