安心 营未来 Manage the Future 城市发展进程比我们看到的更快, 为了紧随步伐,广州地铁日夜兼程。 你的安心始终被地铁人放在第一位,才有幸福的未来。 263公里在建设里程,近400个施工点。 工期进程在循序渐进,建设质量被严苟管控。 2015 年报 为了安心营未来,我们让精细化融入线网建设的每一公里。 266公里在运营线路,169座车站。 Annual Report 2015 加强安检能把隐忧挡在站外, 优化客流运输让搭乘更舒心。 为了安心营未来,我们让谨慎伴随每一车公里的运营。 92万平方米安居面积,找到地铁找到家。 为了安心营未来,地铁+延伸让城市生活更便捷。 要跟上城市的发展进程,每日承载659万份笑容, 广州地铁要全程为你,安心营未来。 City develops far faster than what we have seen. In order to catch up with the step, Guangzhou Metro endeavors day and night. Your safety has always been put first by all the Metro people. 263 kilometers long of lines under construction, and about 400 construction worksites, We keep a gradual improvement and a strict control of construction quality. For the sake of Safe Future, we integrate fine management into every kilometer construction of the metro network. 266 kilometers long of operating lines, and 169 metro stations, We enhance the security check to keep the hidden risks and threats away, We optimize the passenger flow transportation to ease the traveling. For the sake of Safe Future, we make every kilometer operation accompanied by our greatest caution. 920,000 square meters of housing area, Where there is metro,there is home. For the sake of Safe Future, Metro+Extension makes city life more convenient. To keep pace with the urban development and carry 6,590,000 smiles, Guangzhou Metro is all the way for you to manage the Safe Future. 公司概况 Corporation Overview 公司简介 Corporation Profile 01 广州地铁线网图 目录 阳光文化 Sunshine Cultural Concept 02 公司领导班子成员 Board of Directors 03 MAP OF METRO NETWORK OF GUANGZHOU CONTENTS 荣退致谢 Acknowledgements for the Emeritus Secretary Wu 05 2015年要事录 Milestones in 2015 07 公司荣誉及其他 Company Honors and Others 09 主要经营管理数据摘要 Major Operational Review 11 总经理致辞 President's Address 13 线网建设 Network Construction 线网建设概况 Overview of Network Construction 17 在建物业 在建线路情况 Lines Under Construction 19 PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION 安全建设 Safety on Construction Sites 29 线网发展展望 Network Development Prospects 31 01 悦江上品 YUEJIANG SHANGPIN 线网运营 Metro Operation Service Delivery 02 地铁金融城 客运表现 35 METRO FINANCE CITY 安全保障 Safety Guarantee 37 03 万胜广场 乘客服务 Passenger Service 39 WAN SHENG SQUARE 票价优惠 Fare Discounts 41 04 荔胜广场 LI SHENG SQUARE 智慧车站 Smart Station 42 01 广佛线 Guangfo Line 43 资源经营 Affiliated Resources 45 有轨电车 Guangzhou Trams 47 物业发展 Property Development 地铁物业概况 Overview of Metro Property 51 物业项目情况 Property Projects 52 物业管理 Property Management 58 行业对外服务 External Industry Service 04 地铁设计 Metro Design 61 地铁监理 Metro Engineering Supervision 62 地铁咨询 Metro Engineering Consulting 63 鹤洞 Hedong 地铁培训 Metro Professional Training 64 Metro Materials 02 地铁物资 65 地铁小额贷 Metro Microfinance 66 沙涌 Shachong 轨道交通装备制造 Rail Transit Equipment Manufacturing 轨道交通车辆制造及维修 Rail Transit Vehicle Manufacturing and Maintenance 69 线路及说明 轨道交通车辆制造及研究 Rail Transit System Manufacturing and Research 70 LINES & SYMBOLS 03 企业管理 Enterprise Management 燕岗 1号线 广佛线 机场 党建工作 Party Building 73 Guangfo (GF) Line Yangang Line 1 Airport 第四个五年发展战略 Fourth Five-year Development Strategy 74 2号线 珠江新城旅客 火车站 自动输送系统 Railway Station Human Resource Management Line 2 人力资源管理 75 APM 融资管理 Financing Management 77 3号线 有轨电车 客运站 Line 3 Tram Passenger Station 风险管理 Risk Management 78 纪检监察与内部审计 Discipline Inspection and Supervision and Internal Audit 79 4号线 换乘站 在建物业 Interchange station Line 4 Property construction 厂务公开与工会工作 Democracy Management and Labor Union 80 Technological Innovation 5号线 需出闸换乘 科技创新 81 Exit before transfer Line 5 北 企业责任 Corporate Responsibility 83 N 6号线 附录 Appendix Line 6 审计报告 Audit Report 85 8号线 Line 8 财务会计报告 Financial and Accounting Report 87 十年统计数据 Statistics From the Past Decade 93 主要管理人员名录 List of Senior Management 97 行政功能组织架构图 Organization Chart of Administrative Functions CORPORATION OVERVIEW 公司概况 公司简介 阳光文化 CORPORATION SUNSHINE OVERVIEW CULTURE NETWORK CONSTRUCTION 线网建设 企业使命 OUR MISSION 广州市地下铁道总公司成立于1992年,属于广州 Established in 1992, Guangzhou Metro Corporation (hereinafter 地铁,为广州提速 referred to as "GMG"), is a large wholly state-owned enterprise by the 市政府全资大型国有企业。2015年6月30日广州市地下 People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality and was officially THE METRO,TO SPEED UP GUANGZHOU NETWORK OPERATION 线网运营 铁道总公司正式更名为广州地铁集团有限公司。公司秉 renamed Guangzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd. on June 30th ,2015. Adhering to its corporate mission of "The Metro, To Speed Up Guangzhou" and its 企业愿景 OUR VISON 承“地铁,为广州提速”的企业使命,践行“服务社 social responsibility of "Serve the Society and Benefit the Public", GMG 会,造福市民”的社会责任,以一体化的经营模式,负 undertakes investment, financing, engineering construction, operation and management of the urban rail transit system in the city with the 致力成为城市轨道交通行业的典范 责广州城市轨道交通的投融资、工程建设、运营管理以 integrated operation mode, and also engages in the development and TO BE A MODEL OF THE METROPOLITAN RAILWAY SECTOR 及沿线房产、商业等附属资源的开发与经营。 management of metro-related resources such as properties and PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT 物业发展 commercial entities. 通过23年的规划、设计、建设、运营和附属资源经 Depending on its strong core competence, asset value and healthy 核心价值观 CORE VALUES 营所积累沉淀形成的核心能力、资产价值以及良好的现 cash flow accumulated during 23 years of planning, design, construction, operations and affiliated resources management, GMG has basically 诚信、务实 金流,公司目前已初步具备“自我造血功能”,形成了 become self-sufficient and developed its own sustainable development INTEGRITY AND PRAGMATISM 独特的地铁可持续发展模式。公司以安全、准点、便 model. By providing safe, punctual, speedy and convenient transport service, GMG has enhanced the life quality of citizens and facilitated the SERVICE EXTERNAL INDUSTRY 行业对外服务 捷、人性化的城市轨道交通运输服务,提高市民生活品 urban functions. Meanwhile GMG has provided the country and even the 经营理念 OPERRATION PHILOSOPHY 质、促进城市功能完善,同时为全国乃至世界其他城市 other cities around the world with all-round solutions for many businesses, such as rail transit planning and design, construction, 提供轨道交通规划、设计、建设、监理、运营、咨询和 supervision, operation, consulting and training, so as to promote the 共享成果,永续发展 培训等多业务维度的全方位解决方案,促进轨道交通行 development of rail transit industry. SHARE SUCCESS AND ACHIEVE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 业发展。 MANUFACTURING RAIL TRANSIT EQUIPMENT 轨道交通装备制造 管理理念 MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY 文化引领,战略驱动 UPHOLD THE GUIDANCE ROLE OF CULTURE AND ADHERE TO OUR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN 人力资源理念 HUMAN RESOURCE PHILOSOPHY ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT 企业管理 以人为本,快乐成长 STAFF ORIENTED WITH JOY FOR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 服务理念 SERVICE PHILOSOPHY 科技创新 至诚至爱,知心贴心 TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION OFFER SINCERE AND ATTENTIVE SERVICE TO EVERY PASSENGER 安全理念 SAFTY PHILOSOPHY CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY 让安全成为习惯 企业责任 MAKE SAFETY PART OF OUR DAILY OPERATION 廉洁理念 NTEGRITY PHILOSOPHY 诚实做人,干净干事,共享幸福 TO BE AN HONEST MAN,WORK FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND SHARE HAPPINESS 品牌理念 BRAND PHILOSOPHY 全程为你 ALWAYS FOR YOU 01 02 CORPORATION OVERVIEW 公司概况 公司领导班子成员 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NETWORK CONSTRUCTION 线网建设 NETWORK OPERATION 线网运营 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT 物业发展 SERVICE EXTERNAL INDUSTRY 行业对外服务 MANUFACTURING RAIL TRANSIT EQUIPMENT 轨道交通装备制造 ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT 企业管理 钟学军 刘智成 刘光武 刘应海 丁建隆 吴慕佳 何霖 竺维彬 张志良 ZHONG XUEJUN LIU ZHICHENG LIU GUANGWU LIU YINGHAI DING JIANLONG WU MUJIA HE LIN ZHU WEIBIN ZHANG ZHILIANG 科技创新 TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION 总公司工会主席 总公司副总经理 总公司副总经理 总公司党委副书记 总公司总经理 总公司党委书记 总公司副总经理 总公司副总经理 总公司总工程师 纪委书记 党委副书记 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY CHAIRMAN OF THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF DEPUTY SECRETARY OF PRESIDENT AND DEPUTY SECRETARY OF THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF CHIEF ENGINEER OF 企业责任 LABOR UNION OF THE THE CORPORATION THE CORPORATION THE PARTY COMMITTEE SECRETARY OF THE PARTY PARTY COMMITTEE OF THE THE CORPORATION THE CORPORATION THE CORPORATION CORPORATION AND SECRETARY OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE CORPORATION DISCIPLINE INSPECTION CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE CORPORATION 03 04 CORPORATION OVERVIEW 公司概况 荣退致谢 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FOR THE EMERITUS SECRETARY WU NETWORK CONSTRUCTION 线网建设 吴慕佳 先生 Mr.Wu Mujia NETWORK OPERATION 线网运营 1994年入司,自2003年至2015年任广州地铁总公 He joined the company in 1994, and worked as Party Secretary of Guangzhou Metro Corporation and was responsible for party issues from 司党委书记,负责党委全面工作。 2003 to 2015. 作为广州地铁党建思想政治工作的掌舵人,他坚持 As the commander of party building and ideological political work of Guangzhou Metro Corporation, he insisted on long-term metro 着眼地铁长远发展,致力建设平安地铁、民心地铁、廉 development and was dedicated to the construction of safe metro, popular PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT 物业发展 洁地铁,以“理想在岗位、岗位创佳绩”、“创先争 metro and incorruptible metro. Besides, taking "Career aspirations in work, Achievements made", "Be Advanced, Outstanding in Work", and "Honesty 优,岗位闪光”、“诚信友善、岗位出彩”等为载体, and Friendliness, Excellent in Work " as the carrier, he organized series of 组织开展一系列党建活动,将广州地铁打造成为城市名 Party building activities and made Guangzhou Metro the city name card. Under his leadership, GMC Party committee was awarded the title of 片。在他带领下,公司党委被中央组织部、中央创先争 "Excellent Party Organization in Guangzhou Asian Sports Games", by 优活动领导小组授予“广州亚运会创先争优先进基层党 Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and leading group SERVICE EXTERNAL INDUSTRY 行业对外服务 of Excelling in performances activity under the Party Central Committee, 组织”荣誉称号,赢得了广泛赞誉。 winning wide acclaim and appreciation. 作为广州地铁文明和正能量的传播者、践行者,他 As a communicator and practitioner of Guangzhou Metro civilization and positive energy, he carried out external publicity work close to the central 贴近企业中心任务组织开展对外宣传,让市民更加了解 mission of the company, enabling citizens to better know the metro and 地铁、支持地铁,有效提高地铁的社会美誉度,实现 support the metro, effectively improving the social reputation of Guangzhou Metro and realizing "harmony extends with metro lines". Besides, he kept MANUFACTURING RAIL TRANSIT EQUIPMENT 轨道交通装备制造 “和谐随轨道延伸”。他坚持带队深入基层调研,有效 taking the lead to deepen the grass-root research, helping different units to
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