CUAHSICUAHSI FallFall 20042004 VisionVision PaperPaper CyberseminarCyberseminar SeriesSeries www.cuahsi.orgwww.cuahsi.org LealLeal MertesMertes Coming to you from Santa Barbara, CA October 5th, 2004 To begin at 3:05 ET FloodplainsFloodplains WelcomeWelcome toto thethe 33rd SemesterSemester ofof CUAHSICUAHSI EducationEducation andand OutreachOutreach DistinguishedDistinguished LecturesLectures Problems? Send a chat to Host Host:Host: JonJon DuncanDuncan CUAHSICUAHSI CommunicationsCommunications Feedback? DirectorDirector Please send an email to [email protected] The Presentation can be downloaded From www.cuahsi.org FallFall ScheduleSchedule ScalingScaling andand HydrologicHydrologic ModelingModeling-- GeoffGeoff ThyneThyne,, CSM.CSM. OctoberOctober 1414th IntensivelyIntensively ManagedManaged LandscapesLandscapes BillBill Simpkins,Simpkins, ISU.ISU. OctoberOctober 1919th EcohydrologyEcohydrology ofof SemiSemi--AridArid EnvironmentsEnvironments BrentBrent Newman,Newman, LANL.LANL. OctoberOctober 2121st GoGo toto CUAHSICUAHSI websitewebsite forfor completecomplete calendar,calendar, linkslinks toto papers,papers, presentations,presentations, andand discussiondiscussion forumsforums FLOOD TEAM: FLOODPLAINS Jean Bahr - UWisc CUAHSI Cyberseminar: Martin Doyle - UNC October 5, 2004 Leal Mertes - UCSB Noon – Pacific Time Andrew Miller - UMaryland Geoff Poole - UGA Ken Potter - UWisc Leal A.K. Mertes Department of Geography Jim Smith - Princeton UCSB Rip Sparks - UIllinois Emily Stanley - UWisc [email protected] Landsat OUTLINEOUTLINE z 1st Principles – Scale – Geomorphology – Hydroclimatology – Habitat z Human Impact z Research Agenda – Flood Discharge Urban Watersheds – Flood Frequency – Inundation Hydrology Water Distribution – Floodplain Capacity & Modelling Perirheic Mixing - Sediment Hyporheic Exchange – Thermal – Geomorphic Template – Heterogeneity & Landscape Arrangement – Biogeochemistry – Nitrogen Cycle – Biology – Flow Reversals z Summary – Societal Importance – Enoughness? – Function Compression 11stst PRINCIPLESPRINCIPLES -- SpatialSpatial Scale:Scale: RiverineRiverine GeomorphologyGeomorphology && EcologyEcology z Watershed 101 km2-106 km2 z Valley/Reach 100 m-104 m z Channel Unit 100 m-103 m z Stream Bed 100 cm-105 cm (Poff, 1997) 11stst PRINCIPLESPRINCIPLES –– Hydroclimatology:Hydroclimatology: SpatialSpatial && TemporalTemporal ScalesScales z Watershed 101 km2-106 km2 z Valley/Reach 100 m-104 m z Channel Unit 100 m-103 m z Stream Bed 100 cm-105 cm (after Hirschboeck, 1988) 11stst PRINCIPLESPRINCIPLES -- FloodFlood HydroclimatologyHydroclimatology && BiomesBiomes (hydroclimatology after Hayden, 1988 - as published in Poff et al. 2001) HUMANHUMAN IMPACTIMPACT -- DamsDams Rate of rise Duration “Ideal” (1887) Rate of fall Reversal 0 100 200 300 Day of the year Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA, Richter et al. 1996): 42 biologically meaningful hydrologic parameters for eight gage sites along the Illinois River. HUMAN IMPACT – Geomorphic simplification of floodplains – Willamette River and floodplain 1854 1910 1967 (Sedell and Froggatt, 1984) RESEARCHRESEARCH AGENDAAGENDA – Flood Discharge Urban Watersheds – Flood Frequency – Inundation Hydrology Water Distribution – Floodplain Capacity & Modelling Perirheic Mixing - Sediment Hyporheic Exchange – Thermal – Geomorphic Template – Heterogeneity & Landscape Arrangement – Biogeochemistry – Nitrogen Cycle – Biology – Flow Reversals FLOODFLOOD DISCHARGEDISCHARGE -- QuestionsQuestions z What is the relationship between the channel – floodplain system and the history of storm events in an urban drainage basin? z What are the dynamic processes associated with flooding at the watershed scale, how do floods respond to the interplay between hydrometerology, geology, topography, and anthropogenically modified features of the landscape? FLOODFLOOD DISCHARGEDISCHARGE -- AssertionsAssertions z Floods are both spatially and temporally complex and notoriously difficult to measure z Stage/discharge relationships are not necessarily single-valued; can get looped or hysteretic rating curves when following rising and falling limbs of the same event z Can get substantial lateral water-surface gradients across the floodplain with changing stage during a flood z Can also get backwater effects, sometimes including reverse flow at confluences and constrictions; or associated with transient obstructions like debris jams FLOOD DISCHARGE – Urban Watersheds Extreme conditions in small watersheds FLOOD DISCHARGE – Urban Watersheds Urban channel/floodplain systems are not necessarily simple; channels and riparian zones may exhibit strongly heterogeneous characteristics over short distances. 5000 Flood of June 13, 2003 4500 4000 3500 /s 3000 3 t f e in g 2500 r a h sc i 2000 Whitemarsh Run at Fullerton D Whitemarsh Run at White Marsh 1500 1000 500 0 6/13/03 15:00 6/13/03 17:00 6/13/03 19:00 6/13/03 21:00 6/13/03 23:00 6/14/03 1:00 6/14/03 3:00 6/14/03 5:00 (Whitemarsh in Baltimore region watershed) TheThe UrbanUrban HydrologicHydrologic SystemSystem (courtesy(courtesy ofof KenKen Belt,Belt, U.S.U.S. ForestForest Service)Service) Impervious Surfaces Stormdrains Water Supply Pipes Septic Systems Groundwater Flow Paths Artificial Channels Wastewater Conduits INUNDATIONINUNDATION HYDROLOGYHYDROLOGY -- WatershedWatershed StructureStructure && thethe FloodplainFloodplain PatchPatch z Variable contributions from sources can produce different inundation patterns. SOURCES of WATER IN = main channel input TR = major tributary L = local tributary GW = groundwater/hyporheic water P = local precipitation INUNDATIONINUNDATION HYDROLOGYHYDROLOGY -- FloodplainFloodplain Capacity:Capacity: DistributionDistribution ofof FloodplainFloodplain WaterWater z How much water in a stream ever resides on the floodplain? z What is the frequency distribution of inundation depths and areas? z What is the frequency distribution of residence times of water that reaches floodplain surfaces? z How is this residence time distributed across a watershed? INUNDATIONINUNDATION HYDROLOGYHYDROLOGY-- DistributionDistribution ofof recurrencerecurrence intervalsintervals asas aa measuremeasure ofof capacitycapacity forfor riverriver reachesreaches ((WoltemadeWoltemade 1993)1993) INUNDATION HYDROLOGY - Modelling Floodplain Flows INUNDATION HYDROLOGY - GW & HW Model Results for Flathead River radius = degree of variation in GW vector over 6-month simulation direction & magnitude of GW flow vector upwelling (white) & downwelling (black); radius = vertical flux INUNDATIONINUNDATION HYDROLOGYHYDROLOGY -- SurfaceSurface WaterWater Mixing:Mixing: PerirheicPerirheic INUNDATIONINUNDATION HYDROLOGYHYDROLOGY -- SurfaceSurface Mixing:Mixing: MonitoringMonitoring SedimentSediment Landsat 321 = RGB August 15, 1988 R. Negro + R. Solimões = Amazonas INUNDATIONINUNDATION HYDROLOGYHYDROLOGY -- PerirheicPerirheic MixingMixing onon AmazonAmazon FloodplainFloodplain ~2 km perirheos INUNDATIONINUNDATION HYDROLOGYHYDROLOGY -- SubSub--SurfaceSurface WaterWater Mixing:Mixing: HyporheicHyporheic Riparian Zone Channel Alluvial Aquifer Phreatic Streambed Hyporheic Paleochannel INUNDATION HYDROLOGY – Hyporheic Exchange: Thermal Monitoring Temperature patterns from data loggers (Arrigoni 2004) river (downwelling) 28 ground water (upwelling) downwelling g n i l 27 mp sa 26 ss ro 25 ac ° d o i C) r 24 ° e ( r pe u t 23 era mp upwelling e 22 t an e 21 M 20 1 3 5 7 9 11131517192123 Time (hours) ° INUNDATION HYDROLOGY – Hyporheic Exchange: Thermal Monitoring Fine Temporal Monitoring with Field Instruments (Arrigoni 2004) 31 Downwelling Predicted Upwelling Predicted 29 Rain C) 27 ° ( e r 25 u at er 23 mp e 21 T r e t 19 a W 17 15 20-Jul 22-Jul 24-Jul 26-Jul 28-Jul 30-Jul 1-Aug 3-Aug 5-Aug 7-Aug 9-Aug 11-Aug 13-Aug INUNDATION HYDROLOGY – Thermal Monitoring with Forward- Looking Infrared Radiometer (FLIR) (Torgersen et al. 2001 as published in Mertes et al. 2004) GEOMORPHICGEOMORPHIC TEMPLATETEMPLATE GEOMORPHIC TEMPLATE – Fine resolution data – LiDAR - Upper Gwynns Falls GEOMORPHIC TEMPLATE – Measuring Heterogeneity, i.e. Landform Variability Jökulhlaup on Skeiðarársandur, Iceland November 5-7, 1996 (Guðmundsson & Sigurðsson, 1996) GEOMORPHIC TEMPLATE – Measuring Heterogeneity, i.e. Landform Variability Jökulhlaup on Skeiðarársandur, Iceland Iceberg Landforms (Guðmundsson & Sigurðsson, 1996) GEOMORPHIC TEMPLATE – Measuring Heterogeneity, i.e. Landform Variability Jökulhlaup on Skeiðarársandur, Iceland Channel Landforms (Iceland Calendar 1997) GEOMORPHIC TEMPLATE – Measuring Heterogeneity, i.e. Landform Variability Sandur Variability Map Based on Digital Elevation Map from Airborne Radar Altimetry (Smith et al. 2000) (J. Mason) GEOMORPHICGEOMORPHIC TEMPLATETEMPLATE –– HumanHuman Impact:Impact: MesopotamianMesopotamian MarshesMarshes ChangingChanging thethe TemplateTemplate Mesopotamia GEOMORPHIC TEMPLATE – Landscape Re – Arrangement Mesopotamian Marshlands From 1970s to present, marshlands re-engineered and drained. White areas on 3 images (Landsat – 77 & MODIS – 02 & 04) show location of open water during “flood” season. Grey tones show wetland vegetation. Renewed water releases due to 2003-2004 Iraqi conflict show impact of drainage engineering on geomorphic template &, therefore, inundation pattern. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY – Nitrogen Cycle (Figure courtesy of Bruce Peterson) BIOGEOCHEMISTRY – Nitrogen Cycle: Watershed Scale (Seitzinger et al. 2001) BIOGEOCHEMISTRY – Nitrogen Cycle Nitrate transport and transformation in groundwater beneath floodplains z How can floodplain
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