/ 1 <0 FRIDAY, JANUARY 19,1961 jHanrbtntfr £nfnbt0 ^ftraUi ■I v . • -Vu . Join with Your Neighbors—Join the Match of Dimes in daric elethlns:, Bchasfsr fowad. The annual moathif o f Sion Ui> Riatea tsstlfied at the taiqusst Finds Fatality thetan church will take place this ChildSpeech List Engagement that he saw McCartan but not ' ' ' .....................M ■ t ®| About Town evenlnc at 7:80 at the church on Sullivan Just before . the Impact, Averafe DsOj Net Presg Ron Cooper at High street AU voting the coroner said, TbaWaatlMr . members are urged to attend. Aid Stressed Diie to Driver Ristau was presented In Town -For ton Week Eadtag , Fai0« 8l of 0. a Wtatoev touasa ^ T te L n th a m d i ’ c t tlw Cinan> iM oanr 19. 1951 ^ LntlMna dittnh will told Oouit December 36'after being ar­ The TaicottvUle CongregaUonal 4lin It ft r It It 1 1 1 } ( N IM W »artty aleeto, Ugkao8 I M r mMUB# tOBifht W rested criminal negligence by church will precede fU annual Coroner Holils Cottage fnp«— ■ear 4*t W ight STtonrdi loitry. Difficultly in Talking the inveetlgatlng officer, Pdtrol- 10,203 Imetness meeting this evening, man Thtodore l l Fairbanks. Dep­ Iw R FH lIlg J lrralH eloMly, taweat tempereiei'e near ^ptr win to ■ «»»* » l *=*® P- ®- with a pot luck supper at 6:30. Can Be Cured, Green St. Man at Blame in uty Judge John D. LaBelle contin­ Member ef toe AnfiH 42t fienaay elondy, ooeaelonl Hgkt Accident Here ued the case -from day to day un­ ■ereae at CbeataWena rata wito tampwolere near 4ft t t o Mm t M cO>“" ®” *W. ®* Mr. and .Mrs. Herman Dlttmey- Parent-Teachers Told der $1,000 bond pending the cor­ Manebestar— A CUy of ViUage Charm a^oad Ooasrmtioaal Women ■ er o f OourOand street entertained oner’s report. X^Mine win meet thU ew rin t « t the 1950 Rainbow Advisory board ' In a finding issued yesterday by gjitock with Mn. O. Bvwett 'There are some four to five at their home last evening. Mrs. Coroner Louis W. Schaefer in VOL. LXX, NO. 9S Advwttatag «a 19) MANCHESTER.. CONN.. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20. 1951 (TW ELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS <nwtker of 58 TrumtoU toed. Mr«. Olive Recave, who has been moth­ million children now In school who Hartford, Edward A. Rlatau, 26, M Retort Jota» wUl a**i«t Mri. er advisor of Manchester Assem­ have speech or hearing difficulties. of 19 Cottage street, was found to These children can be helpejl,” said have been negligent In . the auto » ____ ____ TtnirbiO'' bly No. 15, Order of Rainbow for DR. JOSEPH — r — — ■— ----------- Girls for the past two years, was Harry Novack, Speech Therapist death here December 23 of John Rosie O'Donnell Called On A duclitor. JUUe Ellen, W Coin Folders on the March Wilson Readies presented with a gift from the In the Manchester schools, before F. Sullivan, 63, o f Fall River, MASSARO Carpet After B«nnb Talk to n Jamiuy i* t® ***■• board. They expressed their ap­ si well attended meeting of the Mass. Sullivan was fatally injured Town’s Grand List Street Fights Rage Artlm r C. Anderson of Hart^rd. preciation for the line work that while crossing Spruce street at ANNOUNCES THE Green P T A 'Vednesday night. Pint Qirallry Washington, Jan. 20.—<41— l i n . wumi Anderson of Garden she has accomplished with the In a very clear cut and interest­ 8:35 p. m. Wider Powers . atraet k the tot«nial jrnndpar- REMOVAL OF HIS Maj. Gen. Emmett O’Donnell Kiris. ____ ing manner, Mr. Novack explained The coroner stated that the awl Mr. and Mrs. John damage to the car, Sullivan’s ex­ arrived by plane last night at what some of the speech difficul­ OFFICE TO 45 GcNig* Sftini S liM r' Hits $78,649,173 the Invitation of the A ir Forci Rwadton the maternal tensive injuries, the length of the In Wonju as Red Hose Company No. 8 of the ties are and some o f the ways by high command to “discuss tho For Johnston gmdparwits. South Manchester Fire depart­ brake marics and the fact that 52 PARK STREET which they develop. He mentioned circumstance” of sn interview ment will hold lU mid-winter ban­ Sullivan was thrown forward the facts that so ofen speech dif­ In which he advocated uefng quet tomorrow night in the hose Bome 50 feet after the impact AS OF ficulties sUm back to a young­ With Notable Gains the atomic bomb on Red Chins. Movie dZar Takes Over house at 6:30. Chairman of the point to excessive speed on Ris- ster’s early years when over JAN U AR Y 23 He told reporters that Gen. Hordes Hit Patrol event is "Ding" Farr, assisted by Miss Helena Hare tau’s part. Valentine Joh; Spurs anxious parents unknowingly ag­ N Y LO N Nathan Twining, vice chief of January Ed Kovds and Mike Mlnlcuccl. The Sulnvsn was crossing the gravate a speeoh condition which the air staff, had asked him Garden Grove caterers will serve Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hare Of street with his son-ln-Iaw, Edwsrd $5,334,753 Spurt as Move fqr FreeZe of Is perfectly normal and which they McCarten of 126 Eldridge street. Seek a Motive here ” to discuss operations In Clearance Sale a- stfak dinner. All members are 192 Center street announce the Net Taxable Value Up Korea and also the Incidents of Wages and Prices expected to attend. would grow out of if left alone. engagement of their daughter. The latter was wearing a tan U. S. Appallecl”"'*''''” ®‘‘y‘ ^ The earlier a spece • difficulty is j coat while Sullivan w’as attired my press conference at March I 1 ' ! Forces W ill SUy in WWL P A N E L Miss Helena Diane Hare, to Nath­ HOSIERY Cancelling Large Re­ Field (C^allf.)” He declined detected and help given the better 1 an George Agostinelll, son of Mr. In New Haven Washington, Jan. 20—(41—Un­ it is for the child. Mr. Novack ductions, Exemptions; comment on other questions. Korea Until - World’s YO U TH BEDS and Mrs. Albert Agostinelll of 72 POUN9 O’Donnell returned to the der |hc new lendcr.shlp o f Eric By U. N. Fearj stated that speech therapists do West street. Johnston, the so-called ”CZar” of Statesmen Gire Re­ not work to overcome these diffi­ YOUR Start Figuring New Street Shooting United States Thursday from No date has been set for the the hlB assignment ss chief of the the Hollywood movies, the Eco­ $ 2 9 , 9 5 In Stock! culties for thf sake of speech alone, wedding. STATE CERTIFICATE Tax Rale Coverage bomber force In Korea to re­ Of Red Cliina call; Foe Moves to but rather for the sake of the nomic Btabnizatlon Agenev (EBA) sume commnnd of the 15th ----:A-- r O IX PA N E L youngster as an In ilvldual and the CAN IE USED New neutral abades to. wear with black, brown, etc. Reinforced Ansonia Photographer pushed today for a quick freeZe Crack Sobaek Passos All Steel Manchester’s grand list Strategic Air Force. on wages and prices. way it can help him gain oon- TO PURCHASE A heel.and toes for extra Wear. SiZes: 81i to 11. Short, medium, Critically Wounded in LO VIU long lengths. stands completed today at ■ Johnston, four times president 3 Hurdles Iaioiii in Way MAPLE CRIBS fldence in himself. of the ITnIted States Chamber o f Tokyo, Jan. 20.— (/P)— Venetian During the business meeting Arthur Drug Stortt ft $78,649,173 net after all sub­ Midtown Attack; Den­ Commerce, took a leave of ab­ Of Move for Strong Street fighting raged tonight $ 1 9 . 9 5 presided over by Mrs. John Boyle, TRUSSES — BELTS JA RV IS fO VIL'S tractions except those that tal Technician Held sence as head of the Motion Pic­ Denunciation of Pei­ through the rail-road hub o f president, it was announced that ELAS'nc HOSIERY may be made by the Board of Ike Returns ture Association of America, to Blinds the membership of the' organiZa­ CRUTCHES — BRACES aiicceed Alan Valentine as ESA Wonju in central Korea. An SOLID MAPLE $ ] _ .2 5 Tax Review. The total repre­ ping Action in Korea tion is now 310. The resignation of Expert Fitters HOME New Haven, Jan. '20— —Po­ Administrator. Allied prow] patrol operating Per Inch the vice president, Mrs. C. Richard sents a net gain of $5,334,763 lice today sought s motive for a Valentine resigned yesterday. 25 miles from its own main HIGH CHAIRS I To Germany Lnkp Success, Jan. 20- (41. Tho C Blind W Carpenter, was formally accepted over last year’s list. Figures midtown street comer ahooting H q had felt lmiue<ilate controls OONT DELAY! United States, appalled by the lines battled Reds pressing with regrets. Mrs. Frink Batstone .a CVO«L!!»4f,^ are compiled as of October, which yesterday sent an Ansonla were "premature.” into the battered city from was elected to lUl the vacancy. MobiliZation Director Charles E. fear and indecision to which Chin­ $ 9 . 5 0 (19 to 36” Widths) ACT TODAY! 1950, and. are taxable thla year. photographer to New Haven hoe- As a Friend three sides. n Miss Elsther Granstrom, princi­ H ie grand list, drafted by Aaaea- Wilson, who hail foroed Valen­ ese Communist Intervention in General MacArthur, on a fiying pal, Miplalned the necessity o f put­ Tin JW IIA LC con eor Henry Mutrle end hla etall, pital with a bullet wound in his tine’s hand, Immediately began Korea has reduced tho.
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