FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Report No: PAD3501 Public Disclosure Authorized INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION PROJECT APPRAISAL DOCUMENT ON A PROPOSED CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF SDR 57 MILLION (US$78.2 MILLION EQUIVALENT) Public Disclosure Authorized AND A PROPOSED GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF SDR 51 MILLION (US$70 MILLION EQUIVALENT) OF WHICH SDR42.3 MILLION (US$58 MILLION EQUIVALENT) FROM THE IDA18 SUB-WINDOW FOR REFUGEES AND HOST COMMUNITIES TO THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Public Disclosure Authorized FOR A UGANDA INVESTING IN FORESTS AND PROTECTED AREAS FOR CLIMATE-SMART DEVELOPMENT PROJECT APRIL 1, 2020 Environment, Natural Resources and The Blue Economy Global Practice Africa Region Public Disclosure Authorized This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. The World Bank Uganda Investing in Forests and Protected Areas for Climate-Smart Development Project (P170466) CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Exchange Rate Effective February 29, 2020) Currency Unit = Ugandan Shillings (UGX) UGX3,779 = US$1 US$1 = SDR 0.72818362 FISCAL YEAR July 1–June 30 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS CEDP Competitiveness and Enterprise MWE Ministry of Water and Environment Development Project CFM Collaborative Forest Management NCCAC National Climate Change Advisory Committee CFR Central Forest Reserve NDP National Development Plan CIFOR Center for International Forestry NFA National Forestry Authority Research CPF Country Partnership Framework NFMS National Forest Monitoring System CPI Consumer Price Index NFTPA National Forestry and Tree Planting Act CRI Corporate Results Indicator NP National Park CRM Collaborative Resource Management NTFP Non-timber Forest Product CSO Civil Society Organization OPM Office of the Prime Minister DA Designated Account PA Protected Area DLG District Local Government PDO Project Development Objective EFA Economic and Financial Analysis PDU Procurement and Disposal Unit EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return PIM Project Implementation Manual ENPV Economic Net Present Value PPDA Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets ESMF Environmental and Social Management PPI Predictive Proxy Indicator Framework ESMP Environmental and Social Management PPSD Project Procurement Strategy for Plan Development FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of PSN Persons with Specific Needs the United Nations FIP Forest Investment Program REDD+ Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and the Role of Conservation, Sustainable Management of Forests, and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks in Developing Countries The World Bank Uganda Investing in Forests and Protected Areas for Climate-Smart Development Project (P170466) FIRR Financial Internal Rate of Return ReHoPE Refugee and Host Population Empowerment FM Financial Management RF Results Framework GBV Gender-based Violence RSW Refugee Sub-Window GCF Green Climate Fund SLM Sustainable Landscape Management GDP Gross Domestic Product SPD Standard Procurement Document GHG Greenhouse Gas SPGS Sawlog Production Grant Scheme GoU Government of Uganda STEP Systematic Tracking of Exchanges in Procurement ICR Implementation Completion and ToR Terms of Reference Results Report IFMIS Integrated Financial Management TSP Technical Service Provider Information System IFR Interim Financial Report UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees IRR Internal Rate of Return UWA Uganda Wildlife Authority IT Information Technology W/P With Project IWMDP Integrated Water Management and WMZ Water Management Zone Development Project M&E Monitoring and Evaluation WO/P Without Project METT Management effectiveness tracking tool WR Wildlife Reserve MTWA Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities Regional Vice President: Hafez M. H. Ghanem Country Director: Carlos Felipe Jaramillo Regional Director: Ede Jorge Ijjasz-Vasquez Practice Manager: Iain G. Shuker Task Team Leader(s): Nigel Ross Hughes, Nathalie Weier Johnson The World Bank Uganda Investing in Forests and Protected Areas for Climate-Smart Development Project (P170466) TABLE OF CONTENTS DATASHEET ........................................................................................................................... 1 I. STRATEGIC CONTEXT ...................................................................................................... 6 A. Country Context ................................................................................................................................ 6 B. Sectoral and Institutional Context .................................................................................................... 8 C. Relevance to Higher Level Objectives ............................................................................................. 13 II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................. 15 A. Project Development Objective ..................................................................................................... 15 B. Project Components ....................................................................................................................... 16 C. Project Beneficiaries ....................................................................................................................... 27 D. Results Chain .................................................................................................................................. 28 E. Rationale for Bank Involvement and Role of Partners.................................................................... 30 F. Lessons Learned and Reflected in the Project Design .................................................................... 30 III. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS ............................................................................ 32 A. Institutional and Implementation Arrangements .......................................................................... 32 B. Results Monitoring and Evaluation Arrangements ......................................................................... 33 C. Sustainability ................................................................................................................................... 33 IV. PROJECT APPRAISAL SUMMARY ................................................................................... 34 A. Technical, Economic and Financial Analysis (if applicable) ............................................................ 34 B. Fiduciary .......................................................................................................................................... 35 C. Legal Operational Policies ............................................................................................................... 35 D. Environmental and Social ............................................................................................................... 36 V. GRIEVANCE REDRESS SERVICES ..................................................................................... 39 VI. KEY RISKS ..................................................................................................................... 39 VII. RESULTS FRAMEWORK AND MONITORING ................................................................... 42 ANNEX 1: IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS AND SUPPORT PLAN ................................... 58 ANNEX 2: GENDER ACTION PLAN ......................................................................................... 76 ANNEX 3: MAP OF PROJECT AREA ........................................................................................ 83 The World Bank Uganda Investing in Forests and Protected Areas for Climate-Smart Development Project (P170466) DATASHEET BASIC INFORMATION BASIC_INFO_TABLE Country(ies) Project Name Uganda Uganda Investing in Forests and Protected Areas for Climate-Smart Development Project Project ID Financing Instrument Environmental and Social Risk Classification Investment Project P170466 Moderate Financing Financing & Implementation Modalities [ ] Multiphase Programmatic Approach (MPA) [ ] Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) [ ] Series of Projects (SOP) [ ] Fragile State(s) [ ] Disbursement-linked Indicators (DLIs) [ ] Small State(s) [ ] Financial Intermediaries (FI) [ ] Fragile within a non-fragile Country [ ] Project-Based Guarantee [ ] Conflict [ ] Deferred Drawdown [ ] Responding to Natural or Man-made Disaster [ ] Alternate Procurement Arrangements (APA) Expected Approval Date Expected Closing Date 23-Apr-2020 30-Jun-2026 Bank/IFC Collaboration No Proposed Development Objective(s) To improve sustainable management of forests and protected areas and increase benefits to communities from forests in target landscapes Page 1 of 83 The World Bank Uganda Investing in Forests and Protected Areas for Climate-Smart Development Project (P170466) Components Component Name Cost (US$, millions) Component 1. Improved Management of Protected Areas 46.70 Component 2. Increased Revenues and Jobs from Forests and Wildlife Protected 38.50 Areas Component 3. Improved Landscape Management in Refugee Hosting Areas 58.00 Component 4. Project Management and Monitoring 5.00 Organizations Borrower: Republic of Uganda Implementing Agency: Ministry of Water and Environment Uganda Wildlife Authority National Forestry Authority PROJECT FINANCING DATA (US$, Millions) SUMMARY-NewFin1 Total Project Cost 178.20 Total Financing 178.20 of which IBRD/IDA 148.20 Financing
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