James Street Writes about Linda Darnell '---_ Read "Millions for Missin Heirs" p~e 34; "The Quiz Kids" age 39 THE GREATEST PICTURE 20th CENTURY-FOX HAS EVER MADE ... revealing the story behind the heroic Mormon trek westward! 20,000 people seeking a land where a man-wives and children-brave young lovers and a fighting leader-could find the Jreedom they were willing to die for! I by LOUIS BROMFIELD starring with TYRONE LINDA POWER · DaRNILL Brian Donlevy • Jane Darwell • John Canadine Mary Astor • Vincent Price • Jean Rogers • Ann Todd and DiaN JaGGI R Brigha:SYoUng _ Directed by Henry Hathaway Associate Producer Kenneth Macgowan • Screen Play by Lamar Trotti A Twentieth Century-Fox Picture M0YIEAND RA0lOGUIDE: The National Weekly ofpersonalities and Programs Should foreign-language broadcasts be permitted? WHAT good does it do for us to close the PERIODICALLY each Tuesday night, the re­ holes in our borders. to add to our navy I to moins of Horotio Alger. Jr., must turn over in train e million men if within our boundaries their grove. Reason: Tuesdoy is the night there is ~n unmolested Fifth Column which is "Court of Missing Heirs" to~es to the micro­ poison to the minds of America? phone. Just os Horotio Alger speciolized in At present, there is such ~ Fifth Column. fiction which had poverty-stricken souls happily last week we presented the first of " series of inheriting large fortunes, so does the 'Court of four articles telling how Nazi-inspired societies Missing Heirs" deal with the some subject. ore using our airwaves for foreign-language Difference: The "Court of Missing Heirs" plays br~dcosts which damn our system of govern­ for keeps. It is the actuol cose record of heirs ment tJnd insult our President. We hope you to millions of dollars who CMnot be found. will re~d every word of those four .,ticles, for You'll enjoy the dramatically gripping experi­ they demonstr~ted'ust wh~t h~s happened in ences recounted in "Millions for Missing Heirs" other countries an what can hoppen here. on poge 34 of this wee~'s issue. Just last week a Chicago station permitted a GIRL ON THE COYER. M~ry Martin is one German-society speaker to tell his listeners that MANY READERS have asked for writer they "must not and dare not" fail to attend a James Street's picture. Here he Is at of the most indispensable_of those tantalizing certain meeting. By what right does any speek­ home In Connecticut with daughter Ann Texas girls without whom, they soy, Hollywood er tell you, a listener, that you dare not fail to couldn't operote. Miss Martin was born in 1914 attend a meeting? at Weatherford, Texas, and although "My Heert All over America stations continue to broad­ Belongs to Daddy" is her own personal tag-line, cast in foreign languages. Is this in the public CONTENTS the record proves it should belong to Mother, interest or necessity? The law requires that a who urged her to station operate only in the public interest. In Movies give up 0 successful the public interest hardly requires a language The Child Who Didn't Want to Be smoll-town dancing. which ninety-nine percent of American listeners One (an article). .. 2 school for one fling cannot understond. "Llfe With Henry" Ain't All Like at the bright lights. Thl, 4 Worse, we hove discovered thot some broed­ Award for Distinguished Acting (a The resultont and vain costers who seek the secrecy of 0 foreign-lon­ department) .. 5 attempt to crash Hol­ guage broadc~st even lie ~bout wh~t they are This Week In Hollywood (new,). 6 lywood ended in a s~ying on the air. It happened on our West Thl' Week on the Screen (reviews) 8 singing job at the C~st. A stotion demonded tronslotions from The Man with the Acting Eyes (an Troc~dero, but this their Germon br~dcoster. Feke tronslotions article) . .. ... .... .. .. .. 9 become Mory's were provided gladly, but the speaker s~id his "Lucky Partner"S" (Picture of the spring-board to f~me. speech of hate and deceit thinking he would Week) .. 10 It led first to her Introducing the Roogaronga! 12 not be detected. But loyal German-,pe~king fomed Broo d W 0 Y Mary Martin listeners heard him, complained. That was that. Radio show, "Leave It To We connot continue to toke chonces. Polond Coming Radio Events..... 13 Me," in 193B, then did thot. We connot continue to gront freedom Thl, Week Along the Alrlaltos to open-~rmed welcome by both radio and to those who speek destructively of our nation (news) 14 movies-o storring·spot os songstress of Wolter end our principles. Norway did thot. We con­ First Families of Radio ("Mid_ O'Keefe's "Tune-Up Time," a Poromount con· not tolerate the slightest bre~ch in our solid stream") 33 trod and 0 starring-role in "The Great Vidor front egeinst Nozi eggression. Fronce did thot. Millions for Missing Heirs (an ar- Herbert." A few months ago she joined 'Good If, when you have read our serie-. called "Trea­ ticle) 34 News of 1940" as co-singing stor with Did. Pictures Along the Alrlaltos 36 son on Your Diel," you believe here is donger Powell. Rutter of Hollywood's gossip year was foreign.l~ngu~ge TrUlOn on Your Dial (an article) 37 in broadcasting, we hope you On the Bandwagon (a department) 38 Mary's elopment with Paromount story-editor will let us know. The Qul:r. Kids (an article) 39 Dick Halliday I~st May. Dick is a Dartmouth On Short Waves (a department) 40 man who had been p~ying lots of attention to ANYBODY WHO had ten d~ughters, all Mory for some time. Miss Mortin is currently eighteen years old at the same time, must have Programs being seen on the nation's screens in Poro· been quite a guy. Th~t guy, if you haven't Week of Aug. 31·Sept. 6 16-32 mount's "Rhythm on the River," which stars her heard, was Brigham 0 M. L. ANNENBERG, Publisher in singing-end-dancing role with Bing Crosby. Young. Now 20th Her next will be a straight dram~tic role-for Curtis Mitchell, Editor Century-Fox has the first time-in "New York Town," a comedy mode 0 movie obout Vol. 9. No. 47. Aug. 31·Sept. 6, 1940 drama of life in Manhattan, and she is ~Iready Mr. Young which 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. working with Jeck Benny ond Fred Allen in pleys its premiere in A 'r I\d"or, liolartln I.ewLt: "'_pi". liddltt. Rulh "Love Thy Neighbor." Natur~1 color photo­ 111 11: IJt/HI",",,,'al Edll.,,: ('".,Jon llw.nhout. M~I..: S~lt Lake City next Wll...,.llI_o. ,,_ "orlI: F.UD I'luamfr, 1I"IIJ1I'IiOd: [)on graph is by Jack Albin. M,..,tr, Mldwr.l. Itlrh.nJ KUnltm.n. l't<lCu.,; Ja_ week. In its able cast Il.nl"n. );'luc.tl"n: ("hul.. A, M'>nh, n I.lh"rt WU". f:dl'",I,,1 ".Lo'a,.,,,, John ('arlr.on, .·r.....\1 Cha... Jr. ore Miss Linda Dar­ Raymund ll.nl"n. fh.rlel LotllllO. Althur MIll«. ('Iarel'll'e THIS RASPBERRY comes to us, part of the nell, Mr. Tyrone Pow­ Il, It.r. "fh'!n llplPafl 1940 crop. Says M. G. Witt, of Evanston, III.: er ond Hank Fond~. M"l'I•••0 fhrolo (Inn. (Tndof M.,II R.Nhl"'" t'. II ''I'm a b~seball fan but still can't understand ".1 mfl,..l \C>hr_ IX S:UlllMr n \hell fII Alii II 'lf1p1. Miss Darnell is the •. IUt. ""bll 1MoJ. Ill, b, Uw ("_II. (-..an,. 1S1 why we should constantly be cut off from things 1·11....111 C·'lUrt. (·hkU.. 1111... IIInd .. -.t-of"l.... subject of a gentle _t.r lit " .. 1',1Iot II~ (·hku.1" IlIIDol horn...)' t1. more importont when five stations corry these lit -w IN M'1 tJ/ lIurIl:l I it \llI.!I«tard b, l"...t Tyrone Power rhopsody by our Mr. f~ Il...,.._,. flU•••. f·........ -.4--t'laft ..t ..... blasted games. We enjoy Hedd~ Hopper, Paul 4..:rrtah.t I' U by t'" ('..u. l'_lWIJ' \11 r'aht~ '" Street in this week's ....ad I "fIllkited lII--npU ..hDu1d IN ~Iad Sulliv~n and certainly 'The World Today. Ple~se loy ........ ..u.~ ........ f. nt_ T_ ...., issue. but the amoz­ II«' _, In U.. t nlUoJ IOu'''' ~"rll>C_ ""I IA ,. do something." Well. Mr. Witt we ore in ac­ I .. UIli P'JI_• ..-u IlD(I _11111. nf t.ha I'u .\~..n ing story of the seeson is on exposition of the 1', Lal rIO" II.. _11101 U ~t; _ )8' "t. !'IuIt­ cord with your sentiments. but we seem to be IICTI..,II", ral" In 'onl,,1 t'UOlnlrl. all .....1\1. J] It; _ virtues and vices of Brother Brighom Young ,., JlI t. Ie. ralt b)' pooul , or"'. UP", • _, in the minority. Or are we? Perhaps if enough himself, written by one of his 31S granddaugh­ ~r ... """'II ctra_ In GNo!r tJI 301olYl ••" .. Ihl>l<J (It II I. 0 flit'..,. .... '\Ibanlber', rt II rl.. a1lc1W r.., w"", indignont listeners orgonized boycott, we ters. We present in next week's issue 'The I", ttoanI'a fI acktr••• Be u.... Let II,.. ""'" old and _ could score the daylights out of some money· ....."._ ".INTIID IN U • .to Gre~test M~n I Ever Knew." Please re~d it­ chasing brO<ldcasting tycoons.
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