

MEDICO-CH:IRURGICAL TRANAsCTIONS. PUBLISHED BY TFIE ROYAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICA SOCIETY OF LONDON. VOLUME THE FORTY-NINTH. LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO., PATERNOSTER ROW. 1866. MEDICO-CHIRURGICA&L TR.ANSACTIONS. PUBLISIIED BY j,31J4 THE ROYAL Al MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. SECOND SERIES. VOLUME TIIE THIRTY-FIRST. LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO., PATERNOSTER ROW. 1866. PRTNiT3D BY J. D. ADLARD, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. ROYAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. PATRON. THE QUEEN. OFFICERS AND COUNCIL, ELECTED MARCH 1, 1866. JAMES ALDERSON, M.D., F.R.S. '-PATRICK BLACK, M.D. HENRY BENCE JONES, M.D., F.R S. VICE-PRESIDENTS. PRESCOTT GARDNER HEWETT. L CHARLES HEWITT MOORE. HENRY ALFRED PITMAN, M.D. 1 GEORGE BUSK, F.R.S. { HENRY HYDE SALTER, M.D., F.R.S. S GEORGE GREEN GASCOYEN. L ALEXANDER PATRICK STEWART, M.D. LIBRARIANS. 1 CHARLES BROOKE, M.A., F.R.S. ANDREW WHYTE BARCLAY, M.D. EDMUND LLOYD BIRKETT, M.D. JOHN CLARKE, M.D. PATRICK FRASER, M.D. OTHER MEMBERS RICHARD QUAIN, M.D. OF COUNCIL. JAMES DIXON. EDWIN HUMBY. JOHN ABERNETHY KINGDON. JOHN MARSHALL, F.R.S. ALFRED POLAND. THE ABOVE FORM THE COUNCIL. JAMES ALDERSON, M.D., F.R.S. TRUSTEES OF THE C2ESAR HENRY HAWKINS, F.R.S. SOCIETY. FREDERIC CARPENTER SKEY, F.R.S. RESIDENT ASSISTANT-LIBRARIAN. BENJAMIN ROBERT WHEATLEY. FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY APPOINTED BY TiHE COUNCIL AS REFEREES OF PAPERS, FOR THE SESSION OF 1866-67. BALLARD, EDWARD, M.D. BIRKETT, JOHN. BURROWS, GEORGE, M.D., F.R.S. CHAMBERS, THOMAS KING, M.D. CLARK, FREDERICK LE GROS. COCK., EDWARD. CURLING, THOMAS BLIZARD, F.R.S. ERICHSEN, JOHN. FARRE, ARTHUR, M.D., F.R.S. FERGUSSON, SIR WILLIAM, BART., F.R.S. HABERSHON, SAMUEL OSBORNE, M.D. HANCOCK, HENRY. HARLEY, GEORGE, M.D., F.R.S. HAWKINS, CAESAR HENRY, F.R.S. HOLDEN, LUTHER. HOLMES, TIMOTHY. JOHNSON, GEORGE, M.D. LEE, HENRY. MARCET, WILLIAM, M.D., F.R.S. MERRIMAN, SAMUEL WILLIAM JOHN, M.D. OGLE, JOHN WILLIAM, M.D. OLDHAM, HENRY, M.D. PAGET, JAMES, F.R.S. PEACOCK, THOMAS BEVILL, M.D. POLLOCK, GEORGE DAVID. RADCLIFFE, CHARLES BLAND, M.D. REES, GEORGE OWEN, M.D., F.R.S. SAVORY, WILLIAM SCOVELL, F.R.S. SIBSON, FRANCIS, M.D., F.R.S. SIEVEKING, EDWARD HENRY, M.D. SIMON, JOHN, F.R.S. SMITH, SPENCER. SMITH, WILLIAM TYLER, M.D. WEST, CHARLES, M.D. A LIST OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE SOCIETY FROM ITS FORMATION. ELECTBD 1805. WILLIAM SAUNDERS, M.D. 1808. MATTHEW BAILLIE, M.D. 1810.. SIR HENRY HALFORD, BART., M.D., G.C.H. 1813. SIR GILBERT BLANE, BART., M.D. 1815. HENRY CLINE. 1817. WILLIAM BABINGTON, M.D. 1819. SIR ASTLEY PASTON COOPER, BART., K.C.H., D.C.L. 1821. JOHN COOKE, M.D. 1823. JOHN ABERNETHY. 1825. GEORGE BIRKBECK, M.D. 1827. BENJAMIN TRAVERS. 1829. PETER MARK ROGET, M.D. 1831. WILLIAM LAWRENCE. 1833. JOHN ELLIOTSON, M.D. 1835. HENRY EARLE. 1837. RICHARD BRIGHT, M.D., D.C.L. 1839. SIR BENJAMIN COLLINS BRODIE, BAWr., D.C.L. 1841. ROBERT WILLIAMS, M.D. 1843. EDWARD STANLEY. 1845. WILLIAM FREDERICK CHAMBERS, M.D., K.C.H. 1847. JAMES MONCRIEFF ARNOTT. 1849. THOMAS ADDISON, M.D. 1851. JOSEPH HODGSON. 1853. JAMES COPLAND, M.D. 1855. C2ESAR HENRY HAWKINS. 1857. SIR CHARLES LOCOCK, BART., M.D. 1859. FREDERIC CARPENTER SKEY. 1861. BENJAMIN GUY BABINGTON, M.D. 1863. RICHARD PARTRIDGE. 1865. JAMES ALDERSON, M.D. FELLOWS OF THB ROYAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS. P.-President. V.P.-Vice-President. T.-Treasurer. S.-Secretary. L.-Librarian. C.-Member of Council. The figures succeeding the words Trans. and Pro. show the number of Papers which have been contributed to the Transactions or Proceedings by the Fellow to whose name they are annexed. Sci. Com. is attached to the names of those who bave served on the Scientific Committees of the Society. OCTOBER, 1866. Those marked thus (t) have paid the Composition Fee in lieu of further annual subscriptions. Amongst the non-residents, those marked thus (*) are entitled by composition to receive the Transactions. Elected 1841 *ABERCROMBIE, JAMES, M.D., Cape of Good Hope. 1846 *ABERCROMBIE, JOHN, M.D., Physician to the Cheltenham General Hospital, 13, Suffolk square, Cheltenham. 1851 *ACLAND, HEN-RY WENTWORTH, M.D., F.R.S., Honorary Physician to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales; Physician to the Radcliffe Infirmary; Regitis Professor of Medicine, and Clinical Professor in the University of Oxford. 1847 ACOSTA, ELISHA, M.D., New York, U.S. x FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. Elected 1842 ACTON, WILLIAM, 17, Queen Anne street, Cavendish square. Trans. 1. 1851 ADAMS, JOHN, Surgeon to, and Lecturer on Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy at, the London Hospital; 10, Fins- bury Circus. Tran8. 3. 1852 ADAMS, WILLIAM, Surgeon to the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital; 5, Henrietta street, Cavendish square. Trans. 2. 1837 *AINSWORTH, RALPH FAWSETT, M. D., Physician to the ManE. chester Royal Infirmary; Cliff Point, Lower Broughton, Manchester. 1839 ALCOCK, SIR RUTHERFORD, K.C.B., K.C.T., K.T.S., D.C.L., H.M.'s Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Pekin. Trans. 1. 1826 ALDERSON, JAMES, M.D., F.R.S., President, Senior Physician to, and Lecturer on Clinical Medicine at, St. Mary's Hospital; 17, Berkeley square. S. 1829. C. 1848. T. 1849. V.P. 1852-3. P. 1865-6. Trans. 3. 1843 ALDIS, CHARLES JAMES BERRIDGE, M.D., Medical Officer of Health for St. George's, Hanover square; Senior Phy- sician to the Surrey Dispensary; and Physician to the St. Paul and St. Barnabas Dispensary; 1, Chester ter- race, Chester square. Trans. 2. 1850 ALEXANDER, CHARLES REVANS, Surgeon to the Royal Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye; 6, Cork street, Bond street. 1866 ALLBUTT, THOMAS CLIFFORD, B.A. and B.M. Camb., Lec- turer on the Practice of Physic at the Leeds School of Medicine, and Physician to the Leeds General Infirmary; 12, Park square, Leeds. Trans. 2. 1863 ALTHAUS, JULIUS, M.D., Physician to the Royal Infirmary for Diseases of the Chest; 18, Bryanston street, Port- man square. 1862 ANDREW, EDWYN, M.D., Windsor House, Shrewsbury. 1862 ANDaIEW, JAMES, M.D., Assistant Physician to St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital; 59, Russell square. 1820 ANDREWS, THOMAS, M.D., Norfolk, Virginia. FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. xi Elected 1819 tARNOTT, JAMES MONCRIEFF, F.R.S., Chapel House, Lady Bank, Fifeshire. L. 1826-8. V.P. 1832-3. T. 1835-40. C. 1846, 1855-6. P. 1847-8. Tran&. 8. 1817 tASHBUINER, JOHN, M.D., F.L.S., 7, Hyde park place, Cum- berland gate. C. 1821, 1830-1. 1851 ASHTON, THOMAS JOHN, Consulting Surgeon to the St. Marylebone Infirmary; 31, Cavendish square. 1820 BADLEY, JOHN, Dudley, Worcestershire. 1840 BAINBRIDGE, WILLIAM, 31, Bridge street, Southwark. 1836 BAIRD, ANDREW WOOD, M.D., Physician to the Dover Hos- pital; Dover, Kent. 1851 *BAKER, ALFRED, Surgeon to the Birmingham General Hos- pital, and Lecturer on Surgery at Sydenham College; Cannon street, Birminigham. 1865 BAKER, WILLIAM MORRANT, Demonstrator of Apatony, St. Bartholomew's Hospital; the College, St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital. Tran8. 2. 1839) tBALFOUR, THOMAS GRAHAM, M.D., F.R.S., Deputy In- spector-General of Hospitals; 6, Whitehall yard. C. 1852-3. V.P. 1860-1. Trans. 2. 1848 BALLARD, EDWARD, M.D., Medical Officer of Health for Islino,ton; 7, Compton terrace, Upper street, Islington. Trans. 2. 1849 BALLARD, THOMAS, M.D., 10, Southwick place, Hyde park. 1866 *BANKS, JOHN THOMAS, M.D., King's Professor of Physic, Physician to Richmond, Whitworth, and Hardwicke Hospitals, and Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital; Consulting Physician to the Coombe Hospital; 10, Merrion square east, Dublin. 1847 BARCLAY, ANDREW WHYTE, M.D., Physician to, and Lee- turer on Medicine at, St. George's Hospital; Medical Officer of Health for Chelsea; 23A, Bruton street, Berkeley square. S. 1857-60. L. 1861-2. C. 1865-6. Tran8. 2. 1848 BARKER, EDGAR, 9, Oxford square, Hyde park. 1862 BARKER, EDGAR, jun., late Surgeon to the Western General Dispensary; 6, Upper Hyde park street. xii iFELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. Elected 1833 tBARKER, THOMAS ALFRED, M.D., Senior Physician to, and Lecturer on Clinical Medicine at, St. Thomas's Hos- pital; 27, Wimpole street. C. 1844-5. V.P. 1853-4. T. 1860-2. Trans. 6. 1861 BARNES, ROBERT, M.D., Obstetric Physician to, and Lec- turer on Midwifery at, St. Thomas's Hospital, and Phy. sician to the Royal Maternity Charity; 46, Finsbury square. Trans. 3. 1864 BARRATT, JOSEPH GILLMAN, M.D., Physician to the London Surgical Home; 8, Cleveland gardens, Bayswater. 1840 BARROW, BENJAMIN, Surgeon to the Royal Isle of Wight Infirmary; Clifton House, Ryde, Isle of Wight. 1859 BARWELL, RIcHARD, Assistant-Surgeon to, and Lecturer on Surgical Anatomy at, the Cliaring Cross Hospital; 32, George street, Hanover square. Traxs. 1. 1844 BASHAM, WILLIAM RICHARD, M.D., Senior Physician to, and Lecturer on Medicine at, the Westminster Hospital; 17, Chester street, Grosvenor place. S. 1852-4. C. 1860-1. V.P. 1864-5. Trans. 2. 1862 BAZIRE, PIERRE VICTOR, M.D., Assistant-Physician to the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic; 28, Wobuirn square. 1862 BEALE, LIONEL SMITH, M.B., F.R.S., ProfessorofPhysiology and General and Morbid Anatomy in King's College, London, and Physician to King's College Hospital; 61, Grosvenor street. 1860 BEALEY, ADAM, M.D., M.A. Camb., Physician to the Royal General Dispensarv, St. Pancras; 27, Tavistock square. 1841 BEAMAN, GEORGE, M.D., 3, Henrietta street, Covent Garden. 1856 BEARDSLEY, AMOS, Bay villa grange, Newton in Cartmel, Lancashire. 1865 BEATTIE, HENRY, M.D., 26, Bloomsbury street, Bedford sq. 1836 BEAUMONT, WILLIAM RAWLINGS, Consulting Surgeon to the Toronto General Hospital, late Professor of Surgery in the University of King's College; Toronto, Canada West.

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