Pa,n ThHugk.Th..d.y,hIy7,1977 I1.G3 PubLic $0GO Qúton&Mly THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 134 tLes I11*a. Zonersconsider-l4th * ban kingfacility for Niles Cbicagc, told acecen of plansto 5100cm recommeded approval of Nilesisunt oppr000hing Touhy and Hartem Ave. insouth cecerved approval from bbS Niles * boundory to boundnry' booking Nitro. demolish the closed mistinggas unces atioa und a zoning change Plan Comnoìssion foea 306'snit T±'T fucilitios. station at 7201 Harlem Ave. and petitioned by Nues Investment apartment Comples and was * Action wù delayed to allow the / I The Ptan Commission Wed- petiionee to cburify pbans of construct a new one story bunk Co. for a Planned Unit Develop- mmcd down last OctObre by the bnddlng of eavoney and glass. oIent IPUDI foe 12V, acres * nendoy, July 6contimrod notion to StOcking caen,to avoid brano. ut Nues Vilboge Bonedan the basis , Commissioners also asked for Foster Lo. and Washington St. in Ji Augnet 3on u frueteenth petition problems, for the drive-in facitity. of 240 snits. * aeiecoeperated Maine Township. to come into Nibs, this time from Louis Coedogan, atteroey foe establishment ofa traffico pattern The board vacated its denial The highly controversial pro- * Crugin Fodero! Suvings & Loon, the savings and toan whose home for what they teresed 'one of the May IB on the basis nfa major I hastest corners io Nilen.' perty was twice denied high-den. for o boibding with drive-in officeisat 5200 Fullertonin change presented by erw devele. I * In other action Plan Commis. ruy oceoniog bytheCounty, -K ERCHANDISE Wilson-Jones plans 'security'fence -s' BOOTHS* Village of Nues against invading children -K lU * Edition \ PLUS * MARY * -K Nues firm ACTION GAMES! * -K T!ug1r -K 966-3900.1.4 loua n COuutar OSI NIt15SL 'K THURS-JULY 1 thru SUN -JULY 10 (AI 5100 N iii-nuira £,..j seeks o.k. 15 per copy VOL, 21, NO, S, THE BUGLE, THURSDAY,JULY 14, 1977 OAKTONWEST 0FLEHIGHATNAGtE MORTON GROVE -K OPEN THURSDAY-FRIDAY: 63O p.m. SATURDAY- 4p.m. SUNDAY-4 p.m. B.L.I. Awards for 10 foot -K Roadway Bid Fromthe The Board of Local Improve. -K mento Tuesday sighl awarded - Left the cootcact fm-the 1977 Roadway fence Hand Improvement Program to August by Álica M. RobcnI. -K H. Shoglund Co. of Melroue Park ¶Io$ for $430,B253h as lowest of five A request by uloose byDayldß,pge leaf Company representative lemg -K 1, Edltar& Pcbijohor bidders raagisg to ahigh nf prodotto company fer ronsteuc.Busenbaum said the ceqtlçst was i-'. tO 1484.711.13 from Lo Verde Con- tionof a ten foothigh fenceinitiated by urea theft und the. O DRAwIÑG straction Co. cf Niben. topped by a thcee.straod barbed .st%$0 Thai ongoing soap opera, 'What'sNew Down At The Niles firing of a trailer as welfan the .&°' &t . PobiceDepam,,enty", bad some interesting In second action the Niles wire was postponed by villageteedency of children tu -p!ny bull SUNDAY :NITE episodes the past board approved; securisg prapo- weeks. We left off some weeksago reporting the gay who irusteen Tuesday, Juby 12 lo their there ..." we srem ta hOau sais for spraying of parkway trees neot meeting ofJuly26 FOR received Nibes Poticeman OfThe Yearaward quit hecnnse of foe attractive nuisance," he said. ALL the lack of oppoetgnities in the in mid-August und the spring of porpose cf investigation und The barbed wirr and height nf police department's closed 1978. ist.. Prize society. lf.yoa'en eut "one of the boys",you may au webt get the fence, which eucreds the b ft. oat because you havé no plate Vibiage action was initiated bj, Trastees lashed askanceat theindutriol knight limitation set by to. go. reports of unhealthy maple, lo- petition for Ihr barrier, labeled -K v1 a theviblage,was not 'ill SM. cast and elm trees affected by the security penieclion against child. to keep The dowe4liuodes,which have unfobded in recent weeks, burglars out, he espluined,-but io 'K DODGE.ASpEN. have two moco of the outsiders moving cottony maple desease. reo ut Wilnos'Jones, 61515 Toahy e out of the department. deter the chibdren.--- If a prnfes. -K And In and behobd, the gay who pubIs the stringsfoe the Coetloned on Page 31 Mayar, the police chief himnebf, has been lettinganyone -K who'll listen, he'bt he quitting nestyear when bis retirement 2nd PrizO benefits merit sucha move, He's onty a youngish fifty years NDHS Cross andAnchor Clu -K ebd so his intended resignation froma $27,000 a year job CB MOBILE RADIO leaves u faint smell of sourness surroundingthe whole 'K 40 CHANNEL depurtmeat, 'K - 3rd Prize -, . Presently, the department bas Iwo highly paid captains -K 3 PIECE.. siffing on the sidobines isside the police officesbecause LUGGAGE SET they're out pact of the "ios". Villagemanager Ken Scheel -K told usone eftbem, Ed Dennis, will temporarily he bestto his , offlce to act as Natural Disaster Co-ordinatar. -K 4th!rize. CHWINNBÌCYCLE Coptaias Dennis and Bill Mebriag, who have been iothe -s' - center of the departments us long as The BogIe has been 10 SPEED around, are releguted to trivial desk duty. They'renot pact of Davalad,y, Toffy'á Cycle & the establishment so they've hero shunted aside.rocking -K Mower Shop, Mactim Gravo..J hockandforih in their offices, doing meaningless work,atan eupecsditnre of at least $40,000 annually. -K Ìwo nf tise police officers.*ho bave recently left the -s' . dpuetment include a very young brihì-guy. Dave Esposito, FOOD REFRESHMENTS who Nick Bluse told us asked to he transferred lo the Public WoeksDepuent Bot whet Blase failed to mentido was CONNIE'S KITCHEN : ESposito asked forthe transfer because he was so frustrated . by wlsot he bud seen going un in tise. department, LIQUID REFRESHMENTS Eupo tIrkbh polcemofth year V ceP belt er ith.ctygoofjouug mua who should be gioomed foe leqdeeshtp GuiBill, Bar pOulsa a cl b t depaetm alBut N11g0 polIce :.dop., uriment has beensa bereft with chargen of layoEs and Bock Row lieftto eight):Pat Boche,Assi. Gatlarna, Ce-Suben Mauagee; Alan Runcnne, Ce- . fayoejtsuas fur -friends of the. cliqua whlchrugu the Treasneer;- Dave Plnmbeck, AnsI. Salen Mgr; Jeff depueimeot, that the goodguyu urn fast being rpbaced. The Sales Manager; Pete Finan, AssI. ChiefUsher; Bill Seymour, Usher Delegati; George Panateri, Aunt. Piton, Ckief Ushce. morale uf no mua'y of the.bebter polIcemen hnu been - Treasurer; Ted Weber. Asnt, Chlnf Ushér.-. - - - dovastnfed,- creating a, gravÉ handirap to po*toemlog their 3rd Rowr John K. O'Brien, DeIegu1e -K Mack FruntRâwokde. Joncph.Steatit5C. Madwealur; * Jabs well, - Swanilun, Aunt, Treasure,; Rich Huyaen Aunt. Mike Maulunlja, Vicé-Ptetdent; JØI Rouan-. Pieni. lLL41L - Contlmled us Page 30 Treauneer, Nester Dulko, Traffic Delegate. * dentPInIBoyleTreauuree'J.gn 2nd ltow: Ed P'Itagerald, Traffic Manager; Jahn Podcuaakl f $ecritary Tony Haul, ASSInlIJIt - mo Bngle, Thn,sday, July 14, 1977 P.g.3 P.1e2 Tb. Bs.gl, ThvadyJ.Iy 14,1977 -., .ií:i . C: --- Village growls aipet shop owneì FRESH - h: LEAN ST by Allen M. Bob.I ing. ifitin determined the 1974. He needed "a week to The villageof Pillen held a conduct of the owner is adverse to review findings ea Ihn current Senior Citizens' license revocation heating July 8 "poblic health, safety and -gennr. grievance" prior ta his repon to LEAN GROUND citing the owner of Animal World. al welfareantoconstitute a the Mayor who wilt deride final n pet shop at 7525 Hurlent Ave., NEV7S AND - action, he said. He also noted VIEWS - - for sale of an alleged sick animal. Hearing Officer GeealdMuephy s 9BABY. complaints of vulgar language CHUCK Under Nitos code a business . 0LB. ooted that numerous complaints- "añd not for the first time" by LB. BACK RIBS LB. license may be suspendedon had been placed against the Pet owner John Sadtore, Sn-if yea I revoked parnaant to poblic hear. Shop since it opened in August, want ta do buniness In Nues," he NEWS FOIl ALL filLES SENIORS FROM THE HYGRADE'S-SKINLESS- SHA-NKLESS MINELLI'S HOMEMADE told Santoru, "it woald he well to TRIDENT SALE ENDS WEDNESDAY. JULY20th curb you temper." SENEORCENTER - I Oòao OAKTON STREFS967.6lRI. 76 - FULLY COOKED ITALIAN Pure PERROFIE'S MEATS FORA GREAT Recent charges had bren filed $ $ 13 IMPORTED againnl Animal Woetd by Al l'ioule . Friday, ¡ruy 15- 12,30 p.m. - LB. SAUSAGE Pork WHOLE ROMANOS 98 Rosen of Skokie who declared at - Thin isyone last chance (u sïgnup far the picnic that's platnned fertemoreow afternoon. You beingynuruwn Vt\I LB. ptcniclimch, and we Th the Fridaladwininttative heacing CHEESE sapply the beverage- -and dessert. After SALE ENDS -that ho parchaned for $312.90 an lunch there whIt be Old English Sheepdog April 21 plently ufgames with peiaes, and luts often, Thecost is 50 cents -WED PISA GENOA per person. Just call the Cnintnr to sien whichhad symptoms of vomittug up. JULY20 - r SenIor fatua cuff.. hoar. Tdy July .- lrltt p.m. and diarrhea the name day after WINES&SPIRITS SALAMI$1 29 At the July meeting, people who-registered duringthe months - 1T he took the doghome. of May and Jnne will be welcomedtu the Center, After that the ILB. dincansion will fucus on plans for libran7 CHOICE- Rosen staled he had the dog facilIties at the Center - i enumined at the Spira Animal ilnd an âalnotion of the health speakers. RefieshméritswhItEn HOT BUll served aftenvards, Evecyone is welcometo the Senior P0mm Hospital in Skokic whose veterin- CAPOCOLLO Callee Hoar. -- TEN HIGH CURE arian testified the 4'month.old - $129 dog appeared to have "indicative Qafitlag .
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