398 J. BOUILLON Et Al. 116. – Leptomedusae. Campanulariidae

398 J. BOUILLON Et Al. 116. – Leptomedusae. Campanulariidae

sm68s2Gfig3 14/10/04 15:38 Página 398 116. – Leptomedusae. Campanulariidae. A to S: Orthopyxis. A to H: Orthopyxis crenata: A and B: different views of hydrothecae and pedicels, C: detail of hydrotheca, D: transverse section of a hydrotheca, E: gonotheca with male immature gonophore, F: gonotheca contain- ing male eumedusoid, G: gonothecae with immature female gonophore, H: spent female eumedusoid; I to S: Orthopyxis integra: I: general aspect of a part of colony, J and K: different aspects of hydrothecae and pedicels, L: detail of hydrotheca, M: diagrams of hydrothecal rim and of basal chamber of a thickened hydrotheca, N: diagrams of hydrothecal rim and of basal chamber of unthickened hydrotheca, O: grooved walled gonotheca, P: smooth walled gonotheca, Q: gonotheca with male gonophore, R: gonotheca with female gonophore, S: released eume- dusoid (A after Medel and Vervoort, 2000; B, E to H, K, Q and R after Hirohito, 1995; C and D after Millard, 1975; I, M to P, S after Cornelius, 1995; J and L after Cornelius, 1982). 398 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Gfig3 14/10/04 15:38 Página 399 117. – Leptomedusae. Campanulariidae. A: Pseudoclytia pentata: mature medusa. Limnomedusae. Armorhydridae. B and C: Armorhy- dra janowiczi: B: medusa; C: longitudinal histological section of a medusa. Microhydrulidae. D and E: Microhydrula pontica: D: histolog- ical section of a polyp; E: histological section of a frustule. F: Rhaptapagis cantacuzenei, histological section of a polyp (A after Kramp, 1959a; B after Thiel, 1988; C after Lacassagne, 1968a; D to F after Bouillon and Deroux, 1967). cbl: cnidoblast; cnl: cnidocil; di: digestive inclusion; ecd: ectoderm; end: endoderm; eng: endodermal gap; g: gonads; gc: gastric cavity; glc: glandular cell, ma: manubrium; meu: microbasic eurytele; p: periderm; sc: subumbrellar cavity; seu: semiophoric eurytele; spt: septum; te: tentacle; v: velum. FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 399 sm68s2Gfig3 14/10/04 15:38 Página 400 FIG. 118. – Limnomedusae. Olindiidae. A to F: Craspedacusta sowerbii: A and B: two aspects of polyp colonies with a medusa bud; C: a polyp colony reducing itself in frustules and resting stages or cysts; D: fully-grown medusa; E: portion of umbrella showing the marginal cnidocyst ring and tentacular roots; F: portion of the velum with the centripetal tubes of the statocysts. G to I: Gonionemus vertens: G: hydranth; H and I: two hydranths developing a fustule. J: hydranth with a medusa bud (A and C after Damas, 1939; B, E and F after Russell, 1953, D after Tardent, 1978; G and I after Leloup, 1952; H and J after Werner, 1984). cy: cyst; fr: frustule; sta: statocyst, v: velum. 400 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Gfig3 14/10/04 15:38 Página 401 FIG. 119. – Limnomedusae. Olindiidae. A to D: Gonionemus vertens: A and B: fully-grown medusae, C: exumbrellar margin showing the statocysts, the adhesive pad and the sharply bended tentacular end, D: detail of the terminal end of a tentacle with adhesive pad; E and F: Gossea corynetes: E: mature medusa, F: schematic view of a portion of the umbrella margin sowing the disposition of the two types of ten- tacles and of the statocysts; G and H: Maeotias marginata (= M. inexpectata): G: whole medusa, H: portion of the umbrella margin showing the base of the oldest tentacles with the tips twitch of (A and C after Leloup, 1952; B and D after Russell, 1953; E after Mayer, 1910; F after Bouillon, 1978a; G after Borcea, 1929, H after Denayer, 1973). FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 401 sm68s2Gfig3 14/10/04 15:38 Página 402 FIG. 120. – Limnomedusae. Olindiidae. A: Monobrachium parasiticum: colony with almost mature eumedusoid; B to E: Olindias phos- phorica: B: hydroid, C and D: fully-grown medusae; E: adhesive pad on the aboral side of a primary tentacles. F to H: Scolionema suvaen- sis: F: polyp; G and H: adult medusae (A after Hand, 1957, B after Weill, 1936; C and G after Kramp, 1959a; D after Trègouboff, 1957; E and H after Mayer, 1910; F reconstruction after Goy, 1973). dac: dactylozooid; eum: eumedusoid; ga: gastrozooid; p: periderm. 402 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Gfig3 14/10/04 15:38 Página 403 FIG. 121. – Limnomedusae. Olindiidae. A: Calpasoma dactyloptera: hydranths showing different stages of reproduction. Siphonophorae. Physaliidae. B to D: Physalia physalis: B: colony; C: cluster of persons from sexualy mature colony; D: small part of a gonodendron. Rhyso- physidae. E and F: Rhizophyla filiformis: E: colony; F: tentilla (A after Matthews, 1966; B and E after Pagès and Gili, 1992; C and D after Hyman, 1940; F after Pugh, 1999). FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 403 sm68s2Gfig3 14/10/04 15:38 Página 404 FIG. 122. – Siphonophorae. Agalmatidae. A to I: Agalma: A to C: Agalma clausi: A: nectophore; B: bract; C: tentilla. D to F: Agalma ele- gans: D: detail of a lateral view of a nectophore; E: detail of an upper view of a nectophore; F: bracts. G to I: Agalma okeni: G and H: upper and lateral view of nectophore; I: bract (A to C after Bedot, 1888; D to E after Totton, 1965; G and I after Pugh, 1999; H after Gili, 1986). alr: apico-lateral ridge; aw: apical wings; ilr: infra-lateral ridge; lr: lateral ridge; n: nectophore; os: ostium; rc: radial canal; thb: thrust block; vlr: vertical lateral ridge. 404 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 405 FIG. 123. – Siphonophorae. Agalmatidae. A to B: Cordalgama cordiformis: A: nectophore (ostial view); B: bract. C to G: Halistemma rubrum: C: polygstric stage; D: nectophore (lateral view); E: nectophore (from below); F: bract; G: tentillum. H and I: Lychnagalma utricu- laria: H: nectophore (upper dorsal view); I: nectophore (ostial view) (A after Pagès and Gili, 1992; C after Trègouboff, 1957; B, D to F after Pugh, 1999; G after Hyman, 1940, H and I after Pugh and Harbison, 1986). alr: apico-lateral ridge; cnb: cnidoband; fe: end of the tentillium filament; ilr: infr-lateral ridge; inv: involucrum; lr: lateral ridge; vlr: vertical lateral ridge. FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 405 sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 406 FIG. 124. – Siphonophorae. Agalmatidae. A to D: Lychnagalma utricularia. A: nectophore (lower ventral view), B: bracts (Lychnalgama spp.), C: general view of four tentilla, note the coiled cnidoband enclosed within the involucrum and the terminal vesicle, D: detail of base of a detached terminal vesicle showing the octoradial filaments. E to F: Marrus orthocanna: E: upper view of nectophore, F: lateral view of nectophore, G: bract (A to D after Pugh and Harbison, 1986; E and F after Pugh, 1999; G after Gili, 1986). 406 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 407 FIG. 125. – Siphonophorae. Agalmatidae. A to D: Nanomia bijuga: A: polygastric stage; B: upper view of nectophore; C: bract; D: part of an internode of the stem showing alternating male and female gonodendra arising from the base of a series of palpons. (A and D after Tot- ton, 1965; B and C after Pugh, 1999); br: bract; fg: female gonophore; ga: gastrozooid; mg: male gonophore; n: nectophore; pal: palpon; pne: pneumatophore; te: tentacle; ten: tentilla. FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 407 sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 408 FIG. 126. – Siphonophorae. Apolemiidae. A to D: Apolemia uvaria: A: polygastric stage; B: nectophore (lateral view); C: nectophore (ostial view); D: bracts. Athorybiidae. E and F: Athorybia rosacea: E: polygastric stage (lateral view); F: dorsal view of a polygastric stage. Forskaliidae. G to K: Forskalia asymmetrica: G and H: inner and outer view of nectophores; I: inner and outer view of stem bratcs; J: inner view of bolster bract; K: inner view of knee-shaped bracts (A to D after Totton, 1965; E after Pugh, 1999; F after Trègouboff, 1957; G to K after Pugh, 2003). lrc: lateral radial canal; os: ostium; ped: peduncle. 408 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 409 127. – Siphonophorae. Forskaliidae. A to K: Forskalia. A to F: Forskalia contorta: A: polygastric stage, B: nectophore (upper view), C: nectophore (inner view), D: stem bracts, E: knee bracts, F: third type of bract; G and H: Forskalia edwardsi: G: nectophore (upper view), H: variuos types of bracts; I to K: Forskalia formosa: I: nectophore (upper view), J: nectophore (lower view), K: various types of bracts (A after Trègouboff, 1957, B to F, I to K after Pugh, 2003; G and H after Kirkpatrick and Pugh, 1984). FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 409 sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 410 FIG. 128. – Siphonophorae. Physophoridae. A to C: Physophora hydrostatica: A: polygastric stage, B: nectophore (upper view), C: palpon Abylidae. D to F: Abyla haeckeli: D: posterior nectophore, E: ventral and lateral views of anterior nectophore, F: eudoxid; G to K: Abylop- sis eschscholtzi: G: polygastric stage (lateral view), H: anterior nectophore, I: posterior nectophore, J: eudoxid, K: bract. (A to C after Kirkpatrick and Pugh, 1984; D and I after Gili, 1986; E, H and K after Pugh, 1999; F after Totton, 1965; G and J after Pagès and Gili, 1992). 410 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 411 FIG. 129. – Siphonophorae. Abylidae. A to E: Abylopsis tetragona: A: polygastric stage; B: posterior nectophore; C: anterior nectophore; D: eudoxid bract; E: gonophore. F to I: Bassia bassensis: F: polygastric stage (lateral view); G: polygastric stage (dorsal view); H: anterior nectophore (dorsal view); I: eudoxid (latero-ventral view) (A and G after Totton, 1965; B to E after after Kirckpatrick and Pugh, 1984; F, H and I after Pagès and Gili, 1992). an: anterior nectophore; com: comb; dmt: dorso median tooth; dr: dorsal ridge; hy: hydroecium; ldt: left dorsal tooth; ler: left ridge; lhw: left hydroecial wing; lvt: left ventral tooth; ns: nectosac; pac: pallial canal; pec: pedicular canal; pn: posterior nectophore; rdt: right dorsal tooth; re: rete; rhw: right hydroecial wing; rir: right ridge; s: somatocyst.

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