^^ RL^ iaf ®In .. AUG 19 -201 CLERK OF COlJ^^i SUPREME COURT QF OHlO _ _ f .,^ vr,• . f "^^^• Wlr/r^/////^iU!!/!i'ii`!/{/u ^ r^rr. 5T E Du 4^ r^ i Willie D. Fi:azier -_ 4 j(, ^ ?01; VseNo. 2014-1361 6 z^ C F 6^1qO^ ^ 6^^'^tj9^^, v '°f Rf ; IN MANDAMUS Magistrate Judge Elizabeth P. Deavers, ENTRY Common Pleas Court of Ohio, and Franklin Couilty Municipal Court . ^^ This cause originated in this court on the filing of a complaint for a civil protection order. U-pon review of the complaint filed to initiate this action, it is ordered by the court, sua sponte, that relator shall file a new complaint within ten days of the date of this order that complies with the requirements of S.Ct.Prac.R. 3.09(A), which requires filings to be typewritten and on plain white paper. Failure to file a new complaint that complies with S.Ct.Prac.R. 3.09(A) may result in dismissal of this case. Upon the filing of the new complaint the clerk of this court shall serve the complaint on respondents who shall than respond as provided for by S.Ct.Prac.R. 12.04. It is further ordered that relator shall come to the Clerk's Office within ten days of the date of this order and redact from his complaint all personal identifiers as defined by Sup.R. 44(H). ^'y'.Q.'^@ ^ ^-,^6 fJ ,^^^^^,r`^^.%^ ^'^^ ^ p, • L^^ ^ .^ 7 .J ^ ^ ri:^^^^ ^=YM , ""' ^^• ° ^'^s'f^;^' ^g t { ( ^ 18'^dP s /4 ^ ! $ ^®,^" ^ ^ M"q ,.- . A',F' Vl y°.Y +l.,^^ G..^ 6' ^^^t P/' ^^ '^ • 6. ^- . ^ ,^ r. ..-^ ''''°^ ..,•^^'^ 3 . 7',^ Maureen O'Connor Chief Justice , n G ^ a { AN, . ^ +\\^^i^UUiunq4d^ .^ ^•r•^ ./'`"^. .,,, t .. ... ^ ^ s r_ +`+^^^9AC ^^r^ ^*^--- •^ i , ,^ '7'^ Barhara J. White Notary Pub4ic. State of Ohio My Commiss+on Expires 10-07-2014 0 rt^ LY - ^ . ^ ^ . , . ., . , , _ . _ . _ . ^ ^ ^ . , - . .0 4_ ^ . ^ ^.0_^ ^• _ , 0 > N cn' O ^'^"'' ^^,^^•.^ ` J ^. ,.4 . ^ ^ ^ .,.. ^ ^ ^ . - . ^ w {Y ' ^ . ^ vf^.., ^^ . ^hJr lc^ ' `•q^^ . ^ . ^ . ` G' - . .Y .. ,y,_ . G . _ _ . ..,.,.._< . ^ . ^ . ^.^ . - .. ^ S ^4a. ^. h ^ .... .. ^=^ ^ - S ^;r sr f.,,',^e ^..^^^_f'i_:' ^•^ .. FRANKLIN COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT Small Claims Division 375 South High Street, 16th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215-4520 614-645-7381 NOTICE OF COURT APPEARANCE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED REGARDING WILLIE D FRAZIER JR PLAINTIFF 2014 CVI 026936 vs. GARNETT PRICE DEFENDANT WHICH IS SCHEDULED FOR A TRIAL BEFORE MAGISTRATEKIRK A LINDSEY AT 1:30 pm ON Tuesday, September 23, 2014, IN COURTROOM lOB LOCATED ON THE 10TH FLOOR, MUNICIPAL COURT BLDG, 375 S HIGH ST. ** BRING THIS NOTICE WITH YOU TO COURT ** WILLIE D FRAZIER JR 259 MIAMI AVE APT 5 COLUMBUS, OH 43203 THIS NOTICE WAS ISSUED ON August 18, 2014. SCNOTE.FR.M ^U. JOH^.. SON E TERPRlSES, 1"C'-^_ october 7, 2002 Bill Frazier %4 P.O. Box 641004 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Dear Mr. Frazier, Thank you for submitting to Mr. Earvin "Magic" Johnson your request for a meeting. Unfortunately, due to a fully committed schedule, Mr. Johnson is unable to offer his assistance. Thank you for your effort and understanding, and please accept our best wishes. Sincerely, Magic jahnsc n Enterprises, Inc. SS/sb ,sue^K^SfctESS . ^ j,:r.€ c t ^) :f{3SC te.re5^Fi3 :^ ^sy .<^ ^z 'stag rrr`^ ye°i^ j, + „._ ':... y 1i ;'f{^^ " ^ ^ ., . ^... 9100 wILSHIRE.BLVD. SUiTE 700 EAST TOWER BEVERI_Y HILLS, CA 90212 310 247-2033 FAX 310 786-8796 ^ ^ August 22, 2014 PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL Willie D. Frazier, Jr. 259 Miami Ave., #5 Columbus, OH 43203 RE: Complaint against: Magistrate Antonio Paat Our File Number: 2014-08-118 Dear Mr. Frazier: For administrative reasons, your complaint against the above attorney is being transferred for reassignment, to the Supreme Court of Ohio, Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline. You will receive notification from the agency assigned to investigate this matter. Very truly yours, _ . ^,.. A. Alysha Clous Assistant Bar Counsel AAC/ae cc: Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline Magistrate Antonio Paat 175 SOUTH THIRD STREET SUITE 1100 COLUMBUS, Oiiio 43215-5193 (r 14) 221-4112 1a, (67;)22i^.^.-'850 bttr^.'^ / zvz^^^v. cbalr^zv. orp COLUMBus ARAsSOCIA`I"ION FBI Tips and Public Leads https: //tips. fbi.gov/ c. IiQME JPRNACY NOTIC JLINKS iCONTACT ll I SITE MAP JSEARCH Please use this website to report suspected terrorism or criminal actnrity. Your information will be reviewed promptly by an FBI special agent or a professional staff member. Due to the high volume of information that we receive, we are unable to reply to every submission; however, we appreciate the information that you have provided. FBI Tips and'Public Leads The information I've provided on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information could subject me to fine, imprisonment, or both. (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1001). Your First Name Willie ^__._.^._._._..._......__._..... _ ............. _....... ^.. _.. Your Middle Name JDavis . _......... .. ..... _....... Your Last Name FrazierJr. .......... ..: Your Phone 614-657-9226 Your Email iwillie36avahoo.com Your Street 11P.0. Box 15904 ....... ___::_.:_ Your Street 2:1168 E. Braod St. Your Suite/Apt/Mail Stop Your City Columbus .. .... .............. Your State Ohio > _ _...: ... ... _....... Your Country United States ofAmenca Your Zip Code / Route =43215 'lease enter your information: . _....... ........ _.......... Dispositive Motion as Motion for summary judgment; Judge M. Holbrook, CASE# LOCVH-07-10683. P,S you can see I ani a Sheriff and Pro Se who is suing him for Ldentity fraud and theft. I left documents and a value picture with him >nterprise for safe keeping. He refuse to give them back with his crazy attitude. Claiming I had them, I was appalled. He is from Michigan like myself - thought I could trust him, but I couldn't. I was shot on UCLA campus as 3oineone else 10/5/2003. I'm still trying to get my property from him. He a :riminal vrho is fooling the public calling him magic with all of trickery. 'his breach of public trust. I have known him for over.30 years. thank You ^11 of my lawsuits have won due to Judge Deavers negligence To kidnap me for ssets and documents. • ^ ^...__.. _..._ . ... ......... ,..._:._c^.J^^. _...,.,.. : ^ (Maxu;= charaAer'l7-^_..... .. , t- at Of^. You have ; 6724 ; characters left. In order to complete your tip submission, please enter the 5 digits listed below. 71686 J. = Notary Public. StatO of Ohio My Cornmission Expires 1N7 I of 2 J^/9///!17®^,+,\\\ Dm^^ A;we 4/16/20114:32 PM c°) IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO r_3 f; Sheriff-Willie D. Frazier Jr., 1168 E. Broad St., Apt. G-3 ; ^--, Columbus, OH 43205 Plaintiff, ^. :J .""3^„} Case No.: 10 CV 010683 V. Judge: Michael Holbrook Magic Johnson Enterprise, 9100 Wilshire Blvd., Suite # 700e Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Defendant. MOTION OF DEFENDANT MAGIC JOHNSON ENTERPRISES, INC. TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT Pursuant to Rule 12(B)(6) of the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure, Defendant Magic Johnson Enterprises, Inc. (incorrectly referred to as "Magic Johnson Enterprise") moves for an Order dismissing Plaintiff s Complaint for failure to state a claim upon which the Court may grant relief. A memorandum in support follows. Respectfully submitted, OF COUNSEL: Mark A. Knueve (0067074) Lauren M. Frame (0084017) Michael D. Holtz (CA Bar No. 149616)* Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP Lavely & Singer P.C. 52 East Gay Street, P.O. Box 1008 2049 Century Park East, Suite 2400 Columbus, OH 43216-1008 Los Angeles, California 90067-2906 Teleph®ne: (614) 464-6387 Telephone: (310) 556-3501 (614) 464-6378 Facsimile: (310) 556-3615 Facsimile: (614) 719-4808 E-Mail: [email protected] (614) 719-4881 E-Mail: rnaknueve(u7vorys.com *Pro Hac Vice Motion to be filed. lmframek`orys.com Counsel for Defendant Magic Johnson Enterprises, Inc. 93q ^^^` ^! ^4 7 ► t' EA A os ^^ HIGHLAND ^,VENUE CA 92369 A4)d4 t 74 , Y. y 9. Gy n a1^d^c^t^ewreR^E^ yt &tiA^^± ^. .^ N, CA 92369 ^ ^ n/s' /v^Etal^e^PeR ^ _ ..._ a -a xpress E^^ T® ^^^®^^!recipient :*G' f..:e r R^UR^ SiAlp^ or refusedby {' 9' . S ID0 tlo undeliverabi ^J 4J ^ ^f i ^^y ^ ^.,^>3' L If th'ts shiPment is p ..^^ D® NpT return it to senaer. R^SSO4REV121^BRR ,s f 4 S s j 0 Expfess <`^ ^ ,^ g f 7 Il 00 (D ccaO a, c10 O N 3J C'J -Z..-2.-i[tlS.-+ 7c C^ CA Sam(A.^ - rou 4S? oor.mDIZL C:Wz r° o o m ^ OG-)x - M -+ omcao 3>- r 3•• C= -rr camn 4:- - W S mn^m m^z^ N.3 C°w (Cf)^-= D -p • 3:21Gn oXUr ,. m cm - - RF a o ^ v s C3,30 a C- ^d T CA) m CM 0 W ^.. ^,.. COO °.1 Ez- W CTD(f DC7S K -u rri U O-iCJ m v..^ ® z w -a 0 0 - r*m m w. z^•- . LJ'DG E t 's s - t . IJ I August 26, 2014 Wiilie D Frazier Jr f ^. 1 ^^ 1 { 259 Miami Ave. #5 Columbus , OH 43230 Dear Willie D.: While looking through public records, our researcher came across the lawsuit you recently filed. We know that suing someone is an aggravating, time- consuming process. As you already may know, even if you win your case in small claims court, the court.cannot guarantee that you will collect your money because you are responsible for collecting from the Defendant. We are contacting you because we believe your case may be appropriate for "Judge Mathis." Judge Greg Mathis is a national figure known for his advocacy campaigns for equal justice.
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