74 OOLLIEBT~EY, DURHAl:I. [IELLY'I Maddison William, butcher Thorne Thos. fried tish dlr. New Kyo Mullancv• Lawrence,Smiths' ArmsP.H Maddison Margaret (Mrs.), farmer, Watson John R. saddler Oxley J oseph, grocer Hare Law Watson Robert, news agent Pears Jas. (~Vlrs. ),Crown & Thistle P.H Martin John, confectioner Whitfield Robert, cartman Pearson Thomas, beer retailer Mewes- John & Burdon G. F. shpkprs Willson Waiter Limited, grocers Perry & Rogerson, boot makers Mitchell William C. joiner Wilson Thomas, draper Pigford Frederick William, painter, Mordue Thomas, joiner Wilson Thoma.s, hair dresser Clowes terrace Morson Henry & Wm. Hy. saddlers Ritson U. A.. & Sons Limited, colliery Nicklas Henry, pork butcher CATCHGATE. owners, South Pontop North Eastern Banking Co. Limited Beaumont Thomas Henry, Broadway, Rosemergey Joseph Eddie, house fur· (branch) (Jn. R. Barrow, manager); Xorth road nisher draw on Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. Castle John, Mill house Smith Thomas, fancy drap~r, 13 Viet London E C Field Alfred, Parkfield ho. Hare. Law toPia terrace O'Hara Edward, Queen's Head P.H Maxwell Rev. John (vicar), Collierly Swainston Annie (Mrs.), grocer Parkinson William Joseph M.R.C.S. vicarage, Hare Law Trowsdale Tom J ames, surveyor to Eng. physicn. & surgn. Durham rd Morison William Mackenzie J ,p Annfield Plain Urban District Parry Richard L.R.·C.P. & S.Edin. Watchman Thomas Lawson Council, Hare Law physician & surgeon, Durham road COMMERCIAL. Watchman Thomas Lawson, clerk to Peadon Emily (.Mrs.), farmr.Fines ho Awde Robinson, joiner & cartwright Annfield Plain Urban District Coun· Pearson Thomas, East Castle P .H Bainbridge Th"mas, butcher cil, Hare Law Phillipson M. & J. fancy drapers Bowes John & Partners Limited, Williamson James Drummond, Phillipson Robson, farmer,Carrmyers colliery owners, Pontop mineral water manufacturer Public Library (J. W. Lawson, Castle Bricli: & Stone Works (J. librarian) Castle, proprietor) WEST KYO. .Reay Philip, confectioner Catchgate & District Working Men's Watson Joseph, Bush Blades hortse Reece John, news agent Club Lim. (Lancelot Coxon, sec) (letters through Tantobie) .Rippon Michael, but{:her Champnry John, shopkeeper River Plate Fresh Meat Co. Limited, Chapman Joseph, fancy draper, 14 COMMERCIAL. butchers Victoria terrace Annfield Plain & District Gas Co. Robs on Eleanor (~iiss ), confectioner Cumberledge Thomas, grocer (The} (Thomas Henry Beaumont, Robson Herbert, news agent Oixon George, shopkeeper manager & engineer; W. H. Kent, Rossi Brothers, confectioners Dixon Richard, shopkeeper 50 Cannon street, London E C, Russell John & Co. grocers & drapers Douglass Alfred, beer retailer sec.). T N 15 Russell William, cartman Downs Jn. Hy. architect & surveyor Armstrong Thomas, cycle maker Scott John, hay merchant East Poutop Coal Co. Lim. colliery Ayre John Robert, farmer .Singer Sewing 1\IJ:achine Co. Limited owners Bates Robert, collector to Annfield (branch) Field Alfred & Sons, explosives mer- Plain Urban District Council & Skilbeck William, grocer chants, Hare Law assistant overseer Smith Thomas & Co. drapers Forster Sweeney, ~racer Car rick J ames, beer retailer Smith James, auctioneer Graley Elizabeth (Mrs.), blacksmith Ferguson Margaret (Mrs.), shopkpr Snowdon Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeepr Hall Alfred, hair dress-er Gatiss Thomas, contractor Snowdon Wm. beer retailer, West rd Hobson Michael M. corn miller Hobson Michael M. miller (water), South Derwent Coal Co. Limited, J ohnson George (Mrs.), shopkeeper Harperley mill colliery owners Lemm Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper Hooper George, shopkeeper .South Moor Colliery Co. Limited. Yiarley J oseph, butcher Lazenby .Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper colliery owners .Johnson Ralph Thos. bldr. Hare Law Palmerley William, Earl Grey P.H Stoddart Esther (Mrs.), confectioner l\Iorison Wm. Mackenzie L.R.C.P.& Ridley Richard, grocer Story Frederick W. baker L.R.C.S.Edin., L.F.P. & S.Glas. Routh John, shopkeeper Suddes Minnie (Mrs.), dress maker pbysician & surgeon, & medical Shepherd Henry, farmer, East Kyo Swainston Matthew, fried fish dealer officer to Maiden Law Sanatorium, Wilson Foster, farmer Taylor Thomas, architect Inaclete house • CONISCLIFFE is a parish comprising the townships Thoroton and Croft trustees, are the chief landowners. of High Conisclifie and Low Coniscliffe and the hamlet of There are golf links here of 18 holes. The soil is of Carlbury; it is in the South Eastern division of the a varied description, and produces prolific crops of eounty, ward, petty sessional division, union and county wheat, oats, barley, potatoes and turnips. The area of court district of Darlington, rural deanery of Darlington, High Coniscli:ffe township is 2,I23 acres of land and archdeaconry of Auckland and diocese of Durham. The 27 of water; rateable value, £4,868; the population in village of High Coniscli:ffe is on the north bank of the ~9IL was 312 and of Coniscliffe ecclesiastical parish, 461. river Tees, and on the brink of a long ridge of limestone !'est Office, High Coniscliffe.-Miss Sarah Burdon, post- rock, r mile south-east from Piercebridge station on the mistress. Letters through Darlington arrive at 7.50 Barnard Castle and Darlington section of the North a.m. & 7.15 p.m. (for callers only) week days & 9.30 Eastern railway and 4 west-by-north from Darlington. a.m. on sundays; dispatched 6 p.m. week days & 6 The church of St. Edwin is a building of stone, chiefly p.m. on sundays. The nearest money order & tele­ in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, clere­ graph office is .fiercebridge, about r mile distant storied nave of five bays, north aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower with small crocketed pinnacles Public Elementary School (mixed), for 87 children; and a lofty octagonal spire containing a clock and three average attendance, 36; William Walshaw, master bells ; there are memorials in the church to the Bowes Pierce bridge Station, William Woodcock, master family of Thornton Hall, and to Jane Hope, wife of 'l'homas Maclachlan esq. J.P. of Carlbury Hall, who LOW CONISCLIFFE is a village and township, on the <lied 8 July, 1878; a candelabrum was also presented by north bank of the river Tees, r! miles south-east from her children in memory of their mother : in the chancel the parish church and 3 west from Darlington, and are some ancient stalls and desks. with carved finials formerly contained the manor house of Coniscli:ffe. The at the ends: here was formerly a chantry dedicated population in I9II was 149; the area is r,on acres of to St. Mary, worth £5 Ss. yearly, besides five others, land and 26 of water; rateable value, £I,893· viz. : Bitry's, valued at £6 4s. ; Our Ladie Masse, Letters arrive by foot messenger from Darlington. Wall £4 gs. zd.; St. Catherine's, St. Helen's and the Twelve Letter Box,· cleared at 8.15 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; sunday, Apostles, £6 ns. : the church was restored in r8gr, at 8.15 a. m. Darlington, 3 miles distant, is the nearest a cost of £soo, and affords 304 sittings. The register money <lrder & telegraph office eommences in 1590. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £210, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop Public Elementary School (mixed), erected with resi­ of Durham, and held since rgo6 by the Rev. Reginald dence for mistress in 1877, for ro5 children; average Cecil G·eorge M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. attendance, 29; Miss Edith Atkinson, mistress Here is a W esleyan chapel, erected in I 826. Bowes' charity, left by Robert Bowes in 1734, originally con­ CA.RLBURY, anciently called "Kerleburie," is a sisted of land, but now consists of invested money, hamlet in the parish of Coniscliffe, about I mile west the interest of which is given to necessit,ous persons in from the parish church. In or about I856, ten human High and· Low Coniscli:ffe. Philip John Canning Howard sl;:Pletons, together with some urns, were discovered in esq. of Corby Castle, Cumberland is lord of the manor, the western portion of the railway cutting in this and Lord Barnard, James Westoll esq. of Sunderland, hamlet; a silver coin of Geta (209-12) was also met Henry Kitching esq. of Great Ayton, Yorks and the with. Lord Barnard is the principal landowner. .
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