John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 2-22-1977 The aC rroll News- Vol. 59, No. 14 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 59, No. 14" (1977). The Carroll News. 566. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/566 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. liO. NO. 15 APR. 22. 1977 The Carroll Nevvs John Carroll University University Heights, Ohio 441 18 Freeman speaks on Union By J ohn F. Kostyo as a means of improving that ~oing agam while trying to get News Editor situation his administration organized. Student Union President. Freeman hopes to get some Committees. such as. Review. Tim Freeman, cites three Student Union committees continued on page 8 major goals for h1s new administration: to initiate new 1 programs: maintain the strong Junior S Noah areas of the present student wins government: and revitalize weaker areas. Stunt Night award Freeman sees the newly organized S.O.C as one of the By P ATRICE AYLWAIN> tion of the Blue Streak March­ main areas where potential mgBand changes may come "They can Thts past Saturday night The begtnning of the have a lot of power." Freeman Kulas Auditorium resound(>d program was marked by the says about campus organiza· with laughter. applause. and recognttJOn of Ms Shirley lions if they can work together good "clean" fun with the (;r<>enficld. the JTT represen­ offering their manpower to holcUng of Stunt Night '77. t ativc at the cafetena door Dickey Betts, seated, e ntertains tonight at 8:00 with Nils Lofgren University activities Freeman The eventng's program. .Judges for the show were and the Steve Gibbons band. also says he wants to keep in under the directiOn of Ms Dean OeCrane. Mrs Gibbons close communicat ion with Ruth Ann Haymond of th<' Dean of Students office, ~~seniors plan last hurrah11 campus organizations. seemg presented a chance for the Carl Moravec .Jack Whtte of many changes coming from four classes to show off their the Campus Mtnistry. Paul R. A. Marlzynski 1 00 for a picnic. The Senior their inputs to h1s administra­ writing and acting abtltty Kantz of the Public Relations tion Department and Jackie After the last paper is Class will provide the beer. while taking shols at vanous sports activities. and the fun, The new President empha­ school institubons. Schmtdt of the Speech Depart­ turned in and finals are com­ ment pleted forever. members of Seniors are asked to provide sizes the teacher evaluation a5 the Senior Class and their their own food, sports equip­ his "number one priority " He The show·s them<> thts yenr The evening's results guests are planning to go out ment. and transportation. says the Umon has run mto was The Bible, and scenes tn· brought about a break in difficulties with some depart· t r:tdtt JOn as the junior class, with a bang. The Class of "77 is Activities will move to the <:luded The Last Supper. The initiatins:! a Senior Week O'Dea room in the evening for ments. but later in this semes· Ten Commandments. Noah's under the dtrcction of Chris which they hope will become a "Night Club on Cam pus" te r 60 cou rses wi ll be Ark and Exodus Kell> . danced away with the an annual event. It wi II take open only to Seniors, their evaluated on a sample basis. best sk11 ~1ward The best per­ Th<> first full c-ou rse-teacher Masters of C'Cr<'munat•s for ro•·mt-r i\Will'd W\'1\1 lO JUnior p!a~~ for Ulrcc da s from Ma ests will be on their own 17 to May 20 and proVide an e e veni n g will inc lude evaluation wttl beRtni n Spring the event were Mike Powers J ack Schull'ekfer ,_ bfs peJ'o opportunity for one last fling munchies and refreshments t 978. ''Teacher-student cred· and Pat Cummings. w h o fNmance of Noah The senior entertained between sktls class was re<'ogni"ed as the with friends and classmates Entertainment wiU be pro­ ibility is very poor" says Free· before graduation It may vided by the Blue Moons man who sees the evaluation with jokes. songs and an imlta- runner-up for the evemng even provide a chance to do Thursday's activities begin some of those things people at 1:30 with a trip to Thistle­ never got around to doiog dur­ down Racetrack This will be ing their stay at Carroll followed by a Mystery Trip to The week will be kicked off an unknown destination via on Tuesday, May 17. with an bus. The trip will include beer evening at Fagans in the flats and lots of good times. The fun of downtown Cleveland. The will conclude on Friday al fun moves to the Quarry Pic­ Cedar Point. Tentative plans nic Area on the Euclid Creek include leaving at 10:00 A.M . Reservation on Wednesday at continued on page 8 Mysteries surround Bernet burglaries By Bob Feltes and Mike Pokorny Well over a thousand dollars worth of stereos. television sets Pr. Nick We be r, S.J., attacks lnnoct'nl 'iludents before balancing and radios were stolen from Bernet Hall over the Easter break the- iron hoe on hJs tet>th. J>hotu ~~~ l'harJtos Mt·flet· Chief Tom Szabo. Head of Campus Security, -says that a total of seven rooms. all on the first floor. were vandalized sometime early Holy Saturday morning, sometime around 3 a.m. returns Magic circus reappears This past Sunday night. Beta Szabo has enlisted the help of the University Heights Police in Tau Sigma cthe Men's Glee ByLoriOden Mitch K1ncanon. a dance the matter Clubl returned from it's The Royal Lichenstein ~• major from the University of Montana. and Kevin Duggan, a No wmdows were forced and no door locks were broken annual spring concert tour Ring SidPwalk Circus per· There were tv.o scheduled formed for the third time at graduate of Santa Clara which lead poltce to believe that a master key was used to gain University. were a part of the entrance to the rooms. stops made on the east coast. A Carroll on Monday. April 18 JOint concert was performed The quad filled with approxi­ comical artistic display. Szabo said that there are many master keys floating around so at Radford College in Radford. mately 200 truant students be­ The Campus Ministry, the any number of people may have had illegal access to Bernet Virginia on Friday night. and tween 12·00 and I 00 to view first to bring the troupe to It must be noted that no chains were used to lock the hall another at Rosemont College the display of magic. comedy Cleveland four year·s ago. doors du nng the school holiday because some students stayed in in Rosemont. Pennsylvania on and moral fables which were were responsible for bringing the dorms. Saturday night performed. the performance again this The tour was labeled a totaJ Nic k Weber, the J esuit year Using chains would have been in violation of the University Heights fire code. salctSzabo. success by the darector. Mr. writer and producer of the Through various acts of Reynold Elli:;. He believes that show, travels with two other entertaining magic tricks and A second floor RA. David Kamman. said that 18 students this was the most musically ar tists and a var iety of ani­ comical stor ies with moraJ elected to stay in Bernet over Easter . Six of them lived on the perfect tour performed in the mals from Californ i a to unde t ton es. th (> c r ow d's first floo r. three years he has been direc­ numerous college campuses in behavior proved to be a very continued on page 8 tor at .John Carroll. 41 states every year This year postit•ve one. Page2 The Carroll News. February 22, 1977 ------------------------------------ The Carroll News Larry Weakland, Editor-in-Chief John Schweitzer, Associate Editor Pat Cassady .................................................................... Business Manager Pete Hughes................................................................ Advertising Manager John Kos• ,~o ............................................................................... News Editor Jim Reho .............................................................................. FeaturP.s Editor Darryl Simon ............................................................................ Sports Editor John Gaeckle ................................................................................ Art Editor Circulation Manager ............................................................................................. Marty Conroy Reporters and staff.. ......................................... R. A. Marczynski, Tom Filsinger, Dan Fickes, Mark Toth, Jack Schufreider, PauJ Moore, Mark Scharte, Chris Coburn, James Gibson, Patrice Aylward, Lori Oden, Mary Jo Gill, Bob Feltes, Gordon Bartell, Jacqueline Harris, Mark Harrington, James Gibson, Lauren Johnson, Paula Bruening, and Harry Gauzman Photographers ...................................... Charles McBee, Greg Braylock, and Loren D'Amore Technical AssistanL ........................................................................................... Randy D'Amore Advisor ............................................................................................................. Dr. Joseph Mlller Many visitation options open ln the l''ebruary 11. 1977 ed1t.Jon the Carroll fined policy could be established. News published an editorial concernmg the The trial penod could assume any number of lengthening of visitation hours in the dormito­ forms and shapes. For example, visitation ries In essence. the editorial stated that the could be around the clock, three days a week, ultimate responsibility for the effects of any in­ Saturday. Sunday, and Monday. Not all of the creased visitation should be allowed to rest on dorms necessarily have to be open. The experi­ the shoulders of the residents themselves. mentation could begin with opening only the With this in mmd and considering the reluc­ men's dorms, and if the results are satisfactory.
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