COLIC CTION· Vol. XVII, No. 7 July, 1935 Participation of Catholics in Mixed Groups-Part I - Denver's Catholic Action Week Service School Graduates 1935 Class Cleveland Prepares For Eucharistic Congress Expansion Program of the cec Scouting and Religion Our Common Catholic Interests: Sacred Congregation Congratulates Bishops for Work Through the N. C. W. C.-Holy Father Again Condemns Demands of Modern Eugenists-Need of Intelligent Leadership in Present Economic Crisis-New Methods Sought to Meet Demands of Social Justice-Bishop Boyle States Active Organizations Needed in Present Situation-Volume on "The Apostles' Creed" Praised by Bishop Lillis Month by Month with the N. C. W. C. A NATIONAL MONTHLY - OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL - CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE 2 CATHOLIC ACTION July, 1935 FACTS ABOUT THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE :-: What It Is What It Does :-: "This organizatiOfl, (the N. C. W. C.) is not only useful, but necessary. ..• TABLE OF CONTENTS We praise all who in any way cooperate in this great work."-Po~E PIus XI. The National Catholic Welfare Conference was organized in September, 1919. The N. C. W. O. is a common agency acting under the authority of the bishops to July, 1935 promote the welfare of the Catholics of the country. It has for its incorporated purposes "unifying, coordinating and organizing the Catholic people of the United States in works of education, social welfare, immigrant PAGE aid and other activities." Our COlllDlon Catholic Interests 3 It comprises the following departments and bureaus: Sacred OQngregation Oongratu­ EXECUTIVE---Bureaus maintained: Immigra-tio,., Publicit1l and Information, Historioal lates Bishops for Work Records, Publicationsf BUlme" and Auditing and Latin Amerioan. Through the N. O. W. 0.­ Holy Father Again. Oondemns EDUCATION-Divisions: Stati8tic8 and Information, Teach.er8' Registration, Library. Demands of Modern Eugen­ PREss-Serves the 0atholic press in the United States and abroad with regular news, ists-Need of Intelligent feature, editorial and pictorial servioe,. Leadership in Present }j)co­ SOCIAL ACTION-COVers the fields of InduIJtrial Relationl, International Affair8, nomic Orisis-New Methods Oivic }j)ducation, Social Welfare, Family Life and Rural Life. Sought to Meet Demands of Social Justice--Bishop Boyle LEGAL-Serves as a clearing house of information on federal, state and local legislation. State8 Active Organizations LAY ORGANIZATIONS-Includes the National Council of Catholic Men and the National Needed. in Present Situation Council of Catholic Women, which maintain at N. O. W. C. headquarters perma­ -Volume on "The Apostles' nent representations in the interests of the Catholic laity. These councils function Oreed" Praised by Bishop through some 8,000 affiliated societies-national, state, diocesan, district, local Lilli8. and parish; also through units of the councils in many of the dioceses. Cleveland's National Eucharistic Congress . .. 7 The N. C. C. M. maintains at its national headquarters a Oatholic }j)vidence Bu­ reau and sponsors a weekly nationwide radio O(Jtholio Hour over the network of the By Rev. John F. Mulholland National Broadcasting Company. Participation of Catholics in The N. C. O. W. maintains in Washington, D.O., the Nationa.l Oathoolic School of Mixed Groups-Part I . , . , 9 Social Service. The Conference is conducted by an administrative committee composed of seven By Anna Dill Gamble archbishops and bishops aided by seven assistant bishops. Expansion Program of the CCC 11 Each department of the N. O. W. C. is administered by an episcopal chairman. By James J. McEntee Through the general secretary. chief executive officer of the Conference, the reports of the departments and information on the reneral work of the headquarters' staff are Month by Month with the N. C. sent regularly to the members of the administrative committee. W. C• ... ,', . "" "" , . 12 The administrative bishops of the Conference report annually upon their work to the Holy See. Roy Scouts, Marking Silver Ju~ Annually at the general meeting of the bishops, detailed reports are submitted by ~il~e, Issu~s ~tatement of Re­ the administrative bishops of the Conference and authorization secured for the work hglOus Prmclples . .. , .. , " 16 of the coming year. No official action is taken by any N. C. W. O. department without authorization of Catholic Action Week in Denver 17' its episcopal chairman. By Linna E. Bresette No official action is taken in the name of the whole Conference without authoriza- tion and approval of the administrative committee. N. C. W. C. Executives at Mont­ real Social Work Conference 18 It is not the policy of the N. C. W. C. to create new organizations. It helps, unifies, and leaves to their own fields those that already exist. N. C. S. S. S. Adds Eighteen It aims to defend and to advance the welfare both of the Catholic Church and of Graduates to Rapidly Grow~ our beloved Country. ing Roll of Alumnae , , , , ., 19 It seeks to inform the life of America of right fundamental principles of religion and morality. N. C. C. W. Activities in the It is a central clearing house of information regarding activities of Catholic men and women. Dioceses ... , ., .... ... 20 . All that are helped may play their part in pr!>moting the good work and in main­ taininJr the common agency, the National Catholic Welfare Conference. OATHOLIO ACTION records monthly the work of the Confer~~ce and its affili­ The contents of CATHOLIC AC­ ated organizations. It presents o~r com1l!0n .needs a~d .o~portunlbes. Its special TION are fully indexed in the articles are helpful 'to every Cathohc organIZatIOn and mdlvldual Oatholic Periodical IndeID. == CATHOLIO ACTION published monthly by the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Entered as second-class matter at the post-office at Washington, D. C., under the Act of March 3, 1879. All changes of address, re~ewals and subscrip­ tions should be sent direct to CATHOLIO ACTION, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Washmgton, D. O • . Sublcription. Rate8 Puhlioation, }j)ditorial and EIDecutiv6 Offi,c6a $2.00 per year; $2.25 outside the United 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W. States. Make checks or postal money orders I\ I payable to CATHOLIC ACTION. WASHINGTON, D. C. CATHOLIC ACTION "C'A.THOLIC ACTION consists not merely of the pursuit of per­ sonal Christian perfection, which i8 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE however before all other. its first and greate.t end, but it also consi8ts of a true apostolate in which Catholic. of every social cla.. participate, coming thus to be united in thought and action NATIONAL CATHOLIC around those center. of sound doc­ trine an~ multiple social acti"ity, legitimately constituted and, a. a re­ sult, aided and sustained by the au­ WELF ARE CONFERENCE thority of the bishops." -Pope Pius XI. VOL. XVII, No.7 JULY, 1935 OUR COMMON CATHOLIC INTERESTS OUR Holy Father, addressing the convention of the question of the right to take from anyone that which International Hospital Association meeting recently in is for each a natural sacrosanct right." Rome, has again taken occasion to warn of the danger Addressing himself to the immediate cause of his to both religion and science r emarks, the Holy Father explained that the discussion Holy Father Again in the intemporate de- of sterilization as desired by the German doctors was Condemns Demands of mands of modern eugenics. not a proper question for such a congress, stating: Modern Eugenists His words were directed , 'In the congress some one said the subject was not immediately against efforts mature and that it should be postponed to a bigger con­ by a group of German doctors who wished to have the gress. Now, in any other congress it would be still more question of eugenics and sterilization inserted in the out of place than ever. Some one has said that at some program of the convention and against the recent ster­ future time all nations will follow and imitate what ilization program of the German Government. He also Germany has done. We recall Germany with affection, directed his remarks to those practices which, if ac­ and We have many dear acquaintances in Germany, cepted by peoples, states and governments, "would not merely as an old librarian, but some real and most reach in fact that pagan vision of the world, both in appreciated friendships in every field of science. How­ individual and collective life, which would not fail to ever, We must express the conviction that if such prac­ bring with it consequences of inexorable disasters. It tices were accepted by peoples, states, government~, if would return to full paganism. " they should enter into the practices of life, if, in a word, they should be adopted, then Our duty suggests "We, Ourselves," said Our Holy Father, "have per­ to Us that as Supreme Pastor, We shall have to use sonally in an encyclical (Casti Connubii) spoken of every means of protest." sterilization, condemning it more in the name of hu­ The French representative, Prof. Lapine, then spoke. manity than of religion, comforted in this by the most He renewed the invitation of the French Government powerful intellects of the world and by the authorities to hold the next congress at Paris in' two years' time. most qualified to deal with this subject." He said that the Government and City of Paris would (' Authoritative statements on eugenics and the mode prepare a most cordial reception, but, in all sincerity, of applying it are not lacking," declares His Holiness. he was obliged to warn that, if the subject of eugenics , , We hope that you will not be offended with the com­ and sterilization were placed on the program, both the plete sincerity with which We express Our thought and French Government and the Paris Municipality would sentiment. In this argument, in fact, medicine and be entirely disinterested.
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