THE HOUGHTON STAR COLLEGE LIFE IN PRINT NUMBER 16 VOLUME )Ca HOUGHTON, N. Y. FEBRUARY 8, 1929 Purple-Gold Series Rare Treat--A Houghton Loses Starts with Double Trip Abroad Friend in the Pass- Dear Alumni Editor: ing of Bro. Clarke Victory for Purple Of course I want to tell you about With the sounding of the whistle my trip, in the first place becau,e I Missionary Leader will be was never quite so happy as when Monday night the lid of a new Pur- Missed by Church, School I'm thinking about it, and in the pie-Gold Series was pried off. The second place because I am sure that and Conference Purple's hero of two previous series, it is the only time in my life that any- English, starte d the game by In the passing from our midst of slipping the leather sphere thruogh thing I may write will find its way our friend and brother, Rev Georse the hoop for a two counter. " Erm" into print. H. Clarke, Houghton, as a school, Anderson the Gold captian was not Naturally I had always looked for- as a church, and as a community has to be outdone and started her team ward to inheriting a million or some sustained a great loss. The school has off by a beautiful two-pointer tossed other impossible happening. Conse- ost one who served her in helping to over her head. Throughout the en- quently, when a friend advised me meet her financial obligations and in tire game the score was never lop- tO take advantage of a course in directing her Sunday School; the Nineteenth Century Poetry offered to sided. In the last quarter the score community has lost one who took an American teachers at Oxford I was stood 14 - 15 with Purple dn the long active interest in all matters of public thrilled. Even a slight desire to end. The Gold Captain was award- concern, including the interests of the travel seems to be the signal for a ed a free throw. Being over anxious district school; the church of Hough- to tie the score she allowed her foot perfect in.Hux of tour material, and I ron has lost a faithful attendant and to go over the line, and although the spent hours in feverish correspond- steward. Besides our community loss ence with such "celebrities shot was good, the side was not awarded the point. In spite of the as Cook and Son, The Stu'drntTr- thereterence is the of loss one to of the its Lockport most faithful Cori- fact that Erma missed the chance to el Club, and Temple Tours. senang one who acted as conference tie the score, she is said to have been The personally conducted trip has 'i treasurer for many years, and the loss the outstanding player of both teams always represented to me the picture to the whole church of the founder by netting a total of 11 points, six of of a group of women with shiny i,oses I of our Y. M. W. B. As Brother which were beautiful over-head shots REV. A. J. SHEA, WHO WiLL HOLD MEErINGS HERE and run down heels frantically rush- ' Clarke preceeds us in experiencing from medium count. ing thru art galleries and cathedrals; the glories of that "city whose builder Anna English played with her us- so I decided to limit my supervision and maker is God" we can hear the to a week at the last. As a result I ual cleverness, and received many op- en shots which she was unable to Funeral of Rev. 6. H. Rev A. J. Shea to sailed all by myself June 29th from Master'sful unto approbation:death and I will "Be give thou thee faith- a Montreal, via the Letitid, a small but make good. In the third quarter she ' very comfortable English boat. It crown of life." began to find the net and made a Brother Clarke counted not his total of 10 points Clarke at Houghton Hold Revival Meetings seemed to me that everyone else on life dear unro himself," but rather Many fouls were called during the Canadian Pastor willbegin game and on looking over the score Pastors Pitt, Shaffer, Bain, and t:ti: Lon,t tiSI f;ne dhoftt zy®it Y'1!r' book we find that Purple had 8 fouls Bedford take Part Services Next Tuesday Evening low in spirits. I might have been en# of God he has Snished his work, we called against them while the Gold barking on a missionary venture into can hear him say to us: All Houghton has recently bowed A series of Revival Services will the wilds of the South seas instead of "To you from failing hands we had 11. Purple made good five of (D. V.) be held in rhe Houghton in sorrow because of the passing of a six weeks pleasure tour. throw (Continued on Page Two) Church commencing February 12 and Rev. G. H. Clarke, familiarly known Finally the last disgusting farewells The t6rch; be yours to hold it continuing over February 24. by Y. M. W. B. members an were said, the gangplank was raised nigh." Rev. A. J. Shea, pastor of the Sun- ' Houghton students as Pa Clarke. and we were on our way. Ely knowl- An account of the funeral service About one week after a severe par- Girls of Gaoyadeo Church,nyside Ave., Ottawa, Wesleyan Canada, Methodist will be the ledge of boat travel had been limited and the life of Brother Clarke fol- alytic stroke Rev. Clarke passed to his to a few trips between Buffalo and lows: reward. The funeral services were evangelist for the occasion. and wiII Cleveland, so I'm sure there was never (Continued on Page Four) Go Coasting held Wednesday morning, January preach throughout the series. Rev. 30, at 8:30 o'clock from the church, Pancake Feed Follows Slide with Rev. J. R. Pitt ofciating. Inter- conducted successfcl evangelistic ser- "We slip, we slide, we glim, we, ment took place at Levant, in the It was the English food. however, Registration Largest afternoon. A quarter, composed of vices in former years. He has given which was my Waterloo. Never will glide." down the old hill, around the himself, throughout the years of his I corner, by the almost too near tele- Paul Roy, Joseph Shipman, Beverly forget that first meal-more meat phone pole, to the second bridge and Shea, and Louis Shipman sang ministry, to personal devotion and than Mother and I eat in a week- in School's Historf "Sweetly Resting". Rev. Noah Shaf- close application in the study of the coffee with hot milk and plum tart. then stop all too soon. The old |fer led in prayer after which Rev. Word of God, and we anticipate for Tarts have always meant bits of baked Records Show Enrollment of him, by the blessing of God, in these the"bobs" hill, sothen "Abie", have "Graham to be drawn Crack- up 1 Pitt spoke from a text in the four- pie crust with drops of jelly on them. 354 Students; Distant States teenth chapter of John's gospel. Rev. services a ministry of power. Let all The English plum tari consists of a er", Alexis and Benson, all offered christians among tls unite to pray for Represented their assistance and the bobs were J. A. Bain gave a sketch of Rev. gluey plum substance served hot in a J the blessing of God through His Clarke's life, emphasizing his out- soup dish with a sorry bit of pastry The rush and bustle. as well as rne waiteg tira%alceraloh standing Christian character and the Word in the power of the Spirit. floating on top. It is eaten with a, noise, laughter. and taIking, in halls years of service he has rendered the The service of song will be in fork and a spoon. | and class rooms have been unusually slide of their lives. The going down ch charge of Prof. Herman Baker of is fine, but the coming back takes the urch both locally as a conference Barring the food. the voyage was I noticeable recently. Here and there and as a denomination. Not the the Music Department of Houghton perfect. We walked the deck, play- I some one has called oui "What are joy out of life. Well could we all College. least of these services were his seven ed deck tennis, shuffle board. or had a you going to rake?" have utteded the words of the poet: Evening services of this series will "This world that we are living in terms as missionary to Africa. Rev. grand and glorious time loafing in our Eighteen hours if the Faculty Dean Bedford spoke feelingly of a be at 7: 30 P. M., afternoon services, deck chairs. The sea was lovely, just have no objections," would perhaps Is mighty hard to beat,- as per announcement during the meet- like glass, and I turned out to be a be the reply if the person were overly ings. We get a thorn with every rose, Wrmw ich friendship had lasted with over "Pa" a period Clarke of good sailor. ambitious. But ain't the roses sweet." A most cordial invitation is here- All the fun, however, was not go- hadthirty-five had specially years cordialand in andwhich blessed they We couldn'[ have had a more per- This all took place Monday Febru- ing on out-of-doors, for, in the kit- allby theseextended services.
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