THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA’S CAMPUS MEDIA SOURCE THE gatewayJanuary 27th, 2016 Issue No.23 Volume 106 GTWY.CA State of local journalism dire due to Postmedia layoffs PAGE 8 Artist tackles ecological crisis at FAB Gallery PAGE 14 Application forms to introduce third gender option PAGE 3 HEALTHY PERFECTIONISM Or why your New Year’s Resolution will probably fail PAGE 12 news 2 THEgateway WWW.GTWY.CA January 27, 2016 THEgateway visit us at GTWY.CA Meeting UAlberta Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Brianna Kurtz Volume 106 Issue No. 23 IMMUNOLOGY IV Published since November 21, 1910 Circulation 5,000 ISSN 0845-356X Suite 3-04 Students’ Union Building University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2J7 Telephone 780.492.5168 Fax 780.492.6665 Ad Inquiries 780.492.6669 Email [email protected] editorial staff EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Cam Lewis [email protected] | 492.5168 MANAGING EDITOR Kieran Chrysler [email protected] ONLINE EDITOR Kevin Schenk [email protected] NEWS EDITOR Richard Catangay-Liew [email protected] OPINION EDITOR Josh Greschner [email protected] ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR Jon Myers-Zilinski [email protected] CMYK SPORTS EDITOR Zach Borutski [email protected] MULTIMEDIA EDITOR Oumar Salifou [email protected] PHOTO EDITOR Chri$tina Varvis [email protected] DESIGN & PRODUCTION EDITOR Adaire Beatty [email protected] STAFF REPORTER Jamie Sarkonak [email protected] STAFF REPORTER Mitchell Sorensen [email protected] business staff Gateway: What do you think of the S’well water bottles? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Beth Mansell I honestly bought it without knowing the price. I was like, “don’t tell [email protected] | 492.6669 Kurtz: WEBMASTER Alex Shevchenko me, just put it on my Visa.” They’re just so cute. [email protected] The Gateway is published by the Gateway Student Journalism Society (GSJS), a What’s the most money you’ve dropped on something student-run, autonomous, apolitical Gateway: hits the streets not-for-profit organization, operated Dostupid? you want to WRITE? in accordance with the Societies Act of WEDNESDAYS Alberta. Kurtz:Take PHOTOS Other than? clothes I don’t need? (laughs) Honestly, probably just complaints clothes.DRAW It’ssome ridiculous. stuff? Actually, I just bought a pair of Freddy’s.always They’re like open at Comments, concerns or complaints about The Gateway’s content or operations should be first sent to the Editor-in-Chief at the address above. If the Editor-in-Chief is unable theseShoot really a VIDEO nice leggings? I guess but they have this rubber thing under your ass to resolve a complaint, it may be taken to the Gateway Student Journalism Society’s GTWY.CA Board of Directors; beyond that, appeal is to the non-partisan Society OmbudsBoard. cheeks that like lifts them up (laughs). I think I bought a pair a couple weeks The chairs of the Board of Directors and the OmbudsBoard can be reached at the address above. ago and I think they were $300. hits the streets copyright Do you want to WRITE? All materials appearing in The Gateway bear copyright of their creator(s) and may not be Gateway: $300 to make your ass look great. WEDNESDAYS used without written consent. Take PHOTOS? Kurtz: That’s what I said! You know I can’t get lipo or whatever, like may as disclaimers DRAW some stuff? hits the streets Do you want to WRITEwell? get Freddy’s. always open at Opinions expressed in the pages of The Gateway are expressly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of TheG ateway or the Gateway Student Journalism WEDNESDAYS Society. ShootTake PHOTOS a VIDEO? ? DRAW GTWY.CA Additionally, the opinions expressed in advertisements appearing in The Gateway are some stuff? those of the advertisers and not The Gateway nor the Gateway Student Journalism always open at Society unless explicitly stated. Shoot a VIDEO? streets the hits The Gateway periodically adjusts its circulation between 7,000 to 10,000 printed copies GTWY.CA based on market fluctuations and other determining factors. Like journalism? Volunteer with us. WEDNESDAYS ? WRITE to want you Do colophon ? PHOTOS Take The Gateway is created using Macintosh computers and HP Scanjet flatbed scanners. SECTION MEETING TIMES ROOM 3-04 SUB stuff? some DRAW Adobe InDesign is used for layout. Adobe Illustrator is used for vector images, while at open always Adobe Photoshop is used for raster images. Adobe Acrobat is used to create PDF files ? VIDEO a Shoot which are burned directly to plates to be mounted on the printing press. Text is set in a NEWS Mondays at 3 p.m. variety of sizes, styles, and weights of Fairplex, Utopia, Proxima Nova Extra Condensed, GTWY.CA and Tisa. The Manitoban is The Gateway’s sister paper, and we love her dearly, though “not in that way.” The Gateway’s game of choice is MLB World Series ‘98 on archive.org. SPORTS Wednesdays at 3 p.m. contributors OPINION Wednesdays at 2 p.m. Andrew McWhinney, Sam “Taco” Beetham, Abdulhalim Ahmed, Shaylee Foord, Cole Foster, Richard Liew, Eryn Pinksen, NHL Hitz 2003, Ray, Alyssa Demers, Steven Andrais, Jessica Jack, Joshua Storie, Maddy Dube, Kate McKinnes ARTS & CULTURE Wednesdays at 4 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHYWe want Mondays you! Noat 2 experiencep.m. necessary. MULTIMEDIA Mondays at 4 p.m. COMICS & ILLUSTRATIONS Fridays at 2 p.m. /THEGATEWAYONLINE @THEGATEWAY WWW.THEGATEWAYONLINE.CA/VOLUNTEER@THE_GATEWAY THEGTWY We want you! No experience necessary. We want you! No experience necessary. /THEGATEWAYONLINE @THEGATEWAY @THE_GATEWAY THEGTWY We want you! No experience necessary. We want you! No experience necessary. experience No you! want We @THEGATEWAY /THEGATEWAYONLINE /THEGATEWAYONLINE @THEGATEWAY THEGTWY @THE_GATEWAY @THE_GATEWAY THEGTWY THEgateway WWW.GTWY.CA Volume 106, Issue 23 news 3 News Editor Email Richard Catangay-Liew [email protected] Phone Twitter 780.492.5168 @RichardCLiew Volunteer News News meetings every Monday at 3pm in SUB 3-04 Third gender available on 2016–17 U of A applications Jamie Sarkonak Registrar) is listening to students.” STAFF REPORTER @SWAGONAK The Office of the Registrar has received negative feedback in the Non-binary students applying to past from the SU and specific appli- the University of Alberta next year cants who do not identify as male will have the option of choosing a or female, Collins said. Having only third, gender-neutral option to fill male and female options for gender the required gender field in their may send the signal to that the uni- applications. versity doesn’t welcome sexual mi- The third gender option saying norities, she added. “Another/Prefer not to disclose” “We don’t feel that is the case at will be available in paper applica- the U of A and we realize how im- tions, but not in BearTracks. Select- portant those signals are,” Collins ing the option in application will said. “It really worried me when a result in a student having no gen- student contacted my office and der information in BearTracks. said, ‘I identify as neither male or When the Office of the Registrar female, and I don’t feel comfortable receives an an application with applying to your university.’” the third gender option, the data For years, the Office of the Reg- for gender will be left empty in the istrar has been in talks about in- BearTracks system, so it won’t know clusivity with various stakeholders if the student is male, female or any on campus, such as the SU and the other gender, Vice-Provost and Uni- Institute for Sexual Minority Stud- versity Registrar Lisa Collins said. ies and Services. Previous projects “We realize paper is not ideal,” regarding inclusivity have in- Collins said of the new process. cluded hanges to class lists, which “But this is a first step.” were changed to show students’ Applications to Alberta universi- preferred names instead of legal ties are completed via the ApplyAl- names. berta website, which only has op- Including a third gender option tions for male and female. Students in applications is not a permanent can choose to leave the field blank solution for inclusivity, but it is an if they identify as non-binary, but important first step, Collins said, the system will automatically use and work still must be done for the the gender information from the non-binarY NEUTRALITY Students will have the option to “Prefer not to disclose” their gender in U of A applications. SCREENSHOT third option to exist in BearTracks. students’ high school transcripts, “We’re just investigating what which may not be the gender the pioned by SU Vice-President (Op- Policy on Gender), while tracking gender-neutral building codes. The we would have to change (in BearT- student identifies with. erations and Finance) Cody Bond- gender is important, you shouldn’t policy has also been successful in racks) to make sure that we don’t, The gender field in university ap- archuk, was approved at Students’ be compelled to disclose it,” he advocating for the Government of in trying to improve things for stu- plications used for university and Council last September. Through said. Alberta to recognize gender iden- dents, actually break the required government reporting. It also exists the policy, the SU has also been ad- Besides pushing for non-binary tities outside the male-female bi- reports on behalf of this university,” to prevent accidental duplicates of vocating for U of A documentation gender options on U of A forms, nary. Collins said. students to be created within the to include options other than male the Political Policy on Gender also “There’s so much more to do, Students with inquiries regard- system.
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