ACBB1 Contact Officer: Vina Randhawa - Tel. 07976 194493 KIRKLEES COUNCIL AREA COMMITTEE – BATLEY BIRSTALL AND BIRKENSHAW Tuesday 25 June 2013 Present: Councillor Gwen Lowe (Chair) Councillors Elizabeth Smaje, Peter O’Neill, Hanif Mayet and Amanda Stubley Apologies: Councillors Shabir Pandor, Andrew Palfreeman, Robert Light and Mahmood Akhtar Approximately 22 members of the public were in attendance 1 Welcomes and Introductions The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and members of the Committee introduced themselves to the public. 2 Neighbourhood Policing Team The Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) provided an update on the crimes and community safety issues in Batley, Birstall and Birkenshaw. Police Sergeant Garry Clayton attended the meeting and reported that there has been an overall reduction in crime figures which were summarised as follows: * Robberies: - There were four offences in June compared to one in May. These included incidents at Bagshaw Museum, Broomsdale Road and Windsor Road. All cases are being actively investigated. * Burglary Dwellings: - There were nineteen offences in June of which six were attempts where no entry was gained. The Europrofile method is still prevalent and members of the public were advised to upgrade the barrel to snap safe locks. Police Sergeant Garry Clayton stated that fishing hooks are being used to get keys and that keys should not be left in sight. * Theft of Motor Vehicle: - There were two offences in June, down from seven last month. * Theft from Motor Vehicle: - There were twenty offences in June, down from forty one in May. Centre 27 Retail Park remains a problem intermittently with three vehicles broken into last night. * Anti Social Behaviour (ASB):- There were 119 calls for service in June across all three wards, compared to 132 in May which includes call for service regarding nuisance off road motorcycles. Police Sergeant Garry Clayton stated the off road bike team had been deployed and that bikes have been seized and warnings issued. 1 A question was asked in relation to school parking at the bottom of Nova Lane as it is impossible to drive up the road during school times. Police Sergeant Garry Clayton stated that this is a problem across Kirklees and is as a result of the behaviour and attitude of the driver. A concern was raised about traffic parking problems at the top of Healey Lane. Police Sergeant Clayton suggested emailing the Neighbourhood Policing Team to check this out. Councillor Gwen Lowe offered to look into this. A question was asked about calls relating to noise caused by scooters. Police Sergeant Clayton confirmed no calls had been received. The committee thanked Police Sergeant Clayton for attending the meeting 3 Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Tuesday 5th March 2013 were circulated and approved as a correct record. 4 Interests (a) Councillor Smaje declared another interest under item 9, Budget Report, with regards to report 2 - a member of the West Yorkshire Integrated Transport Authority. (b) Councillor Lowe declared another interest under item 9, Budget Report, with regards to report 2 - a member of the West Yorkshire Integrated Transport Authority 5 Admissions of the public It was agreed that all items on the agenda were to be taken in public. 6 Deputations and Petitions No deputations or petitions were received 7 Public Question Time A question was asked in relation to funding for the restoration of the Welcome to Batley signs as they were in need of maintenance. Councillors agreed to ask the appropriate officer to investigate. 8 Area Committee Grants Criteria 2013-2014 The Batley, Birstall and Birkenshaw committee outlined its priorities and criteria in relation to spend from the committee’s budget for 2013-2014: RESOLVED – * The Committee will have a grants scheme. The priorities for the Committee will be: * Community Health * Children and Young People * Regeneration and Transportation * Streetscene * Community Safety 2 * Supporting our Communities The Committee’s criteria were summarised as follows: * Each project will be assessed on merit. * Each group will only be funded once in any financial year. Additional funding maybe considered in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Area Committee. * A discretionary grant scheme will be available for grant applications up to £500 and where an application is time sensitive. There will be a ring fence allocation of £2,000 for discretionary grants in the Birstall and Birkenshaw ward. Otherwise no fixed grant or maximum budget set aside. * Priority will be given to groups that have not previously had Committee funding. * Applicants should normally provide contributory funding * Ward Members will be informed of any grant requests relating to their ward prior to report submission. * All members are accountable for decision making. 9 Budget Report The Batley, Birstall and Birkenshaw Committee outlined its devolved budget figures for 2013-2014. The revenue allocation per ward is £12,633 and capital allocation per ward is £33,173. Subject to rollover of underspend being approved at Full Council the Committee budget balance is as follows:- Batley Revenue £24,677.60 Batley Capital £58,876.68 Birstall and Birkenshaw revenue £13,233.01 Birstall and Birkenshaw capital £40,720.46 Members were asked to note approved fast track commission of £900 (revenue) for the provision of a grit bin at Abbey Road, Batley West. Members were asked to note underspend to return to budget as follows:- * £86.38 from the Youth Futures Play Lab Project to return to Batley East revenue budget * £600 from the installation festive lighting to return to the Birstall and Birkenshaw revenue Budget * £420.62 from the Batley Town Centre Management Events to return to the Batley revenue budget * £152.29 from the North Kirklees Faith Forum event to return to the Batley revenue budget. * £943.75 from Wheatcroft Avenue community safely lighting improvements to return to the Batley East capital budget. * £7,889.46 from the Sunshine centre refurbishment to return to Birstall and Birkenshaw capital budget. 3 An update was provided on funding for the Dewsbury and District Ramblers Centenary Walk, £2,295 approved 26th June 2012. Members were asked to note that additional funding had been approved by the Spen Valley Area Committee (£2,295); the Dewsbury Area Committee (£2,295) and Huddersfield Area Committee (£200) and that the shortfall of £2,095 has been raised via the groups own fund raising efforts. On this basis Members agreed that project should go ahead. Resolved – the following revenue projects were approved * £1,808.00 for Kirklees Filmmakers, Batley Healing Foods Project * £1,230.00 for Oakwell Hall Summer Programme Resolved – the following capital projects were approved * £22,000.00 for Pedestrian Safety Measures in Birstall and Birkenshaw 10 Improving the financial health and wellbeing of residents in Batley, Birstall and Birkenshaw Members and residents took part in interactive workshops focussing on scams and frauds; consumer law; banking and budgeting; and healthy lifestyles and the taste test challenge. In the Scams and Frauds workshop residents were asked to brainstorm the scams and frauds they themselves had come in to contact with, either personally or through speaking to friends and family members who have been targeted. This was followed by discussion around common scams and encouraging people to warn others about the typical scams they regularly come in to contact with. In the Banking and Budgeting workshop residents took part in an interactive game of matching pairs, participants work through a range of banking phrases and consider terminology, discussing and expanding on their meanings such as identify theft, the difference between standing orders and direct debits and illegal money lending. Residents were also asked to consider the APR of popular high street and doorstep lenders, considering the different methods of borrowing available to consumers and the pros and cons of each. Typical characteristics of loan sharks were identified and discussed and the Stop Loan Sharks team reporting hotline. The Consumer Law workshop allowed residents to look at a selection of counterfeit goods and consider the implications of buying fake products. Popular fake goods such as football shirts, UGG boots and GHD Hair Irons are also discussed in terms of the potential damage to genuine manufacturer’s reputation and potential dangers presented to the end consumer. In the final workshop residents were invited to taste a selection of branded and non branded versions of the same product, thinking about which they prefer when unable to see the manufacturers packaging. Collective results were revealed at the end of the carousel. 4 The total cost of this selection of goods when choosing the branded version was revealed to be £6.77, when dropping to the own brand product the cost drops significantly to £2.47 – a saving of 64% Councillor Lowe thanked Dawn Mason and her colleagues from West Yorkshire Joint Services for attending the meeting and the informative and interactive session. 11 Meeting dates for 2013-2014 Dates of future public meeting were confirmed as follows:- Tuesday 15th October 2013. Tuesday 10th December 2013. Tuesday 4th March 2014 Times and venues to be confirmed. 5 ACBB2 Contact Officer: Vina Randhawa - Tel. 01484 221709 KIRKLEES COUNCIL AREA COMMITTEE – BATLEY, BIRSTALL AND BIRKENSHAW 17 October 2013 Present: Councillor G Lowe in the Chair Councillors Pandor, Smaje, Stubley and Mayet. Apologies were received from Councillors O’Neill, Akhtar, Light and Palfreeman Also present approximately 120 members of the public. 1 Welcome and Introduction The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Committee Members introduced themselves. 2 Neighbourhood Policing Team The Neighbourhood Policing Team provided an update on crime and community safety in Batley Birstall and Birkenshaw. Police Sergeant Christopher Hughes attending the meeting and provided information on the numbers and types of crimes committed. It was noted that there was concern around the amount of insecure vehicles and that there was no reduction in theft from vehicles.
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