IBRARY UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE .R '3.11961 ttfl~ewtu ' l VoL 84 No. 22 Newark, Delaware March 31, 196.1 I ( Adains To Hea·d Student Body I I Jack Rider Judy L~ngkammerer Liz Cassidy 1o - Ellen Lindh Roy ·Adams Roy Adam~ was offici.~Uf elected president of the SGA ai the spring elections held on Wgj,. IsaacS Pilots 'Review' As Chi~/ Editor nesday and Thursday. He w~• unopposed. Jo Ellen Lindh, Liz Cassidy~ Judy Langkammerer, Jack R.ld"" er have been elected vice prm• ThonipSon HoldsManaging Editor Post dent, recording secretary, eor• responding secretary and treas~ t How.aro 'Isaacs, junior 'b'io1o- ·porit(!r, JUdJY Wilder, junior En­ ·and Larl'IY Emmett, sophomore freshman engineering major; and urer respectively. · gy major, has ·been elected edi· 1i~ maj'O'r, · O!ffi·ce ·manager. history major, assistantt feature Den'ise Cranke will serve in th'ls Succeeding Stoneman, AdaiR\5 ltbr-in-'ch'ie'f of THE REVIEW 'for . Other newly :a-ppointed editors ·editor. capacity.' · will begin his duties as ·.pr~j.-' !the 19'61-62 ·s•chool ye'a-r. He ta'kes in~lude Baibara Smi'tlh, ifresh· A new · position was created Isaacs is a member of Alpha dent following ihduction. 'fl:l.e 6ver his pos'ition with this issue. man maith major, andl Mary Mar­ this year, that of associate edi· EipsHon 'Pi a_nd was. xecen'tlty new officers traditionally s~r.t ·- The' ·incoming staH was ap- :tha WhitwortJh, sophomore mafh tor, Stevie Hingston, sophomore elected scribe of the fraternity. their term about two months 1;»eo. .Engl'ish major; Jerry Kissel, He · 1irs ·a·l1so adi-v:e in HiUel an'd f~J,'e _and end. of the spring term . ~P. i~ · ted 1!b'is we·ek, ·f!.nd also ·as - ma.jor, aS'SiiStant new$ editors, · a member· of Tri-Beta. so that seniors will be free ~ 'ii.tmed tlheh· new dulties. Gail. Miss Thompson w~s co-editor of participate in the nt~merous ac"~ 'f1homp'Son, jun'ior Engli'slh-Am·er­ the qass Clari9n· Review, rep- ·tivities of a graduating class ~nil 'ica.n Stuldies ma'jo·r, was ·.a:plpoint· rese.ntative tq WEC Steering Com· so the new officers will hav• ed ;tVIana.ging Eqitpr. 1 !m:ti'tee of'62 , a me'mbeT of W.A:A, some ex:perience before .they ,re-:. Ho\.v•ard Simon, junior ·business. and a member of the dining hall turn the following year. a'd'minis:t:ration major, wiH serve (Continued on Page 5) · (Continued from Page 2) ~~s ac ting. !business mana.ge·r. ···cynthia Keen, sophomore Eng. ltsh .major, will serve as News 1lditor. w.'E _C H0 ld s· ·: Fred · Handelman, · sophomore .· · · Election busin~s·s admin'i·sltra'tion m•ajor, .d WiH be n•at i'onal ads mana!g.er: Ma' y Cou'r.t ·_ .c·. and'_:.. a'tes· Sewer.atf memlbers have 'been · reap1po'in:ted 'to 1'heir · positi'ons: · ~arge 1Bal'b1al'idh, Sdphmn'ore' A •t ·R t . A. •115 E·ngTish major. f•e'a·ture ecttior; _W al .· e ur_flS :. pr, •. _.· · . tD~ni ,se Gran!ke, jui1'iOT 'foods nnd nutrition m~jor, .cQpy ed'itor; .Candidates for the 1961 May May - Day,· over which til•· ~~b'c3:,ra1 . El d'wa11d ~, jun~or home Court have been announced by gueen will ·reign, , will · be 1\e.\4~ econ'om'i:Cs · ·e'd'ucaiti>o.n major, cir- . Howard Isaacs Gail ~homp5on Sandy Schwab, HEl, . chairman May . 6 · on the green near ·tO.• C\lla1!ion m•an'ag>er an'd .head re· of the Women's Executive Coun· Women's G:ymna~il!m. ·It will b•: sponsoreEI . jointly by . the W~· men's Executive Council trncl. Women's Athletic Associatlon, • r,r-u· :s· tee·s·St -u· d~v,.,ank ·z·n· A -t-la·,·r· ::.rt ~g~~~~"uw:~~ ~~k~.!~:~~ The program will be based o~ • '!- .~ , J . ~ ~ . J J • . _ ' .~=n~~~t~a~~i~~;e~t~~~~~r~e~~~ civil. war theme. · · on the voting day,s and the win· Nancy .Kamary, AS2, is chiir~ man of the e1ection· procedure, for c the May Court and Norma P~e, ..c, .. omm.ittee Submits Rep~ .Ort ~:~~e;i~nb;ri~~~~t~t;r~~l5~ The Th~ freshman, sophomore; and HE1, is chairman of costl\me junior classes will each select coordination. '-A · special committee of the The Spef ial Coml}1ittee was ter of Dr. Paul Bock, Associate a duchess and two attendants. 'Ul}~Ver~i_ty : s 'board of ~rustee:s appointed at the ex~cutive meet­ Professor of Civil Engineering, The memners of the-se classes ~ecittive committee recently- ing held ~ on 'March 22, 1961. Their dated' March 14, 1961 and a"d· will also vote for one senior girl sfudied the university-Tankin- report was made in order to· an­ dressed jointly to the Governor for queen. The seniors will vote Drama Groups Btick af.fa'ir and surveillance of swer a letter of Dr. Paul Bock, of . Delaware and to the 'Presi· for one girl for queen and one the student newspaper: Associate Professor of Civil ·En· (Continued on Page 8) girl for. their duchess. Bring Festival :J 1d • ~.:After hearing and stu.dying gin~ering and various comments ---- 'J fy the facts of the special commit· ~hlCh have recently appeared Hig'h s chool drama groU:Ptll D ;t tee, .the executive committee .en· m The REVIEW. Maynard Ferguson Swings .from Delaware, New Jersey, iln~ lld d~rse d the pol~cy of the presi· Committee members includ· Ma'I'Y'la n'd ip'a•rtidp'atedi in ftihe r in d~nt, deans, and other admin· ed Walter S. Carpenter, Jr., ·nineteen'llh Del·aware Pl•aJY F~i· I st istrative officers of the univer· president of the board of trust· In €arpenter •val. s~ty: ees; Henry R duPont, Harold Jazz "Sound'' Sponsored 'by l'he UniiVersriiy W. Horsey, and George Burton "Swing into !Spring" Weekend, April 22 and 23 will 1 D~amat i c Ce.nter •in coqp~:atJ.on Pearson, Jr. · (Following is the text of the feature Mayn'ard Ferguson, nationally. known jazz trump- I W'l . t~ ~e Delawtar~ Dramatic. ·~· e'ter and hi's !band ·at a jazz con1cert on Sunday afternoon tsociatwn, t.he festival iWas dirv.Idl· FinancialForm report of the special committee · · F' ld H - ted ~ nto :two 1ptarts. The High of the university board of trust­ m Carpenter Ie . ouse. , . , . 'School .Div·ision incl'Uded rthe IP.l'e• ees' executive committee.) Maynard, born m Canada, began his meteor'Ic car~ .er sent'a't·ions of seventeen st'Udellt J;)ue May First To t he executive committee with the band o_f Jim'my Dorsey. ~e h'as also p~ayed With 'dlfama g111oups; the communi~ of the board of trustees of Uni· Charlie Barnett :and Stan Ken· Sprmg Weekend Wlll also st~r Divisron inducted tllree !Ptocluc• ' :A.1'1 studcnftis requesting fi n an· versity of Delaware. ton, the latter being w11ere he Eddie Allen and band, who Will .tioms by <ad:ulrt: tassociatio;ns. clal aid for the · 1961-~ school Your Special Committee, ap­ established his "sound". supply the music for the dance '11he sevent~ rt non . oompeti· ~ca r •are · requested ;to .pick up pointed at your meeti.ng held May.nard not only has the abil· on Saturday night. Eddie Allen's · H~e groups lf. r~m sulirOunding 'tneir a•Piplication · fomns from op March 22, 1961, submit to ity to hit t he high notes ·but to band leader from Hollywood is !J:p,gh sohools were evaluated ~Y. \Delan !Hrurdly's •o!ffice. you this report. play th~re. He and his g~up recognized as one of America's Dr. ·Howard tFox, diTector of rt:}le• ' The deadline· Ior han·ding in INQUIRY MADE - have played at every well-known top dance band's. They 'have play· •atre 1and dh•airman 'Of tlhe 'dePall't· tt:'he applica.tions is May 1. The task assigned to us :was jazz concert in the nation includ- .ed at the Morocco, Catalina Cas· ment olf spe~c)l at Montcl~~r S't-ate .Shxden'ts are requested _tq 1get to make inquiry into' the facts ing N~wport, and such night· tno, and :NBC and other well· College, lt!'P'per Monltclau, New. tt:f1esc ·!forms lf>efore sp.IIing 'Vaca · behind the slatements in a let· svots as Birdland. {Contmued on Page 5) (Contmued on Page 3) _, ___ -• 2 The Review March 31, 1961 Broaden Your Horizons By !JUDY WILDEl\ are ttiwo o fthe most IC()U1mon stat es !have 1ists of jobs :wh·i·ch ,- · m'e1ihoids o1J s tudy fu.r tfort>.ilgn 1are a<Vtai'la'ble. Campus Calenda., '11he s tudent •Wlto 'is 'interested Is:t tuden'ts in ·Europe. IJ. nv:~siU~a:te all orff>ers lfuUy the­ iApriJ '14 • 21, 11961 ·b1 \JiecOimin'g :well roUin>ded mus t Time . /Place EvenJ fore signing a contract. It iS a Friday, AprlJ 14 e ·~t:>ect rto stuct·y the vau-lous as· Gain Knowledge s-inking feeHng to :arrive dn Eu. f:) e<rJt5 o'f ~o1·eign count ries. A 8 ~&nJ.i~v~f ~~~~u;o~~~t Dance fo, trope IOnl'Y fu f.ind ;th•alt YQU •are 8 ~~b 'M!&'V :Room, 'Cosmopolitaa cou. tt·y as compai•atively young Summer ses·&io.ns are the reg.
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