SundayBAY AREA NEWS GROUP » SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2017 Technology MORELOCALNEWS»MERCURYNEWS.COM»EASTBAYTIMES.COM 001 SECTION E HELPING HAND PHOTOS: KARL MONDON — STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Tech companies like Handshake are developing apps to help graduates as they transition to life after college while learning to manage finances, look for jobs and find places to live. Lifeaftercollege MADEEASIER withtheseapps By George Avalos APPSTOHELP [email protected] COLLEGE GRADUATES Those first months after leaving college can be- Handshake: wilder many graduates, but some apps may help to www.joinhandshake.com ease the transition from the sheltered halls of aca- Mint: www.mint.com demiatotheharshrealitiesofthebusinessworld. Landing a job, handling financing, creating a Living Social: budget, finding a new home, socializing with other www.livingsocial.com young people, or identifying deals on food, cloth- Indeed: www.indeed.com ing and other goods can be pretty overwhelming — HotPads: hotpads.com even if they are dealt with one at a time. It can be even tougher for those who have to jug- gle a lot of these all at once. But the apps — some from startups, some from big- name companies — can help automate and organize many processes for new graduates. San Francisco-based Handshake is tackling one of these challenges through an app it’s developed to assist graduates in hunting for jobs. GarrettLord,Handshake’sco-founder,sawhowtoughitwasforemployment recruiters to get to his college, Michigan Technological University in Houghton, a town in Upper Michigan. A few miles from Lord’s alma mater, one can spot an unofficial road sign that proclaims: “End of Earth, 2 miles” and “Houghton 4 miles.” So Lord was well aware of the difficulties in getting recruiters to visit the remote college to dangle offers before him and his fellow students. Garrett Lord co-founded the San Francisco-based company Handshake that developed an “WecreatedHandshaketodemocratizetheprocessandhelpstudentstoget app to help college graduates find jobs. Handshake now boasts more than 8million users. GRADUATES » PAGE 2 EARLY STAGE BestoftheBeat»Top posts on SiliconBeat.com Twitter experiments Good Morning Silicon ple Tweeting in English, but Startup offers new with longer tweets Valley: Sign up for Good it is not for those Tweeting in Morning Silicon Valley, our Japanese,” wrote Aliza Rosen, Brevity is the soul of wit, weekday newsletter, and get the Twitter’s product manager and but to Twitter it depends on best of our technology and busi- Ikuhiro Ihara, Twitter’s senior way to buy stock what language you’re typing. ness coverage delivered to your software engineer. The San Francisco tech inbox. BAYAREANE.WS/GMSV The company said it’s test- firm said last week it’s testing ing the longer character limit Startupoftheweek cording to online brokerage 280-character tweets, which is for a small group of people, Stockpile. The Palo Alto-based double the character limit cur- The longer character limit but did not specify how many. WHO THEY ARE » Stockpile startup offers just that — an rently allowed for tweets. won’t apply to Chinese, Japa- Twitter has 328 million WHAT THEY DO » Make invest- app to make buying and selling “This is a small change, nese and Korean, languages monthly active users. Not ev- ing in publicly traded compa- stock more convenient and less but a big move for us,” CEO that allow users to convey eryone was happy with the nies easier and more affordable, intimidating, essentially democ- Jack Dorsey tweeted. “140 more information in fewer possible change. by letting you buy stock in frac- ratizing the process. was an arbitrary choice based characters. “We fixed Twitter!” @jefft- tions of shares, with a credit Stockpile users can buy stock on the 160 character SMS Most Japanese tweets are 15 iedrich tweeted. “Oh? You got card, right from the Stockpile in fractions of a share worth as limit. Proud of how thought- characters while most English rid of the racists, misogynists, app. little as $1 if they don’t want to ful the team has been in solv- Tweets are 34 characters, the homophobes, antisemites and WHY IT’S COOL » Meeting with a fork over the purchase price of ing a real problem people have company discovered through thelike?No,wegavethem suit-wearing broker to buy and one whole share. The company when trying to tweet. And research. twice the space.” trade stock in your favorite com- says it takes just two minutes to at the same time maintain- “Our research shows us that —QueenieWong pany is so old-school. Millen- buy stock — using your credit ing our brevity, speed, and es- the character limit is a major nials prefer using an app, ac- EARLY » PAGE 3 sence!” cause of frustration for peo- BEAT » PAGE 3 E2 BAY AREA NEWS GROUP 001 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2017 SOUND ADVICE Smart thermostat is a worthwhile investment Once in a while I find a don’t fix it.” Admittedly, the subject of smart ther- colorful, responsive touch- tures Alexa Voice opera- $500. great new product I want part of my hesitation was mostats, seeing if I had screen display that is mir- tion and includes a remote —J.P., San Jose to tell everyone about, but the price. I knew a smart missed anything in my rored on the smartphone room sensor in the box, do not have a correspond- thermostat would save prior research. app, making it easy to use but I was content with the ing question from a money on heating What I found is that ec- when home or away. You $169 model. I’m the kind The compact camera reader. The ecobee3 andelectricbills, obee smart thermostats can also monitor and con- of guy who would rather A market is dwindling lite smart Wi-Fi but my research are the toast of the town trol the temperature in save the $80 for audio and due to competition from thermostat falls into showed the bet- these days, among review- multiple rooms by using photography purchases. smartphones, but your this category. ter ones cost $249 ers and end users alike. optional remote room sen- If you want the latest and budget will get you one For someone as or more, and less Idecidedontheecobee3 sors, which sell for $79 a greatest you should def- of the best pocket cam- involved with tech- expensive models lite, which sells for only two-pack. Though I de- initely check out the ec- eras ever made. The Sony nology as I am, Don had mixed to mid- $169, and ran down to cided on a professional in- obee4. RX100 typically sells for Ihavenotmade Lindich dling reviews. Home Depot to get one in stallation, ecobee says it With so much goodness $448-$499 and has a large great efforts to au- Sound advice Recently my time for my electrician to canbeuserinstalledand foronly$169,theecobee3 1-inch, 20 megapixel sen- tomate my home. I thermostat started install it. This is one pur- includes detailed, simple lite is really something you sor. The RX100’s still and do have an Amazon acting very errat- chase I was satisfied and directions. I think what ul- have to own and use to ap- video image quality is top- TapthatIusewithAlexa ically. It was time to take excited about from the mo- timately sold me is it is a preciate. Don’t take my notch, and it has been my Voice Assistant, but other the plunge and get a smart ment I started using it, high tech, top quality and word for it. Check it out on camera to take to amuse- than a few lights, most of thermostat, and I was and realized it was some- well supported Wi-Fi ther- the manufacturer website, ment parks for years. sony. my home operation is old- ready to spend that $249 thing I should have done a mostat for only $169. I am or better yet, try one out com school. I knew when I had to get a good one, if that lot sooner. I was actually looking forward to the for yourself. ecobee.com to replace the thermostat is what it was going to glad my hand was forced predicted 23 percent re- ContactDonLindichat IwouldgetaWi-Fismart take. I made an appoint- by the malfunctioning duction in energy bills, Can you recommend www.soundadvicenews. thermostat, but until then ment with my electrician thermostat. too. Q a good quality pocket com and use the “submit it was “if it ain’t broke, and started cramming on The ecobee3 lite has a The $249 ecobee4 fea- camera? I can spend up to question” link on that site. SOCIAL MEDIA Virtual caricatures become an obsession By Paresh Dave moji because the visuals deliver lightheartedness Los Angeles Times in a way users couldn’t on LOS ANGELES » For Anokhy their own. Desai, a new haircut or Take, “Pasta la vista!” outfit requires more than a It’s the kind of cute reply trip to the shopping center. that Jasmine Roashan says Thesedays,shealsofinds would have never crossed herselfalsodivingintothe her mind when she wanted Bitmoji app to chop hair to accept a friend’s invita- and replace clothes. tion to an Italian dinner. It’s there that Desai and But Bitmoji had it. She millions of other people loved the choice, which put have created personalized her in a “Terminator” pose caricatures of themselves. and included the twist on Bitmoji attaches the car- Arnold Schwarzenegger’s toonish likenesses to popular saying. funny and cheesy phrases “It’s definitely my favor- and then stamps them on ite form of communica- images that can be shared tion,” Roashan said. “Like across social media. if we could do this inter- The hilarity and absur- SNAP view in bitmoji, that would dity of those images has 3D Bitmoji World Lenses allows users to impose a virtual avatar over a real-world scene and create animations to share.
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