Congress Pushes Quick Vote on Terminal Pay f or EM WASHINGTON, April 19 (AP)—The War tion which forced the issue to the floor for start of Selective Service inductions. only to commissioned officers as part of a Department prepared to tackle the stiff job debate. The measure is due for consideration The amount of terminal pay would be "caste system" which was creating -dissenx of paying terminal leave allowance to millions May 13. figured on the basis of 30 days of leave a year, and dissatisfaction among servicemen." of enlisted men today as prospects mounted Rep. Dwight L. Rogers (D.-Fla.), author of and payment would be made for a maximum The War Department estimated several that an election-conscious Congress would the bill, predicted prompt passage by both of 120 days. Rogers said he would amend the months of bookkeeping would be necessary to authorize the outlay. houses. bill to give- discharged servicemen a year in compile GI records for payment. Rep. Robert For months the House Military Affairs The bill would give GIs terminal leave pay which to apply for terminal pay. Sikes (D.-Fla.), chairman of the military Committee had been sitting on the bill to on the same basis as officers, except that The American Legion is reported to be affairs subcommittee, which recommended a authorize payment, but late yesterday 218 enlisted men would receive their money in a behind the drive for the Rogers bill. This vet- pay leave bill similar to Rogers' proposal, lump sum. It would provide for leave pay, on erans group recently denounced the armed said the War Department estimated the pro- House members affixed signatures to a peti- ' a retroactive basis from September, 1940, the forces' policy of giving terminal leave pay posal would cost the Army about $2,000,000,000. EUROPEAN EDITION One Year Ago Today The Weather 1st Army takes Leipzig, Fighting Bremen: Cloudy, showers. ends in Ruhr trap. Reds crack line IPES Bavaria: Clear to partly cloudy. southeast of Berlin. New Mindanao THE STM4A Austria: Cloudy, showers. landing made. Forces in tin iurapean Theiier Temperature range: 58 to 33. Unofficial Newspaper of US. Armed Volume 2, Number 109 20 Pfg., 2 fr., 1 d, Saturday, April 20, 1946 Mihailovitch Awaits Trial in Manacles House Extends Draja Mihailovitch, Chetnik World Food Peril leader accused of aiding the Nazis, is shown manacled in a cell im- mediately after his capture by Hamstrung OPA forces of Marshal Tito in a Bos Alarms Truman nian mountain cave. Hels awaiting WASHINGTON, April 19 (AP)—"The world food situation WASHINGTON, April 19 (AP)f 4> trial on a charge of treason. is blacker than it has been painted," President Truman said 1—The House voted overwhelm- yesterday and revealed he had asked Herbert Hoover to return ingly yesterday to continue the immediately to the U. S. Office of Price Administration But today the President, after talking by telephone with for nine months and thereby Mr. Hoover in Cairo agreed that Mr. Hoover should complete his gave President Truman one of famine survey abroad before© ~ returning to the U. S. | g_ jyj^ p ^ the worst legislative defeats he r has had since entering the In Washington the President had told 300 members of the American White House. Vote on the amend- Association of Newspaper Editors ment-ridden bill was 355 to 42. that he wanted Mr. Hoover to re- Of Spain Gains The bill goes to the Senate today, turn promptly to present his find where the White House said the ings "forcibly and dramatically.' UNO Support President hoped for "much better He asked editors for their coopera- results." tion to increase the food relief for NEW YORK, April 19 (AP) — Administration chiefs expressed Europe. Australia's compromise proposal to confidence that the Senate will treat Editors' Tour Urged the United Nations Security Council OPA far more gently than the for a five-man committee "to in- The President said he wished the vestigate and report" today gained House, but trouble was stacking up editors would go to the starvation for them just the same. support among council delegates as areas of Europe and Asia to see for a possible solution of the Spanish Their guarded optimism was tem- themselves how bad conditions question. pered by the fact that even if the really are. The proposal was submitted to Senate rolls up a thumping majority Denis Fitzgerald, Mr. Hoover's the council shortly before adjourn- for continued price control without ment last night for the Easter holi- major changes, its decision will have adviser, declared President Truman's to be compromised with the contrary message to Mr. Hoover was intended days. action of the House on many key to give the honorary chairman of Most delegates were reluctant to provisions. the Famine Emergency Commission commit themselves after the session, but they expressed interest. The Uproarious Night Session an opportunity to report directly to The rebellious House, in 'an the American people if he so desired. LAKE SUCCESS, L.I., April 19 uproarious night session, hammered Mr. Hoover decided his radio (INS)—Seven hundred residents of the daylights out of the important speech would be sufficient and Lake Success will hold a referen- phases of the President's stabiliza- elected to continue his inspection dum election tomorrow to let 51 tion program, pasting the price tour of India and China. In a United Nations know whether they control act with restrictions and speech broadcast on all major U. S. will be welcome to locate their directing that subsidy payments radio networks tonight, he declared temporary capital in the village. stop. that 150,000,000 people between the UNO hopes to take over the Sperry As a result of almost wholesale Russian frontier and the English Gyroscope plant for interim office amending by the House, the bill's channel, mostly the lower income space. major clauses now call for scrapping groups, must have overseas supplies the government food subsidies, re- during the next four months if proposal, submitted by Australia's peal of the low-cost clothing widespread famine is to be pre- W. R. Hodgson, was conceded by production program, establishment vented. « some to have a good chance of being of a "cost plus" plan to insure a " Hoover Outlines Program approved. profit for manufacturers and hand- Mr. Hoover outlined a six-point Before the council resumes dis- lers of certain items, and an program which he explained con- cussion of the Spanish question, amendment to prohibit OPA from stituted his own personal views. If however, it will resume the Iran interfering with normal profit on his proposals were adopted, he said case which was interrupted Tuesday "reconversion items" such as auto- the United States would be furnish- after Secretary-General Trygve Lie mobiles, refrigerators and radios. ing to famine areas about 44 per asserted there were doubts whether Bowles Deplores Measure cent of the total; Canada about 20 the Iran dispute legally could be per cent; the United Kingdom kept on the agenda. This matter is Economic Stabilizer Chester B. expected to be the first on the Bowles deplored the House measure about 10 per cent; Australia about as the beginning of "a joyride 10 per cent; the Argentine, through council's calendar when it recon- toward economic disaster." OPA the cooperation of other states, and venes Tuesday. 6 GI Prisoners Escape Stockade Russia about 12 per cent. The way was opened for a new chief Paul Porter said that if the struggle on the Iran matter when House action was sustained in the Mr. Hoover is scheduled to leave Senate, it "amounts to repeal of In Paris, Using Wooden Pistol Cairo tomorrow en route to Karachi, the committee of experts on rules price control." India. (Continued on Page 8) Porter said the bill that the House The Stars and Stripes Bureau five is being made through the ex- passed yesterday would require PARIS, April 19—With the aid of tensive Paris network of known elimination immediately after July 1 a dummy pistol, fashioned of wood black-market hotels and areas. Lichfield Trial Head Dismissed of price ceilings on at least 50 per and painted black, six American Jordan, who was being held in the cent of all commodities which make soldiers, two of them charged with Place d'ltalie slaying of an unarmed up the cost of living, including coal, murder, broke out of the Paris mail courier in February, started the After Own Request for Fairness shoes, textiles, clothing, meat, milk Detention Barracks late Sunday break when he used his fake pistol and all dairy products except butter. night, it was revealed today. to disarm his guard. He had obtained The Stars and Stripes Bureau Moore said he had concluded that Only rent control survived last One of the prisoners, Pvt. Edgar D. permission to leave his solitary-con- LONDON, April 19—The most "neither the defendant nor the gov- night's House rebellion unscathed Jordan, of Chicago, was shot by a finement cell on the pretense of turbulent session of the 12-day-old ernment can get full justice" from as the chamber beat back all efforts prison guard and recaptured im- having to go to the latrine. The Lichfield trial ended today after a the court "as it is now constituted." to revise rent ceilings. ' mediately. A search for the other guard was forced to release two dozen recesses and dismissal of the Under questioning by Maj. Leland other prisoners, president of the court. Smith, trial judge advocate, who The trio thereupon walked through Dismissal of the court president, made the challenge, and the defense the cell block, found three more Col.
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