Volume 28, #7 August 1999 the monthly $1 PREMIUM FLAKE FOOD R E G I S T E R E Dcc B Y AiUiS T RccA L I A hPhO S T lPlP 3 i4i2 7 8d0d/ 0 0 2 4 Wardley Total Tropical is the ultimate freshwater flake food, created to pro- vide an extraordinary diet that consid- ers not only your fishes health of today, but their nutritional needs for tomorrow. Better metabolic responses, faster attraction to the food, brilliant color and improved overall health and vitality are only a few of the benefits of feeding Total Tropical as your everyday staple food. Total Tropical begins where all other staple foods leave off. JOURNAL OF THE QUALITY PRODUCTS FOR THE AUSTRALIAN FISHKEEPER Viictoriian Ciichlliid Sociiety IIncorporated AUSTRALIA’S PREMIER BRAND Certiifiicate of IIncorporatiion No A12794D ^ Check out our Web page: ^ JJuullyy TTaabbllee SShhooww RReessuullttss:: ^ wwWeww wwhave..bb llaasomezzee ..specialnneett..aa friendsuu//~~dd aathatrryyllhh Judge: Kevin Archibald. Keith Patford Show (Lake Tanganyikans) you might like to meet also ... Species Cond Fins Shape Scales Age Total Entrant 1 Julidochromis dickfeldi 29 25 18 9 9 86 Peter Robinson Good specimen. cichlid 2 Lapidolamprologus elongatus 25 24 18 9 7 83 Maurie Breward coEASTERNnten DISTRICTSts AQUARIUM SOCIETY Good show fish. Meets on the 4th Friday of month at the Willis Room, Kevin Archibald Show (Central Americans) Nunawading Civic Centre, Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading. Species Cond Fins Shape Scales Age Total Entrant 1 Petenia splendida 25 25 18 9 8 85 Peter Robinson Ring 9802 3968 for more informationSce orn writee to: è Good fish. Coming Events . PO. Box. 502, Ringwood 3134. 2 Copora nicaraguense 25 25 18 8 6 82 Maurie Breward Aims of the Society . .2 Young fish, good potential. THE NEXT MEETING will be held l Editorial . 3 on the second Friday of the month Minutes ofAUSTRALIAN the Previous & NEW GUINEAat 8 pm sharp FISHES (Trading Table 4 opens earlier) in the Courtyard General Meeting . .ASSOCIATION . Room at the Nunawading Civic Cichlid Observations . 6-7 Centre, Whitehorse Rd, Mitcham. Ring 9725 3665 for more informationVisitors are orencouraged. write to: The Poor Man’s DiscusPO .Box . 8-10 502, Ringwood 3134. Wardley Table Show Calendar 1999 MINI TALK: Home Show video and 11 Kevin Archibald Show Keith Patford Show Keyhole . results. 12-15 MAIN TALK: Heinz Staude. February Angels, Uarus and Discus Lake Malawians Apistogramma panduro AQUARIUM SOCIETY DOOROF VICTORIA PRIZES: Wardleys. March South Americans Lake Tanganyikans Rowemin’ ‘Round . 16 Meets on the last ThursdayDRAW of PRIZES:the month April Central Americans African Riverines and Lake Victorians Jawlockings . 18-19 1. HiFin Voucher. May South Americans Lake Malawians at 29 Grant Street, Clifton2. Wetlands Hill. frozen food. GrowingRing Plants 9478 Successfully 6028 for more information or write to: June Dwarf Americans Dwarf Africans With Cichlids . 20-23 3. Plant. July Central Americans Lake Tanganyikans PO Box 140, Clifton Hill 3068. 24 TABLE SHOWS August Pairs (American) Pairs (African) July Table Show Results . KA -- Pairs (American). September South Americans Lake Malawians Wardley Table Show Calendar 24 KP -- Pairs (African). October Central Americans African Riverine and Lake Victorians Victorian Cichlid Society November Angels, Uarus and Discus Lake Tanganyikans THIS SPACE FOR RENT THIS SPACE December American of Your Choice African of Your Choice MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS or Reprintsother enquiries© Copyright, mayVictorian be Cichlid directed Society to: Inc 1999. NOTE: Asian Cichlids may be entered in any show, but must meet the special Anyone wishing to reprint material from `The Cichlid Monthly’ for non-commercial The Secretary, Graham Rowe requirements in June (dwarfs) and August (pairs). reasons, may do so (unless the article is copyright by the author) provided due 23credit Mangana is given to the Drive, author and Mulgrave`TCM’ and one copy Vic of the 3170 relevant publication is forwarded to the author, care of the Secretary. Enquiries re the use of material Youin any can other publicationscall or mayfax also him be directed on to9560 the Secretary 7472 (see page 2). or e-mail him at [email protected] 24 V I C T O R I A N C I C H L I D S O C I E T Y I N C ^ T H E C I C H L I D M O N T H L Y 1 made for the aquarium such as root hairs. CEC is the ability of a other such things. All of these meth- may also find straight potassium sul- DuplasAimsAims Duplarit. ofof Another thethe simple prod-SocietSocietgrowingyy medium to absorb caution odsdarylh@ are not recommended to begin- phate which has no nitrate. Some uct to use is Fluorite from Seachem, ions (minerals) and hold them making nersblaze. because if done incorrectly can aquarium plant tablets contain NPK, a porous clay gravel. Gravel is prefer- them available to plants ... a kind of causenet.au severe problems in the tank. but do not say so. For example Tetra ableThe Victorianto sand Cichlid for a Societycouple was of formedreasons: by cichlidophilesnutrient in Marchreserve. 1972 Porousthus becoming gravel, the firstclay Plants can also be strategically Initial Sticks are 1.35% and 18% ... evenspecialist course aquarist sand group has in the a State tendency of Victoria. to Its mainlitter, aims vermiculite, are: and perlite are all placed in clayee or plasticdd pots,ii butttlowoo in nitrogen,rr butii highaa in phosphatell compact1. To promote over the keepingtime. of Acichlids; compacted excellent CECs! growthFax: 9872-3225 will be more restricted. and potassium. This would be substrate2. To gain andcreates disseminate a low-oxygen knowledge of envi-cichlids, their habits and attributes through the use of slides, Fertilising the Water Column acceptable in a newly established ronment around the plant roots and “ ... plants can also be tank, but not after phosphate levels films, books, lectures, practical demonstrations, local and overseas magazines, articles by members In addition to providing a fertile sub- canand cause discussions your withsubstrate fellow members to go or sour. experts in thestrategically field; placed in have built up. Most plants will thrive in The plant roots will turn black and strate medium, adding regular high-nitrogen environments, but 3. To assist, in any way possible, the establishment and/or maintenance of approved public aquaria; smell like rotten eggs, and the plant clay or plastic pots, but dosagesWELL ofthere fertilisation is nothing to the likewater a is a unfortunatelybig head) I haveso does always algae been and fish could4. To beeventually involved in diethe educationif the problem of the general is public growthwith regard to willthe benefits be ofmore fishkeeping important.good whinge There (see are last many month’s trace edi- ele- enthralleddo not! when he addresses us (particularly cichlids), and the potentially harmful effects of animal mismanagement; ment liquids made for the aquarium, not corrected. Trapped organics will torial) to bring in a couple of original whatever subject he chooses. restricted... “ and instructions on the internet for As long as there is enough light to decompose5. To promote causingfellowship betweena toxic members; gas build- articles. Unfortunately one of the making your own. Stem plants in par- Bygenerate the time growth, you andread enough this theminer- up.6. ToGravel further onthe conservationthe other hand,of species 2mm and theiror naturalMore habitats; elaborate substrate recipes authors (Peter) is almost a staffer. larger will not compact and also if ticular rely more on what is in the Homeals to Show feed will the be plants, history algae again canfor be 7. To further the identification, distribution, breeding,include maintenance the and use enjoyment of soils, of speciesvermiculite, in the He has certainly done more than porous will provide an excellent CEC sphagnum moss, pottery clay, earth- water than what is in the substrate. anotherkept in year. check. At theFast time growing of writing plants I in Family Cichlidae. his fair share when it comes to writ- (cation exchange capacity), for plant worm castings, clay kitty litter and One way to gauge your iron content amparticular aware of out-compete four entries. algaeWhile for this nutri- ing for this journal. Kevin con- is if you have red stem plants. If they seemsents. toOnly be whena normal the turnoutplants stop these grow- looktributes dark-red occasionally then you -- havewhich plenty is all of Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are All correspondence to: days,ing, Ior am if therewondering is over why. fertilisation Surely will those of the authors, and are not necessarily THE SECRETARY iron.that is asked of anyone. thereyou areget more a large than algaefour people bloom in (this those of the Editor of TCM or the committee VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INC Other mineral deficiencies can At the risk of appearing repeti- theincludes society nitratewith passable and phosphate). fish tanks of the VictorianA Cichlid C OSocietyM PInc.R YouE HareENSc/-I 23V ManganaE RA Drive,N GMulgrave,E Victoria, cause leaves to become transparent, encouraged to write to, or e-mail the Editor on Australia 3170 ortious, have you holes. don’t haveNPK tofertilisers be an upare in theirThe home. other piece of the puzzle is pro- any subjectFO raisedR herein. THE DISCERNFaxIN 9560-7472.G H E-mailOB [email protected] and coming journalist ... we need Nitrogen-Phosphate-Potassium. Actuallyviding adequate it does notCO 2have, which to beis a in com- pictures, snippets of information, * African and American Cichlids Unless you have very low readings of yourplicated home subject -- maybe that the I namewill attempt of etc. I haven’t seen a crossword or another time. Creating a spectacular FELLOW* Selected OF THE Tropical SOCIETY: andGraham Rowe. nitrate and phosphate, use only the event should be changed to NPKspuzzle wherefor quite the firsta while two numberseither.
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