Read the Herald For Local News The Wetther: Ooudy, windy and warm today Serving Summit 9m Uf with Mattered sJiowen; tempera- te»w » «dw storreooijr'Jpr marrow, fair and somewhat cooler. F»8T MCT10K 62nd Y«r-No. 47 te V foU SUMMIT, W,4t tHUitSPXy, APRIL 26, I9». •ftUfM M M ••>««, M..J.. 14 A YEAR | CENT* Republicans and Underground[Wires Angry Growls of Owners Delay Democrats Revamp To Feed Business B ... n A... City Committees Section of Summit Passage or New Dog Ordinance Organisation meetings were held, . Installation of underground «l«c Seats are again expected to be at a premium at next by local Republicans and Demo- trie conduits b now taking place Tuesday's session of Common Council at 8:30 p.m. in the crat* Monday evening following along Morris avenue in the vicin- Municipal Building when final action is expected on the ity of Washington School, the Jcr- last week's Primary Electlpn. & 7 amendment to the dog control ordinance. Council The GOP re-elected Councilman- over tho action following a public hearing of an hour at-large Erne«t S. Hickok chair- been in progress for about two and three quarters on April 18 at man st their meeting held at the weeks andi the complete job will which time 98 residents, mostly- irate dog ownera, a majority of City Hall and the Democrats re- require approximately twenty Mount Prospect months. whom objected to the dog control named Roger W. Williams of 70 act. Pine Grove avenue to head that The underground cables are part of a $550,000 construction program Civic Group Backs Prior to the start of the hearing party in Summit Mr. Hickok was scheduled for the Summit area. last we*k. Council President Er- elected to his fifth term as city Tho power linea will run from City Parking Plans nest S. Hickok repented the pre- chairman. pared statement of council pfr""»«t- Chatham road sub-station to the •"Summit needs at least 30C central part of the city. The pres- ed April 3 when fhe amendment VISITS ISRAEL — Herbert The Republican meeting re- more parking spaces right, now was introduced. The statement, Kanun of 23 Laurel avenue, fea- viewed the success of the city ent work along Morris avenue will to add to its present 450, am be pushed through^ to Kent Place which was published in full In the ture editor of the New York organization in the primary; aad within a few years may have t April 3 Herald, maintains In ef- World Telegram end Sun, I* one party harmony and the effec- Boulevard and later to Springfield add another 250—to provide park' avenue. The first phase of the un- fect that the pending amendment of a party of 25 newspapermen tiveness of a working organization Ing space for not !e*s than 1,000 ia designed to curb doga and Irre- and businessmen who left Tues- in producing results were stressed. derground program will cost about cars," Gerald T. McCarthy told $45,000 and the entire project will sponsible owners in the Interests^ day by plaVie for Israel where It was also pointed out that as a member* of the Mount Prospect of public health and safety «m they will tour the country. The result of the primary victory, the be done in three phases and when Association last Thursday. completed next year, will have recommended by the Boa.d! of flight from Idlewild Airport local nCrOP^uait has gained an "Development of between cost about $125,000, according to Health last March. inaugurated regular service to improved position in county GOP blocks, off-itreet areas In th Aiutin C Fort, northern divkion The pending action would re- Israel by El Al, the Israeli na- ranks. OLD SPORT HAS NEW POPULARITY-Arch«ry bare. Regular classes have been held each Monday rear of downtown buildings would tional Airline. Mr. Kamm, a na- superintendent. quire confinement of licensed or The Republicans elected Mrs. has been 'taken up" In a fairly big way in Summit evening at the girls' gym throughout the winter and add at least 140 parking spaces unlicensed doga inside home*, tive of Long Branch, ire former The underground cable program. Mary MacMurray first vice chair- since the Board of Recreation late laat fall put out plans are Being raatle to continue the sport outdoors to the 60 projected at Glenwood fenced-ln-yards or runwaya or by aporU* editor of the Aabury Park a Jersey Central spokesman em- man; Mrs. Elizabeth Moll, second a feeler on the advisability of conducting organized on a year-'ro'ind basis. Membership In the group place." Mr. McCarthy told the means of leashes. The present Evening: Press, news editor of phasized, has been on the utility's vice chairman, and Mrs. MUUcent classes with instruction periods. Starting with a is open to any adult, novice or experienced/Above, civic group's annual meeting ordinance allows licensed dogs to the Newark bureau of the Asso- Hat of planned improvement for Metsger third vice chairman. Ed- small number of fans, the group has grown steadily Margaret Rune draws & fine bow on the target. "Then the City could count a total run at large. Under the revised ciated Pre*a and since Joining some time and ia in no way con- ward A. Pizzi, Robert T. Reynolds and the sport has now become a regular activity Others are T««y Gargiulo, Walter Goodale and of 650; until such minimum park measure, tagged doga could be de- the World Telegram staff eight nected with recent demands for and Robert Valter were all re- Ray Nelson. ing facilities are available for stroyed seven days after an im- years Ago ha* served as feature such installation* made by individ- elected vloe chairmen. existing needs I do not think a pounding if unclaimed by ownera writer, picture editor and assist- uals and organizations following Edward T. Higgins was re- professional parking survey advis- or if identification to *o illegible ant city editor. He has been a last November's "big blow." able. Summit resident for four years. named city representative to the that owners cannot be determined Hungerford Firm Three Industries Seeking Largest of the four major im- "Since we cannot quarantine and notified. The amendment al^o is married and has three sons. county executive committee end Summit, it is useless to proclaim Edward A, Butler was re-elected provement items for the Summit- would empower police to impound, Millburn-Chatham-Whlppany p that we have sufficient parking any dog not confined as stipulated. secretary. Le Roy Russell, Jr., New Locations in Borough facilities for residents but not was again elected treasurer and Sells Plant Here and termed by the, company an No Jail for Peta The Summit area is being se- Providence Borough officiate on "the most Interesting to 23,000 for outsiders." said Mr. McCarthy, The objectors made much of tho Salvation Army Joseph Zotti, sergeant at arms. riously considered by three indus- who represents the Mount Pros- Democrats Fill Vacancies To Hew York Life certain revieiona in zoning laws to customers of this area" Is the pro- tatter point as an unwarranted In- tries as the dite for new homes, enable them to erect new bulldlnga posed tripling of transmission ca- pect Association on the parking The Hungerford Plastics Corp. vasion of private property. Chief The Democrats named as vice It WAS learned lest w«6fa from in- totally about $1,500,000 and em- pacity between the Whipjjany gen- and traffic committee of the To Hold Fund of Murray Hill announced thto spokesman for the objectors waa chairmen, Jean A. West and formed sources. The concerns *re ploying in normal times between local Chamber of Commerce week that it will move Its Murray erating plant and the Chatham Richard G. Woodhull fo 2 Haw elected Agnes Lewis, secretary, at present negotiating; with "Jew 5Q0 and 600 workers. road sub-station. The complete re- "Parking must be available to thorne place, who charged that tho and William B. Howe treasurer. Hill and Elizabeth plants to Rock- anyone who care* to use it* Drive Next Month away next month. The Murray The Thomas & Betts Company construction of the 66,000-volt, proposed action would "restrict An appeal for funds for the It was announced that George eight-mile steel tower line into a Mr. McCarthy, who advocates dogs to jail for life and wives H. Hufnall was elected member Hill building, erected in 1945, has of Elizabeth, electrical instrument (Continued on Page 2) Salvation Army wilt be conducted been sold to the New York Life manufacturers, has an option on 115,000-volt "power turnpike^ will aa well." in Summit during the month of of the County Democratic Com- Library to Poll cost $300,000, Mr. Fort said. mittae by write-in «t tXe primary Insurance Co. According to re- approximately fifty acres of land Among those strongly support- , It waa announced this week, ports, the insurance firm plans to south of Central avenue in the Triples Power Capacity Here Ing Mr, Woodhull were Friar M. campaign win be made largely election although MM name was use the building for storage «f avenu«, accord- "This allows for three times the Community Chorus Thompson of 60 Prospect Hill ave- through the ma!!*: Chairman fit mit** f rora fibtw«k'» Herald. Public on Use record*. lfr«d L. Demp«si;y, attor- transmission capacity now leading nue, Edward Buxtiin and 1? Edgt- the local drive wfQ ft*. John Xk, Th« following men and woman retnweatlng; .JtNt I*.
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