![Fauna Norvegica, Ser. B. 30](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
... Fauna norvegica Ser. B Norwegian Journal of Entomology Norsk Entomologisk Forenings tidsskrift Appears with one volume (two issues) annually 65, -. Disse innbetalinger sendes til NZT, Zoologisk Utkommer med to hefter pr. ar Museum, Sarsgt. I, Oslo 5. Editor-in-Chief (Ansvarlig redaktor) Postgiro 2 34 83 65. Ole A. Srether, Museum of Zbology, Museplass 3. 5000 Bergen. FAUNA NORVEGICA B publishes original new in­ Editorial Committee (Redaksjonskomite) formation generally relevant to Norwegian entomo­ Arne Nilssen, Zoological Dept.. Troms0 Museum, logy. The journal emphasizes papers which are main­ N-9000 Troms0, John O. Solem, DKNVS Museet. ly faunistical or zoogeographical in scope or con­ Erling Skakkes gt. 47B, N-7000 Trondheim, Albert tent, including checklists, faunal lists. type catalogues Lillehammer, Zoological Museum, Sars gt. I. and regional keys. Submissions must not have been Oslo 5. previously published or copyrighted and must not be published subsequently except in abstract form or by Su bscription written consent of the Editor-in-Chief. Members of Norw.Ent.Soc. will receive the journal free. Membership fee N.kr. 60,- should be paid to the Treasurer of NEF: Lise Hofsvang, Brattvollveien NORSK ENTOMOLOGlSK FORENlNG 107, Oslo 11. Postgiro 5 44 09 20. Questions about ser sin oppgave i a fremme det entomologiske stu­ membership should be directed to the Secretary of dium i Norge, og danne et bindeledd mellom de in­ NEF. Trond Hofsvang, P.O. Box 70, N-1432 As ­ teresserte. Medlemskontingenten er for tiden kr. 60,­ NLH. Members of NOF receive the journal by pr. fir. Henvendelse om medlemskap i NEF sendes paying N.kr. 45, -, non-members by N.kr. 65, - to: sekretreren: Trond Hofsvang, Postboks 70, 1432 As­ NZT. Zoological Museum. Sarsgt. 1, N-Oslo 5. POS(­ NLH. Medlemmer far tidsskriftet fritt tilsendt og kan giro 2 34 83 65. Outside Fennoscandia: Additional abonnere til redusert pris pa FAUNA NORVEGICA postage Nkr. 10, - per year (surface mail). serie A (generell zoologi, I hefte pr. ar) for kr. 20.- og pa serie C (ornitologi. 2 hefter pr. ar) for kr. 35,-. Disse innbetalinger sendes tit NZT,Zoologisk mu­ Abonnement seum, Sarsgt. I. Oslo 5. \1edlemmer av Norsk Entomologisk Forening far Postgiro 2 34 83 65. tidsskriftet fritt tilsendt. Medlemskontingent kr. 60,­ innbetales til kassereren i NEF: Use Hofsvang, Bratt­ \'ollveien 107, Oslo 11. Postgiro 5 4409 20. Medlem­ mer av ~orsk Ornitologisk Forening mottar tids­ Trykket med bidrag fra Norges almenvitenskapelige skriftet ved a betale kr. 45, -. Andre ma betale kr. forskningsract. Opplag 800 ~orsk zoologisk tidsskriftsentral (NZT) er et felles Managing Editor (Administrerende redaktor) publiseringsorgan for NEF og NOF i samarbeid med Edvard K. Barth, Zoologisk museum, Sars gt. I, de zoologiske avdelingene ved universitetsmuseene i Oslo 5. Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim og Troms0. Adresse: Zoologisk museum, Sarsgt. I, Oslo 5. Editorial Board (Redaksjonsn\d) Postgiro 2 3483 65. Bj0rn Gulliksen, Troms0, Svein Haftorn, Trond­ heim,Rolf Vik. Oslo. Kristiansen & W0ien, Oslo. ISSN 0332-7698 Fauna (Norsk Zoologisk Forening) har gatt ut av Norsk Zoologisk Tidsskriftsentral. Avtalen om gjensidig reduserte abonnementpriser pA foreningens tidsskrifter vii for fremtiden derfor bare gjelde mellom Norsk Entomologisk Forening og Norsk Ornitologisk Forening. Facultative parthenogenesis in Psylla myrtilli Wagner (Horn., Psyllidae): the saga continues in Norway IAN D. HODKINSON Hodkinson, LD. 1983. Facultative parthenogenesis in Psylla myrtilli Wagner (Horn., Psylli­ dae): the saga continues in Norway. Fauna norv. Ser. B. 30, 1-2. This paper reports the discovery of a population of Psylla myrti/li Wagner from Norway in which males and females were equally abundant. The species was thought to be parthenoge­ netic throughout Europe as males have not previously been taken, even in very large collec­ tions. The male genitalia are illustrated and compared with the genitalia of odd males collec­ ted in central and eastern U.S.S.R. lan D. Hodkinson, Department of Biology, Liverpool Polytechnic, Byrom St., Liverpool L3 3AF, England. Facultative parthenogenesis is suspected to oc­ tunheim but failed to find males. However, at a cur in a number of psyllids including Psylla rara single site on Riddehova, near Sjoa in Gudb­ Tuthill, Psylla ledi Flor, Trioza pletschi Tuthill randsdalen I discovered population in which and a number of Australian species of Glycaspis males were common. This is the first mixed-sex Taylor (Hodkinson 1978, Moore 1970). The best population found in Europe and I take this op­ documented example, however, conerns the ho­ portunity to provide detailed illustrations of the larctic species Psylla myrtilli which feeds on male genitalia of the European specimens (figs. Vaccinium species. Psylla myrtilli was described 1-3). from Austria by Wagner (1947) from about four Ossiannilsson (1975) illustrated the genitalia hundred females and a single damaged male. of two males from sites in the U.S.S.R. and sho­ Subsequently, the male was shown to be Psylla wed some variation in the form of the parame­ corcontum Sule and therefore not conspecific res and penis. The Norwegian P. myrtilli differ 'with the female type (Ossiannilsson 1975). Later from Ossiannilsson's illustrations and from sub­ work showed that P. myrtilli was widespread in species canadensis, particularly in the shape of Europe but males were never found, even in the penis. The paramere and penis of a male very large collections. This led several workers from Aborigen, which is much closer to Ossian­ to conclude that P. myrtilli was normally parthe­ nilsson's material, is therefore illustrated for nogenetic (LinllAvouri 1951, Lauterer 1953, Os­ comparison (figs. 4 & 5). It should be noted that siannilsson 1975). in lateral view the denticle at the paramere apex Recently, odds males have been recorded only becomes fully exposed, as shown by Ossi­ from Shansi, N. China (Kuwayama and Miya­ annilsson, when the genitalia are flattened in a take 197 I), the Bieszczady Mountains of slide preparation. Southern Poland (Klimaszlwski, 1971) and from Psylla myrtilli feeds throughout its range on three sites in the U.S.S.R. at Chanty-Mansijsk in Vaccinium species, particularly V. uliginosum a the Ural Mountains, North Karelia and Abori­ species with a broad circumpolar distribution gen in the Kolyma Highlands, Chukotka (Ossi­ (Hulten 1968). Thus while there is geographical annilsson, 1975; Hodkinson & MacLean 1980). variation in the form of the genitalia this should Hodkinson (1976) discovered a population in the not be used as a basis for splitting P. myrtilli into Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada in which a number of intergrading 'species'. The two ot­ males and females were equally abundant and her closely related Vaccinium-feeding species P. he described this as a new sub-species canaden­ amabilis Ossiannilsson (1975) from the Kurile sis. However, males were absent from popula­ Is., U.S.S.R. and P. vacciniiMiytake (1964)from tions of this subspecies at several sites in central Japan appear at present to be distinct from P. Alaska (Hodkinson 1978). myrtilli but it is not inconceivable thet further On recent collecting visits to Norway I have collecting will reveal additional intermediate made large collections of P. myrtilli from Vacci­ forms. nium uliginosum at sites in Hemsedal and the Jo- The problem of parthenogenesis remains and Fauna norv. Ser. B 30, 1-2. Oslo 1983. 4 :l~- -~ ,/ 3 5 Figs. 1-3 Psylla myrtUti Wagner, d from Ridde­ Figs. 4-5. Psylla myrti//i Wagner, d from Abori-' hova, Norway. I. Genitalia lateral view. 2. Right pa­ gen, U.S.S.R. 4. Right paramere inlJer view. 5. Penis. ramere inner view. 3. Penis. there seems to be no obvious explanation as to Hulten, E. 1960. Flora oJ Alaska and Neighbouring why, how and when males are produced. Certa­ Territories. Stanford University Press, Stanford,' inly there is no clear cut geographical pattern California. linked perhaps to severity of climate. Males are Klimaszewski, S.M. 1971. Koliszki (Homoptera, apparently absent from most populations and it Psyllodea) Bieszczadow. Fragm. faun. 17, 161-178. is reasonable to assume that reproduction is Kuwayama, S. & Miyatake, Y. 1971. Psyllidae from parthenogenetic. Some populations, however, Shansi, North China (Hemiptera). Mushi. 45, contain males and females in approximately 51-58. equal numbers and normal mating suggests that Lauterer, P. 1963. A contribution to the knowledge reproduction is sexual. Yet other populations of the psyllid fauna of Czechoslovakia. Cas mu­ contain odd males which appear insufficiently rav. Mus. Brne. 48, 145-156. numerous to fertilize the female population. Stu­ Linnavouri, R. 1951. Hemipterological observations. dies on the mechanisms of reproduction in P. Suum. Hyont Aikak. 17, 51-65. myrtilli are long overdue. Miyatake, Y. 1964. A revision of the subfamily Psyl­ linae from Japan (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). J. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 13, 1-37. Moore, K.M. 1970. Observations on some Australian forest insects 24. Results from a study of the genus Glycaspis (Homoptera: Psyllidae). A ust. Zoo!. 15, 343-376. REFERENCES Ossiannilsson, F. 1975. On the male of Psylla myrtilli Hodkinson, LD. 1976. New psyllids (Insecta: Ho­ W. Wagner, with a description of a new Psylla moptera: Psylloidea) from Canada. Zool. J. Linn. species from the far east (Homoptera: Psyllidae). Soc. 58, 321-330. Ent. scand. 6, 102-106. Hodkinson, LD. 1978. The psyllids (Homoptera: Wagner, W. 1947. Neue deutsche Homopteren und Psylloidea) of Alaska. Syst. Ent. 3, 333-360. bemerkungen uber schon bekannte arten. Verh. Hodkinson, LD. & MacLean, S.F. 1980. The psyllids Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. 29, 72-89. (Homoptera: Psylloidea) of Chukotka, Northeast U.S.S.R. Arctic A/pine Res. 12, 377-380. Received 30. Sept. 1982. The life history ofPsylla mali Schmidberger (Hom., Psyllidae); and its relationship to the development of the apple blossom NINA JONSSON Jonsson, N. 1983. The life history of Psylla mali Schmidberger (Horn., Psyllidae); and its re­ lationship to the development of the apple blossom.
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