SERVING AND STRENGTHENING VERMONT LOCA L GOVERNMENT S April 2008 WELCOME NE W AND TULIP BLOOMS AT VLCT RETU R N I NG LOCAL OFF I C I ALS PACIF ADDS A NEW VLCT offers congratulations to all new MAC, which offers legal, educational and con- and returning local officials who were elected sulting services, Group Services; which offers ME M BER BE N E fi T to office on Town Meeting Day. a wide range of insurance and benefits services; Do you rent your municipal facilities to Your municipal organization offers a wide and Advocacy, which represents municipal in- others? Do you allow others to use your variety of resources that can quickly bring terests at the Vermont State House. outdoor venues to hold events such as wed- dings, festivals, cultural events or parades? “Your municipal organization offers a wide variety of resources that can quickly bring new Do you have groups, such as a historical so- local officials up to speed.” ciety, that hold meetings in your facilities on a regular basis? If you answered yes to any new local officials up to speed. Please watch Our members include all 246 cities and of these questions, then PACIF’s new TU- for the print and/or electronic versions of this towns in Vermont, plus many fire and solid LIP (Tenant Users Liability Insurance Pol- newsletter and the Weekly Legislative Report. waste districts and other municipal entities. icy) program will be very helpful to your Consider attending a workshop put on by the Rest assured that if you call, we will help you municipality. VLCT Municipal Assistance Center (MAC) – or refer you to a resource that can. Our toll- TULIP provides low cost general liabil- for more information about its spring sched- free telephone number is 800/649-7915 and ity insurance for tenant users of a VLCT ule of educational workshops, please visit our our general e-mail address is [email protected]. PACIF member-owned venue or facility. To website’s Events Calendar at www.vlct.org. Individual staff members can be reached at manage and control the exposures that come You will also find in this issue a brief New [email protected]. Again, welcome Officials’ Guide to VLCT, designed to ori- aboard, and may your local government ser- (Continued on Page Ten) ent you to the broad range of VLCT services: vice be lengthy and productive! INS I DE TH I S I SSUE LOCAL GO V E R NMENT DAY 2008 Digital Divide Workshop . 2 U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders addressed a luncheon crowd of 265 at Local Government Day 2008. Here, he speaks to Chester Town Manager Susan Spaulding (left) and Killing- Legal and Regulatory Notes . 4 ton Town Manager David Lewis (middle), shortly af- More Termination Tips . 5 ter they were each presented with the 2008 VLCT Life- Ask the League . 6 time Achievement Award. Trivia . 7 Both managers are retiring this year after lengthy careers Group Services Comm . Ctr . 10 in local government. Lo- cal officials from around the Tech Check . 13 state gathered at the State House before and after the Foundation Directory . 15 luncheon festivities to hear Classifieds . .17 – and be heard by – their elected senators and represen- Calendar . 20 tatives on municipal issues. (Photo by David Gunn) DI G I TAL Divi DE WO R KSHO P Vermont Tele- 89 Main Street, Suite 4 communications Au- Montpelier, VT 05602-2948 thority Board Chair Tel.: (802) 229-9111 • Fax: (802) 229-2211 Mary Evslin ad- E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.vlct.org dressed 75 attendees at VLCT’s March 7 Digital Divide Workshop. Evslin VLCT Board was joined by Gov- ernor Douglas, lun- William Perkins, President Selectperson, Middlebury cheon speaker Steve Shepard, and repre- Sanford Miller, Vice President sentatives from Bur- Manager, Milton lington Telecom, EC Susan Spaulding, Immediate Past President Fiber, the Vermont Manager, Chester Rural Broadband Project and North-link, all of whom emphasized the importance of leading the state Jared Cadwell toward universal access to high-speed Internet and cellular telephone service. Mate- Selectperson, Fayston rials from the workshop and additional information about public broadband service Sandra Harris initiatives are available on the VLCT website at http://www.vlct.org/eventscalendar/ Town Clerk, Vernon digitaldivideforum/. (Photo by Allyson Barrieau) Alison Kaiser Town Clerk, Stowe Honorable Bob Kiss The economic and environmental arguments for expanding broadband in Mayor, Burlington Vermont“ are compelling. Municipalities can’t afford NOT to do this. David Lewis ” Manager, Killington For the under-served rural towns of Vermont, the ECFiber model offers an opportunity“ to replace one of the worst communications networks in North America Hunter Rieseberg Manager, Hartford with one of the best.” Bob Rusten I hope this is the first of many such gatherings around the state, where people Manager, Wilmington share“ ideas about what works, and what doesn’t, in the effort to get better Internet Roland (Ted) Simmons and telecommunications services to Vermonters. Selectboard Chair, Orwell ” – A few participant take-aways from the Digital Divide Workshop Steven E . Jeffrey Executive Director Katherine B . Roe 0ZP[[PTL[VLJVUVTPaLVU[YHUZWVY[H[PVUJVZ[Z Editor, VLCT News MVY`V\YVYNHUPaH[PVU& Allyson Barrieau Layout, VLCT News David Gunn >P[O[VKH`»ZOPNOM\LSJVZ[ZP[THRLZTVYLZLUZL[OHUL]LYILMVYL[V Copy Editor, VLCT News LJVUVTPaLVU[YHUZWVY[H[PVUJVZ[Z>V\SK`V\YUVUWYVÄ[VYNHUPaH[PVUVY The VLCT News is published eleven times per ZTHSSUVUWYVÄ[JVTT\[LYNYV\WILULÄ[MYVTV^UPUNHUKVWLYH[PUNH year (the August and September issues are com- WHZZLUNLYJVTT\[LY]HU¶ÄUHUJLKPU[LYLZ[MYLL& bined) by the Vermont League of Cities and Towns, a non-profit, nonpartisan organization ;OL=LYTVU[(NLUJ`VM;YHUZWVY[H[PVU=;YHUZHUK[OL=LYTVU[,JVUVTPJ founded in 1967 to serve the needs and inter- +L]LSVWTLU[(\[OVYP[`=,+(OH]LM\UKZH]HPSHISL[OYV\NO[OL:[H[L ests of Vermont municipalities. The VLCT News 0UMYHZ[Y\J[\YL)HUR:0)7YVNYHT[VOLSWX\HSPÄLKUVUWYVÄ[ZÄUHUJL\W[V is distributed to all VLCT member towns. Ad- ditional subscriptions are available for $25 to VM[OLJVZ[VMJVTT\[LY]HUZ=;YHUZM\SS`Z\IZPKPaLZ[OL:0)PU[LYLZ[ VLCT members ($60, non-members), plus sales JOHYNLZHUKHWWSPJH[PVUMLL tax if applicable. Please contact VLCT for sub- scription and advertising information. ;VSLHYUTVYL]PZP[^^^]LKHVYNVYJHSS 2 • VLCT News • April 2008 Helping You Help Your Community At TD Banknorth, our Government Banking Team knows how demanding it is to run local, state, and county municipalities. That’s why we’re focused exclusively on helping communities make the most of taxpayer dollars. With personal, responsive service, our local team will go above and beyond to meet your banking needs. 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Insurance products are offered through TD Banknorth Insurance Agency, Inc. or TD Banknorth, N.A. | Bank Deposits FDIC Insured | TD Banknorth N.A. 112-3642 112-3642 VLCT News.indd 1 11/7/2006 10:05:52 AM 3 • VLCT News • April 2008 SMALL TAX BR EAK FO R VOLUNTEE R Fir EF I GHTE R S , EMS On December 20, 2007, President Bush will sunset on December 31, 2010. The signed the Volunteer Responder Incentive law also clarifies that volunteers who also MAC Protection Act of 2007 (VRIPA). This claim deductions for deductible expenses in Act will exclude from taxable income up to connection with fire-service activities will PU B L I CAT I ONS $360 per year of nominal payments from not be able to double-count these expenses municipalities to volunteer firefighters and under the $360 per year cap. UP DATES volunteer EMS personnel. The exemption - Jim Barlow, Senior Attorney, VLCT begins on January 1, 2008, and affects income Municipal Assistance Center The VLCT Municipal Assistance earned in 2008, payable on taxes by April 15, Center recently issued an updated 2009. As currently written, the exemption Handbook for Collectors of Delinquent Taxes. This handbook offers an over- view of the statutory and practical re- quirements of the position. Different delinquent tax collection methods and special problems are discussed in the Handbook, which also has an extensive The Company You Know. appendix of sample forms, letters and policies. To order a copy of the Hand- book, please visit http://www.vlct.org/ The Experts You Trust. marketplace/bookstore/. VLCT mem- bers may also download a copy of the Handbook for free from the VLCT • Codification of your ordinances on-line Resource Library at http://re- • Fast Supplementation Services sources.vlct.org/. The Municipal Assistance Center • Electronic access to Codes and records also recently released the fourth in its • Document Management Products and Services series of technical papers. “On the Re- • Building, Planning and Zoning Software cord Review” looks at the choice a mu- nicipality has between on the record • Disaster recovery plan for your records and de novo review for appeals of its • Agenda Management Software Solutions land use decisions and elaborates on Herb Myers the whys and the hows of adopting on the record review. At General Code, the key to our success is our people. Serving more than 2,500 communities in the The “On the Record Review” Tech- U.S., our customers know us as industry experts, and rely on us as service professionals.
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