pAJLt cacm jofos I M0ilfe at Apm. 19S4 5 , 4 5 3 . - ' i i la b w 9t tiM AodH Buimw of OlrealBttoBS. .*• ' • n*'* ! . VQL. Lin^ NO. 192. (Clwartfled Adrerttataf eo Pag* IS.) BtANGHEBfBI, GONN.» TUESDAY, MAY 15^ 1984. <FOUBTEEN PAOES^ PRICE T B m f JUNE ROBLES FOUND Restored To Her Parents WORKERS TOLD 115,OM NEEDED PRESIDENT WANTS •i.. CHAINED TO STAKE F O R I i m A l ■m BILUON AND THIRD IN ARIZONA DESERT C aurassen Recehre Fmai Chicago Letter Directs Uncle IsstnutioDs at Lsudieen F0^ 9S4 PROVIDE FUNDS 1 of Little Girl to Spot m Masonic Temple — Girl TO HELP BUILD A tb CoBgrets for A nva Where She Had Been a Donates 50 Cents to Cause Here*s Complete Text N A T IO N HOMES priaikm ftnupof PaU f Prisoner 19 Days — Aiire The importance of maintaining the high standard of the Mancheeter O f Roosevelt Message Debt to Nearly 32 B3Eo m ^ Bat III— No Ransom Paid. Memorial ho^ltal, which has been New Housing Act Will Also kept unbroken lince 1919, was All rone P e a k - 940 | i$ Washington, May 18.— (A P )—ThaAfar seen will become cumulative. The itreesed by Charles Holman, presi­ text of President Roosevelt’s mes- cornerstone of this foundation is the Tucson, A ril., May IS.— (A P )— Help Owners to Modern­ dent, and S. Elmore Watkliia, vice sags to Congress today asking for good credit of the government lions for R dief and P ik ie Littls Juns Roblts is boms again, president and Fred A. Verplanok, 81,822,000,000 for recovery pur­ ■ecretary of the Board of Ti^teee "It la, therefore, not strange nor reseusd from tbs des«rt tomb where poses; ize Residences — How It at the opening of the drive for is it academic that this credit has a To the Congress of ths United Works Plan — $285^ kidnapers bad kept her prisoner for 818,000 for the hospital last night profound effect upon the confidence States: 19 terrifying days. in Masonic temple. Workers en­ BO necessary to permit the new re­ Physicians watched over her anx­ Will Work. In my budget message to the Con­ joyed a luncheon provided and paid covery to develop into maturity. 000,000 to Go to CCC iously today to ascertain how seri­ for by individual members of the gress of January 8, 1984, I said to " I f we malntun the course I have ously she may have bera affected by Board of Truetees and the attend­ you: outlined, we can confidently look an ordeal which might easily have Washington. May 18.— (A P )—The ance at thle first campaign meeting "It is evident to me, aa I am sure forward to cumulative beneficial Says Estimatos Shorid killed her; biasing days of a sun Congressional machine took an was gratifying to General Chairman it if evident to you, that powerful forces represented by increased that burned her olive skin, and chil­ initial turn today on a key designed William B. Halsted and the mem­ forces for recovery exist It is by volume of business, more general ly, lonely nights in irons chains that laying a foundation of confidence in profit greater empleyment, a dl- Provide for Rest of Yen’. to unlock financial doors to the bers of his staff. lap p ed her slender ankles. Ctvlo Pride. the present and faith in the future An unsigned letter, post-marked would-be home owner or moderniser. General Chairman Halited struck that the uptium which we have so (Oontlnaed on Page Eight) Chicago, gave the directions that led As the Senate banking committee the keynote of the drive when be Wsahlngton, May 16__ (AP)— to her rescue late yesterday after­ opened work on the big housing bill stated that in the conduct oi the President Roosevelt asked rnngrsaa noon by her uncle, Carlos Robles and introduced yesterday at President current campaign fdr supplementary today for 81.822,000,000 to taper off Clarence Houston, Pima county at­ Roosevelt’s request, officials dis­ funds with which to carry on the the emergency recovery expendi­ torney. closed plans to push the hom*e reno- good work of the hospital begun in vizing campedgn. The efforts to GETTLE FREE, UNHARMED; tures during the coming government No ransom was paid. Fifteen 1919, was baaed wholly upon civic thousand dollars had been demand­ spur the building of new homes will pride, and that consideration of jrear. ed when the child was kidnaped follow close after. what has been acompUshed in the The main portion of the fund- April 2fi. A big government publicity cam­ past by the small but efficient staff 8940,906,000— was asslgnsd by tha paign is planned to awaken the ARREST THREE SUSPECTS Saved Child's l i f e o f surgeons, and nursing staff, President for general relief aad pub­ home owner to the possibility of lic works purposes. He asked dis­ The letter that saved the girl's June Robles should be an Inspiration to those life— she could not have survived getting his home remodelled or re­ who are called upon each year for a cretionary power to use it as de­ much longer in her desert dungeon conditioned on easy payments. Here small portion of time devoted to t>Ha mands required. Men Caught in Raid Admit —was received yesterday at the is the way it would worle: civic enterprise. UGHTSHIPSUNK Out of this, however, he has tag­ office of Governor Moeur in Phoe­ John Smith wants a new bath­ Current Expenses. ged 8100,000,000 for road coastrue- nix. It gave explicit instructions for room, to repair the roof, to build an Charles W. Holman, president They Are Kidnapers — tion; 840,000,000 for s t a r t ^ the additional wing. I f he can do this finding the girl "buried under a cac­ BELIEVE ROME FLIERS of the board of trustees outlined the Navy shlp-bulldlng program; 848,- within 12,000 he is within the plan. BY OCEAN LINER tus" near Tucson. The use of the current expenses of the hospital and 000,000 for the Tenessee vaDiny au­ He goes to a bank, a building and thority; 838,000,000 for pubUe word “ buried" sent a chill down the said that each month there existed Police Fmd Victim Bound locLn association or some other insti­ backs of the hunters, for they feared a defleit of 11,280 below the budge­ buildings construction; and 86,000,- tution and lays out his program. 000 for the Inter-American High­ It meant she was dead. NOW OVER ATLANTIC tary expense of maintenance which The institution looks up Mr. Smith, and Gagged in House. Beacon OIF Nantncket in Col- way. The letter was sped to Houston in sn institution not heavily en­ finds he has a steady job and pays The appropriation would Inoresae and bis deputy, Robles. dowed. must be met szmually by his bills, and decides to put up the public subscription. the government debt to the all-time Driving out to a point indicated whole $2,000. liskn With the O Ipnpe— Unreported Since Leav] Mr. Herman touched the hearts Los Angeles, May IS.— (AP)— peak of 881,834,000300 for June 60, eci Rincon way, a desert road, they Interest Chargee BRILLIANT GOWNS 1935, as fixed in the two-year bud-^ ot those present at the opening Three men arrested In the kidnap­ began beating about the bushes and The bank charges him five per Meeting, dting an experience which Foot get submitted to Oongresa in Jka- thorny cacti. cent and divides the p a y m e ^ on North American Cott ing of William F. who was Believe Dead. uary. jeecurred at the hospltad yesterday, Houston was separated from a monthly basis over a ffve-year released unransomed and unharmed i E f ^ A U Q N the principals being Mrs. Jane J. Issues Wamtaif. Itob l^ when he stumbled onto the period, the limit under the govern­ last night, were reported by authorl- Aldrich, hospltai superintendent and Pointing to pay-as-you-go baila prison. ment’s plan. With interest this Yesterday — tfef today to have admitted particl- BU LUBTINI fq f Jh* 1986 fiscal jrear, tiu) ■flale In Desert l^tldDr’ in the abduction of the ^ v - New York, May l5v— (A P )—.* d e ^ w a m e d in hig ' tO on ^^ Ui Bege Blglit) - The ehlld was literally rescued (Oontlniied on Page E ^ ^ t) to'RcacbGoalat^ ev.H Ste millionaire. S. S. Olymplo eoBId^ jiith ^ my judgnient' aa from the grave. Her prison was 4 D d n M M ^tatam ^ta of the three, made Ih tUe NaotqUiei Ughtshlp eS die tlon in excess , of the ebov^'anaouat box-Uke bole dug &i the desert nine the preience of police detectives, Maaaaolroeette eoast today, would make mdre dlffteult tfiim tm - and a half miles from her home. It shhrnfh oitSlfelea and postofflee in­ kining aeren zninbers of tiie possible an - actual o f tha New York, May 18.— (A P)—Two ODs to Bow Be­ bad virtually the same dimensions BOSTON SEARCHING REPORT WOMAN S?Y spectors named Jimmy Kirk, as^Hte lightship’s ere#. budget in the fiscal year 1986, niilsm as a grave, except for depth, being fliers with a non-stop bop from New The elhfW fpor members of greatly Increased taxes are provid­ "!W six feet long, three feet deep and York to Rome as their goal, were fore Royal Couple Tonight ^ the crew not found.
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