Vol4 NoS Reg Harris: an Appreciation An Appreciation of Reg Harris Dr Meryman (a Washington Naval Physicist) who by Rosina Down described a method of drying entire biological samples in their natural shape and The death of Reg Harris FMA, Hon FLS, proportion without distortion. A subsequent M!Biol, founder member of BCG, has left meeting with Dr Roland Rower of the a gap that will be difficult if not Smithsonian Institute led to the technique impossible to fill. being developed simultaneously in the USA and the UK. Together with Edwards High Reg was born in 1920 over a jeweller's shop, Vacuum the highly successful Ef2 freeze-dryer of which his father was manager, on the was evolved, which is used all over the corner of Hampstead and Euston Road in world. The arrangement of spring flowers Central London. Interested in Natural buried in Westminster Abbey in 1977, as part History from an early age, he joined the of the Queen's Jubilee Year celebrations, staff of E. Gerrard, Royal College were freeze dried by Reg. Street, straight from school. He moved to the Wellcome Museum of Medical Science (just Work on other applications of freeze-drying over the road from his home) in 1936. The ·for stereoscan electron microscopy, marine war saw him in the Navy, in the Laboratory at archaeology (including the earliest ship's RNH Ilaslar, from 1939-1941, aboard HMS brush ever preserved), marine zooplankton and Colinwood from 1941-1943 as Sick Berth Petty geological applications together with Officer in the Sick Quarter Laboratory, and critical point drying followed. He was attaehed to the Royal Netherlands Navy on the deeply involved with the problems of ll<mpital Ship HMHC Ophir, Eastern Fleet, in biodeterioration and very keen that this work 1!)43, both of which took him to numerous should be continued by other workers. n xot:ie places. "Retirement" in 1980 saw him moving to Retui'ning to the Wellcome Museum in 1946, Alderney for four years to become Curator of he moved on after a year to the Zoology the Alderney Museum, where he discovered just Department UCL as a Teaching Technician. how hard a 'general' curator's life can be. Appointed Curator of the Museum of Zoology Back on the mainland he was still involved in and Comparative Anatomy a year later, a post promoting interest in research into Uw then em•rent Professor relinquished in biodeterioration and took part in seminars Reg's favour, he realised the vision of a for the Leicester University Museum Studies fo,·nwr Professor, JP Hill, "for a trained courses. Y:oolot~ist who was also a good technician". llis time at UCL was a fruitful one for the A very private man devoted to his family, Reg Mmwum with much new skeletal material being had a keen sense of humour and was a fund prepared; the collections were overhauled of knowledge. He had the rare gift of and the mammoth task of reclassifying and communicating his love of and boundless r·ncataloguing was begun. His experimentation enthusiasm for everything connected with at this time produced new ways of preparing natural history and geology, which has teaching specimens, one of which he came to enriched the lives of countless students, rngr·et in future years because of the long technicians and many others. term problems of specimens embedded in resin. A student himself of the Working Men's The move to the British Museum (Natural College he was awarded among others the llistory) as Experimental Officer in 1956 Foster Memorial Prize for Bacteriology in gave Reg the time and the scope to develop 1939 and the Fotheringham Prize for Geology further experimentation in new ways of in 1949, and invited to teach biology in specimen preparation. The work for which he 1950. He taught biology and museum is best known began in 1960 after a talk with techniques on the Science Laboratory 146 Technicians Course in the evenings at 1972 (with B.S. Martin and C.G. Ogden) Paddington Technical College for many years. Notes on the preparation for scanning electron microscopy. It was said of E Ray Lankester (a former Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Zool), 24. Professor of the UCL Zoology Department and 1976 Preparation techniques for biological Director of the BM(NH)) that "he influenced material. BCG Newsletter, 1 (2), 2-5. the whole course of Zoology in the British *1976 Freeze-drying of marine Zooplankton. Empire". I think the same could be said of IV Monograph on Oceanographic Methodology Reg Harris's influence on the course of "zooplankton fixation and preservation". practical biological techniques. UNESCO Press, Paris. 1978 Biodeterioration. Bibliography BCG Newsletter, 1 (8), 3-1~ 1979 Introduction to Freeze-drying 1950 (with H.C. Bartle) Marco resin Biological Specimens, a laboratory embedding. Bull. Sci. Tech. Ass., 1 (10). manual. R.O. Hower. Smithsonian *1951 The use of enzymes in the osteological Institution Press, Washington. preparation of the Emperor Penguin. 1979 The conservation of one of the earliest ~1us. Journ., 51, 97. known examples of a fluid preserved *1952 Demonstration of the supporting tissue injection dissection (of a Marine in the manus of the Indian Elephant by Coelentrate from the John Hunter the use of a specific stain. Collection). Mus. Journ., 79, 71-72. Mus. Journ., 52, 206. 1984 A Selective Bibliography on 1957 (with C.A. Wright and D. Clangher) Preservation, Macro and Micro Paper Chromatography in taxonomic work. anatomical Techniques. Nature, 180, 1489. BCG Special Report, 3. 1958 The extraction of bones from bird ' pellets. Essex Nat., 30 (2). * Original work - none previously carried out. 1959 Small vertebrate skeletons. Mus. Journ., 58, 223-224. Papers given at Seminars, etc. (thought not 1960 Alizarine transparencies. to have been published). Mus. Journ., 60, 99-101. *1964 Vacuum dehydration and freeze drying 1968 Conservation in the Natural Sciences. of entire biological specimens. City of Liverpool Museums Service Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 13, 7, 65-74. Symposium. 1964 Freeze drying - a Natural History 1974 Preservation techniques in the Natural Preservation Technique. Sciences - Modern Methods. Trans. Mus. Ass. Grp., 3 (Sept). 1975 Invertebrate preservation techniques *1965 Simple technique for the embedding in the small and medium museum. Norfolk and supporting of delicate biological Museums Service Symposium, Norwich. specimens. Nature, 208, 199. 1977 Course in Natural Sciences. Booth 1965 Vakuum - und Gefriertrocknung ganzer Museum of Natural History, Brighton. biologischer Objeckte. Der Praparator 1983 Freeze Drying - Miracle or Menace? Jahrgang II. Heft. 4. (translation of . AMS SEE Seminar at the Powell Cotton Vac. dehydration and freeze drying 1964). Museum. (review only published in 1967 Edited: Secrets of the Microscope, AMSSEE News, April 1984). Aliverti, Ciccioli and Laudi. (further note: AMSSEE had photocopies of notes detail not presently available) on invertebrate and plant material, and 1968 A new apparatus for freeze drying these may still be available. whole biological specimems. Med Biol. Ill., 17 (3). 1968 Edited: Life on Earth, Hamlyn 1968 Book review in Laboratory Practice, 17. Rosina Down 1969 Nature collecting, Hamlyn. (republished Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, 1972 by Grosset & Dunlop Inc in USA and University College, Canada) London WClE 6BT MDA Museum Terminology Group Has anyone produced a thesaurus, standard list of terms, or internal conventions BCG have been approached by this recently relevant to any aspect of cataloguing established informal working party to assist biological specimens? Please could I see with the co-ordination and development of examples, as it seems a waste to re-invent museum terminology control initiatives. the wheel, or duplicate work currently in hand. In due course the group will turn its attention to terminology control specific to Please note that this applies to both MDA and particular disciplines and will be seeking non-MDA users. BCG would like to hear from assistance from specialist curatorial groups. you. Initially, I shall attempt to collate ideas BCG Secretary and comments specific to the biological Derek Whiteley disciplines from members and forward these City Museum to the new group. Sheffield SlO 2TP 147 animal in this case, Major-General Sir Charles Reid, G.C.B. of H.M. 2nd Goorkahs Collections (Gurkhas), (Sirmoor Rifles), who distinguished himself and his regiment at the siege of Delhi in 1857. Vanishing herds - large mammals in museum collections? Some animals proved almost impossible to research, however, including a large mounted Many museums over the past decade or so have specimen of a Yak (Bos grunniens). The only destroyed their large mammals for various documentation we had relating to this animal reasons. The problems of storage, past was found in the accession register for neglect and the costs of cleaning and 1862/3, 'Capt. Edmund Smyth, Bengal; very restoration are often cited as being major fine specimen of the Yak; and male and factors. The modern museum philosophy of female Argali, from India', and a file card only displaying local material has also added which read 'Great Indian Yak E. Smyth'. This to the toll. Important historic material has limited information seemed hardly enough to been lost, and much more will be lost in the justify a great deal of expenditure on future, if care is not taken to research and cleaning and· restoration. The long-term document these irreplaceable specimens. future of the Yak, therefore, seemed to be in doubt. Several years ago I was asked, by the then director of Leeds City Museum, to make out a The full information relating to this animal case for the retention in the collections of did, however, turn up by sheer chance, over several large mammals held in one of our 120 years after its acquisition by the out-stores.
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