Natural History Sciences. Atti Soc. it. Sci. nat. Museo civ. Stor. nat. Milano, 5 (2): 41-56, 2018 DOI: 10.4081/nhs.2018.391 Un approccio multitaxa ed expert based per l’individuazione delle aree prioritarie per la conservazione della biodiversità nel Verbano Cusio Ossola Lucia Pompilio1*, Radames Bionda1, Andrea Mosini1, Giuseppe Bogliani2, Fabio Casale1, Claudio Celada3, Elena Rossini3, Massimo Soldarini3 Abstract - A multitaxa and expert based approach for the identi- the basis of expert knowledge, it hosted values so important for a speci- fication of Priority Areas for biodiversity conservation in the Verbano fic theme as to deserve to be part of Priority Areas even when it did not Cusio Ossola Province, Italy. overlay with other strata. In this article we present the results of a multitaxa and expert based As for Birds, expert ornithologists considered appropriate to methodology aimed at the identification of Priority Areas for Biodi- include Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in the theme stratum, as SPAs versity Conservation in the Province of Verbano Cusio Ossola (VCO), are acknowledged as areas of European importance for the conservation located in North Eastern Piedmont, Italy. The multitaxa approach was of birds and because they were selected according to robust scientific based on the selection of focal species and habitats that were conside- criteria, analogous to those we adopted in the present study. All areas red indicators of high levels of biodiversity, belonging to one of the were digitized in a GIS environment. The resulting 6 layers of Important following themes: a) Flora and Vegetation, b) Invertebrates, c) Aquatic and Peculiar Areas were progressively overlaid in order to extract Prio- Ecosystems and Fish, d) Amphibians and Reptiles, e) Birds, f) Mam- rity Areas for Biodiversity Conservation. A total of 37 Priority Areas mals. We gathered a group of 25 expert naturalists, biologists and resulted from at least 2 layers overlay, which represented to us the best researchers, possessing wide knowledge built during field studies and compromise between the need to select biodiversity rich areas and that researches carried out in VCO, to whom we asked to select Important of having sites large enough to guarantee ecological functioning of all and Peculiar Areas for the conservation of biodiversity related to their biological groups; 2-strata overlay was also selected in similar works themes and to draw them on the map. carried out in the Alpine region. Priority Areas covered a total surface An area was considered Important when at least one of the following of 111,210.26 hectares. criteria was satisfied: significant occurrence of species, habitats, coeno- While considering the good level of knowledge and information sis (for Invertebrates), ecological environments or processes; richness available on some portions of the study area and for some taxa in of species, habitats or ecological processes at ecoregional or continental particular, this research allowed us to provide a reasoned estimate level; endemism occurrence; Birds Directive species occurrence (for of the level of importance of the whole provincial territory for the Birds); Habitat Directive species occurrence (in both cases the occur- protection of biodiversity and for all the taxa examined by the thema- rence of even only one species was considered enough); occurrence of tic groups, considered as indicators of naturalistic and conservation habitats of community interest listed in annexes of Habitat Directive value. Our results also represent an efficient synthesis of the in-depth (for Flora and vegetation). An area was considered Peculiar when, on and specialized studies carried out before the start of the “VCO in rete” project. Gap analysis showed that a consistent part of Priority Areas fall within the boundaries of the protected areas system and the Natura 1 Società di Scienze Naturali del Verbano Cusio Ossola, Museo di 2000 network sites, confirming the validity of the approach we used to Scienze Naturali, Collegio Mellerio Rosmini, via Rosmini 24, faithfully represent the sources of biodiversity and, at the same time, 28845 Domodossola (VB), Italia. the choice of those areas to be protected at the time of definition of E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; Parks, Reserves and Natura 2000 sites. Though gap analysis may seem [email protected] biased because of the inclusion of SPAs in the bird theme, this bias 2 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente, Università concerned only one element of protected sites and areas network and degli Studi di Pavia, Via Adolfo Ferrata 9, 27100 Pavia (PV), did not hinder the analysis to highlight the occurrence of areas impor- Italia. tant for biodiversity conservation laying outside the official protection E-mail: [email protected] system. As a matter of fact, the expert-based approach identified 21 3 Lipu - BirdLife Italia, via Udine 3/A, 43122 Parma (PR), Italia. priority areas not having any formal safeguards. These “new” areas lar- E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; massimo. gely consist of small wetlands and portions of mountain slopes, where [email protected] only the knowledge of experts could point out their importance for the conservation of biodiversity of some taxa, as they have not been * Corresponding author: [email protected] the subject of published research yet. For some of them (eg AP03 and AP06), acknowledging their importance triggered the process of inclu- © 2018 Lucia Pompilio, Radames Bionda, Andrea Mosini, sion within the perimeter of existing protected areas. Other areas were Giuseppe Bogliani, Fabio Casale, Claudio Celada, Elena Rossini, reported as sites relevant for the conservation of specific taxa, although Massimo Soldarini they are external to protected areas and Natura 2000 network. However, we highlight how it is not necessary to automatically transform them Received: 27 January 2018 into formally protected areas of some kind, such as nature reserves or Accepted for publication: 3 May 2018 Natura 2000 sites, while it is essential to recognize and safeguard their peculiarities in the planning and programming tools at local and regio- Funding: the work was partially funded by a Fondazione Cariplo nal scale, which are also transnational in nature, given the geographical grant. location of the province of VCO and the presence of Swiss protected areas just across the Italian border. 42 Lucia Pompilio, Radames Bionda, Andrea Mosini, Giuseppe Bogliani, Fabio Casale, Claudio Celada, Elena Rossini, Massimo Soldarini These 37 Priority Areas have been considered as sources of bio- INTRODUZIONE diversity; from their connection we designed the provincial ecological La perdita di biodiversità globale sta procedendo ad network in a later stage of the “VCO in rete” project. Source areas were connected to each other by areas of diffused permeable matrix, primary una velocità mai vista prima d’ora (Evans et al., 2009; and secondary corridors and stepping stones. In the residual passages, Palmer et al., 2010). Pensare di poterla affrontare trat- i.e. critical points of shrinkage of natural or semi-natural habitats where tando in modo specifico ogni specie e/o taxon a rischio there are well-founded risks of interrupting ecological continuity, we non è pensabile per la mancanza di conoscenze di base, concentrated the effort to sensitize local Administrations and to modify di risorse economiche e tempo per sviluppare strumenti urban plans and projects, with the aim of decreasing the risk of interrup- conoscitivi sito e specie specifici. ting ecological continuity. Il tasso di sviluppo umano non ha subito rallentamenti Key words: focal habitats and species, biodiversity, conservation, nell’ultimo secolo, e ciò ha avuto importanti conseguenze expert based approach, gap analysis, Priority Areas, Verbano Cusio sugli ambienti naturali (Palmer et al., 2004; Koh, 2007). Ossola. L’effetto più visibile è l’elevato consumo di suolo natu- rale, trasformato in tessuto urbano, industriale, commer- ciale (Evans et al., 2008). A ciò si aggiungono gli effetti Riassunto - In questo articolo presentiamo i risultati dell’applica- sinergici del cambiamento climatico (Imperio et al., 2013; zione di un metodo di lavoro multitaxa ed expert based utilizzato per l’individuazione delle Aree prioritarie per la conservazione della biodi- Loyola et al., 2013). versità nel territorio della provincia del Verbano Cusio Ossola (VCO), La frammentazione degli ambienti naturali è una del- sita nel Piemonte nord orientale. L’approccio multitaxa deriva dalla le cause principali della perdita di biodiversità (Ibisch et selezione di habitat e specie focali, ritenuti indicatori di livelli elevati di al., 2016), per effetto della suddivisione delle popolazio- biodiversità, appartenenti a 6 gruppi tematici: a) Flora e vegetazione, b) ni di piante e animali in sottounità di minore numerosità, Invertebrati, c) Pesci e cenosi acquatiche, d) Anfibi e Rettili, e) Uccelli, f) Mammiferi. È stato riunito un gruppo di 25 esperti naturalisti, bio- soggette ai problemi demografici e genetici delle piccole logi e ricercatori, in possesso di conoscenze pluriennali derivanti da popolazioni. Inoltre, la frammentazione determina au- studi e ricerche condotti sul campo nel VCO, ai quali è stato chiesto mento del tasso di predazione da parte di predatori gene- di individuare le Aree importanti e peculiari per la conservazione della ralisti e competizione interspecifica con taxa generalisti biodiversità
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