V " - j ' ^ ■ \' :.'v. ,• -xy' V A V \ -' A v :V -i. i / ATwrage Dally Nat Preaa Run ^The Weather Wtr 11m W«ek Bnded Moatly eloudy toni(ht with JMUR1 7 14, 1910 flurrtea or roln chaiwe# dlinln- iohlna. Low In iMd SOa. Tomor­ row fair and milder. High In 15,890 40a. / . ^ - V Mancheater— A City o f Village Charm VOL. L X X X IX , NO. 128 (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1970 (Claaaifled Advertlalng on Page IS) PRICE TEN CBMtB. Nixoii’s Apologies Boy Scouts Go Camp STTTINOBOURNE, En­ gland (AP) — Hie magazine Sent to produced by local Boy and Girl Scouts is a best seller WASHINGTON (A P )—President Nixon has apolo­ this year — it has a naked gized to President Georges Pompidou pf France for dis­ girt on the cover. courteous incidents on Pompidou’s visit to this country On inside pages there are and will underscore his concern by flying to New York jokes about turkeys and chickens Caking the contra­ to attend a dinner tonight honoring the French chief ceptive pill, an article in fa­ IIAMI (AP)—Ship ra­ executive. ------- ----- —— —^---------------- vor of camps for both sexes dio'Reports today indicated The White House announced and -a glowing report on the a Cuban patrol boat had es­ the unusual step on the Presi­ movie "The Killing Of Sis­ dent's part and .emphasized that corted into Cuban waters ter George," which is shout an American treasure-hunt­ It was a matter of strengthening Fired Official lesbianism. traditional fHendshlps with an ing craft its crew had old ally. And all for six cents. boarded on the high seas. The magazine, called Di­ “ The Presidehf feels very A spokesman in WasMagtan Raps Agnew mension One, sold out its strongly," said pr^s secretary for the firm that chartered Om Ronald L.. Ziegler, at a head first printing of 100 copies when buyers spotted the Jocelyn-C for treasure-huntlfig of state who has been l^ivited to For Ouster tests said at least five pereom this country and is our\pfflclal bosomy blonde pouting and hugging a swivel ci^ r. were aboard. guest should receive courteous WASHINGTON (AP) —A re­ The U.S. Coast Guard In Mi­ treatment." District Scout Commis­ cently fired administration elvll sioner Sidney Beacon Wtts ami refused to comment. .. In Chicago especially, croWd^ rights official says four power­ philosophical but firm. > Marine broadcasts monltofed have voiced displeasure oveX in Miami said Cuban seamen ful White House aides are to "I appreciate that In these France’s Middle East policy, by blame for slackened govem- boarded the 66-foot red, white days it was the sort of pic­ demonstrating 'against Pompi­ hVent school desegregation ef- , and blue Jocelyn-C Sunday and dou. ture young people wanted to see," he said. "I hope It will removed two Cuban crewmen As the host government, the Tne charges were made as 1 ^ before beginning escort of the United States has the responsi­ build up circulation — but I i m, Vice Resident Spiro T. Agnew, don’t want to see any more American boat Into Cuban tent- bility, Ziegler said, to receive head of President Nixon’s spe- toriel waters just off La Isabela nudes.” President and Mrs Pompidou cab^het-level task force on on the Island’s northern coast. respecUully and courteously. school de^gregation, declared The magazine’s joint edi­ tors, Scout Nigel Goodman, As the Jocelyn-C and the pat­ He said Nixon feels, also, ttat rol boat traveled the miles "a few citizens who have acted ^ to any ^aslon of the law. 21, and Girt Scout Alison High, 16, were delighted with from the point of thC'-reported in a discourteous manner and ^eo^ 8. Pa^tta, dumped by boarding to La Isabela, the U.S, disrespectful mwner . do not the soaring sales. Coast Guard cutter Steadfast represent the American ^ p l e ttepartment of “ We decided on the nude picture as something to watched o<f shore. The cutter and this country f attitude to- Education And Welfare remained outside Cuba’s three- ward Prance. catch the eye and win urn rnnnn president and mile limit. "In this vein,” Ziegler said, everybody's interest for the two senators played major roles next edition,’ ’said Goodman. Only four of the persons re­ "President Nixon last night in his ouster. called President Pompidou and "It has certainly done that.’ portedly aboard, the Jocelyn-C personally and officially convey­ The four White House aides were id^jitifled immediately. ed his apologies and regrets, identified by Panetta. as princi­ Early morning Havana radio suid those of the American peo­ pal architects of the administra­ broadcasts monitored In Miami ple, for the incidents that have tion desegregation policy were: made no mention of the Inol- taken place on this state visit.” - H. R. "Bob” Haldeman, the FBI Seeks dent. Hie President, Ziegler said. man who controls access to t^e The Steadfast was d isp a ^ M WM refertnrpartlculIrly to In- President; Bryce N. HarloW, to the Atlantic between -Cuba cidents in Chicago Saturday counselor and congressional re­ Spoonful Of and the Bahamas early Sunday night protesting Prance’s sale of lations expert; John D. Ehrlich- afternoon when the Jooelyn-C, jet fighters to Libya while main- man, domestic policy chief; and commanded by C i^ . Sten Carl­ taming an embargo on arms Harry C. Dent, No. 1 political Moon Dust son of East Origans, Mass., re­ sales to Israel. strategist at the White House. ported by radio that the Cuban In New York, Pompidou Panetta said Agnew, a former l 6^S ANGEJLES (AP)—a vial The Jocelyn C rides anchor at Harwichport, Mass., Cuban patrol boat on the high seas and escorted craft was approaching U. Ihe uled to meet with tWogroups but Maryland governor, and Sen. C'vritaiplng about a spoonful of dock in December. The craft was seized Sunday by into Cuban waters and detained. (AP Photofax). vessel was 16 miles offshem, the arrived at the United Nations Robert Dole, R-Kan., became Ir- radio .report said. moon dust is missing, the first today for lunch wdm Secretary- ritated alter the department i Moments before the Jooelyn- General. U Thant, leavmg a "indicated to Maryland Its high- loss ln\80 displays of priceless C b transmitter went silent, the group of Jewish leaders walUng er education (civil rirhts) pro- lunar staples, captain reported; ’’They're low­ for him at the Waldorf-Astoria gram w m not* good enough.” offlclalb disclosed Sunday Cuban Jet Landing Points To ering Uieir guns on us." Hotel. HoleDole was mad because "we that” the ' vial.vial, containmg 2.3 The Steadfast, a 210-foot heavy- The president had been sched- were moving on Wichita, Kan., grams of material from lunar uled to meet with two group but which was a Northern system ed brought to earth by (See Page BigM) canceled the session at the last where we were able to establish u ' disappeared the night minute. discrimination and frankly during a charity affair Holes in U.S. Border D efend Spokesmen for the Jewish where city leaders said there Is scientific research that m- Captain Say ft group said they sUll hoped to discrimination,” Jw said. eluded a 6100-a-plate dinner, By RICHARD HOMAN secured and surrounded UrtVne- ed tio, that could be done. Florida coast, which probably I meet with Pompidou, whose Panetta also blamed tilS- ed- “ i*m going to call it a theft,” The Washington Post dlately after it landed.” Parked That’s the worst thing I can would have detected the MIG He’ll Be Freed speech at a dinner meeUng m ministration’s request last sum- Steven Lawrence,. business WASHINGTON — Control nearby was President Nixon's visualize that could be done gg ^ approached, was reduced down there.” from fulltime to orve-thlrd time. e a s t ORLBIANS, the Waldorf tonight was expect- "^*5^ ^ desegregation delay „janager of the Institute of Geo- tower officials at . Homestead, official plane. Air Force One, (AP) — The wife of a sea ed to produce another demon- 30 Mississippi school-districts -jjygjgg gt the University of Cal- Fla., Air Force Base last fall and the President was a few The House armed services on a random basis. No EC-321 subcommittee, headed by Rep. radar plane was In the air at captain who, along with his ,9trft)lon. ifomia at Los Angeles, who ar- didn’t know the plane they were miles away In his Key Biscayne boat and crew was captured Charles E. Bennett (D-Fla.) the time the MIG arrived. HiX. French president had f ranged the display. "But I hope watching la-d was a Russian- cottage. by a Cuban vesoel, said to­ threatened to call off the re-re­ President’s hotly contested ^ joke ^ ,t built MIG until a surprised U.S. Until the Vietnam veteran held closed hearings on south —The defense Department Safeguard anUballisttc missile •’ day the State Department mainder of his American visit back.” pilot who had lust returned teJeiphoned the tower, a series eastern U.S. air defense cai»- Uiat there a^e three system. has told her that her hus­ after pro-Israel demonstraUons Several persons from the In- from Vietnam called them on of military witnesses told the bllitles last N ov ein ^ r^ ter the gg^ji^gg g, North America - band radioed that he wW be I Stennis. a M's^ics’i'"! H'-mo- Oct. 5 landing of the MIG. against French Middle Eastern the telephone and told them.
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