•rv^' . ) NET PRESS RUN « THE WEATHER AVERAGE DArLX CIRCULATION Foiceaut hr O. S. Weather Barean, jtew 0aeea for the month’ of November, 192»i Partly cloudy tonl^t and ^un- | 5,237 day; colder; moderate to fresh ! Blcmber of the Andit Bureau of northwest winds. | Circniatlona C o ^ ' s ;r - _____ VOL. XLIII., NO. 64. (Classified Advertislnj; on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1928. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT'S «>- SEWER NOTICE Unique Plane and Its Inventor WANTS PROBE RECORD SHATTERED <4>- SPECULATIONS PAVESWAYTO OF OPPONENTS ON HOOVER’S IN ROAD BUILDING CONSOUDATION o f ™ NAVY” State Highway Department ABILITY TO SMILE CAPITAL TRIP Kind of Legislation Which Congressman Maas Says He laid 310 Miles of New fQMES FROM APES May Be Sought Not De­ "’i. ^ Has Startling Evidence of Congressman Wonder Why Paving During the Year ___ - „ I NAME HAWLEY, cided Upon— Some Users - - What is Behind Anti- President-Elect Plans to of 1928, We Get Our Hands and Feet Want Assessments. Cnuser Lobby. CAPTAIN OF “G” Spend Ten Days in Wash­ Also from Monkey, Says Hartford, Dec. 29.— During the year of 1928, the state of Connec­ HARlFmillAN, ington Before His Vaca­ Savant. The notice of the South Manches­ ■^’’ashington Dec. 29.— A Con­ ticut through its highway depart- ' ter Sanitary and Sewer District gressional battle over the national ment buiit the greatest number of , which was published in The Herald defense may involve both branches tion m Florida-Three miies of new highway in its history, ' New York, Dec. 29.— Humanity’s on Dec. 24 was Issued because of of Congress next week with the Regimental Intelfigence Offi­ according to figures contained in debt to the ape, the sense of hu­ the necessity of complyin,? with the $274,000,000 cruiser bill before the Reasons Given by Ob­ the annual statement of Highway laws of Connecticut in regard to an Senate and a dri/e for investigation mor of Vassar girl students, the of pacifist organizations in the cer Assumes Local Com­ Commissioner John A. Macdonald, intention to secure what is techni­ servers. issued today. During the calendar antics of twin stars millions of House, it appeared today. year, the state constructed or re­ miles away and the part science cally known as “ adverse legisla­ Rep. Melvin J. Maas (R ) of Min­ mand— Dexter and Hath­ constructed 310.72 miles of road, a can play in peace and war— these tion,” nesota, member of the foreign af­ figure which exceeds the previous were a few of the wide v.ariety ot Paves the Way fairs «.ommittee and the “ Soldiers’ Washington, Dec. 29— Specula­ high record of 1927 by 105 miles. The particular form which this Bloc” of the House, announced that away Given Promotions. tion as to the underlying reasons subjects discussed today before 5,- legislation may take has not as yet By far the larger portion of the he will go before the rules commit­ for Herbert Hoover’s decision to 310 miles of pavement laid during 000 learned men and women , at­ been decided upon, but it was tee with a demand for actior on a spend ten days in the capital before 1928 was concrete, the year’s total tending a score of inter-sectional thought best to give the legal notice resolution for a public inquiry into Captain Philip C. Hawley, Regi­ in order that the way might be open taking up his pre-inaugural resi­ for this type of pavement being ap-! meetings of the American Associa­ the activity of pacifist bodies. mental Intelligence Officer, and an proximately 160 miles. Other types either thru town consolidation of Opponents To Gather dence in Florida grows apace here tion for the Advancement of Sci­ sewer districts, or otherwise, to de­ investment broker in the employ of of paving laid were as follows: Coincidentally many leading op­ with the progress of the U. S. S. Waterbound maca uni, 96 miles; ence. velop some plan that would provide ponents of the cruiser bill, headed Bodell & Co., Hartford, was last for the permanent financing of Utah toward American shores. bituminous macadam, 43 miles; ex­ Prof. 'William K. Gregory of Co­ by Bishop Francis J. McConnell, of night appointed to the captaincy of After a dull week of it, during perimental paving, 6 miles; and future sewer extentions, the cost of lumbia University and American New York will gather here for a Company G, 169th Infantry, for the which numerous messages have bituminous concrete, 0.31 miles. In constructing sewage disposal plants conference under the auspices of Museum of Natural History said and also for the maintenance of the flown north and south, the con­ addition, the , department graded the Council of International Rela­ present. Captain Hawley assumes sensus in Washington is that the and built slightly more than five man derives his hands and feet sewers. tions. May Consolidate the command through the resigna­ President-Elect is returninig pri­ miles of gravel road. from apes, “ our nearest anthropoid Maas declared tl at he has gather­ marily for three reasons: So great was the amount of high­ This subject has been rather ex­ tion of Captain Herbert H. Bissell progenitors.” Hands and feet were ed “ startling documentary evi­ 1. To ascertain if it is not possi­ way completed during the year ‘ at tensively gone into by Cheney which is effective January 1, 1929. primarily used by the apes for dence” in a long personal investiga­ ble to avoid an extra session of only 64.73 miles of work, one of Brothers in recent articles in The Captain Hawley’s position as Regi­ climbing, he asserted. Herald. But, before any plan can tion into peace and Communist Congress after March 4 by per­ the smallest totals in the depart­ suading the present session to enact ment’s history, remains to be car­ Then, too, w’e are indebted to be perfected for a consolidation organizations. Denying that he Is a mental Intelligence Officer is to be Here are three views of Carl E. Johansson’s invention of an attach­ “ red baiter” he asserted that a full the revised McNary-Haugen farm ried over into 1929. our anthropoid progenitors for be­ with the north end, or before a assumed by Captain Allan L. Dexter ment to a cariienter’s plane for squaring and beveling acenrately. .Vt public investigation should be held relief bill. Some Comparisons. ing able to live in variable tempera­ plan can be developed which will the top is shown a plane with the cast eiluminum attachment screwed to eliminate the rental charges in the to let the people know the extent of the Howitzer Company of Man­ . 2. To discuss some Cabinet ap­ An idea of the general trend to­ tures and for our mobile face. the left hand side of the plane. In the left center is an end view of chester and Lieutenant Russell E. pointments and other patronage ward increased highway construc­ south end, provision must be made of these activities. matters. Apes, like us, can smile, it seems, the attachment as it api>ears when squaring a board. .\t the bottom Not Alarmec Hathaway becomes Captain of the tion and reconstruction is furnished by which the special powers con­ left the plane is shown as it bevels a board. To the right is a photo while other animals wear “ an in­ “ I am not alarmed about a Red Howitzer Company. These appoint­ 3. To have a voice in the in­ by other figures contained in Com­ ferred by previous legislatures on of Mr. Johansson. structions that are to be «given missioner Macdonald s statement. flexible mask.” A mouse or a gat, the South Manchester Sanitary and revolution but I think it timely that ments were officially announced for Instance, cannot smile or laugh.. Sewer District can be transferred to this morning by Col. D, Gordon America’s unofficial observers to From 1895. the year that the d^ the people should have the real the European reparations confer­ partment was instituted, to 1913, Sense of Humor the town or to a new political cor­ facts behind the anti-cruiser and Hunter, of the 169th Infantry. Scientists listened to a discus­ ence. Press reports from abroad the average highway length com­ poration. Provision must also be Carl E. Johansson, Former Selectman, Gets similar lobbies.” said Maas. “ I have Capt. Hawley’s Record have indicated that Owen D. Young pleted during a year's time was 51 sion of the sense of humor of one made for the assessment of the never abandoned my intention of Captain Philip C. Hawley who and Rufus C. Dawes probably will miles. From 1913 to 19..3, this hundred Vassar students. -Miss benefits against the properties af­ Patent on Device for Carpenter’s Tool— pressing the resolution, and will re­ be named. average rose to 109 miles per year. Polyxenie Kamboropoulous of Co­ fected in the south end of the town. new my efforts particularly in view has been detailed to the command Enables User to Accurately of the Manchester company is one Reparations Problem During the past five years, the aver- lumbia University, who made one Some Prefer .^sse.ssments of the coming conference with its ■ It is knhwn that Mr. Hoover con­ a'^e has grown to 150 miles per study, said that the Vassar girls’ Since Cheney Brothers have an­ avowed intention of bullying Sena­ of the most popuiat officers in the Square Boards. regiment. His appointment is ex­ siders this reparations problem to vear. During the first mentioned sense of humor is most highly de­ nounced the application of a rental tors into defeating the cruiser pro­ be of deep and abiding importance period, 1895-1913.
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