MAY 2018 11 NO. | 67 VOL. RESOURCE INFORMATION & UNDERSTANDING NEWS the Complex World of BUSINESS CARPET INDUSTRY’S THE MODERNIZING SOFT SURFACE STYLE & DESIGN TERMS TO KNOW ADDING TO THE SALE FROM UNDERNEATH FCWPresents HARDWOOD FLOORING GUIDE 101 TO: SUPPLEMENT 6 The June 2018 Flooring 101 Guide will be NO. | 67 devoted to helping the RSA understand VOL. and ultimately sell hardwood fl ooring. In fact, the Hardwood Flooring 101 Guide will help RSAs work with the customer RESOURCE so that they can better meet their needs. INFORMATION & The Hardwood Flooring 101 Guide is NEWS & Engineered Solid an exceptional opportunity to showcase BUSINESS HARDWOOD your products through custom content INDUSTRY’S THE and traditional advertising. It will be available in print and digital this June. Check out FCW’s Guides to Upcoming Flooring 101 Guides Multilayer Flooring & Carpet SUPPLEMENT TO: SUPPLEMENT TO: SUPPLEMENT TO: MARCH 2018 MAY 2018 6 11 6 6 6 NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. | | | | | 67 67 67 67 67 VOL. VOL. VOL. VOL. VOL. RESOURCE RESOURCE RESOURCE RESOURCE RESOURCE INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION & & & & & UNDERSTANDING NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS Solid & Engineered The Whole Story About the Complex World of BUSINESS BUSINESS BUSINESS RESILIENT LAMINATE/TILE & STONE BUSINESS BUSINESS CARPET INDUSTRY’S INDUSTRY’S HARDWOOD INDUSTRY’S INDUSTRY’S INDUSTRY’S THE THE THE THE THE UNDERSTANDING A MODERNIZING CATEGORY SOFT SURFACE STYLE & STYLE & DESIGN DESIGN TIPS FOR SELLING MLF TERMS TO KNOW CONNECTING WITH ADDING TO THE SALE THE CONSUMER FROM UNDERNEATH Hardwood Resilient Laminate/Tile & Stone Multilayer Flooring Carpet (solid+engineered) (including LVT) June 2018 September 2018 November 2018 March 2018 May 2018 Advertising opportunities include traditional advertising and advertorials + full-page display ads. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT CHARLTON CALHOUN (770) 919-7747 FAX (770) 919-1348 [email protected] THE REAL STORY ABOUT CARPET arpet is car- tion and all that that means to the con- For years and years — what seems like pet. Or is it? sumer. It’s clearly not your grandmother’s forever — the question was what shade CToday’s car- carpet anymore. of beige does the consumer want. That’s pet offers features Make sure to pay attention to the lingo not the case anymore. Maybe post-Great and benefits un- — the terms to know give you all the ba- Recession consumers are ready to show heard of even a de- sics you need to fully understand a prod- their style. Whatever the reason, today cade ago. If carpet uct’s make-up. But also take note of all there are luxurious and beautiful carpets is being sold in the the things that really drive the sale at re- on the market — patterns like the popular same way it always tail — how it looks, feels and will perform herringbone design and, believe it or not, has been, it’s being undersold. in a consumer’s home. color — Millennial pink is catching every- This is the second in a series of five Take softness — one thing for sure is one’s eye. Carpet doesn’t have to simply Flooring 101 Guides that FCW will be pro- that makers have put a lot of effort into be a backdrop; it can set the foundation ducing this year — each meant to help the making carpet as soft as possible. It’s for the customer’s home. retail sales associate sell the category with hard not to caress a sample when it’s You’ll notice we don’t talk about price great success. And while some products passed around. here — maybe about value — but not dol- are still in their infancy — WPC and SPC But softness is not at the sacrifice of du- lars and cents. A consumer’s budget is for come to mind — others have a longer his- rability. The consumer is demanding that sure important. But here we arm you with tory, making it even more important to their floors last longer and carpet is no the better part of the conversation — what keep up to date with the latest innova- exception. Today’s carpet can stand up to is their inspiration, what is their lifestyle. tions and changes. active families and their favorite pets all Once you know that, you’ll understand what As our resident carpet expert, Janet day, every day. construction will meet their need. Every Herlihy takes us back to the beginning of And when a spill is made? Well, today’s car- step of the way, count on FCW to help you carpet, charting the road to moderniza- pet is engineered for easy cleaning as well. win the sale! - Amy Rush-Imber Ryane DeFalco Editorial Intern THE INDUSTRY’S BUSINESS NEWS & INFORMATION RESOURCE (212) 649-2488 [email protected] Janet Herlihy (361) 443-3752 [email protected] Steven R. Swartz President & Chief Executive Offi cer Elise Linscott (413) 387-9383 [email protected] William R. Hearst III Chairman Frank A. Bennack Jr. Executive Vice Chairman Sharyn Bernard [email protected] FCWFLOOR COVERING WEEKLY Richard P. Malloch Group Head & President Advertising FCW Editorial and Sales Headquarters 300 W 57th St, 33rd fl oor, New York, NY 10019 U.S. & Canada (212) 649-7981 • FAX (646) 280-1990 Charlton Calhoun Editorial (212) 649-7981 Fax (646) 280-1990 24 Sloan Street, Suite A Roswell GA 30075 Advertising (770) 919-7747 Fax (770) 919-1348 (770) 919-7747 Fax (770) 919-1348 [email protected] Classifi ed Advertising (212) 649-7981 Fax (646) 280-1990 Floor Covering Weekly (ISSN-0015-3761) Classifi ed Ad Sales Mark Flinn General Manager is published bi-monthly by Hearst Business Sherridan Basdeo Advertising Administrator (212) 649-2336 mfl [email protected] Communications, Inc./FCW Division, 300 W 57th (212) 649-7981 [email protected] St, 37th fl oor, New York, NY 10019. Periodicals Editorial postage paid at New York, NY and additional Production Amy Rush-Imber Editor in Chief mailing offi ces. Subscription rates: Domestic: $25 Vinny Forgione Operations Manager per year, $48 two years; Canada: $60 per year, $110 (212) 649-7983 [email protected] (212) 649-7988 [email protected] two years. Sales Agreement No. 4001287. Foreign: Mallory Cruise-McGrath Managing Editor $174 airmail. Single copy Domestic: $4.00, Canada: Emily Berger Production Artist (212) 649-7985 [email protected] $6.00. Printed in the U.S.A. POSTMASTER: Send (212) 649-7989 [email protected] Lauren Moore Senior Editor address changes to FLOOR COVERING WEEKLY, Stefanie Candelario Production Intern PO Box 3012, Northbrook, IL 60065. (212) 649-7984 [email protected] (212) 649-7986 [email protected] Caroline Alkire Web Editor To subscribe: call (866) 813-3752 (212) 629-7987 [email protected] Administration or go to fcw1.com/subscribe Morgan Bulman Assistant Editor Sherridan Basdeo Advertising Administrator For reprints of articles: (212) 649-7995 [email protected] (212) 649-7981 [email protected] Wright’s Media (877) 652-5295 FLOOR COVERING WEEKLY | May 2018 3 Understanding a category The modernizing of soft surface By Janet Herlihy Soft materials have been around for a long time helping make floors more comfortable underfoot. And while carpet, rugs and carpet tile continue to offer a multitude of traditional benefits, this mature category is thoroughly modern as well. Here is a look at the transformation of the category from construction to fiber and how to speak the carpet language. The local term for CARPET CONSTRUCTION the sewing process Tufting adds patterning & speed was “turfin” for the In 2017, Engineered Floors was processing bulked continuous fila- Carpet tufting evolved from a cottage nearly 10,000 area ment into carpet yarn on state-of-the-art equipment at its SAM plant. industry in and around Dalton that began cottage tufters — in the early 1900s, according to the Carpet men, women and children. Bedspread broadloom carpet. and Rug Institute (CRI). Catherine Evans income helped many area families survive Fast-forward to the present, and tufting Whitener of Dalton recreated a hand- the depression. machines now routinely produce as much crafted bed spread pattern by sewing thick In the 1930s, the first mechanized tuft- as 15,000 square yards of builder grade resi- cotton yarns with a running stitch into ing machine was developed to make popu- dential carpet per day, according to The Ulti- unbleached muslin. She then clipped the lar bedspreads faster, and related indus- mate Carpet Manufacturing, Inspection & ends of the yarn, so they would fluff out, tries — yarn, sheeting, duck mills and Claims Manual by Carey Mitchell and David and washed the spread in hot water to hold agents, as well as machine shops — were Zach. “A modern day finishing line can back, the yarns in by shrinking the fabric. By the established to manufacture thousands shear, inspect and wrap carpet up to 150 feet 1930s, local women, and sometimes entire of single and multi-needle machines. per minute. These efficiencies reduced cost families, worked to hand tuft the spreads Machinery was developed for making to consumers so dramatically that by the for 10 to 25 cents per spread. chenille rugs and creating larger rugs and mid-70s, carpet had become a commodity ARPET FIBER SCORE CARD der. Today, on a pounds of fiber basis used • Anso CrushResister nylon is Shaw’s C in carpet in the U.S., PET accounts for nylon brand. Caress nylon, also made Each face fiber brings unique benefits 53 percent, nylon 40 percent and poly- of Anso, is Shaw’s softest nylon. Any fiber can be tufted in a good, dura- propylene and wool split the remaining 7 • Mohawk manufacturers Wear-Dated ble manner or not, therefore construction percent, according to an industry expert.
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