WHOOooee CHING FU SAYS: Barn Dance To the victor goes the Saturday 213 Published, by Associated Students Tuesday, February 22, 1938 ARIZONA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA Vol. XXV— No. 20 Hiking Club Barn Dance in Ashurst FLOOR SHOW TO FEATURE La Cuesta Honors LuncefordsHEFLIN AND KRAUSE IN SELECTION POPULAR COUPLE HONORED MISS BOYER IS POPULAR MELODIC DUET GUEST SPEAKER Farm Paraphanelia to Express ANNOUNCED College Bulletins Real Theme Of Ye Olde AT CLARKDALE To Be Displayed Homesteade Presents Talk On “History At Eastern Exhibit BY ED IT O R And Literature Of HICK CLOTHES Word was recently received by Arizona” Dr. Tormey that in the near future Choice Of Popular Faculty research works and publications of Old Time Music To Be Played Couple Is Testimonial Last Tuesday Miss Bary G. Boy­ the Federal Writers’ Project will By Collegian Orchestra er was guest speaker of the Clark- be displayed at Bamburger’s in For Farmers Of Sincere Esteem dale Women’s club in Clarkdale. Newark, N. J., and Macey’s in New Once a year the Clarkdale Wom­ York City, N. Y. Among the ma­ Ashurst auditorium will be tem­ en’s club holds an annual meeting terials to be displayed are the two with several outstanding speakers porarily converted into the bam STAFFJIHOICE service catalogs of the college, on the old homestead, Saturday of Arizona prosent. IftPfHy the “The Navaho” and “The Hopi.” meeting is held on thc^M th of night, for the Hiking club’s annual “Pop” And “Mom” Have Been February, birthday of fcfyona, but The material of these two vol­ dance. Most of the interior decor­ At ASTC Since this year the meetina-wtfs nfeid on umes was prepared and edited by ations of a genuine bam are being 1930 the 15th. The meeting was n S ^ the Writers’ Project under the imported to make the event true in the Clark Memorial clubhouse. satm&orxhip of A. S. T. C. The 1938 La Cuesta will be dedi­ The meeting tfas patriotically Th^ exhibit will be national in opened with two Boy Scouts bring­ its scope, with every division of gin at 8:30 and go far into the cated to Mr. and Mrs. (Pop and the writers’ project presenting a night,” according to A1 Smith, Mom) Lunceford, it was announced ing in the American flag, followed president of the hikers’ organiza­ last night by Sam Iiitzky. The by the women of the American display of material for public re­ Legion auxiliary singing several view. tion. pair were choseiu by the various Mr. and Mrs. Lunceford, to whom the 1938 yearbook will be dedicated. members of the La Cuesta staff in patriotic songs. There will be no admission Miss Boyer was the principal charge, although there are two recognition of their services and qualifications which must be adher­ popularity among the students. speaker of the afternoon and spoke ORATORICAL Prepare Pine Knots on “History and Literature of Ari­ WORLD PEACE IS ed to by all participants. Girls Mr. and Mrs. Lunceford first zona." Following Miss Boyer’s in­ absolutely have to wear aprons and came to A. S. T. C. from Ottawa For Publicationteresting speech, Alma Riley, far­ DISCUSSED BY boys who aren’t clad in overalls university in Kansas, where Mr. CONTEST PLANS mer A. S. T. C. student, sang wul not get through the gate, or Lunceford was head of the depart­ “Home on the Range,” and “My even over the fence. ment of education, in 1930, at FORMULATED way for the annual publication, Little Buckaroo.” Mrs. Myrtle Pex- CLUB MEMBERS An exclusive floor show has been which time he was installed as Pine Knots, a speedy meeting was ton Fowler of Clarkdale and Edna arranged and none other than Bill head of the college laboratory Final Details Released By Dr. held by Pine Knots members at the Willard Garrison of Cottonwood, Christensen, D u g g a n , And Krause and Bronc Heflin will ren­ school. He remained in that posi­ home of Dr. Mary A. Hill last slumni of A. S. T. C., were at the Cushman Present der a vocal duet or two. Several tion for two years and then at his Tormey Concerning State Tuesday evening. The president, meeting. Also, Lilliam Cronian Views hog callers (names withheld) have request he was transferred to Wide Contest Allen Pendergraft, appointed an Steele of Bagdad, former A. S. T. signified their intentions of enter­ straight teaching of educational editorial committee to take charge C. student, was present. ing the contest to prove their su­ and psychology classes.. Giving up Final details of two oratorical of the publication. The committee After the meeting Miss Boyer The regular semi-monthly meet­ premacy in that rural art and the his teaching last fall, Mr. Lunce­ contests were announced by Dr. T. consists of Dr. Mary A. Hill, Mary was honored at a luncheon in the ing of the International Relations winner will receive a prize. Maybe ford was placed in charge of the J. Tormey before his departure for De Mario, Herbert Osterberg, and home of Mrs. Benjamin S. Snyder, club was held last Wednesday eve­ prize hog! Who knows! At campus employment office and the Atlantic City, N. J. The first of Louise Chiappetti. , pioneer of Clarkdale. least, it is rumored that the com­ men’s dormitories, and was ap­ these is sponsored by the Junior Louise Chiappetti was unani­ ning at 7:30 in room 21 of the- Leland Chapman and Mike D’- Main building with President Har­ petition will be keen and the cham­ pointed vocational guidance direc­ College Speach Arts League of mously voted into the organization Mura accompanied .Miss Boyer to pion will really have to be good. tor of the college. Arizona and the second by the as an active member; this brings Clarkdale and visited there and in old Cushman in charge. ' Using President Smith did not disclose In 193fc, the Luncefords moved State Sesquicentennial commission. the membership up to 24, leaving Jerome.N During the evening, Miss “British Imperial Organizations whether or not he would have any into Taylor hall where they super­ Local tryouts for the Speech one vacancy. Boyer and the two boys had dinner hogs to answer the calls, nor did Arts league, open only to fresh­ An interesting report on the life and World Peace” as the feature vised the actions of the residents at the Chapman home in Clarkdale subject of the evening, three inter­ he give any hints about serving of the men’s hall. In the fall of men and sophomores, will be held of the southwestern poet. Miller, idN returned to Flagstaff late that pigs’ feet for refreshments. The 1935 when old Taylor was remod­ in Ashurst auditorium March 7, was £iven by Dr. Hill, and several night. esting and important discussion Lumberjack Collegians will play eled, Mr. and Mrs. Lunceford mov­ a 7 p. m. Orations are to be lim­ of his outstanding poems were talks were given by Harold Cush­ old time dance music. Partners ited to 1500 words, are to include read to the group. ed into Bury hall where they spent only original material on, any man, Betty Duggan and John will be swung to the dances of two the remainder of that year and Various members read their or­ fttrierationa ago, such os the Vir­ phase of the pcacc question. Tb** iginal contributions for tlie publi­ Cbriste.n»cu. The reports carried all of last year. They were in­ Club Members various opinions and gave the club ginia Reel, Schottish, and all of stalled in the apartment of new finals of the state contest are to cation; these included an amusing the square dance varieties, be held in Phoenix, April 8 and 9. as mel) as interesting story, “It the viewpoints on this question Taylor last fall in complete charge Feted At Annual from different angles. k Refreshments will be served un­ of both halls. Prizes of $50, $30 and $20 will be Was a Fighting Night,” by Car- awarded the ultimate victors. lotta Woodbum; an unusuail piece This subject was used as a lec­ der the able supervision of Louise Because of their understanding Although the date of the local of verse, “Escape,” by John Con­ Frat Banquet ture for the International Peace Butler. Woodrow Lewis is in natures and the kindly parental tryouts fon the Sesquitennial Com­ nelly, and two poems, “Grand Can­ conference held at Redlands, Calif., charge of decorations. The whole affections they accorded the stu­ mission oration have not been defi­ non” and “Season's First Drama,” last year. Considered a highly im^ undertaking is under the faculty dents, the Luncefords have been T o r m e y And B e 11 w o o d sponsorship of Registrar Powers. nitely scheduled, competition is iy Leslie Wilcox. Present Interesting portant subject, both in local and known as Mom and Pop to the res­ open to any college student. Dr. national circles, the club took up idents of Taylor and Bury halls, Tormey .state chairman of the con­ Talks for discussion the proposals made treating the male students in the test, announced that the oration ‘Stage Door’ To Be by, and during, t he conference. same manner they treated their may be delivered on any of the fol­ Colorful and enjoyable was the Some of the proposals and matters Lunceford To Fly own four children, two of whom lowing subjects: The Transmittal Offered March 22 Omicron Kappa Gamma annual discussed were: The possibility of are graduates of this college. of qur American Heritage through establishing a United States of To Eastern Coast In the announcement made <to the^Constitution of the United Europe relative to the disarmament the Pine last night by the La Cues­ States; 1776 and 1778, a Compari­ By Dramatic Club question; establishing at the Hague Educational Meet ta editor, Sam Iiitzky, he stated son in Statesmanship, Idealism and After the dinner, Marie Bowie, a university for post-graduate as follows: “We are dedicating the “At the end of one day another work, supervised by the Royal 1938 La Cuesta to the Luncefords Practicability in the Convention of president of the organization, in­ Prof.
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