Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1980-90 The iH lltop Digital Archive 11-30-1984 The iH lltop 11-30-1984 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 11-30-1984" (1984). The Hilltop: 1980-90. 112. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090/112 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1980-90 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -· Friday Ne>vember 30,. 1984 Volume 68 Number 13 The Nation's Largest Bla·ck Student New spaper• Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059 • • , • Pre_sident fails to respond to Communications faculty ·grievances ; G d ·d Th without proper regard for-the seriOus- rrieets once a month. By Gerald Massengill 531 organizati~n error demanded immeciiate action' on was no response. · an ·11Y be • •• e ness of the issues that they sought to Chee k was unava1·1 a ble <lOr com - Hillcop Staff Re~ r Your Part as President and we there faculty voted that 1t wt an open The faculty of the School of Com­ ' ' - raise. We have no reason to believe mCnt on the faculty's action because f t th d t ofO t 0 be 31 1984 Jetter as opposed to a private com- munications last week issued a vote of ore. se e a e c r • • . .. that you will responCI to our continued liiS secretary said he was in a meeting. as the specified deadline for reply. mun1cat1ons. resse.d dt·s- . appeals for a review of this Senate and .,.1chael1..A · R. wtnston,· v ice· Pre st·d ent no confidence to President James E. You did not respond." The letter also exp · ff' al bl Cheek for his failure to respond to th d h satisfaction with the operation of the its operation.·· for Academic A arrs was so una e Th e 1e It er was d ra ft e dbY ea oc As a result of what faculty mem- ti> be reached for comment at prers their grievances concerning the Uni­ subcon1mittee, which was formed by University Senate. ''We expressed bers from around the U.niversity per- .\lne. versity Senate and discriminatory the faculty in the School of Com- our continuing frustration with the D p .d t f th allocation of salary increases. absolute ineffectiveness of the Uni- ceive as inability to voice their con- Garry enny, res1 en o e munications .. The subcommittee, cems and gn·evances effectively in School of Communications Student The vote of no confidence . was chaired by Joan Payne Johnson. Their versity Senate as a meaningful and C ·1 .d "I th.nk af th issued in a letter to Cheek dated No­ · ~ ~ th f I the Senate, an organization called the ounc1 , sat , 1 ter e many job was to draft the letter conveying productive orum or e acu ty to Independent Faculty Federatiofl was ·years· the faculty in the School of vember 27 following his failure to the faculty's concerns, which the express its will, and to participate . h bee . t ·d · d t. ely ·n the governance of the un· fonned to represent all fatuity mem- Commun1catlons as n trying o hear the faculty's concerns and griev­ ac 1v 1 1- 'f . Pre S 1 en! 1gnore · bers in the University. Gandy said, ''I get their voices heard through th,e ances expressed in a Jetter sent to 'him versity. We are painfully reminded of 1 the inadequacies of the Senate at the see it as an alternative to the Univer- Senate, which has failed to meet tl_l_e .I ""•. 1•.'.... \' .1' on Oct. 9. According to Gandy, the faculty • October 25 meeting when members sity Senate, whose function is domin- See FACULTY pagC t2 Barrow '' .. , no comment.'' The letter stated, ··we felt that the had sub1nitted a letter to the president seriousness of this administration's before the most recent one, but there of the faculty were treated rudely and ated by the administration.' ' The Homeco1ning S.A •can Board to examine .· student missing.$1250,. By John Brazington, Joyce Harris, , seeks · and Desiree F. Hicks Hlll"'f' SU>/! RqHNr~r• • According to Meridith Nielson, chairperson of the Homecoming asylum Policy Board, there are questions sur­ rounding the proper allocation of I By Ghana 0. Wilson 1984 Homecoming funds. • Nielson contends !hat chairman Hi!lcop Slaff Repon.or I -- Reginald Scott and financial director Twiggs Xiphu, a South African Chaud\ier Moore of 1he Homecoming graduate Student at Howard, is seek­ \ Steering Committee misallocated ing political asylum in the United ' st11dent funds and made an or- , ' r States because he fears that his life, .. / chestrated effort to postpone four will be in danger if he returns to South ' ' \ scheduled meetings which were held R~dMoore Africa. I to close out the financial dealings. Homecoming chairman Xiphu has been in the United States \ ' / According to sources, $1,250 have for 5 years on a student visa and a not been accounted for in the budget. scholarship from .the African Amer- .,J The Homecoming Policy Board is scheduled to n1eet today to review the ican Institute. Xiphu said he was de.. .. ~ - ~ ... .....IL.. · :tiJI nied political asylum in 1983, and Howard professor Mary Berry (center) Is flanked (l-r) by Joscp~ Lowery (far left), Randall Robinson, Cholles Hayes, R°'"'r final report that is ~o be presented by ordered by the Immigration and Wilkins, Walter Fauntroy, and Dave Clark (background}, at a demonstration Outside of the South ·African Embassy on Mon- Moore and Scott and to close out the Naturalization Services (INS) to day. ' · financial books. Four prior meetings for this pur­ leave the u .s . by December 23', Anti~anartheid pose had been scheduled, however, 1983 . • ' r- either the report was not prepared or The INS has ordered Xiphu to re· p d • a quorum was not present, according tumtoBotswana,acountryinSouth- rotest en s Ill arrests to Nielson. em Africa which signed an' agreement \ In response to allegcltions that the with the Geneva convention agreeing E · gate Walter fauntroy, Mary Francis com(lassion for the black people suf­ 8 1 8 money in question \Vas used •to accept political refuOees from fering under the apartheid system.·.;, to e Y ,,, 1 ,~-~ 5..,,~,,.!..~,ntc .-- Berry. member of the U.S. Civil finance a party 1hat was sponsored by Chaudlier Moore d Homecoming Financial A1lvi9or South Africa; however. Xiphu said, Representative John Conyers (D.. Rights Commission, Hilda Mason, A block away from the embassy, the Homecoming Committee, Scott hundreds demonstrated along the ·· ·1f I return to South Africa (Bots- Mich.), and William Simons, vice O.C. city council member·at-large,, 300 said, ''The money for the party did Nov. 16 meeting], the report was not wana) at this time, I run the risk of president of the American Federation and Randall Robinson, executive di­ block of Massachusetts Avenue, not come from student activity fees finalized and they [Scott and Moore] being kidnapped from Botswana and of Teachers, were arrested outside the rector of TransAfrica, were arrested N.W., carrying signs stating: ''We that was given toward were not prepared to make a final taken back to South Africa." Xiphu South African Embassy Tuesday on charges of unlawful entry after Support SW APO," "South African Homecoming ... '' report." · added, ''There have been many ~-~ -..When they crossed a police barricade . refusing to leave the South African Government for Terror," and ''Free However, Moore, whose approved How~ er, Archer agreed with Scott • sions where the South African gov- leading into the compound. Embassy and Oemanding·to talk with South Africa. - · stipend is $4,050, would not disclose and Moore that an orchestrated effort emment has come into Botswima and . The pair, who attempted to deliver The racial ·diverse group swelled in where the money can1e from. was not made to cancel any scheduled taken political refugees b~ck to South fa statement to embassy officials. HUSA will sponsor a rally Saturday number from about 10 protesters RaYJllond Archer, director of stu- meeting. · Africa where Jhey were !never heard were charged with a misdemeanor Thanksgiving eve to an estimated 150 dent attivitiey, and Nielson both said In response to not being prepared · Dec. 1 aJ 2 p.m . to protest the from again.'' offense of crossing a police line, on Tuesday. Marchers plan to rally they would like to know where the to present his report , Moore said, ~ According to Xiphu, ''The lNS according to Metro police. injustices facing Blacks in daily at 3:30 p .m. near the embassy, money came. from to finance the par- ''Mr. Archer can vouch- that I was .told me to provide them with informa- Tuesday marked the third day in a according to Robinson. ··we will be ty. trying to put together a financial tion to the effect that mY. life would be series of premeditated arrest tactics South Africa. here as long as we need to be.'' ''They did have a party," Archer report until Armour J . Blackburn in danger if I were to return to Bots- used by members of a newly-formed Ambassador Bernardus G . Fourie. Other U.S. cities are expected to said. ···board did not approve the closed every night that week wana. I provided them with the in- group, the Free South Africa Move- After being arrested, they spent the conduct similar protests where South party, but until we have the final [Nov .11-17).
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