PHYSICAL REVIEW D VOLUME 62, NUMBER 12 15 DECEMBER 2000 Cumulative Author Index All authors of papers published in this volume are listed alphabetically. Full titles are included in each ®rst author's entry. The letters (R), (BR), (C), or (E) following the article number indicate that a paper is a Rapid Communication, a Brief Report, a Comment, or an Erratum, respectively. Abazajian, Kevork, George M. Fuller, and Xiangdong Shi , B. Muratori, and C. Nash Ð Multiple zero modes of the Dirac Ð Increase in the primordial 4He yield in the two-doublet four- operator in three dimensions. D 62, 085026͑15͒ neutrino mixing scheme. D 62, 093003͑1͒ , B. Muratori, and C. Nash Ð Particle creation via relaxing Abbasabadi, Ali and Wayne W. Repko Ð Higgs boson decay to Å ␥. hypermagnetic knots. D 62, 105027͑15͒ D 62, 054025͑1͒ Adam, I. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 092006͑1͒ Abbott, B. et al. ͑DO” Collaboration͒ Ð Limits on quark compositeness ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 62, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ from high energy jets in Åpp collisions at 1.8 TeV. Adams, D. L. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ D 62, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 052005͑1͒ et al. ͑DO” Collaboration͒ Ð Limits on anomalous WW␥ and ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 071701͑R͒͑1͒ WWZ couplings from WW/WZ→e j j production. ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 092004͑1͒ D 62, 052005͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 092006͑1͒ et al. ͑DO” Collaboration͒ Ð Search for R-parity violation in Adams, G. S. Ð ͑see Manak, J. J.͒ D 62, 012003͑1͒ multilepton ®nal states in ppÅ collisions at ͱsϭ1.8 TeV. Adams, M. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑1͒ D 62, 071701͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 052005 et al. ͑DO” Collaboration͒ Ð Search for new physics in eX data ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 071701͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 092004͑1͒ at DO” using SLEUTH: A quasi-model-independent search strategy ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 092006͑1͒ for new physics. D 62, 092004͑1͒ et al. ͑DO” Collaboration͒ Ð Measurement of the W boson mass Adams, T. Ð ͑see Manak, J. J.͒ D 62, 012003͑1͒ Adeva, B. et al. ͑Spin Muon Collaboration͒ Ð Erratum: Spin using large rapidity electrons. D 62, 092006͑1͒ asymmetries A of the proton and the deuteron in the low x and low Abdalla, Elcio Ð ͑see Wang, Bin͒ D 62, 044030͑15͒ 1 Q2 region from polarized high energy muon scattering ͓Phys. ͑see Wang, Bin͒ D 62, 047501͑BR͒͑15͒ Rev. D 60, 072004 ͑1999͔͒.D 62, 079902͑E͒͑1͒ Abd El-Hady, A., J. H. MunÄoz, and J. P. Vary Ð Semileptonic and Adler, Stephen L. Ð Remarks on a proposed Super-Kamiokande test nonleptonic B decays. D 62, 014019͑1͒ c for quantum gravity induced decoherence effects. Abe, Kenji et al. ͑The SLD Collaboration͒ Ð Search for charmless D 62, 117901͑BR͒͑1͒ hadronic decays of B mesons with the SLAC SLD detector. Afanasev, Andrei, Carl E. Carlson, and Christian Wahlquist D 62, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ Ð Scaling and duality in semiexclusive processes. D 62, 074011͑1͒ Abe, Koya Ð ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 62, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ Affolder, T. et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ Ð Search for the charged Higgs Abe, T. Ð ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 62, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ boson in the decays of top quark pairs in the e and channels Abolins, M. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ at ͱsϭ1.8 TeV. D 62, 012004͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 052005͑1͒ Aguiar, Paulo and Paulo Crawford Ð Dust-®lled axially symmetric ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 071701͑R͒͑1͒ universes with a cosmological constant. D 62, 123511͑15͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 092004͑1͒ Aguilar, A. C., A. A. Natale, and R. Rosenfeld Ð Critical coupling for ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 092006͑1͒ chiral symmetry breaking in QCD motivated models. D 62, 094014͑1͒ Abramov, V. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A. and G. C. Branco Ð Unitarity triangles and ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 052005͑1͒ geometrical description of CP violation with Majorana neutrinos. ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 071701͑R͒͑1͒ D 62, 096009͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 092004͑1͒ Aguirre, C., H. Aoki, K. Hashimoto, K. Honda, N. Inoue, N. ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 092006͑1͒ Kawasumi, Y. Maeda, N. Martinic, T. Matano, N. Ohmori, A. ͑see Gribushin, A.͒ D 62, 012001͑1͒ Ohsawa, K. Shinozaki, M. Tamada, R. Ticona, and Abramowicz, Marek A. Ð ͑see Sonego, Sebastiano͒ D 62, 064010͑15͒ I. Tsushima Ð Simultaneous observation of families and Abreu, Everton M. C. and Marcelo Hott Ð Duality in a accompanied air showers at Mt. Chacaltaya. II. Study of the hadronic fermionlike formulation for the electromagnetic ®eld. component in air showers. D 62, 032003͑1͒ D 62, 027702͑BR͒͑15͒ Aguirregabiria, Juan M., Alberto Chamorro, Luis P. Chimento, and Acharya, B. S. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ Norberto A. Zuccala РAssisted in¯ation in Friedmann-Robertson- ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 052005͑1͒ Walker and Bianchi spacetimes. D 62, 084029͑15͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 071701͑R͒͑1͒ Aharony, Ofer and Arvind Rajaraman Ð String theory duals for mass- ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 092004͑1͒ deformed SO͑N͒ and USp͑2N͒ Nϭ4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 092006͑1͒ theories. D 62, 106002͑15͒ Achasov, N. N. and V. V. Gubin Ð Comment on ``Radiative decays, Ahern, Sean C., John W. Norbury, and William J. Poyser nonet symmetry, and SU͑3͒ breaking''. D 62, 058501͑C͒͑1͒ Ð Graviton production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. and A. A. Kozhevnikov Ð Many pion decays of ͑770͒ and D 62, 116001͑1͒ ͑782͒ mesons in chiral theory. D 62, 056011͑1͒ Ahmed, S. et al. ͑CLEO Collaboration͒ Ð Measurement of B ͑ ͒ϩ and A. A. Kozhevnikov Ð Masses, branching ratios, and full →D * D*͑*͒ branching fractions. D 62, 112003͑1͒ Ј Љ Ј Љ s widths of heavy , and , resonances. ͑see Ammar, R.͒ D 62, 092007͑1͒ D 62, 117503͑BR͒͑1͒ ͑see Asner, D. M.͒ D 62, 072006͑1͒ Adam, C., C. Ekstrand, and T. SyÂkora Ð Covariant Schwinger terms. ͑see Avery, P.͒ D 62, 051101͑R͒͑1͒ D 62, 105033͑15͒ ͑see Bergfeld, T.͒ D 62, 091102͑R͒͑1͒ 62 i ii CUMULATIVE AUTHOR INDEX 62 ͑see Briere, R. A.͒ D 62, 072003͑1͒ V. P. Kenney, C. S. Lindsey, J. M. LoSecco, N. Morgan, K. ͑see Jaffe, D. E.͒ D 62, 072005͑1͒ Nelson, S. H. Oh, N. Porile, L. Preston, R. Scharenberg, B. ͑see Lipeles, E.͒ D 62, 032005͑1͒ Stringfellow, M. Thompson, F. Turkot, W. D. Walker, C. Ahn, S. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 052005͑1͒ H. Wang, and J. Warchol „Fermilab E735 Collaboration… Ð Cross ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 092006͑1͒ sections for deuterium, tritium, and helium production in Åpp Aichelburg, P. C. Ð ͑see Lechner, C.͒ D 62, 044047͑15͒ collisions at ͱsϭ1.8 TeV. D 62, 072004͑1͒ Aichelburg, Peter C. Ð ͑see Husa, Sascha͒ D 62, 104007͑15͒ et al. ͑E771 Collaboration͒ Ð Hadroproduction of the 1 and 2 Akagi, T. Ð ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 62, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ states of charmonium in 800-GeV/c proton-silicon interactions. Akimoto, H. Ð ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 62, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ D 62, 032006͑1͒ ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 62, 012004͑1͒ ͑see Alavi-Harati, A.͒ D 62, 112001͑1͒ Akimov, V. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ Aliev, T. M., D. A. Demir, and M. Savcõ Ð Probing the sources of CP ϩ Ϫ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 052005͑1͒ violation via B→K*l l decay. D 62, 074016͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 071701͑R͒͑1͒ , C. S. Kim, and Y. G. Kim Ð Systematic analysis of the ϩ Ϫ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 62, 092006͑1͒ exclusive B→K*l l decay. D 62, 014026͑1͒ Akopian, A. Ð ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 62, 012004͑1͒ , A. OÈ zpineci, and M. Savcõ Ð Magnetic moments of decuplet Akushevich, Igor, Eduard A. Kuraev, and Binur G. Shaikhatdenov baryons in light cone QCD. D 62, 053012͑1͒ ϩ Ϫ ϩ Ϫ Ð QED correction to the radiative tail from the elastic peak in and M. Savcõ Ð Exclusive semileptonic B→ l l decay deep inelastic scattering. D 62, 053016͑1͒ beyond the standard model. D 62, 114010͑1͒ Alam, J. Ð ͑see Suzuki, K.͒ D 62, 031501͑R͒͑1͒ Ali Khan, A., T. Bhattacharya, S. Collins, C. T. H. Davies, R. Gupta, Alam, M. S. Ð ͑see Ahmed, S.͒ D 62, 112003͑1͒ C. Morningstar, J. Shigemitsu, and J. Sloan Ð Heavy-light ͑see Ammar, R.͒ D 62, 092007͑1͒ mesons and baryons with b quarks. D 62, 054505͑1͒ ͑see Asner, D. M.͒ D 62, 072006͑1͒ ͑see Manke, T.͒ D 62, 114508͑1͒ ͑see Avery, P.͒ D 62, 051101͑R͒͑1͒ Ali Khan, Arifa Ð ͑see Hein, Joachim͒ D 62, 074503͑1͒ ͑see Bergfeld, T.͒ D 62, 091102͑R͒͑1͒ Allahverdi, Rouzbeh Ð Thermalization after in¯ation and reheating ͑see Briere, R. A.͒ D 62, 072003͑1͒ temperature. D 62, 063509͑15͒ ͑see Jaffe, D. E.͒ D 62, 072005͑1͒ Allen, Brent H. and Robert J. Perry Ð Glueballs in a Hamiltonian light- ͑see Lipeles, E.͒ D 62, 032005͑1͒ front approach to pure-glue QCD. D 62, 025005͑15͒ Alam, Sher, Kaoru Hagiwara, Shinya Kanemura, Robert Szalapski, Allen, Gabrielle Ð ͑see Alcubierre, Miguel͒ D 62, 124011͑15͒ and Yoshiaki Umeda Ð One-loop sfermion corrections to eϪeϩ Allen, N. J. Ð ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 62, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ Ϫ ϩ →W W in the MSSM. D 62, 095011͑1͒ Allen, Theodore J., M. G. Olsson, and Jeffrey R. Schmidt Ð Remark ϩ Ϫ ͑15͒ Alavi-Harati, A. et al. Ð Evidence for the decay KL→ ␥␥.
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