S10908 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2006 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without MORNING BUSINESS alongside her in the House of Rep- objection, it is so ordered. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask resentatives and worked on many The title was amended so as to read: unanimous consent that the Senate issues with her, from fighting Federal An Act making appropriations for Military now proceed to a period of morning mandates in north Idaho to fighting for Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Re- business with Senators permitted to our military at Mountain Home Air lated Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- speak for up to 10 minutes each. Force Base and Gowen Field in Boise. tember 30, 2007, and for other purposes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without She stood firm in her convictions and Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I objection, it is so ordered. beliefs, honoring the promises she think that finalizes the bill, the Mili- made to those who put her in office. f tary Construction appropriations bill Helen knew, without a doubt, what she and Veterans Affairs appropriations HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES believed in, and she lived those beliefs bill for 2007. I thank all of my col- SERGEANT KAMPHA B. SOURIVONG in word and deed unwaveringly. leagues for their cooperation and pa- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, She worked very hard to make sure tience, especially my colleague, Sen- today I ask that the Senate join me in she had an understanding of what was ator FEINSTEIN, my ranking member paying tribute to SGT Kampha at stake. When she started her congres- who has been such a great colleague to Sourivong, who made the ultimate sac- sional career in 1995, she read every work with on this bill. Her staff and rifice while protecting freedom. Ser- piece of legislation that was coming up my staff have done an incredible job. I geant Sourivong, of Iowa City, IA, was for a vote on the House floor. She felt appreciate this opportunity and look assigned to C Company, 1st Battalion, she owed it to those who sent her to forward to going to conference and 133rd Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Congress. She surprised more than a having our military personnel be Division, Army National Guard, based few committee chairmen by showing up housed and have the equipment that is out of Iowa Falls, IA. He was mobilized at hearings being held by committees in the Military Construction bill which for Operation Iraqi Freedom with the she didn’t serve on, simply because of they so readily deserve. unit in September 2005 and arrived in her desire to know more and under- Especially, I have to say that funding Iraq in early May 2006. He died at the stand an issue. One of her most-oft repeated matras the veterans and their needs is a spe- age of 20, on September 30, 2006, in Al was ‘‘Love many, trust few, and paddle cial privilege for all of us because we Asad, Iraq, when his military vehicle your own canoe.’’ And that is exactly have young men and women coming encountered small arms fire. what she did—she was not someone back from Iraq and Afghanistan as we Sergeant Sourivong will be post- who would check the wind before decid- speak with injuries that we want to as- humously awarded the following ing what to do. She listened, asked sure are cared for and healed, and awards and decorations for his heroic questions, read documents, studied the where necessary that we have the reha- service: the Bronze Star, the Purple issues, and talked with experts and bilitation which they so richly deserve. Heart, the Armed Forces Reserve plain folks. She took all that informa- I think we have done a good job of Medal with Mobilization device, the tion she gathered and then made her covering these needs. I am very pleased Army Good Conduct Medal, the Iraq decision. At her center was a very prin- that we have taken one more step to fi- Campaign Medal, the Global War on cipled, gracious woman—one who was nalize this bill. Terrorism Service Medal, the National Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, if I strong in her beliefs and kind to all Defense Service Medal, the Army Serv- those around her, regardless of theirs. might, I thank the chairman, my ice Ribbon, and the Combat Infantry- friend, the Senator from Texas. We In many ways, she mirrored the prin- man Badge. cipled center many of us admire about usually have a very easy time with this My thoughts and prayers have been bill. There are usually not many President Ronald Reagan. with Sergeant Sourivong’s parents, Idahoans have lost a true champion amendments to this bill. But perhaps Patty and Maliphone Sourivong, his for smaller government and personal because this is the first vehicle to brother and sister, and all those other freedoms. Helen brought Idaho into the move a number of items, they seemed family and friends who are grieving the national spotlight. She stood tough on to come up this afternoon. I think the loss of this young man. The Sourivong the issues and spoke out often, even chairman has shown great leadership family described Kampha as ‘‘a very after she left the House of Representa- and flexibility. Sometimes they go to- caring person’’ who ‘‘had a lot of tives in 2001. She could always be gether and sometimes they do not, but friends, loved his family, loved his counted on to call out hypocrisy in she has possessed both today. brother and loved his sister’’ and some- government and placed her reputation I am very grateful, and the Demo- one who ‘‘would give the shirt off his on the line many times to hold to her cratic side is very grateful for it as back to someone in need.’’ beliefs on what was best for Idahoans. well. This is a good bill. It is a bipar- I am grateful for the sacrifice that Perhaps the best way to remember tisan bill. It takes good care of vet- both Sergeant Sourivong and his fam- Helen is to quote her own words in an erans. It eliminates the problem of fi- ily have made. Our Nation will forever interview done with Reason Magazine nancing that we had last year. Overall, be in their debt. While the tragic loss in October 2000. When the reporter it is an excellent bill. I am very proud of this young American is deeply sad- asked how she would like to be remem- to have worked with the chairman. I dening, he will be remembered proudly bered, this is what she said: thank her. as the hero that he was. That I have been true to real Republican I thank the majority staff. And, of f principles. It’s been people like Tom Coburn, course, I thank my staff, of which Mark Sanford, and myself who have con- Christina Evans is sitting on my left, REMEMBERING CONGRESSWOMAN stantly said, ‘Let’s not forget who we are and and B.G. Wright and Chad Schulken HELEN CHENOWETH-HAGE why we are here.’ And that is to protect indi- back in the box. Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, in recent vidual rights, American sovereignty, and pri- It has been a good day. At least we weeks, many of our thoughts have been vate property. If there is not a force of law turned to Helen Chenoweth-Hage, her and justice to protect private property, then have accomplished a substantial bill. we have lost the basis of our freedoms. I yield the floor. memory, and her family. Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I As you know, Helen was laid to rest She said something else in that inter- suggest the absence of a quorum. in October after a tragic automobile view that strikes a resonant chord with The PRESIDING OFFICER. The accident took her life. We honor and me, in particular. When asked what the clerk will call the roll. remember this remarkable woman, and greatest threat to American Liberty The legislative clerk proceeded to I feel privileged to share with you some was, she said: call the roll. of my memories and thoughts about Too much federal and state government. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask The lack of respect of people working in gov- her and the time that we served to- ernment for individuals. An idea that certain unanimous consent that the order for gether in the U.S. House of Representa- people who occupy powerful positions in the the quorum call be rescinded. tives. administration can make better decisions The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without There will never be another public about an individual and their life choices objection, it is so ordered. servant in Idaho like Helen. I served than can that individual. VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:49 Feb 05, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2006SENATE\S14NO6.REC S14NO6 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY November 14, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10909 Helen will always be remembered as stage of life we both adhere to the wisdom of as military. It was met by 16 million citizen a champion of the individual—the rug- W.C. Fields, who expressed his philosophy as soldiers, backed by millions more on the ged, self-reliant American that is in all follows: If at first you don’t succeed, try, home front. All of them heroes in the age old try, again. Then give up. No use being a struggle for popular government. of us—and I thank her for that.
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