No, 440 Canad ian Rai I THE MAGAZINE OF CANADA'S RAILWAY HISTORY MAY - JUNE 1994 PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY BY THE CANAD IAN RAILROAD HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION PUBLIE TOUS LES DEUX Mo rs PAR L ' ASSOC IATI ON CANADIENNE 0' HISTOlRE FERROVIAlRE 82 CANADIAN RAIL ISSN OOO~4S7 ~ PUBLISHED SI·MONTHLY BY THE CANADIAN RAILROAD HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION TABLE OF CONTENTS THE REPORT OF THE COLLECTION COMMITTEE OF THE CRHA ....... THE COMMITIEE ........ "" ........ 83 THE SIXTEEN HUNDREDS - MONTREAL TRAMWAYS TRAILERS ....... FRED F. ANGUS ..... ................. 104 DOINGS IN A SLEEPING CAR, CIRCA 1890 ............ ..................... .............................................................. 118 MUSIC AT THE RAILWAY STATION .. ..................................................... LYNNE L. MACLEOD .. ............ 121 ALBERT COUGHLIN, RAILROAD COMPOSER AND SiNGER ............. ALBERT COUGHLIN ........... .... 122 IN THE BAGGAGE COACH AHEAD .......................... ............... .. .......... ................................................ ..... 123 rHONf COliER: Ml)lrlr(!' ol street car N(J. 1600 i.t setn headill8 H't SI 0/0118 Notre Dame Siru/. EDITOR: Fred ~. Angus JUI\-ing j lls/ lejl the trrmilllll' (If George V, Ihe em'/l'm lilllil of Ihe dry. 011 illl1(' 17. {957. Car 1600 was 111(' finl of Iht modem ')'lJe trailer cars to nlll ill MOII/rcai. II was bllill by J.C. Brill CO·EDITOR : Douglas N.W. Smith of PJr iladeip/litl ill 19/4. OIll/ ItYiS cOl1 w!rIed /0 a Ollt-rJUIII car;1/ 1934 . Less Ihall (/ week after ASSOCIATE EDITOR (Motive Power) : lilt photo was lakel/. ,\'/rln car sen'iu ce(ls,,(lolI this lin(' olld./ot('T in /957. / 6()() 11'(1$ refired. Hugues W. Bonin NIOta by Fred AllglIs. DISTRIBUTI ON: G e~a l(l F r~: hene LAYOUT: Fred F. Angus For your membership in the CRHA, which The CRHA has a number of local divisions Prinling: Procel Printing includes a subscription 10 Canadian Rail. across the coumry. Many hold regular meetings and issue newsleners. Further DIRECTORS OF THE C.R.H.A. wri te 10 : inlormation may be obtained by writi ng 10 PRESIDENT: Walter J. Bedbrook CRHA, 120 Rue St-Pierrc. St. Constanl,Oue. the division. VtCE PRES. : Charles De Jean J5A 2G9 VICE PRES.: David W. Johnson NEW BRUNSWICK DIVISION TREASURER : Robert Carlson Membership Dues for t 994: po. 8m 11112 s.n: Jom N.B. E2l..c1 SECRETARY: Bernard Martin In Canada: $31 (in cludir' g GST). $T LAWRENCE VALlEY DIVISION Frederick F. AflQ us Outside Canada: $29.50.n U. S. funds. PO. Box 22. SUttkln '8- Alan C. Blackburn 1.IOrir ..... 1".0 H3e 3J5 James Bouchard AlDEAU vAlLEY DIVISION Gerard Frechette P O. Bax982 Mervyn Green Canadian Rail is continually in need of news, SmifI', Fds. ar.. IcrA 5A5 T. stories, historical data, photos, maps and J. Christopher Kyle KINGSTON DfVLSION WilHam La Surf other malerial. Please send all contributions po. Bo. 111' Klng$!<)!I. 0nI. 1(1L SV6 Robert V.V. Nicholls 10 Ihe editor: Fred F. Angus, 3021 Trafalgar TORONTO" YORK OIVlSlON Ernest Ottewell Ave. Montreal . P.O. H3Y lH3. Nopayment PO. Box 5&l1l. TemWIII W Andrew W. Panko can be made for contributions, but the con­ TDf1If"CO. ar.. IoA SW1F'3 Douglas NW. Smith tributer will be given credit for material sub­ NIAGAFlAOfVLS1ON William Thomson P.O. Box S9:I Richard Viberg mitted. Material will be returned to the con­ 51. Cab ",", 0nI. L2R 8W8 A. Stephen Walbridge tributor if requested. Remember "Knowt­ CALGARY" SOUTH WESTERN DIV~ ON Michael Westren edge is of little value unless il is shared with t:Jo..,~ . s.a-y I!H2 W~ RoId N.W others". Calgary. ~ T2N 3M1 DIVISION UASON REPRESENTATIVES SELKIRK OIVISION WESTERN P.O. Bex39 O. Walter Edgar As part of its activities, the CAHA operates R.veIstoN. B.C voe 2&.'1 4515 Dalhart Road NW. the Canadian Railway Museum al Del son I CFIOWSNEST lKETTlE VAU..EY DIV~ • PO. Box.oo Calgary. A8 T3A 189 51. Constant, Oue. which is about 14 miles­ Ctarb'0Clk. 8 C vrc 4H9 POOne: (403}-286·2189 (23 Km.) from downtown Montreal. It is open NELSON ElECTRIC TRAMWAY SOCIC: TY CENTRAL from tate May to early October (daily until 123 Vouw SIfM1 NM$on. !I.C Vl l 2V8 Christopher Kyle Labour Day). Members, and their immediate 49 - 77 Wellesley SI. East PRINCE GEOAGE·NECHAKO·FfV,SER DfVlS10H families, are admitted free of charge. P.O Box 2.tOe Toronto, ON M4Y t H7 f"nnce Gocrg.. 8 C. V2H ~ Phone: (4 16)·962-1880 PACIFIC COAST DlVLSION MARITI ME THE GOAL QFTHEASSOCIATION IS THE P.O. Bo. 1006, S~~T ;on -N V~.B . C . V6CzPl Richard E. Viberg COLLECTION, PRESERVA nON AND DIS­ 172 Main 51. ESOUIMALT AND _IMO ~ SEMINATION OF ITEMS RELATING TO 11 ~ 6 BoIrnor.t RoId Hillsborough. NB EaA 1xa THE HISTORY OF CANADIAN RAILWAYS Vk:\Of1II. Be VlT lBI Phone: (506)· 734-3467 MAY - JUNE 1994 83 CANADIAN RAIL - 440 The Report of the Collectioll Committee INTRODUCTION deaccessioning. Each item must therefore be considered on its own merits. This "Rolling Stock Collections Report" was prepared by the Collection Committee between 1988 and 1992 at the request of The artifacts in the "National Collection" are those required the Board of Directors of the Canadian Railroad Historical Association to tell the complete story of the railways of Canada and their social and the management of the Canadian Railway Museum. The and economic impact. The choice of what to include in the Committee was requested to define the "National Collection" and National Collection was not easy. After much discussion, the to summarize the reasons for the artifacts being in the Association's Collection Committee recommends that those artifacts listed in collection. the first part of each table be considered the "National Collection" The Committee was established in 1986, and has been at this time. It must be remembered that there is other preserved or operating railway equipment which may be worthy of being part composed of the following persons: of the "National Collection". Chainnan: Peter Murphy Secretary: Fred Angus CharlesDeJean RAILWAYS Gerard Frechette John Godfrey Abbreviation Company Janet Homewood (CRM Director, 1988-1991) AC Algoma Central David 10hnson David Monaghan (CRM Director, 1985-1988) AC&HB Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Stan Smaill BR British Railways Len Thibeault CGR Canadian Government Railways The Committee is extremely thankful for the input and CNoR Canadian Northern Railway assistance received from many individuals including Fran<;:ois CNR Canadian National Railways Gaudette, Ken Goslett, the late Omer Lavallee and Dr. Robert Nicholls. CPR Canadian Pacific Railway (CP Rail) The Canadian Railroad Historical Association's "National GTP Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Collection of Railway Rolling Stock" is defined as "those artifacts GTR Grand Trunk Railway that are representative, and/or historically or technologically ICR Intercolonial Railway significant, and which illustrate and contribute to an understanding L&PS of the evolution and social impact of rail transportation systems in London and Port Stanley Railway Canada." LB&SCR London, Brighton & South Coast Railway The evaluation of each artifact was done on the "CRHA M&SC Montreal and Southern Counties Railway Collection Committee: Artifact Evaluation Form". The fOlm MSR Montreal Street Railway provides a standard format listing basic information (company, MTC Montreal Tramways Company road number, date built, builder, date acquired, terms of donation, source etc.), reason(s) for the piece being in the collection (historic, NAR Northern Alberta Railways technological, representativeness of Canadian railways, social), NFLD Newfoundland Ry., Terra Transport, CNR condition, etc. The results of this analysis is presented by category. NHB National Harbours Board Railway Each category has a brief introduction followed by a listing of each NSt.C&T Niagara, SI. Catharines & Toronto Railway artifact including a description and brief statement of why it is in the collection. Each category is subdivided into two sub-catagories: ONR Ontario Northland Railway those artifacts that constitute the "National Collection" and those PGE Pacific Great Eastern Railway preserved for other purposes, such as operation, animation of the QNS&L Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway museum, or for local or regional interest. QSR Quebec Street Railway The system utilized in the collections analysis did not R&S Roberval and Saguenay Railway permit definitive ranking between adjacent items on the list, but the relative positions in the list are significant. For example, S&H Salem and Hillsborough Railroad within the steam locomotive collection, CN 6153 and CP 2850 are S&L Sydney and Louisbourg Railway both extremely significant in the collection, and either is more SNCF Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer important to the collection than those lower in the table. However, TSR items lower in the list may be important to completely tell a Toronto Suburban Railway particular story, so it cannot be assumed any item at the end of the TTC Toronto TranspOltation Commission list is unnecessary to the collection and hence available for (Toronto Transit Commission since 1954) RAIL CANADIEN - 440 84 MAl - JUIN 1994 BUILDERS Ottawa Ottawa Car Manufacturing Company, Ottawa,Ont. BLW Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, P&C Patterson and Corbin, St. Catharines, Ont. Pa. Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Locomotive and Car Works, Barney and Smith, Dayton, Ohio B&S AlIeg~eny, Penn. Brighton London, Brighton & South Coast Railway, PLY Plymouth Locomotive Works, Plymouth, Brighton Works, England Ohio Brill lG. Brill Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Porter H. K. Porter, Pittsburgh, Penn. Brownell Brownell Car Company, St. Louis, Mo. Preston Preston Car and Coach, Preston, Ont. CC&F Canadian Car and Foundry, Montreal, PSC Pressed Steel Car, Pittsbmgh, Penn. Que. RC Rhodes Curry and Company, Amherst. CLC Canad ian Locomoti ve Company, Kingston, N.S. Ont. SACM Societe Alsacienne de Constructions CN-Transcona Canadian National Railways, Transcona Mecaniques, Belfort, France Shops, Winnipeg, Man. Schenectady Schenectady Locomoti ve Works, CNR Canadian National Railways Schenectady, N:Y. CP-Angus Canadian Pacific Railway, Angus Shops, Stephenson John Stephenson & Company, New York, Montreal, Que.
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