1900.- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 29l5 Loud bill, No. 6071, relating to second-class mail matter-to the bill No. 6071, relating to second-class mail matter-to the Commit­ Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. tee on the Post-Office and Post:Roads. By Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana: Resolutions of Meade Post, By Mr. WEEKS: Petitions of the State board of health of Michi­ No. 44, of Butler, Ind., G~and Army of the Republic, in support gan, Francis Stocks and citizens of Battle .Run and Imlay City, of House bill No. 7094, entitled "A bill to establish a Branch Mich., in opposition to the passage of the House bill No. 6071, re­ Soldiers' Home at or near Johnson City, Washington County, lating to second-class mail matter-to the Committee on the Post- Tenn. "-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Office and Post-Roads. · By Mr. ROBINSON of Nebraska: Petition of Post No. 34, De­ By Mr. WRIGHT: Resolutions of the Methodist Episcopal partment of Nebraska, Grand Army of the Republic, urging the Church at Hawley, Pa., concerning laws for Puerto Rico, Hawaii, passage of.Senate bill No. 1716 and House bill No. 4742, to amend Philippines, etc.,in regard to liquor selling, opium, and bigamy- section 1225 of the Revised Statutes, to provide for the detail of to the Committee on Insular Affairs. · - - active and retired officers of the Army and Navy to assist in mili­ tary instruction in public schools-to the Committee on Military Affairs. SENATE. Also, papers to accompany House bill No. 5402, granting an in­ crease of pension to Robert Moran-to the Committee on Invalid THURSDAY, March 15, 1900. Pensions. ,... By Mr. RUSSELL: Petition of A.G. Lester -and other citizens Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. of Center Groton and New London, Conn., against the passage of The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ House bill No. 6071, known as the Loud bill-to the Committee ceedings, when, on motion of Mr. GALLINGER, and by unanimous on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. - consent, the further reading was dispensed with. : By Mr. SHATTUC: Resolution of Pork Pack~rs and Provision The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, the Jour­ Dealers' Association of Cincinnati, Ohio, in favor of Senate bill nal will stand approved. No. 1439, relating to an act to regulate commerce-to the Com­ mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. MESSA.GE FROM THE HOUSE. By Mr. SHERMAN: Peti~ion of F. H. Christman and others, of A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. Ilion, N. Y., and Laura B. Trowbridge and others, of Clinton, BROWNING, its Chief Clerk; announced that the House had agreed N. Y., in opposition to the passage of House bill No. 6071, relat­ to the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing ing to second-class mail matter-to the Committee on the Post­ votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the House to the Office and P.ost-Roads. bill (S. 2354) enlarging the powers of the Choctaw, Oklahoma and By Mr. SMITH of Kentucky (by request): Petitions of MmTay Gulf Railroad Company. Post, No.19; Preston Morton Post, No. 4, and Post No. 35, Grand The message also announced that the House had passed with an Army of the Republic, Department of Kentucky, in support of amendment the concurrent resolution of the Senate providing for Uouse bill No. 7094, entitled "A bill to establish a Branch Sol­ the ·printing of the proceedings in conne'ction with the reception .diers' Home at or near Johnson City, Washington County, of the statue of Daniel Webster on January 18, 1900, in which it Tenn. "-to the Committee on Military Affairs; - requested the conc"\lrrence of the Senate. By Mr. STARK: Resolution of General Ricketts Post, No. 253, The message further announced that the House had passed the of Arborville, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Ne­ following bills; in which it requested the concurrence of the b1·aska, in favor of House bill No. 7094, tor the establishment of a Senate: · Branch Soldie1·s' Home at or near Johnson City, Tenn.-to the A bill (H. R. 2000) for the relief of Thomas Paul; and Committee on Military Affairs. A bill (H. R. 5049) to settle the title to real estate in the city of Also, petition of S. C. Bishop and 50 other citizens of Garrison, Santa Fe, N. Mex. Nebr., urgfug a clause in the Hawaiian constitution forbidding ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors and a prohibition of gambling and the opium trade-to the Committee on the Terri- The message also announced that the Speaker of the House had tories. - . signed the following enrolled bills and joint resolution; and they Also, resolutions of the International Brotherhood of Bookbind­ were thereupon signed by the President pro tempo!·e: r ers' Local Union No. 57, of Omaha, Nebr., against the alienation A bill (H. R. 232) granting a pension to John Vars; of public lands by the United States to any but actual settlers, A bill (H. R. 438) granting a pension to Emma M. Kitt; and also in favor of Government building of reservoirs-to the A bill (H. R. 825) granting an increase of pension to Fannie H. Committee on the Public Lands. Riggin; __ Also, p~tition of J. R. La Chapelle, of Ashland, Nebr., in op­ A bill (H. R. 1885) granting a pension to Harvey Grant; position to the passage of Honse bill No. 6071, relating to second­ A bill (H. R. 1979) granting a pension to Sophronia Bailey; class mail matter-to the Committee on the Poat-Office and Post­ A bill (H. R. 2169) granting an increase of pen8ion to Nelson B. Roads. Sutes; By Mr. STEVENS of Minnesot~: Petition of Charles Christo­ A bill (H. R. 2391) granting a pension to Elizabeth R. Holt; dore and others in the State of Minnesota, in favor of the proposed A bill (H. R. 2526) granting a pension to Margarethe Bomke; national park in northern Minnesota-to the Committee on the A bill (H. R. 2599) granting a pension to Philip Yoe; Public Lands. A bill (H. R. 2666) granting a pension to John M. Laughlin; By Mr. STEWART of Wisconsin: Resolutions of Colonel J. H. A bill (H. R. 3260) granting a pension to Susan M. Button; Knight Post, No. 5, Grand Army of the Republic, favoring the A bill (H. R-. 4090) granting an increase of pension to Henry H. passage of the bills relating to pensions introduced at the request Brown; - of the national pension committee of the Grand Army of the Re­ A bill (H. R. 4652) granting an increase of pension to Charles public-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Perkins; · Also, resolution of Joseph Ledergerbsr Post, No. 261, Depart­ A bill (H. R. 5186) granting an increase of pension to Zadoc C. ment of Wisconsin, Grand Army of the Republic, urging the Perkins, - . passage of House bill No. 2583 and Senate bill No. 283-to the A bill (H. R. 5188) granting a pension to David C. Dane; Committee on Reform in the-Civil Service. A bill (H. R. 5440) granting an increase of pension to Smith Also, protest of Frank E. Noyes, of Marinette, Wis., against Jewear; · the passage of House bill No. 6071, relating to second-class mail A bill (H. R. 5710) granting an increase of pension to Charles matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. W. Jerome; and By Mr. SUTHERLAND: Resolution of Oak Post, No. 290, and A joint resolution (8. R. 75) to print 31,000 copies of the eulo­ Richardson Post, No. 60, Grand Army of the Republic, Depart­ gies on Garret A. Hobart, late Vice-President of the United ment of Nebraska, in support of House bill No. 7094, entitled "A States. bill to establish a Branch Soldiers' Home at or near Johnson City, PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS, Washington County, Tenn."-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. PLATT of New York presented a petition of Local Union Also, petitions of H. S. Miller, A. C. Hosmer, HattieM. Nelson, No. 62, Typographical Union, of Utica, N. Y., praying that the and 8 citizens of Minden, Nebr., against the passage of House bill Public Printer be authorized to print the label of the Allied Print­ No. 6071, relating to second-class mail matter-to the Committee ing Trades on all publications of the Government; which was re­ on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. ferred to the Committee OJI Printing. By Mr. WEAVER: Petition of Thomas J. Casper, of Spring, He also presented a petition of the Central Labor Union of field, Ohio, for the repeal of the stamp tax on medicines, perfumery­ Binghamton, N. Y., praying for the enactment of legislation to and cosmetics-to the Committee on Ways and Means. increase the salaries of machinists employed at the Government Also, petition of Mrs. Dora B. Watt and other citizens of Com­ Printing Office, at Washington, D. C.; which was referred to the mercial Point and Matville, Ohio, against the passage of House Committee on Printing. 2916 CONGRESSIONAL' RECORD-SENATE. MAROH 15, Healsopresentedamemorialof the Spectator, of Albany,N. Y., tian Temperance Union of Maryland, praying for the enactment remonstrating against the passage of the so-called Loud bill, re­ of legislation to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors in can. lating to second-class mail matter; which was rflferred to the teens and all Government buildings; which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads.
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